1,221 research outputs found

    The Arctic Council, Antarctica and Northern Studies in Canada

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    This is a time of great debate about the future of Northern Studies in Canada. Most of those engaged in the debate believe that we need a new, rejuvenated vision for Northern Studies. One major change has already occurred: the establishment of the Arctic Council in 1996 gave new impetus to cooperation among the eight circumpolar nations involved. This cooperation has already changed the way in which we perceive and manage Northern Studies in Canada. I would suggest that membership in the Council is leading us inexorably towards another change in Northern Studies: formal recognition that modern Northern Studies are Polar Studies. One of the strong commonalties in science and technology among the Arctic Council nations is an interest in Antarctica - specifically in comparison to the roles of other Arctic Council nations. It concludes with recommendations on Canada and the Antarctic Treaty and on the way we should view Northern Studies in Canada. The paper is based on a recent report on a visit to the Ross Sea (New Zealand) sector of Antarctica (Adams, 2000). That report includes the text of the Antarctic Treaty and other related documentation

    Polarization phenomena in open charm photoproduction processes

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    We analyze polarization effects in associative photoproduction of pseudoscalar (Dˉ\bar{D}) charmed mesons in exclusive processes γ+NYc+Dˉ\gamma+ N\to Y_c +\bar{D}, Yc=Λc+Y_c=\Lambda_c^+, Σc\Sigma_c. Circularly polarized photons induce nonzero polarization of the YcY_c-hyperon with xx- and zz-components (in the reaction plane) and non vanishing asymmetries Ax{\cal A}_x and Az{\cal A}_z for polarized nucleon target. These polarization observables can be predicted in model-independent way for exclusive Dˉ\bar{D}-production processes in collinear kinematics. The T-even YcY_c-polarization and asymmetries for non-collinear kinematics can be calculated in framework of an effective Lagrangian approach. The depolarization coefficients DabD_{ab}, characterizing the dependence of the YcY_c-polarization on the nucleon polarization are also calculated.Comment: 36 pages 13 figure

    Polarized nuclear target based on parahydrogen induced polarization

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    We discuss a novel concept of a polarized nuclear target for accelerator fixed-target scattering experiments, which is based on parahydrogen induced polarization (PHIP). One may be able to reach a 33% free-proton polarization in the ethane molecule. The potential advantages of such a target include operation at zero magnetic field, fast (\sim100 Hz) polarization reversal, and operation with large intensity of an electron beam.Comment: 16 pages, 2 figure

    The Long-Term Future of Extragalactic Astronomy

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    If the current energy density of the universe is indeed dominated by a cosmological constant, then high-redshift sources will remain visible to us only until they reach some finite age in their rest-frame. The radiation emitted beyond that age will never reach us due to the acceleration of the cosmic expansion rate, and so we will never know what these sources look like as they become older. As a source image freezes on a particular time frame along its evolution, its luminosity distance and redshift continue to increase exponentially with observation time. The higher the current redshift of a source is, the younger it will appear as it fades out of sight. For the popular set of cosmological parameters, I show that a source at a redshift z=5-10 will only be visible up to an age of 4-6 billion years. Arguments relating the properties of high-redshift sources to present-day counterparts will remain indirect even if we continue to monitor these sources for an infinite amount of time. These sources will not be visible to us when they reach the current age of the universe.Comment: Phys. Rev. D, in press (2001

    Correlated fluorescence quenching and topographic mapping of Light-Harvesting Complex II within surface-assembled aggregates and lipid bilayers

