10 research outputs found

    TEGO: Un nuevo concepto de teleodontología para adultos mayores a través de una plataforma web y aplicación móvil en el contexto de la pandemia del COVID-19.

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    Objective: To develop a new concept of teledentistry for the elderly through a web platform and associated mobile application in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic. Material and Methods: A new concept for attention via teledentistry of the elderly supported by the web platform/app TEGO (Acronym for Tele-platform of Geriatric and Dental Specialties in Spanish) was developed. Priority and urgent dental care for elderly patients in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic was provided onboard a mobile dental clinic equipped with all the necessary conventional dental care facilities as well as state-of-the-art digital technology. Dental care was carried out in five cities of Chile. For the study, 135 elderly patients were treated. The tele-dental care model includes visit-appointment and remote interconsultation with a staff of specialists. To evaluate patient satisfaction aspects, regarding the service / care provided, a user satisfaction survey was applied. Results: A total of 68 questionnaires were completed by patients. The results showed high levels of patients’ satisfaction after the priority or urgent dental care, which reached above 75% in all dimensions of the questionnaire (Access to dental care, user treatment, platform, recommendation). Conclusion: The generation of a technological eco-system for teledentistry can provide a series of important advantages in the attention of elderly patients, by optimizing the dental care coverage by different specialists who can provide attention to a population that has limited or no access to them.Objetivo: Desarrollar un nuevo concepto de teleodon-tología para adultos mayores a través de una plataforma web y aplicación móvil asociada en el contexto de la pandemia de COVID-19. Material y Métodos: Se desarrolló un nuevo concepto de atención vía teleodontología del adulto mayor apoyado en la plataforma/app web TEGO (Teleplataforma de Especialidades Geriatricas y Odontológicas). La atención dental prioritaria y urgente para pacientes de edad avanzada en el contexto de la pandemia de COVID-19 se brindó a bordo de una clínica dental móvil equipada con todas las instalaciones de atención dental convencional necesarias, así como con tecnología digital de última generación. La atención odontológica se realizó en cinco ciudades de Chile. Para el estudio, 135 pacientes de edad avanzada fueron atendidos. El modelo de atención teledental incluye visita-cita e inter-consulta remota con un staff de especialistas. Para evaluar los aspectos de satisfacción del paciente, respecto al servicio/atención brindada, se aplicó una encuesta de satisfacción del usuario. Resultados: Los pacientes completaron un total de 68 cuestionarios. Los resultados mostraron altos niveles de satisfacción de los pacientes tras la atención odontológica prioritaria o urgente, que superó el 75% en todas las dimensiones del cuestionario (Acceso a la atención odontológica, trato al usuario, plataforma, recomendación). Conclusión: La generación de un ecosistema tecnológico para la teleodontología puede brindar una serie de ventajas importantes en la atención de pacientes adultos mayores, al optimizar la cobertura de atención odontológica por parte de diferentes especialistas que pueden brindar atención a una población que tiene acceso limitado o nulo

    Histomorphometric analysis of osseointegrated grade V titanium mini transitional implants inEdentulous mandible by backscattered scanning electron microscopy (BS-SEM)

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    The purpose of this study is to assess the use of grade V titanium mini transitional implants(MTIs) immediately loaded by a temporary overdenture. For this, a histomorphometric analysisof the bone area fraction occupancy (BAFO) was performed by backscattered scanning electronmicroscopy (BS-SEM). Four female patients were submitted to surgery in which two MTIs wereinstalled and immediately loaded with a temporary acrylic prosthesis. During the same surgery,two regular diameter implants were placed inside the bone and maintained without mechanical load.After 8 months, the MTIs were extracted using a trephine and processed for ultrastructural boneanalysis by BS-SEM, and the regular-diameter implants were loaded with an overdenture device.A total of 243 BAFOs of MTIs were analyzed, of which 94 were mainly filled with cortical bone,while 149 were mainly filled with trabecular bone. Bone tissue analysis considering the total BAFOswith calcified tissues showed 72.13% lamellar bone, 26.04% woven bone, and 1.82% chondroid bonewithout significant differences between the samples. This study revealed that grade V titanium usedin immediately loaded MTI was successfully osseointegrated by a mature and vascularized bonetissue as assessed from the BAFO

