13 research outputs found

    Analisis Suara Untuk Menentukan Level Otomatis Game Terapi Wicara Pada Anak Autis

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    Salah satu masalah utama bagi anak autis adalah adanya gangguan pada perkembangan kemampuan berbicara. Hal ini dapat diatasi dengan terapi wicara secara terus menerus dan berkelanjutan sesuai dengan tujuan terapi yang ingin dicapai. Anak autis juga sulit untuk mengikuti terapi dalam waktu yang lama terkait dengan motivasi dan konsentrasi. Sedangkan terapi secara intensif 40 jam per minggu seperti yang digunakan pada metode ABA akan sangat tergantung pada terapis dan membutuhkan biaya yang sangat besar, sehingga diperlukan alat bantu yang dapat digunakan diluar sesi terapi. Alat bantu terapi sudah banyak digunakan oleh ahli terapi wicara. Namun alat bantu tersebut lebih banyak ditekankan pada pengukuran komponen suara dan tidak digunakan untuk pelatihan dan pengukuran secara mandiri. Sebuah serius game yang mengadaptasikan tahapan-tahapan terapi wicara dapat menjadi altematif terapi wicara pada anak autis. Bentuk game seperti yang digunakan pada anak normal lainnya dan dengan adaptasi terapi wicara dapat mendukung peningkatan kemampuan bicara. Penelitian ini merumuskan bentuk adaptasi terapi wicara pada anak autis dengan komponen analisis suara yang digunakan untuk mengukur tingkat kemajuan terapi secara otomatis pada sebuah serius game seperti FPS (First Person Shooter). Hasil penelitian didapat 3 komponen analisis suara yang dapat digunakan sebagai umpan balik pada game terapi wicara, yaitu tingkat kekerasan suara {loudness), lama pengucapan (respiratory), dan kemiripan pengucapan {articulation). Tingkat kekerasan suara dalam percakapan normal didapat hasil pengukuran antara 60 dBA hingga 80 dBA. Sedangkan lama rata-rata pengucapan didapat 6.2 detik untuk anak normal. Tingkat kemiripan suara anak untuk melatih artikulasi didapat 80% dengan metode HMM. =============================================================================================================================== One of the main problem for children with autism is interference in the development of the ability to speak. This can be overcome with speech therapy continuously and sustainable in accordance with the objectives of the therapy to achieve. Children with autism also have difficulty to follow the therapy for a long time associated with motivation and concentration. Meanwhile, the intensive therapy 40 hours per week as used in the methods of ABA depend on therapeutist and take alot of cost, so that the necessary tools that can be used outside of therapy sessions. There are many tool that used by therapy expert. The tool is more emphasis on the measurement of voice components, but not used for training and measuring independently. A serious game which adapted from speech therapy could be an alternative speech therapy for children with autism. Computer game as used for normal children can support to improve ability to speak. This research’s goal is formulating an adaptation of speech therapy for children with autism to determine voice component analysis to measure the level of progress in therapy automatically on a serious game. Results of the research obtained 3 component analysis of the voice that can be used as feedback on the game speech therapy, the level of voice (loudness), long recital (respiratory), and the expression similarity (articulation). Loudness level of normal conversation in the measurement results obtained between 60 DBA to 80 DBA. Average of normal speech obtained 6.2 seconds for normal children. Level of similarity for the children practice the sound articulation 80% obtained with HMM

    Augmented Reality Untuk Media Promosi Rumah Pada Alang-Alang Contruction Berbasis Android