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    Light-Harvesting Complex II (LHCII) is a chlorophyll-protein antenna complex that efficiently absorbs solar energy and transfers electronic excited states to photosystems I and II. Under excess light intensity LHCII can adopt a photoprotective state in which excitation energy is safely dissipated as heat, a process known as Non-Photochemical Quenching (NPQ). In vivo NPQ is triggered by combinatorial factors including transmembrane ΔpH, PsbS protein and LHCII-bound zeaxanthin, leading to dramatically shortened LHCII fluorescence lifetimes. In vitro, LHCII in detergent solution or in proteoliposomes can reversibly adopt an NPQ-like state, via manipulation of detergent/protein ratio, lipid/protein ratio, pH or pressure. Previous spectroscopic investigations revealed changes in exciton dynamics and protein conformation that accompany quenching, however, LHCII-LHCII interactions have not been extensively studied. Here, we correlated fluorescence lifetime imaging microscopy (FLIM) and atomic force microscopy (AFM) of trimeric LHCII adsorbed to mica substrates and manipulated the environment to cause varying degrees of quenching. AFM showed that LHCII self-assembled onto mica forming 2D-aggregates (25–150 nm width). FLIM determined that LHCII in these aggregates were in a quenched state, with much lower fluorescence lifetimes (~0.25 ns) compared to free LHCII in solution (2.2–3.9 ns). LHCII-LHCII interactions were disrupted by thylakoid lipids or phospholipids, leading to intermediate fluorescent lifetimes (0.6–0.9 ns). To our knowledge, this is the first in vitro correlation of nanoscale membrane imaging with LHCII quenching. Our findings suggest that lipids could play a key role in modulating the extent of LHCII-LHCII interactions within the thylakoid membrane and so the propensity for NPQ activation

    Neutral weak currents in pion electroproduction on the nucleon

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    Parity violating asymmetry in inclusive scattering of longitudinally polarized electrons by unpolarized protons with π0\pi^0 or π+\pi^+ meson production, is calculated as a function of the momentum transfer squared Q2Q^2 and the total energy WW of the πN\pi N-system. This asymmetry, which is induced by the interference of the one-photon exchange amplitude with the parity-odd part of the Z0Z^0-exchange amplitude, is calculated for the γ(Z)+pN+π\gamma^*(Z^*)+p\to N+\pi processes (γ\gamma^* is a virtual photon and ZZ^* a virtual Z-boson) considering the Δ\Delta-contribution in the ss-channel, the standard Born contributions and vector meson (ρ\rho and ω\omega) exchanges in the tt-channel. Taking into account the known isotopic properties of the hadron electromagnetic and neutral currents, we show that the P-odd term is the sum of two contributions. The main term is model independent and it can be calculated exactly in terms of fundamental constants. It is found to be linear in Q2Q^2. The second term is a relatively small correction which is determined by the isoscalar component of the electromagnetic current. Near threshold and in the Δ\Delta-region, this isoscalar part is much smaller (in absolute value) than the isovector one: its contribution to the asymmetry depend on the polarization state (longitudinal or transverse) of the virtual photon.Comment: 30 pages 9 figure

    Supersymmetric (non-)Abelian Bundles in the Type I and SO(32) Heterotic String

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    We discuss perturbative four-dimensional compactifications of both the SO(32) heterotic and the Type I string on smooth Calabi-Yau manifolds endowed with general non-abelian and abelian bundles. We analyse the generalized Green-Schwarz mechanism for multiple anomalous U(1) factors and derive the generically non-universal one-loop threshold corrections to the gauge kinetic function as well as the one-loop corrected Fayet-Iliopoulos terms. The latter can be interpreted as a stringy one-loop correction to the Donaldson-Uhlenbeck-Yau condition. Applying S-duality, for the Type I string we obtain the perturbative Pi-stability condition for non-abelian bundles on curved spaces. Some simple examples are given, and we qualitatively discuss some generic phenomenological aspects of this kind of string vacua. In particular, we point out that in principle an intermediate string scale scenario with TeV scale large extra dimensions might be possible for the heterotic string.Comment: LaTeX, 32 pages, v2: refs adde

    Perspectives on the clonal persistence of presumed ‘ghost’ genomes in unisexual or allopolyploid taxa arising via hybridization

