124 research outputs found

    La comunicación, ¿bisagra epistemológica?

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    La investigación en el Departamento de Periodismo I

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    The literary imponderables: the case of José María Requena

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    La obra literaria de José María Requena (1925-1998) no ha tenido, ni siquiera entre sus paisanos, el reconocimiento que merece, ni antes ni después de El cuajarón, su primera novela, ganadora del Premio Nadal en 1971, circunstancia esta que hizo inscribir su nombre en el famoso y polémico movimiento de los «narraluces». En este trabajo, se intentan esbozar algunas de las razones de todo tipo (biográficas, literarias, sociológicas) que ayuden a comprender el porqué de esa falta de reconocimiento, al tiempo que se resume la trayectoria vital y literaria del escritor de Carmona y se analizan las principales dimensiones de su obra.The literary work of José María Requena (1925-1998) has not received, not even among his fellow countrymen, the recognition it deserves, neither before nor after El cuajarón, his first novel, winner of the Nadal Prize in 1971, a circumstance that led to inscribe his name in the famous and controversial «narraluces» movement. In this paper, an attempt is made to outline some of the reasons of all kinds (biographical, literary, sociological) that help to understand the cause of this lack of recognition, while summarizing the vital and literary career of the writer from Carmona and analyzing the main dimensions of his work

    El paradigma de redes : (des)- emplazamientos post-modernos

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    Esta comunicación propone un Paradigma de Redes como nuevo principio de comprensión ontológica, epistemológica, ético-política y estética del modelo social surgido de la crisis terminal de la modernidad. Como nueva Filosofía de la Relación este Paradigma representa una nueva forma hermenéutica de estar-en-el-mundo, toda una forma de existencia interpretante, que ha de servir para la exploración de nuevas formas de interacción consigo mismo, con los demás y el mundo desde los efectos mundializadores producidos por la intensificación creciente de los nuevos flujos tecnológicos. Del mismo modo, como forma de conocimiento, de manera autorreflexiva, este Paradigma debe convertirse en un nuevo compromiso autocrítico ante el déficit de diagnóstico social que supone la quiebra postmoderna. Ha de ser un instrumento fundamental de conceptualización de la nueva experiencia económicosocial, política y cultural que comporta en sí mismo

    Modelling soil organic carbon stocks in global change scenarios: a CarboSOIL application

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    Global climate change, as a consequence of the increasing levels of atmospheric CO2 concentration, may significantly affect both soil organic C storage and soil capacity for C sequestration. CarboSOIL is an empirical model based on regression techniques and developed as a geographical information system tool to predict soil organic carbon (SOC) contents at different depths. This model is a new component of the agro-ecological decision support system for land evaluation MicroLEIS, which assists decision-makers in facing specific agro-ecological problems, particularly in Mediterranean regions. In this study, the CarboSOIL model was used to study the effects of climate change on SOC dynamics in a Mediterranean region (Andalusia, S Spain). Different downscaled climate models were applied based on BCCR-BCM2, CNRMCM3, and ECHAM5 and driven by SRES scenarios (A1B, A2 and B2). Output data were linked to spatial data sets (soil and land use) to quantify SOC stocks. The CarboSOIL model has proved its ability to predict the short-medium- and long-term trends (2040s, 2070s and 2100s) of SOC dynamics and sequestration under projected future scenarios of climate change. Results have shown an overall trend towards decreasing of SOC stocks in the upper soil sections (0–25 cm and 25–50 cm) for most soil types and land uses, but predicted SOC stocks tend to increase in the deeper soil section (0–75 cm). Soil types as Arenosols, Planosols and Solonchaks and land uses as “permanent crops” and “open spaces with little or no vegetation” would be severely affected by climate change with large decreases of SOC stocks, in particular under the medium–high emission scenario A2 by 2100. The information developed in this study might support decision-making in land management and climate adaptation strategies in Mediterranean regions, and the methodology could be applied to other Mediterranean areas with available soil, land use and climate data.Ministerio de Economía y CompetitividadJunta de Andalucí

    Association of Moderate-to-Vigorous Physical Activity, Sedentary Time, Fat Percentage, and Physical Fitness with Gait Parameters in Women with Fibromyalgia: The Al-Ándalus Project