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    Aplikasi Augmented reality untuk media promosi rumah pada alang-alang construction berbasis android, dirancang sebagai media penunjang promosi rumah untuk lebih memudahkan menjual rumah, dimana biasanya mempromosikan rumah menggunakan brosur biasa maka dari itu perusahaan dapat memanfaatkan teknologi Augmented reality pada Mobile Phone dengan Sistem Operasi Android agar dapat mengangkat citra perusahaan dan mempunyai nilai plus tersendiri dihadapan para calon pelanggan Dalam tugas akhir ini akan dibangun aplikasi dengan memanfaatkan teknologi Augmented reality sebagai penggabungan benda-benda nyata dan maya di lingkungan nyata, berjalan secara interaktif dalam waktu nyata (realtime),dengan metode Marker atau target yang disetting untuk memunculkan objek 3D secara bersamaan. Dalam pembuatan aplikasi ini menggunakan Unity sebagai software pendukungnya dan menggunakan Vuforia SDK sebagai management datanya, objeck tiga dimensi yang dibuat dengan menggunakan Autodesk 3ds Max. Dengan dibuatnya Aplikasi ini, maka dapat membantu marketing untuk menarik minat pelanggan juga memberikan hasil presentasi model rumah dihadapan calon pelanggan menjadi lebih profesional, dan dari hasil pembuatan gambar rumah secara 3D, dapat membantu para pelanggan untuk lebih mengetahui desain dan tipe rumah yang akan dibeli


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    Acetanilide (± 95%) is a product that is widely used as raw materials in the pharmaceutical industry, which is the raw material for analgesic and antipiretic. Factory acetanilide of aniline and acetic acid was established due to the need for the increase from year to year. Acetanilide factory is designed to meet the domestic demand and the possibility to be exported. Acetanilide mill is designed with a capacity of 20,000 tons per year in operation for 330 days per year. Acetanilide making process is done by liquid phase acylation reaction amide mole ratio of aniline: acetic acid = 1: 2. The reaction is exothermic and is run in a reactor countinous Stirred Tank Reactor, liquid-liquid phase, reversible and kept isothermal operating conditions (120oC) and a pressure of 1 atm. Acetic acid requirement for this plant as much as 1282.87 kg / h and needs aniline as much as 1839.23 kg / hour. Products such as acetanilide 2550.315 kg / hour. Support utilities includes water supply process of 28326.44 kg / h obtained from Bengawan Solo river water, the supply of saturated steam at 1225.991 kg / h obtained from the boiler with fuel oil amounted to 210.830 liters of fuel per hour, the need for compressed air 56.0736 m3 / h, the demand for electricity is obtained from the PLN and two sets of 269.6849 kW generator as a backup, as much fuel as 344.13 kg / hour. The factory was established in an industrial location Karanganyar, Central Java province with a land area of 11,500 m2 and the number of employees 150 people. Acetanilide mill uses fixed capital of Rp 328,351,548,785.16 and working capital of Rp 79,199,566,980.81. From the economic analysis of this plant demonstrates a profit before tax of Rp 149,489,405,829.24 per year after taxes 20% profit reached Rp 119.591.524.663.39 per year. Percent Return On Investment (ROI) before tax and after tax 45.5% 36% Pay Out Time (POT) before taxes for 1.80 years and 2.15 years after tax. Break Even Point (BEP) amounted to 43.45%, and Shut Down Point (SDP) of 19.519%. Discounted Cash Flow (DCF) accounted for 46 %%. From the data above feasibility analysis concluded that the plant is profitable and feasible to set. Keywords: acetanilide, acetic acid, anilin

    Batik creatif industri, Creativity, Innovation and Competitiveness to encounter global market

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    The paper explores creativity, innovation and competitiveness of batik creative industry in keeping of existence in global market. Purposes of this research are to identify how creativity, innovation and competitiveness of batik crafter encounter to global market and to produce the model. Through 7 informants (3 batik associates, 4 retailers) we analyzed and explicated the assumptions of creativity, innovation and competitiveness by locating the study within the interpretive research paradigm and exemplifying the global market that has impacts on batik industries recently. This study also acknowledges and addresses the government roles in supporting of creativity, innovation and competitiveness to encounter global market

