38 research outputs found
Physics-based infiltration models, like Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory (LBL) and Alberta Infiltration Model (AIM-2), have been used to predict infiltration rate in near real time. These models are constructed from the driving forces of wind and temperature difference across the building enclosure system, both of which cause pressure differences across the enclosure system for infiltration. The models incorporate other major factors like building leakage characteristics, distributions of openings, microenvironment conditions around the building enclosure as affected by building shields, topography and building shape. The accuracy of the models dependents on getting these factors right. However, these factors are specific for individual buildings and measuring these factors in occupied buildings is difficult. In theory, these can be determined by using a generalized table and blower door test but it requires heavy equipment and skilled work force, which is difficult to implement in occupied houses.
In this dissertation, a methodology is developed to determine the air change rate (ACH) and indoor air quality (IAQ) in near-real time by combining a physics-based infiltration model with a tracer gas decay test method. The methodology is applicable to naturally ventilated houses. Existing infiltration models are modified explicitly to include the impact of the wind direction. The input data for the model also include indoor air temperature and weather data. Tracer gas method is used to determine the infiltration model parameters using a multi variable nonlinear regression analysis. Once these parameters are obtained, it is able to predict the ACH with 10% and 16% error for AIM-2 and LBL models, respectively. This method does not require the blower door test. Furthermore, a low cost device, a combination of CO_2 sensor, solenoid valve and temperature sensor, has been developed to apply the methodology to measure ACH and IAQ in near-real time without the need for skilled personnel
Patients Misunderstanding of Dosage Instructions among Patients Attending Kenema Pharmacy: Do Pharmacists Ask ‘Tell me so I know you understand?’
Background: Despite the advance in drug development and availability of dozens of drugs in the healthcare system today, knowledge of patients about dispensed medicines is poor to the extent suppositories are being swallowed by patients. The size of commonly used paper envelopes for labeling in Ethiopia doesn't even allow writing the required drug information on it. Methods: Direct observation supported cross-sectional study was conducted to assess the extent of patients' misunderstanding of dosage instructions and associated factors among patients attending Kenema Pharmacy Number 09 at Addis Ababa by using a pre-specified structured interview questionnaire.Result: A total of 398 patients were included in the study and 62.81% were female. Around 34.42% of respondents were found to be in the age range of 25 to 34 years. Two hundred eighty-eight (72.36%) of participants misunderstood one or more dosage regimen instructions, and 269(67.59%) misunderstood the frequency of drug administration. The most commonly misunderstood medications were antibiotics. Moreover, from medication label observations, 273 (68.25%) were dispensed without a medication label. Patient misunderstanding of dosage instructions was significantly associated (p< 0.001) with age, residence, and educational level. Conclusion: A significant number of patients misunderstood dosage regimen instructions. The majority of drugs were dispensed without label information and pharmacists did not practice the 'tell me back if you know, principle to ensure understanding of communicated information. Age, educational status, sex, and residence of patients were significantly associated with patient misunderstanding of dosage instructions. Therefore, pharmacy professionals should appropriately label, and effectively communicate to ensure patient understanding of the dosage instructions for the patient before dispensing. Future studies involving multiple sectors should be done to identify the ranges of associated factors with patients' misunderstanding of dosage instructions and patient–dispenser communication optimization. Keywords: Misunderstanding; Dispensed drug labeling; Dosage instruction; Pharmacy-patient communication; Kenema Pharmacy DOI: 10.7176/JHMN/101-03 Publication date:June 30th 202
Incidence and Predictors of Cervical Cancer Among Women Living with HIV/AIDS in Addis Ketema Sub-city in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
