17 research outputs found

    The effect of the method of execution on sentencing determinations in capital cases

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    The United States has had different methods of execution throughout its history, some of which are viewed to be more humane by the public. The most recent switch was from electrocution to lethal injection. This study is a look at the effect the method of execution on a juror\u27s decision between life and death in capital cases. To this end, data collected by the Capital Jury Project Phase I were statistically analyzed controlling for case-level and demographic variables. The method of execution was found to have a statistically significant effect on the jurors\u27 decision

    The effect of the method of execution on sentencing determinations in capital cases

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    The United States has had different methods of execution throughout its history, some of which are viewed to be more humane by the public. The most recent switch was from electrocution to lethal injection. This study is a look at the effect the method of execution on a juror\u27s decision between life and death in capital cases. To this end, data collected by the Capital Jury Project Phase I were statistically analyzed controlling for case-level and demographic variables. The method of execution was found to have a statistically significant effect on the jurors\u27 decision

    Structure-Guided Molecular Grafting Of A Complex Broadly Neutralizing Viral Epitope

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    Antigenic variation and viral evolution have thwarted traditional influenza vaccination strategies. The broad protection afforded by a “universal” influenza vaccine may come from immunogens that elicit humoral immune responses targeting conserved epitopes on the viral hemagglutinin (HA), such as the receptor-binding site (RBS). Here, we engineered candidate immunogens that use noncirculating, avian influenza HAs as molecular scaffolds to present the broadly neutralizing RBS epitope from historical, circulating H1 influenzas. These “resurfaced” HAs (rsHAs) remove epitopes potentially targeted by strain-specific responses in immune-experienced individuals. Through structure-guided optimization, we improved two antigenically different scaffolds to bind a diverse panel of pan-H1 and H1/H3 cross-reactive bnAbs with high affinity. Subsequent serological and single germinal center B cell analyses from murine prime-boost immunizations show that the rsHAs are both immunogenic and can augment the quality of elicited RBS-directed antibodies. Our structure-guided, RBS grafting approach provides candidate immunogens for selectively presenting a conserved viral epitope

    Structural Analysis Of Neutralizing Epitopes Of The SARS-CoV-2 Spike To Guide Therapy And Vaccine Design Strategies

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    Coronavirus research has gained tremendous attention because of the COVID-19 pandemic, caused by the novel severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus (nCoV or SARS-CoV-2). In this review, we highlight recent studies that provide atomic-resolution structural details important for the development of monoclonal antibodies (mAbs) that can be used therapeutically and prophylactically and for vaccines against SARS-CoV-2. Structural studies with SARS-CoV-2 neutralizing mAbs have revealed a diverse set of binding modes on the spike’s receptor-binding domain and N-terminal domain and highlight alternative targets on the spike. We consider this structural work together with mAb effects in vivo to suggest correlations between structure and clinical applications. We also place mAbs against severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) and Middle East respiratory syndrome (MERS) coronaviruses in the context of the SARS-CoV-2 spike to suggest features that may be desirable to design mAbs or vaccines capable of conferring broad protection

    Trends in misdemeanor arrest rates in New York.

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    John Jay College of Criminal Justice is pleased to publish this report documenting patterns in misdemeanor arrests in New York City (and, to a lesser extent, in New York State) over the past three decades. This report presents trends in the types of misdemeanors for which New Yorkers have been arrested; analyzes these data by the age, gender, and race/ethnicity of those receiving this enforcement attention; examines shifts in misdemeanor arrest activity by police precincts; displays changes in the issuance of Desk Appearance Tickets over time; and traces these misdemeanor arrests to the initial court disposition at arraignment. (from Introduction, p. 8) Report downloaded from: https://datacollaborativeforjustice.org/publication/trends-in-misdemeanor-arrests-in-new-york Table of Contents Acknowledgements -- List of figures -- Introduction -- Goals of the Project -- About the data presented in this publication -- Overall trends : felony arrests and misdemeanor arrests -- Overall trends by gender -- Overall trends by age -- Overall trends by race/ethnicity -- Overall trends by charge types --Overall trends by disposition types -- Ovrall trends by sentence types -- A closer look at New York City -- Desk appearance tickets -- Arrests by precincts from 1993 to 2013 -- Conclusion -- Appendix A: Charge codes, frequency, and categories from 1980 to 2013 for New York State -- Appendix B: Rates of misdemeanor arrests for females in New York City by age -- Appendix C: Number of misdemeanor arrests in New York City by precincts from 1993 to 2003. Link to the report in the John Jay College Library Catalog

    Adrenal function recovery after durable oral corticosteroid sparing with benralizumab in the PONENTE study