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    Although hybridization between non-sibling species rarely results in viable or fertile offspring, it occasionally produces self-perpetuating or sexually-parasitic lineages in which ancestral genomes are inherited clonally and thus may persist as 'ghost species' after ancestor extinction. Ghost species have been detected in animals and plants, for polyploid and diploid organisms, and across clonal, semi-clonal, and even sexual reproductive modes. Here we use a detailed investigation of the evolutionary and taxonomic status of a newly-discovered, putative ghost lineage (HX) in the fish genus Hypseleotris to provide perspectives on several important issues not previously explored by other studies on ghost species, but relevant to ongoing discussions about their detection, conservation, and artificial re-creation. Our comprehensive genetic (allozymes, mtDNA) and genomic (SNPs) datasets successfully identified a threatened sexual population of HX in one tiny portion of the extensive distribution displayed by two hemi-clonal HX-containing lineages. We also discuss what confidence should be placed on any assertion that an ancestral species is actually extinct, and how to assess whether any putative sexual ancestor represents a pure remnant, as shown here, or a naturally-occurring resurrection via the crossing of compatible clones or hemi-clones.P. J. Unmack, M. Adams, J. Bylemans, C. M. Hardy, M. P . Hammer, A. George

    Foreword: Control and Conservation of Lampreys Beyond 2020 – Proceedings from the 3rd Sea Lamprey International Symposium (SLIS III)

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    This special issue summarizes outcomes from the 3rd Sea Lamprey International Symposium (SLIS III; Fig. 1) held 28 July – 2 August 2019 at Wayne State University in Detroit, Michigan, U.S.A. The first two symposia (SLIS I and SLIS II) were held 30 July – 8 August 1979 at Northern Michigan University in Marquette, Michigan and 14–18 August 2000 at Lake Superior State University in Sault Ste. Marie, Michigan, respectively. The published volumes from these symposia in 1980 (Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences, Volume 37, Issue 11) and 2003 (Journal of Great Lakes Research Volume 29, Supplement 1) have been invaluable references for the broader scientific community and for management agencies around the Laurentian Great Lakes; cited over 4800 and 3300 times, respectively. SLIS III was attended by over 150 scientists, biologists, resource managers, graduate students, and Commission advisors, including participants from Australia, Canada, China, Japan, New Zealand, Portugal, Spain, the United Kingdom, and the United States (Fig. 2). Similar to SLIS I and SLIS II, the goals of SLIS III were to provide a forum to (i) update and publish information on sea lamprey control and research on lampreys since SLIS II, (ii) exchange knowledge and ideas to bring practitioners to a common plateau of understanding, and (iii) develop innovative initiatives and stimulate new vigor in efforts to control sea lamprey in the Great Lakes and to conserve lampreys in their native ranges. The emphasis on conservation of lampreys is unique to SLIS III and reflects a heightened international recognition that scientific and management advances supporting sea lamprey control in the Great Lakes can benefit the global effort to conserve native lampreys and vice versa

    Elemental signatures of Australopithecus africanus teeth reveal seasonal dietary stress

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    Reconstructing the detailed dietary behaviour of extinct hominins is challenging1\u2014particularly for a species such as Australopithecus africanus, which has a highly variable dental morphology that suggests a broad diet2,3. The dietary responses of extinct hominins to seasonal fluctuations in food availability are poorly understood, and nursing behaviours even less so; most of the direct information currently available has been obtained from high-resolution trace-element geochemical analysis of Homo sapiens (both modern and fossil), Homo neanderthalensis4 and living apes5. Here we apply high-resolution trace-element analysis to two A. africanus specimens from Sterkfontein Member 4 (South Africa), dated to 2.6\u20132.1 million years ago. Elemental signals indicate that A. africanus infants predominantly consumed breast milk for the first year after birth. A cyclical elemental pattern observed following the nursing sequence\u2014comparable to the seasonal dietary signal that is seen in contemporary wild primates and other mammals\u2014indicates irregular food availability. These results are supported by isotopic evidence for a geographical range that was dominated by nutritionally depauperate areas. Cyclical accumulation of lithium in A. africanus teeth also corroborates the idea that their range was characterized by fluctuating resources, and that they possessed physiological adaptations to this instability. This study provides insights into the dietary cycles and ecological behaviours of A. africanus in response to food availability, including the potential cyclical resurgence of milk intake during times of nutritional challenge (as observed in modern wild orangutans5). The geochemical findings for these teeth reinforce the unique place of A. africanus in the fossil record, and indicate dietary stress in specimens that date to shortly before the extinction of Australopithecus in South Africa about two million years ago