Introduction: Due to limited access to prevention and treatment services, the cervical cancer trend is increasing in developing countries. There is inadequate information on the incidence and predictors of Cervical Cancer among women living with HIV/AIDS in Addis Ketema Sub-city. Objectives: To assess the incidence and predictors of Cervical Cancer among women living with HIV/AIDS in Addis Ketema Sub-city in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia Methods: Facility-based cross-sectional study was conducted among women with HIV/AIDs in the Addis ketema sub-city from September to October 2022. A covenant sampling technique will be employed. A total of 373 Women with HIV/AIDs screened for cervical cancer were included. Data were coded, cleaned, and entered into SPSS version 25 for analysis. Results: The overall incidence of cervical cancer was 16 (7.6%). Overall 64 (17.2%) women had good knowledge about cervical; cancer and its prevention strategies. The majority of respondents 237 (63.5%) have a positive attitude. About two-thirds of women 244 (65.4%) were screened for cervical cancer. More than one-half of women were screened by self-initiation 123 (50.4%) followed by offered by health professionals 121 (49.6%). Having primary school complete educational status, Adjusted odds ratio (AOR) = 1.198) when compared with college and above, screening offered by health professionals, AOR = 4.453 when compared to self-initiation were positive, having good knowledge about cervical cancer screening and prevention strategies AOR = 0.475 were independently associated with the incidence of cervical cancer. Conclusion: The prevalence of cervical cancer screening and knowledge about screening and prevention strategies was low. More than seven out of a hundred women screened have confirmed and or suspected cervical cancer. Therefore, all relevant stakeholders should work on awareness creation programs. Further research should be conducted to investigate other factors that contribute to the presence of cervical cancer by involving more strong methods. Work plan and budget: This study will be conducted from September 1 to October 2022. A total of 27,759.60 Birr will be required for this study. Keywords: Women living with HIV/AIDs, Incidence of Cervical Cancer, Addis ketema sub-city DOI: 10.7176/JMPB/73-03 Publication date: January 31st 2023
Saving and economic growth in Ethiopia: causality analysis
The objective of the paper is to investigate causal relationship between savings growth and GDP
growth in Ethiopia by using annual data for the period of 1961 to 2010. In the process, three
analyses were undertaken. First, the time series properties of growth rate of domestic savings
and the growth rate of real GDP were ascertained using the ADF unit root test procedure. The
estimated results indicate both variables are one order of integration at level or 1(1). Second, the
long-run relationship between the series was explored utilizing both Engel- Granger and
Johnson Cointegration Test procedure. The result of the test indicated that the series were
cointegrated. Finally, the causal relationship between growth rate of domestic savings and the
growth rate of real GDP was performed using the Vector Error Correction (VECM) model and
Pairwise Granger Causality test.
Theories and empirical works have shown that the direction of causality between domestic
savings growth and economic growth may run in various directions: from gross domestic
savings to economic growth, from economic growth to gross domestic savings, bidirectional
causality between gross domestic savings and economic growth or no causal relationship
between them.
The results of this study suggest the long run relationship between savings and GDP in Ethiopia.
Farther, the empirical result prevail that unidirectional short run relationship exists between
gross domestic product (GDP) and domestic savings; that causality run from gross domestic
product (GDP) to domestic savings. So overall short run results favour Keynesian point of view
that savings depend upon level of output.Jimma Universit
Assessment of Self- Medication Practice and Contribution Factor in Arada Sub City Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
Background: - a number of individuals in developing countries do not attend physicians for their illnesses; instead they commonly use self-medication. Self-medication could be using drugs existing in home like over the counter (OCT) drugs, traditional medicine or non- pharmacological action. Aim of this study was to assess the practice of self-medication in Arada Sub city town, Addis Ababa, EthiopiaMethods: - a community based cross sectional study was carried out in Arada sub City from Feb 20 to Feb 27, 2019. Data was collected by Semi-structured and pre-tested questionnaire, consisting questions on general demographic, socio-economic as well as on perceived illness /symptoms in two weeks recall period and actions taken for it; and administered to respondents of the 412 systematically selected households. The data was analyzed and presented using tables and chi-square calculation.Result: - Out of the 386 individuals with perceived illness, 142 (39.9%) were self-medicated and females 82 (58.27%) were more self-medicated than males. The most frequent illness/symptom reported for self-medication was fever (40.6%). Most of the drugs (41.95%) used for self-medication were obtained from drug retail outlets, and previous experience for the perceived low severity of illness/symptoms (41.1%) was the main reason for self-medication.Conclusion & Recommendation:- Self-medication is widely practiced for a wide range of illnesses/symptoms and by using OTC drugs, prescription only drugs and also traditional medicine/non-pharmacological action. The public as well as the health care providers have to be educated on the scope of self-medication; i.e., the type of illnesses to be self-diagnosed and self-treated, and the type of drug products to be used in order to promote responsible self-medication. Keywords: Self-medication; Arada subcity, OTC drug DOI: 10.7176/JHMN/74-02 Publication date:May 31st 2020