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    Background Oral corticosteroid (OCS) dependence among patients with severe eosinophilic asthma can cause adverse outcomes, including adrenal insufficiency. PONENTE's OCS reduction phase showed that, following benralizumab initiation, 91.5% of patients eliminated corticosteroids or achieved a final dosage ≤5 mg·day-1 (median (range) 0.0 (0.0-40.0) mg). Methods The maintenance phase assessed the durability of corticosteroid reduction and further adrenal function recovery. For ~6 months, patients continued benralizumab 30 mg every 8 weeks without corticosteroids or with the final dosage achieved during the reduction phase. Investigators could prescribe corticosteroids for asthma exacerbations or increase daily dosages for asthma control deteriorations. Outcomes included changes in daily OCS dosage, Asthma Control Questionnaire (ACQ)-6 and St George's Respiratory Questionnaire (SGRQ), as well as adrenal status, asthma exacerbations and adverse events. Results 598 patients entered PONENTE; 563 (94.1%) completed the reduction phase and entered the maintenance phase. From the end of reduction to the end of maintenance, the median (range) OCS dosage was unchanged (0.0 (0.0-40.0) mg), 3.2% (n=18/563) of patients experienced daily dosage increases, the mean ACQ-6 score decreased from 1.26 to 1.18 and 84.5% (n=476/563) of patients were exacerbation free. The mean SGRQ improvement (-19.65 points) from baseline to the end of maintenance indicated substantial quality-of-life improvements. Of patients entering the maintenance phase with adrenal insufficiency, 32.4% (n=104/321) demonstrated an improvement in adrenal function. Adverse events were consistent with previous reports. Conclusions Most patients successfully maintained maximal OCS reduction while achieving improved asthma control with few exacerbations and maintaining or recovering adrenal function

    Peluang dan Tantangan Pengembangan Industri Kreatif Kuliner dalam Pencapaian SDGs

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    The creative industry is one of the industries that are able to contribute to the regional economy, and oneof the creative industries sub-sectors that can become leading creative industries is the culinarysubsector. The existence of this industry is also aligned to achieve the agenda of sustainable developmentgoals (SDGs) on the 8th goal related to sustainable and inclusive economic growth. But for specificregions, the existence of the creative culinary industry has challenges in its development. This study aimsto discuss the opportunities and challenges of developing a creative culinary industry in Kendari Cityand their contribution to the achievement of SDGs. The research method used is a qualitative researchmethod using interviews and documentation of data collection techniques. The findings in this studyindicate that the opportunities for culinary creative industry development are triggered by the growth ofentrepreneurial interest and creativity of industry players, this has gained momentum because it is drivenby culinary trends as lifestyle and leisure, as well as government support programs in culinarydevelopment itself. As for the challenges faced, such as venture capital, licensing, andplace/business space for the development of creative culinary industries. However,overall the existence of the creative culinary industry in the city of Kendari was able tosupport the achievement of SGDs 2030 on the goal 8 to create jobs and absorb youngworkers.Industri kreatif salah satu industri yang mampu memberikan konstribusi bagi perekonomian daerah, dansalah satu subsektor industri kreatif yang dapat menjadi industri kreatif unggulan ialah subsektor kuliner.Keberadaan industri ini juga selaras dalam upaya pencapaian agenda tujuan pembangunan berkelanjutan(SDGs) pada tujuan ke 8 terkait dengan petumbuhan ekonomi yang berkelanjutan dan inklusif. Namunbagi suatu daerah, keberadaan industri kreatif kuliner memiliki tantangan dalam pengembangannya.Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk membahas mengenai peluang dan tantangan pengembangan industri kreatifkuliner di Kota Kendari serta konstribusinya dalam upaya pencapaian SDGs. Metode penelitian yangdigunakan ialah metode penelitian kualitatif dengan menggunakan teknik pengumpulan data wawancaradan dokumentasi. Hasil temuan dalam penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa peluang pengembangan industrikreatif kuliner dipicu oleh tumbuhnya minat kewirausahaan dan kreatifitas pelaku industri kreatif kuliner,hal ini mendapatkan momentumnya karena didorong oleh tren kuliner sebagai lifestyle and leisure, sertadukungan program pemerintah dalam pengembangan kuliner itu sendiri. Adapun tantangan yang dihadapiseperti modal usaha, perizinan, dan tempat/ruang usaha untuk pengembangan industri kreatif kuliner.Namun, secara keseluruhan keberadaan industri kreatif kuliner di Kota Kendari ternyata mampu untukmendukung pencapaian SGDs 2030 pada tujuan ke 8 untuk penciptaan lapangan pekerjaan sertamenyerap tenaga kerja usia muda