    Development of a teledentistry system for the elderly in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic: 3D diagnostic models integration in a web platform

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    Objective: To recognize the usefulness of incorporating Three-Dimensional models of standardized humans in electronic health records, in the context of the development of a teledentistry web platform designed for the attention of the elderly population in COVID-19 pandemic context. Material and Methods: A teledentistry web platform designed with different modules for clinical records. Through a new user-computer interface with a standardized virtual 3D phantom, an extraoral physical examination, an intraoral examination section was modeled. A label-associated marker is allowed to record descriptive aspects of the findings. A 3D odontogram represents multiple patient’s conditions for each of the 32 dental positions. Results: From a total of 135 patients registered on the platform, 51 markers and 33 photographs associated with the surface of the virtual 3D phantoms were recorded. For the Location parameter: Hard palate 27.6%, inserted gingiva 15.7%, tongue 15.6%. For the Type of lesion parameter (according to the information entered in the pathology selector): unidentified 35.3%, sub-prosthetic stomatitis 23.5%, irritative fibroma 9.8%. Through the registration of the exact location of the finding in the virtual phantom by a 3D marker, the 3D modeling of the oral pathologies contributed to a better diagnosis, improving the remote communication between the attending dentist and specialists. Conclusion: The combination of the 3D modeling and anatomical-referencing in a teledentistry platform can become a powerful tool for the dental practice, due to their utility and specificity

    Salud de los trabajadores

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    Actividad física y su relación con los factores de riesgo cardiovascular de carteros chilenosAnálisis de resultados: riesgos psicosociales en el trabajo Suceso-Istas 21 en Cesfam QuellónAusentismo laboral por enfermedades oftalmológicas, Chile 2009Brote de diarreas por norovirus, posterremoto-tsunami, Constitución, Región del MauleCalidad de vida en profesionales de la salud pública chilenaCaracterización del reposo laboral en personal del SSMN durante el primer semestre de 2010Concentración de nicotina en pelo en trabajadores no fumadores expuestos a humo de tabaco ambientalCondiciones de trabajo y bienestar/malestar docente en profesores de enseñanza media de SantiagoDisfunción auditiva inducida por exposición a xilenoErgonomía aplicada al estudio del síndrome de dolor lumbar en el trabajoEstimación de la frecuencia de factores de riesgo cardiovascular en trabajadores de una empresa mineraExposición a plaguicidas inhibidores de la acetilcolinesterasa en Colombia, 2006-2009Factores de riesgo y daños de salud en conductores de una empresa peruana de transporte terrestre, 2009Las consecuencias de la cultura en salud y seguridad ocupacional en una empresa mineraPercepción de cambios en la práctica médica y estrategias de afrontamientoPercepción de la calidad de vida en la Universidad del BiobíoPesos máximos aceptables para tareas de levantamiento manual de carga en población laboral femeninaRiesgo coronario en trabajadores mineros según la función de Framingham adaptada para la población chilenaTrastornos emocionales y riesgo cardiovascular en trabajadores de la salu

    Determination of Morphogeometric Patterns in Individuals with Total Mandibular Edentulism in the Interforaminal Region from Cone Beam Computed Tomography (CBCT) Scans: A Pilot Study

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    The aim of this study was to determine the morphogeometric patterns of the interforaminal region from cone beam computed tomography (CBCT) scans of individuals with total mandibular edentulism. CBCT images were obtained from 40 patients with total edentulism who are older (12 men and 28 women; average age of 69.5 ± 9.4 years) and who wore a non-implant-supported, lower, removable, total prosthesis. We conducted a two-dimensional (2D) morphogeometric analysis of the Digital Imaging and Communication in Medicine (DICOM) files from the CBCT scans, and five equidistant cross sections were planned. For the three-dimensional (3D) morphogeometric analysis, standard triangular language (STL) files were obtained after segmentation of the interforaminal mandibular region, and four anatomical landmarks and their respective curves were digitized. The patterns among the shapes were determined using principal component analysis (PCA) on MorphoJ software (version 1.07a). The results of the 2D morphogeometric analyses for PCA of the interforaminal mandibular paramedian region were PC1 or elongated drop shape, 54.78%; PC2 or wineskin shape, 17.65%; PC3 or pear shape, 11.77%; and PC4 or eggplant shape, 5.71%, and those for PCA of the symphyseal region were PC1 or elongated drop shape, 62.13%; PC2 or ovoid shape, 11.64%; PC3 or triangular shape, 9.71%; and PC4 or tuber shape, 4.96%. The results of the 3D morphogeometric analyses for the interforaminal hemimandibular region were PC1, 59.83%; PC2, 10.39%; PC3, 7.67%; and PC4, 5.09%. This study provides relevant information for future clinical guidelines on prosthetics and implants, in addition to proposing the use of new technologies that support diagnosis and treatment in patients with edentulism