Farm forestry decision-making strategies of the Guraghe Households, Southern-Central Highlands of Ethiopia
In this study, farm forestry decision criteria were elicited by adopting a behavioral decision-making study approach from households in ten Peasant Associations of the study district. Major decision objectives, available alternatives, constraints, and the likelihood of the chance events were elicited through a questionnaire survey, participatory observation, detailed discussion, and review of archival information. It was found that farmers generally, plant various tree and shrub species for meeting various household needs and for generating cash incomes. The goal of cash generation is for sustenance of livelihoods through fulfillment of various basic obligations and overcoming unforeseen contingencies. The three most economically important tree/shrub species were eucalypts, coffee, and t?chat. Eucalypt wood covers nearly all the construction needs and constitutes a substantial part of the fuelwood consumptions. Coffee and t?chat are vital sources of cash income and makeup an important part of daily diets. Growing of eucalypts for cash income is mainly constrained by lack of access road, low farm gate prices, high competition with food crops for soil nutrients and moisture, and shortage of land and labor. The household uses and cash values of coffee are generally, undermined by high incidence of berry disease and lack of manure. Financial benefits of t?chat are weakened by high local tax rates. The logistic regression analysis confirms that agro-ecological zone, sex of household head, number of eucalypt trees owned, and age of household head represent important explanatory variables that explain farmers readiness to expand eucalypt woodlots. The model so constructed correctly predicted 84.1 % of the households that established additional eucalypt woodlots mainly for cash generation. The total number of eucalypt trees owned by households is significantly related to the attitude of the household head towards eucalypts, wealth status, and landholding size of the household. Financial viability of eucalypt woodlots was assessed through both methods of conventional economic calculations and Chayanovian calculations. Both methods confirmed the highly lucrative markets of eucalypt poles as compared to agricultural crop production. This is mainly because of lack of access to more profitable production techniques and low productivity of agricultural crops per unit area. Otherwise, farm gate prices of eucalypt poles are far from being attractive and outperforming that of agricultural crops
Prevalence of Road Traffic Accident and Outcome among Patients Admitted at Addis Ababa Burn, Emergency and Trauma (AaBET) Hospital in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
Introduction: Road Traffic Accident is an incident on a way or street open to public traffic that becomes one of the most significant public health problems in the world particularly in developing countries like Ethiopia. In Ethiopia, Road Traffic Accident is the major public health problem even though studies indicate the prevalence and management outcomes among these victims are limited. Objectives: To assess the prevalence and management outcomes among road traffic accident victims who attended emergency department of AaBET (Addis Ababa burn Emergency and Trauma) Hospital, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, 2022. Methods: Hospital based retrospective cross sectional study design was implemented among Patients attending to AaBET Hospital based on patients' record review for one year (from January 1 to December 30, 2021). Records of patients were reviewed until the calculated minimum sample size (399) attained. Simple random sampling technique was applied to recruit the records. Result: Among a total of 385 trauma victims visited the hospital, the most commonly affected age group were between 26-30 years old, accounting for 68 (17.7%) followed by age ˂13 years 67 (17.4%). This study also identified 269 (69.9%) of victims were male and 116 (30.1%) were female. Regarding pattern of injury, musculoskeletal fracture was the most frequent type of injury (39.2%). one-third (31%) of them sustained severe injury that urged them to seek intensive surgical management. Regarding mechanism of injury, 45% of the victims reported that they hit by another vehicle. 43.5 % of the victims injured were pedestrians. Regarding management given at ED, almost half (47.5%) of the victims received wound care and about 23.4% of them were given anti- pain and resuscitation, respectively. Among 252 victims who admitted in AaBET hospital about 87% of patients admitted to surgical and orthopedic wards received surgical type of treatment. Conclusion: From foregoing it is evident that RTA requires proper traffic management; and the mortality and disability from RTA can be minimized by appropriately identifying the priority patient and giving appropriate intervention promptly. Keywords: AaBET, Accident, Emergency, Hospital, Road Traffic DOI: 10.7176/JHMN/102-02 Publication date:October 31st 202
Climate Change-Induced Agricultural Drought over Moist-Cool and Moist-Warm Climatic Zones: A Case Study in Ale and Adami-Tulu Woredas, in Oromia National Regional State, Ethiopia
