1,223 research outputs found

    How does variability in cells aging and growth rates influence the malthus parameter?

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    The aim of this study is to compare the growth speed of different cell populations measured by their Malthus parameter. We focus on both the age-structured and size-structured equations. A first population (of reference) is composed of cells all aging or growing at the same rate vˉ\bar v. A second population (with variability) is composed of cells each aging or growing at a rate vv drawn according to a non-degenerated distribution ρ\rho with mean vˉ\bar v. In a first part, analytical answers -- based on the study of an eigenproblem -- are provided for the age-structured model. In a second part, numerical answers -- based on stochastic simulations -- are derived for the size-structured model. It appears numerically that the population with variability proliferates more slowly than the population of reference (for experimentally plausible division rates). The decrease in the Malthus parameter we measure, around 2% for distributions ρ\rho with realistic coefficients of variations around 15-20\%, is determinant since it controls the {\it exponential} growth of the whole population

    Killing with Kindness: is whale watching in the Salish Sea killing the Southern Resident Killer Whales?

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    The fish-eating Southern Resident Killer Whales (SRKW) live in the Salish Sea and have been listed as endangered by the U.S and Canada in early 2000s. Their population is still declining with only 72 individuals left in May 2020. Reasons for their endangerment go from toxins in the water to underwater disturbance and lack of prey, although the latter is favourited by scientists. The whale watch industry is being blamed by many because of the number of whale watching boats on the water and their physical proximity of the SRKW. This thesis is focusing on the inhabitants of the Salish Sea and their perception of the SRKW and the whale watch industry and how they are making sense of the situation. Through the use of the Social Representations’ theoretical framework, it is shown that mechanisms such as stories, anthropomorphization, scapegoating and psychological ownership are used by the interviewees to strengthen their social representation of the SRKW but also to take decisions or actions for the pods’ survival. The conclusion of this paper summarizes that the whale watch industry is unfairly scapegoated for its activity as it is not the only actor responsible for the SRKW’s endangerment and disappearance from the Salish Sea. Even more, the whale watch industry is one of the only actors involved in the pods’ survival to have made changes in its practice by creating voluntary guidelines which limit the speed and distance a boat can get around the SRKW. In order to save the endangered SRKW from extinction, most interviewees agree that the priority should be put on solutions to bring the pods’ favourite prey, the Chinook salmon, back in the Salish Sea

    Des vieux romans aux Amadis. Rhétorique de l’exploit guerrier dans le manuscrit Gerard du Frattre et l’imprimé Gerard d’Euphrate

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    Cet article porte sur les récits de combats singuliers dans le manuscrit Gerard du Frattre (1525) et dans l'imprimé Gerard d'Euphrate (1549). Alors que le premier est presque exclusivement constitué de scènes de guerre, le second fait se côtoyer des aventures guerrières, amoureuses, comiques et merveilleuses. Eu égard à ces divergences structurelles et thématiques, le duel, qui constitue un motif relativement figé et caractéristique du genre épique, se présente comme un lieu d’observation privilégié pour mesurer les particularités stylistiques des deux proses. Malgré son intérêt de premier ordre, la langue littéraire telle qu’elle se développe dans les réécritures du début du XVIe siècle ne retient que rarement l’attention de la critique. Pour lors, nous étudierions les mécanismes linguistiques mis en place pour « faire jouer [...] les stéréotypes d’une tradition littéraire révolue », en nous attachant particulièrement au lexique et aux figures de style des récits d’exploits guerriers dans les deux récits gerardiens.Peer reviewe

    Selective disappearance of individuals with high levels of glycated haemoglobin in a free-living bird

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    This work was supported by the ANR (ANR-06-JCJC0082 to B.D.), the CNRS (PEPS INEE and PICS France–Switzerland to B.D.), the French Ministe`re de l’Enseignement Supe´rieur et de la Recherche (PhD fellowship to C.R.), the Re´gion Rhoˆne-Alpes (Explora’doc mobility grant to C.R.), the University of Aberdeen (stipend to C.R.), the L’Ore´al Foundation-UNESCO ‘For Women in Science’ program (fellowship to C.R.) and the Rectors’ Conference of the Swiss Universities (grant to C.R. and P.B.).Peer reviewedPostprin

    Regards Sur L’analyse Criminelle

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    Criminal analysis, which is a complementary tool for carrying out investigation, reflects a modern conception of criminal investigation. During these investigations, two main categories of analysis were combined: strategic and operational. They are linked to the offense, to the author, and to the method of crime control. Criminal analysis is also a valuable method that optimizes the results of the judicial inquiry through the use of state-of-the-art technology. To achieve their objectives, and for the sake of efficiency, experts in criminal analysis combines their techniques with those of criminal profiling. However, difficulties in the production of certain graphical representations exists, giving rise to the need to consolidate the methods practiced

    L'éducation thérapeutique en néonatalogie: remédier au stress et aux incertitudes des parents : revue de la littérature

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    Contexte : En 2013, l’OFSI chiffre la prématurité à 7,2% de la population Suisse. L’événement que représente une naissance prématurée éveille de nombreuses incertitudes chez les néo-parents. Le milieu hospitalier hautement spécialisé provoque stress et craintes, au-delà même du retour à domicile. L’infirmière en néonatologie par l’éducation thérapeutique établira une relation de confiance, transmettra des connaissances visant au bien-être des familles. Objectif : Mettre en avant le rôle éducatif par divers programmes thérapeutiques adressés aux parents de nouveau-nés prématurés pour remédier au stress du post-partum et favoriser un retour à domicile en toute confiance. Méthode : Pour répondre à la question de recherche, six études ont été sélectionnées. Elles se devaient d’aborder les nouveau-nés prématurés en-dessous de 32 semaines dont le poids est inférieur à 2500 gr., n’ayant aucune anomalie congénitale et n’étant pas à risques. Les parents ayant des antécédents psychiatriques, à risque de stress psychologique, n’ont pas été retenus