13 research outputs found

    Activity of transgene-produced B-domain–deleted factor VIII in human plasma following AAV5 gene therapy

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    Adeno-associated virus (AAV)-based gene therapies can restore endogenous factor VIII (FVIII) expression in hemophilia A (HA). AAV vectors typically use a B-domain–deleted FVIII transgene, such as human FVIII-SQ in valoctocogene roxaparvovec (AAV5-FVIII-SQ). Surprisingly, the activity of transgene-produced FVIII-SQ was between 1.3 and 2.0 times higher in one-stage clot (OS) assays than in chromogenic-substrate (CS) assays, whereas recombinant FVIII-SQ products had lower OS than CS activity. Transgene-produced and recombinant FVIII-SQ showed comparable specific activity (international units per milligram) in the CS assay, demonstrating that the diverging activities arise in the OS assay. Higher OS activity for transgene-produced FVIII-SQ was observed across various assay kits and clinical laboratories, suggesting that intrinsic molecular features are potential root causes. Further experiments in 2 participants showed that transgene-produced FVIII-SQ accelerated early factor Xa and thrombin formation, which may explain the higher OS activity based on a kinetic bias between OS and CS assay readout times. Despite the faster onset of coagulation, global thrombin levels were unaffected. A correlation with joint bleeds suggested that both OS and CS assay remained clinically meaningful to distinguish hemophilic from nonhemophilic FVIII activity levels. During clinical development, the CS activity was chosen as a surrogate end point to conservatively assess hemostatic efficacy and enable comparison with recombinant FVIII-SQ products. Relevant trials are registered on clinicaltrials.gov as #NCT02576795 and #NCT03370913 and, respectively, on EudraCT (European Union Drug Regulating Authorities Clinical Trials Database; https://eudract.ema.europa.eu) as #2014-003880-38 and #2017-003215-19

    Stable and Durable Factor Ix Levels in Hemophilia B Patients over 3 Years Post Etranacogene Dezaparvovec Gene Therapy

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    Etranacogene dezaparvovec (AMT-061) is a recombinant adeno-associated virus serotype 5 (AAV5) vector containing a codon-optimized Padua variant human factor IX (FIX) transgene with a liver-specific promoter. Here we report 3-year outcomes from a Phase 2b, open-label, single-dose, single-arm, multi-center trial (NCT03489291) conducted in adults with severe or moderately severe hemophilia B (FIX ≤2%). All participants (n=3) received a single intravenous dose (2×1013 gene copies/kg) and will be followed for 5 years. The primary endpoint of FIX activity ≥5% at 6 weeks was met (mean 30.6% [min–max, 23.9%–37.8%]). Secondary endpoints included bleed frequency, FIX concentrate use, joint health, and adverse events (AEs). All participants required routine FIX prophylaxis and had neutralizing antibodies to AAV5 (mean titer at screening=39) prior to etranacogene dezaparvovec treatment. Post-administration, FIX activity rose to a mean of 40.8% (min–max, 31.3%–50.2%) at year 1, sustained at year 3 (mean 36.9% [min–max, 32.3%–41.5%]). All participants discontinued FIX prophylaxis. Complete elimination of bleeds occurred in 2/3 participants. One participant required on-demand FIX replacement therapy post-treatment per protocol due to elective surgeries, for 2 reported bleeding episodes, and twice for a single selfadministered infusion due to an unreported reason. One participant experienced 2 mild, self-limiting AEs shortly after dosing. During the 3-year study period, there were no clinically significant elevations in liver enzymes, no requirement for steroids, no FIX inhibitor development, and no late emergent safety events in any participant. Etranacogene dezaparvovec was safe and effective in adults with hemophilia B through 3 years post-administration. ClinicalTrials.gov Identifier: NCT03489291