Frequency and intensity of drought have troubled sustainable agriculture and worsened food insecurity of Ethiopians. This study aimed to investigate climate change-induced agricultural drought over the moist-cool and moist-warm climatic zones, using historical precipitation and temperature data recorded in the crop growing months for 35 years. The changes of temperatures and precipitation were analyzed using Mann Kendall trend test. Agricultural drought indices were analyzed using R-model by withdrawing potential evapotranspiration from precipitation to determine the existing water balance. The values of drought indices were used to characterize the duration, severity, intensity and trends of agricultural drought. Results showed that the changes in maximum and minimum temperatures and precipitation were significantly stronger in the Ale Woreda (P<0.05). However, minimum temperature and precipitation in Adami-Tulu did not noticeably change. The spatial drought events occurred more widely in Ale than in Adami Tulu. The events occurred 12 and 17 times with cumulative severity indices of 41.95 and 48.22 in Ale and Adami-Tulu, respectively. Agricultural drought intensities of the two districts were labeled as “severe” and “moderate dry”, for Ale and Adami-Tulu, respectively. The intensity of drought in Ale district significantly increased (P<0.05) and that in Adami-Tulu negligibly changed. Therefore, the study explicitly showed that more changes in temperature and precipitation aggravated agricultural drought in Ale than in Adami-Tulu more intensely and it is suggested that more attention shall be paid to Ale Woreda
A Novel Approach to Near-Real Time Monitoring of Ventilation Rate and Indoor Air Quality in Residential Houses
Physics-based infiltration models, like Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory (LBL) and Alberta Infiltration Model (AIM-2), have been used to predict infiltration rate in near-real time. These models are derived from the driving forces of wind and temperature difference across the building enclosure system, both of which cause pressure differences across the enclosure system for infiltration. The model incorporates other major factors like building leakage characteristics, distributions of openings, microenvironment conditions around the building enclosure as affected by building shields, topography and building shape. The accuracy of the models dependents on getting these factors right. However, these factors are specific for individual buildings and measuring these factors in occupied buildings is difficult. In theory, these can be determined by using generalized table and blower door test but it requires heavy equipment and skilled work force, which is difficult to implement in occupied houses. In this paper, a methodology is developed to determine the air change rate (ACH) and Indoor air quality (IAQ) in near-real time by combining a physics-based infiltration model with a tracer gas decay test method. The methodology is applicable to naturally ventilated houses. Existing infiltration models are modified explicitly to include the impact of the wind direction. The input data for the models also include indoor air temperature and weather data. Tracer gas method is used to determine the infiltration model parameters using multi variable nonlinear regression. Once these parameters are obtained, it is able to predict the ACH with 10% and 16% error for AIM-2 and LBL models, respectivel
Status and Prospects of Farm Forestry Practices in Central Ethiopia, a Case of Western Guraghe Highlands
The objective of the present study is to assess farm forestry decision-making strategies of smallholder farmers and to identify major choice constraints. It attempts to determine the potential of integrating multipurpose tree and shrub species into the existing land use units and its contribution to the objective of guaranteeing food self-sufficiency and sustainable livelihood. It also sheds some light on the deficiencies of current extension packages in helping farmers exploit the potentials of agroforestry innovations.
Farmers in the study area mainly employ eucalypt as major on-farm tree species both for meeting household wood demands and generating cash revenues. Farmers’ decisions to plant multipurpose tree and shrub species are constrained mainly by lack of sufficient knowledge and planting materials. Inadequate or absence of marketing infrastructure, exploitative marketing arrangements, poor organizational support, weak provision of inputs, callous credit facilities, etc. represent institutional deficiencies. Among ecological factors, erratic rainfall patterns stand prominent. Related problems such as shortage of farmland, ruinous wild animals, destructive crop diseases and pests, seriously debilitate targets of achieving food self-sufficiency. Cultivation of enset, the staple food crop in the region, and other food crops is threatened by lack of manure and draught power.
Genuine institutional support in helping farmers reap the rewards of their efforts and overcome major farm constraints is the primary means of achieving sustainable livelihoods. Critical farm constraints such as deteriorating soil quality, loss of biodiversity, and excessive soil erosion can be ameliorated via well-planned agroforestry practices. Strengthening extension services with qualified personnel and judicious provisions of appropriate agricultural technologies significantly contribute to efforts of achieving food self-sufficiency