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    Gait impairments have been found in women with fibromyalgia, reducing the physical activity possibilities in this population and leading to a negative correlation with fibromyalgia impact. The aim of this study was to analyze the individual and independent associations of moderate-tovigorous physical activity (MVPA), sedentary time, fat percentage, and physical fitness with gait parameters in women with fibromyalgia. A total of 84 women with fibromyalgia were included. MVPA and sedentary time were assessed with accelerometry, fat percentage with bioimpedance analysis, and physical fitness with field-based fitness tests. Gait was assessed during a “6 min walk test” and categorized in velocity, cadence, step length, step cycle duration, unipedal stance phase, and bipedal stance phase. Individual relationships were analyzed by partial correlations and independent relationships by linear regressions, adjusting by age and height. MVPA, sedentary time, fat percentage, and physical fitness were correlated with most gait parameters (rpartial between |0.842| and |0.219|; p ≤ 0.05). Physical fitness was independently associated with all gait parameters (β between |0.346| and |0.761|; p ≤ 0.002). In addition, MVPA was independently associated with velocity and step length (β = 0.241 and 0.292; both p = 0.004), and fat percentage was associated with bipedal stance phase (β = 0.242; p = 0.049). Good levels of MVPA, physical fitness, and adequate weight balance are associated with improved gait parameters in women with fibromyalgia.Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation (I+D+I DEP2010-15639)Consejeria de Turismo, Comercio y Deporte (CTCD-201000019242-TRA)Granada Research of Excellence Initiative on Biohealth (GREIB)University of Granada (Plan Propio de Investigación 2016, Excellence actions: Units of Excellence; Unit of Excellence on Exercise and Health [UCEES])Instituto de Salud Carlos III through the fellowship CP20/00178 co-funded by European Social Fun

    La imagen y la narrativa como herramientas para el abordaje psicosocial en escenario de violencia. Departamentos del Valle del Cauca y Nariño.

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    En el presente trabajo que refiere a la Profundización de Acompañamiento Psicosocial en Escenarios de Violencia, se ha reconocido el enfoque narrativo a partir de los casos de violencia del conflicto armado donde se evidencia la voz y la imagen como narrativa. Aquí se reconocen también los diversos impactos sociales que se caracterizan en el conflicto armado, se identificaron las voces que revelan el posicionamiento subjetivo según la narrativa de la historia según la experiencia de cada victima y las imágenes más dominantes. La resiliencia es el papel que juega la sanación en las historias de violencia y sus realidades. El propósito de este curso es argumentar dichas realidades con la construcción de preguntas lineales, estratégicas y circulares que permiten el análisis más profundo de un sobreviviente. En el caso de peñas coloradas se aborda una construcción de las distintas formas de violencia social desde la decadencia política, donde se identifican aspectos psicosociales y las acciones estratégicas para apoyo de víctimas en situaciones de emergencia emocional. Por último en el informe analítico se conceptualizan los instrumentos de foto voz que han sido trabajados por los estudiantes de psicología social en un contexto elegido, a partir de los distintos impactos psicosociales se busca encontrar en la imagen la voz y la narrativa la expresión silenciosa, imaginaria y situacional en cada acto de violencia.In the present work that refers to the Deepening of Psychosocial Accompaniment in Scenarios of Violence, the narrative approach has been recognized from the cases of violence of the armed conflict where the voice and the image are evidenced as narrative. Here the diverse social impacts that are characterized in the armed conflict are also recognized, the voices that reveal the subjective positioning according to the narrative of history according to the experience of each victim and the most dominant images were identified. Resilience is the role that healing plays in histories of violence and their realities. The purpose of this course is to argue these realities with the construction of linear, strategic and circular questions that allow a deeper analysis of a survivor. In the case of Peñas Coloradas, a construction of the different forms of social violence since political decadence is addressed, where psychosocial aspects and strategic actions to support victims in situations of emotional emergency are identified. Finally, in the analytical report, the photovoice instruments that have been worked by social psychology students in a chosen context are conceptualized, based on the different psychosocial impacts, it is sought to find the voice in the image and the silent expression in the narrative. imaginary and situational in each act of violenc

    A Complex Regulatory Network Governs the Expression of Symbiotic Genes in Sinorhizobium Fredii HH103

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    Introduction: The establishment of the rhizobium-legume nitrogen-fixing symbiosis relies on the interchange of molecular signals between the two symbionts. We have previously studied by RNA-seq the effect of the symbiotic regulators NodD1, SyrM, and TtsI on the expression of the symbiotic genes (the nod regulon) of Sinorhizobium fredii HH103 upon treatment with the isoflavone genistein. In this work we have further investigated this regulatory network by incorporating new RNA-seq data of HH103 mutants in two other regulatory genes, nodD2 and nolR. Both genes code for global regulators with a predominant repressor effect on the nod regulon, although NodD2 acts as an activator of a small number of HH103 symbiotic genes. Methods: By combining RNA-seq data, qPCR experiments, and b-galactosidase assays of HH103 mutants harbouring a lacZ gene inserted into a regulatory gene, we have analysed the regulatory relations between the nodD1, nodD2, nolR, syrM, and ttsI genes, confirming previous data and discovering previously unknown relations. Results and discussion: Previously we showed that HH103 mutants in the nodD2, nolR, syrM, or ttsI genes gain effective nodulation with Lotus japonicus, a model legume, although with different symbiotic performances. Here we show that the combinations of mutations in these genes led, in most cases, to a decrease in symbiotic effectiveness, although all of them retained the ability to induce the formation of nitrogen-fixing nodules. In fact, the nodD2, nolR, and syrM single and double mutants share a set of Nod factors, either overproduced by them or not generated by the wild-type strain, that might be responsible for gaining effective nodulation with L. japonicus.Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación PID2019-107634RB-I0