    Determination of Morphogeometric Patterns in Individuals with Total Mandibular Edentulism in the Interforaminal Region from Cone Beam Computed Tomography (CBCT) Scans: A Pilot Study

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    The aim of this study was to determine the morphogeometric patterns of the interforaminal region from cone beam computed tomography (CBCT) scans of individuals with total mandibular edentulism. CBCT images were obtained from 40 patients with total edentulism who are older (12 men and 28 women; average age of 69.5 ± 9.4 years) and who wore a non-implant-supported, lower, removable, total prosthesis. We conducted a two-dimensional (2D) morphogeometric analysis of the Digital Imaging and Communication in Medicine (DICOM) files from the CBCT scans, and five equidistant cross sections were planned. For the three-dimensional (3D) morphogeometric analysis, standard triangular language (STL) files were obtained after segmentation of the interforaminal mandibular region, and four anatomical landmarks and their respective curves were digitized. The patterns among the shapes were determined using principal component analysis (PCA) on MorphoJ software (version 1.07a). The results of the 2D morphogeometric analyses for PCA of the interforaminal mandibular paramedian region were PC1 or elongated drop shape, 54.78%; PC2 or wineskin shape, 17.65%; PC3 or pear shape, 11.77%; and PC4 or eggplant shape, 5.71%, and those for PCA of the symphyseal region were PC1 or elongated drop shape, 62.13%; PC2 or ovoid shape, 11.64%; PC3 or triangular shape, 9.71%; and PC4 or tuber shape, 4.96%. The results of the 3D morphogeometric analyses for the interforaminal hemimandibular region were PC1, 59.83%; PC2, 10.39%; PC3, 7.67%; and PC4, 5.09%. This study provides relevant information for future clinical guidelines on prosthetics and implants, in addition to proposing the use of new technologies that support diagnosis and treatment in patients with edentulism

    Salud de los trabajadores

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    Actividad física y su relación con los factores de riesgo cardiovascular de carteros chilenosAnálisis de resultados: riesgos psicosociales en el trabajo Suceso-Istas 21 en Cesfam QuellónAusentismo laboral por enfermedades oftalmológicas, Chile 2009Brote de diarreas por norovirus, posterremoto-tsunami, Constitución, Región del MauleCalidad de vida en profesionales de la salud pública chilenaCaracterización del reposo laboral en personal del SSMN durante el primer semestre de 2010Concentración de nicotina en pelo en trabajadores no fumadores expuestos a humo de tabaco ambientalCondiciones de trabajo y bienestar/malestar docente en profesores de enseñanza media de SantiagoDisfunción auditiva inducida por exposición a xilenoErgonomía aplicada al estudio del síndrome de dolor lumbar en el trabajoEstimación de la frecuencia de factores de riesgo cardiovascular en trabajadores de una empresa mineraExposición a plaguicidas inhibidores de la acetilcolinesterasa en Colombia, 2006-2009Factores de riesgo y daños de salud en conductores de una empresa peruana de transporte terrestre, 2009Las consecuencias de la cultura en salud y seguridad ocupacional en una empresa mineraPercepción de cambios en la práctica médica y estrategias de afrontamientoPercepción de la calidad de vida en la Universidad del BiobíoPesos máximos aceptables para tareas de levantamiento manual de carga en población laboral femeninaRiesgo coronario en trabajadores mineros según la función de Framingham adaptada para la población chilenaTrastornos emocionales y riesgo cardiovascular en trabajadores de la salu

    High-Dose Intravenous Methylprednisolone for Hantavirus Cardiopulmonary Syndrome in Chile: A Double-Blind, Randomized Controlled Clinical Trial

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