    Pengembangan Aplikasi Game Edukasi Sejarah Sunan Kalijaga Berbasis Android

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    Historical education is essential in forming human character because it is the basis for forming a sense of nationalism. Along with the development of technology, learning models are also affected. Learning can be facilitated through learning sources other than educators, thereby changing the role of educators in learning and adapting learning to current developments. One of the learning resources is game technology. Game applications can be a learning medium because of their visual and interactive nature. Packing history learning into an educational game application might be an alternative source of learning that is interesting and not monotonous. The purpose of this research is developing education media as an Android-based historical learning tool by packaging the historical learning of the story of Sunan Kalijaga in the form of a game application. The results of the black box, white box trials that went well, and the feasibility test that was carried out on 15 respondents, 93% stated that the material presented was appropriate so that it can be concluded that the game application is suitable for use as an alternative media for mobile learning by teachers and students with an assessment feature using an Android smartphone.AbstrakPendidikan sejarah sangat penting dalam proses pembentukan karakter manusia karena merupakan dasar dari pembentukkan rasa nasionalisme. Seiring dengan berkembangnya teknologi, Pembelajaran pun ikut terpengaruhi. Pembelajaran dapat dipermudah melalui sumber pembelajaran selain pendidik, sehingga menggubah peran pendidik dalam pembelajaran dan menyesuaikan pembelajaran dengan perkembangan zaman saat ini. Salah satu sumber pembelajaran itu adalah teknologi game. Aplikasi game dapat menjadi media pembelajaran karena sifatnya yang visual dan interaktif. Mengemas pembelajaran sejarah kedalam sebuah aplikasi game edukasi mungkin bisa menjadi salah satu alternatif sumber pembelajaran yang menarik dan tidak monoton. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah membuat aplikasi game “Lokajaya Sang Kalijaga” sebagai sarana pembelajaran sejarah berbasis Andoid dengan mengemas pembelajaran sejarah kisah Sunan Kalijaga ke dalam bentuk aplikasi game. Hasil dari uji coba black box, white box yang berjalan baik serta uji kelayakan yang telah dilakukan pada 15 responden, 93% menyatakan materi yang dibawakan telah sesuai sehingga dapat disimpulkan aplikasi game layak dipergunakan sebagai media alternatif pembelajaran secara mobile oleh guru dan murid dengan fitur penilaian menggunakan smartphone Android

    Optimization of Multiple Response Using Taguchi-WPCA In ST 60 Tool Steel Turning Process With Minimum Quantity Cooling Lubrication (MQCL) Method

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    A research was conducted for the optimization of the turning process st 60 tool steel with multiple performance characteristics based on the orthogonal array with Taguchi-WPCA method. Minimum Quantity Cooling Lubrication (MQCL) metode was applied as a coolant. The experimental studies were conducted under varying the cutting speed, feeding, depth of cut and type of coolant. The optimized multiple performance characteristics were surface roughness, and material removal rate. An orthogonal array, signal-to-noise ratio, grey relational analysis, weighted pricipal component analysis and analysis of variance were employed to study the multiple performance characteristics. Experimental results show that cutting speed gives the highest contribution for minimize of surface roughness and maximize of material removal rate, followed by feeding speed, type of coolant and depth of cut. The minimum of surface roughness and maximize of material removal rat could be obtained by using the values of cutting speed, feeding speed,  depth of cut and type of coolant of 172.95 m/minute, 0.053 mm/rev, 0.25 mm, and vegetable oil as a coolant respectively


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    Measles is a part of many diseases that occur in the tropics as happened in East Java. Measles disease data recorded in the Health Profile Book contains information on tabular data on the number of measles cases, the fatality rate of measles cases, and data that contain infant measles immunization. The purpose of the discussion of this paper is to represent spatial and attribute data resulting from spatial data processing in the spatial analysis process by Weight Product Model (WPM) methods and in the Multiple Attribute Decision Making (MADM). Data representation to determine areas prone to tropical diseases based on infant immunization status, nutritional status, epidemics, and PD3I. The results of the spatial data modeling will be represented into spatial data and attribute data obtained from the preferential value of Vi with the category of classification of tropical disease-prone areas with good, average, fair, and poor immunization status

    Optimization of Multiple Response Using Taguchi-WPCA in ST 60 Tool Steel Turning Process with Minimum Quantity Cooling Lubrication (MQCL) Method

