14 research outputs found

    The Role of Employer Branding Practices on Management of Employee Attraction and Retention

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    Introduction. An employer brand includes everything practiced to position an organization as a preferred employer. Nowadays, business companies are having more difficulty procuring qualified employees who are vital for company success under keenly competitive business conditions. To cope with this difficulty, companies carry out different practices to attract and retain talent, and the employer brand concept has become one of the tools that business companies use to attract and retain talent. Aim and tasks. The aim of the study is to investigate, determine and describe how business companies are efficacious in their employer brand management practices to meet the expectations of current and potential employees. It is also aimed to determine which activities are carried out by the business companies for employer branding. In this context, a literature review is carried out within the scope of employer branding to brief the concepts of organizational attractiveness and to ensure organizational commitment. Results. Within the scope of the research, the semi-structured in-depth interviews with the human resources professionals of seven large-scale, domestic, and foreign companies operating in the Izmir, Istanbul, and Manisa provinces were examined. The findings of the interviews are evaluated by the qualitative analysis method according to the research methodology. The result of the research conducted and the references to the definition of the employer brand were compiled under five nodes. These are the work environment, economic benefits, work-life balance, career development opportunities, and social activities. On the other hand, the economic benefits node was compiled under two different sub-nodes, namely wages and fringe benefits. The characteristics and contributions of the employer branding were investigated, and the effects of the employer brand on retention within the scope of talent management were investigated. Conclusions. It has been observed that the organizations' awareness level of the employer brand concept is high, and it has been discovered that they have many practices for both potential candidates and current employees. These practices have revealed that they differentiate themselves from their competitors in terms of business characteristics, working environment, and global opportunities. All these efforts provide many benefits such as increases in the number of applications, increases in attractive employer rankings, increases in employee motivation, and decreases in employee turnover rates

    Investigating the Impact of Training and Development Activities on the Involvement of Employees in the Human Resources Management Context

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    Introduction. Training and development in human resource management (HRM) are important for business companies to survive in a competitive environment. On the other hand, the contribution of training and development activities is also crucial for employees' individual development and career plans. Rapid changes in technologies, methods, tools, and working environments have increased the need for new qualifications, abilities, and knowledge bases that can be provided through training and development activities. Aim and tasks. This study aims to conduct a quantitative research that examines the association between training and development activities and the contribution of employees to business success in the context of HRM. Results. A relational survey model was used to determine the relationships between variables. In this survey, 105 blue-collar workers from a manufacturing company in Izmir were selected using a random sampling method. The questionnaire collected data, and the SPSS software analyzed the results. According to the results of the survey, training and development have a significant influence on employee performance. Specifically, they evaluate training as an essential tool for performing their duties, accessing up-to-date information about their activities, and considering it a supporting study for their career development. Even though employees have positive opinions about training and development activities, they still need to be given detailed information about the training programs they should participate in the future. It was observed that employees’ evaluations of training and development activities were positive, and their learning motivation was relatively high. There was a positive and significant relationship between employees’ views on training activities and their perceptions of performance. The findings stated that training activities positively affect employees' performance by increasing their knowledge and skill levels. Conclusions. It has been determined that the individual benefits provided by training and development activities motivate employee performance. There was no difference between the views of the participants regarding education and development by gender, age, education level, or working time. It was determined that married people consider education and development activities more in terms of career development compared to singles

    Blockchain technology for enhancing traceability and efficiency in automobile supply chain: a case study

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    A robust traceability system would help organizations in inventory optimization reduce lead time and improve customer service and quality which further enables the organizations to be a leader in their industry sector. This research study analyzes the challenges faced by the automotive industry in its supply chain operations. Further, the traceability issues and waiting time at different nodes of the supply chain are considered to be priority issues that affect the overall supply chain efficiency in the automotive supply chain. After studying the existing blockchain architectures and their implementation methodology, this study proposes a new blockchain-based architecture to improve traceability and reduce waiting time for the automotive supply chain. A hyper ledger fabric-based blockchain architecture is developed to track the ownership transfers in inbound and outbound logistics. The simulation results of the proposed hyper ledger fabric-based blockchain architecture show that there is an improvement in the traceability of items at different nodes of the supply chain that enhances the Inventory Quality Ratio (IQR) and the mean waiting time is reduced at the factory, wholesaler, and retailer, which thereby improves the overall supply chain efficiency. The blockchain embedded supply chain is more capable to eliminate the risks and uncertainties associated with the automotive supply chain. The benefits of adopting blockchain technology in the automotive supply chain are also described. The developed blockchain-based framework is capable to get more visibility into goods movement and inventory status in automotive supply chains

    Patient-reported outcomes and patient-reported outcome measures in interstitial lung disease: where to go from here?

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    Bir Üniversitesinin Örgütsel Hikayelerinin Örgütsel İletişim Kuramlari Bağlaminda İrdelenmesi

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    1980’lerde kültürel yaklaşım teorisi örgütlerin sembolik ve buna bağlıolarak linguistik yerler olduğu ortaya çıkarmıştır ve örgütsel yaşamda örgütkültürü ve örgütsel iletişim kavramlarının bir arada ele alınması gerektiğinivurgulamıştır ve bu kuramların birbirinden ayrılamaz nitelikte olduklarısonucuna varılmıştır. Bu çalışmanın amacı yorumlayıcı örgüt kültürüyaklaşımını ve gelişimini ve örgütsel iletişim kuramlarını literatür taramasıile ortaya çıkarmak ve bir üniversitenin örgütsel hikayelerini örgütseliletişim kuramları bağlamında araştırmaktır. Araştırma niteliksel yöntemkapsamında ele alınıp hikaye analizinden faydalanılmıştır. Bir üniversitenin2019 yılında yayınlanan 681 adet haberleri analiz edilerek kategorilereayırıp her bir kategorinin üniversite kültürünü ve iç ve dış iletişiminietkilediği literatür taraması sonucunda tespit edilmiştir. Nitel çalışma tek birüniversitenin basında yer alan hikayeleri üzerinden araştırılmıştır veüniversitenin basın sayfası arşivinden faydalanılmıştır. Çalışmanın ilerideyapılabilecek çalışmalara bir temel teşkil edeceği düşünülmektedir. Böyleceçalışmalar arası mukayese yöntemi ile kurumlar arası farklılıkların ortayaçıkara bilinmesi öngörülmektedir