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    A research was conducted for the optimization of the turning process st 60 tool steel with multiple performance characteristics based on the orthogonal array with Taguchi-WPCA method. Minimum Quantity Cooling Lubrication (MQCL) metode was applied as a coolant. The experimental studies were conducted under varying the cutting speed, feeding, depth of cut and type of coolant. The optimized multiple performance characteristics were surface roughness, and material removal rate. An orthogonal array, signal-to-noise ratio, grey relational analysis, weighted pricipal component analysis and analysis of variance were employed to study the multiple performance characteristics. Experimental results show that cutting speed gives the highest contribution for minimize of surface roughness and maximize of material removal rate, followed by feeding speed, type of coolant and depth of cut. The minimum of surface roughness and maximize of material removal rat could be obtained by using the values of cutting speed, feeding speed, depth of cut and type of coolant of 172.95 m/minute, 0.053 mm/rev, 0.25 mm, and vegetable oil as a coolant respectively

    Оцінка складності процесу збирання з використанням коефіцієнтів матеріалу для обробки та установки

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    Complexity principles are very important for reducing difficulty while at the same time continuously attaining the requirements of the product, process, and system. A crucial factor affecting the complexity of assembly is material selection. The material used for a product will be closely linked to the handling and insertion process. In a previous study, the methods used to select materials and assembly processes have been developed separately. In this study, those methods will be developed together into a single entity with respect to the complexity of each process. Scientific information about this matter has yet to be revealed, so it still requires intensive study. Hence, the study aims to promote a new way to measure the complexity of parts assembly by examining the material selection parameters. The proposed method involves material coefficients in establishing an assembly complexity index and consists of two phases. Numerical examples are provided to illustrate the suggested design comprehensively, which uses three material variants in piston products to calculate the complexity index of the assembly process. Variants with a small complexity index are ideal and facilitate the assembly process. The study creates a material coefficient model to specify the assembly process, where each component has various coefficient values. The material coefficient describes the value of material characteristics related to the assembly method, namely the process of handling and insertion. The material selection requires a clear understanding of the assembly requirements for each component. The related material characteristics are density, fracture toughness, Young’s modulus, elastic limit, tensile strength, elongation, and hardness. Assessment of the complexity index using methods from previous studies obtained 6.02. Using the present method, 5.777 were obtained for variant 1 and 5.769 for the second variant. The mean complexity value is compatible with the material coefficient and assembly timeПринципи складності мають велике значення для зниження складності і в той же час для постійного виконання вимог до виробу, процесу та системи. Вирішальним фактором, що впливає на складність збирання, є вибір матеріалу. Матеріал, що використовується для виготовлення виробу, буде тісно пов’язаний з процесом обробки та встановлення. У попередньому дослідженні методи, що використовуються для вибору матеріалів та процесів збирання, були розроблені окремо. У даній роботі ці методи будуть об’єднані в єдине ціле з урахуванням складності кожного процесу. Наукова інформація з цього питання ще не розкрита, тому воно все ще потребує інтенсивного вивчення. Отже, метою дослідження є просування нового способу вимірювання складності збирання деталей шляхом вивчення параметрів вибору матеріалу. Запропонований метод включає використання коефіцієнтів матеріалу при визначенні індексу складності збирання і складається з двох етапів. Наведено чисельні приклади для повної ілюстрації запропонованої конструкції, в якій використовуються три варіанти матеріалів в поршневих виробах для розрахунку індексу складності процесу збирання. Варіанти з невеликим індексом складності ідеальні та полегшують процес збирання. У дослідженні створена модель коефіцієнта матеріалу для визначення процесу збирання, де кожен компонент має різні значення коефіцієнта. Коефіцієнт матеріалу описує значення характеристик матеріалу, пов’язаних зі способом збирання, а саме з процесом обробки та установки. Вибір матеріалу вимагає чіткого розуміння вимог до збирання для кожного компонента. Відповідними характеристиками матеріалу є щільність, в’язкість руйнування, модуль Юнга, межа пружності, межа міцності на розрив, відносне подовження і твердість. В результаті оцінки індексу складності з використанням методів попередніх досліджень отримано значення 6,02. За допомогою даного методу було отримано 5,777 для варіанту 1 та 5,769 для другого варіанту. Середнє значення складності сумісно з коефіцієнтом матеріалу і часом складанн