25 research outputs found

    Estudios de marcado y recaptura de especies marinas

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    Los resultados obtenidos del marcado y posterior recaptura de los ejemplares son una herramienta muy valiosa para contribuir a mejorar el conocimiento de la biología y ecología de una especie, examinando ciertos aspectos como son: el crecimiento, los movimientos o migraciones, la mortalidad o supervivencia, la abundancia y distribución de la especie, el hábitat y diferenciación de poblaciones o stocks. Actualmente la técnica de marcado se aplica a muchas especies, tanto terrestres como marinas, pertenecientes a diversos grupos zoológicos: peces, crustáceos, reptiles, moluscos y mamíferos. Este libro repasa algunos ejemplos de marcado de especies marinas de interés comercial. No todas las especies pueden ser marcadas, porque es necesario cumplir una serie de requisitos para poder llevar a cabo con éxito un experimento de marcado. En uno de los apartados de esta guía, se describen los distintos aspectos a tener en cuenta para obtener buenos resultados. Se describen los principales proyectos de marcado actualmente en ejecución o en marcha llevados a cabo por el Instituto Español de Oceanografía (IEO). En primer lugar, se describe brevemente la especie, su distribución, crecimiento, reproducción, alimentación, etc. A continuación, se presenta la información del marcado, es decir, campañas realizadas, número de ejemplares marcados y algunos de los resultados obtenidos hasta la fecha a partir de las recapturas disponibles. En algunas especies, los programas de marcado se llevan realizando desde hace más de 20 años, como es el caso del atún rojo, por lo que la información disponible es bastante amplia. En otros casos por el contrario como la merluza, los proyectos son relativamente recientes, no obstante los resultados son bastante interesantes y prometedores.Nowadays many different marine animals are being tagged. This book summarizes recent tagging programs carried out by the Spanish Institute of Oceanography (IEO). Although the objectives of these various studies mainly depend on the species and each project in particular, the general aim is to better understand the biology and ecology of these animals the structure and dynamics of their populations and their capacity to respond to human activities. This book provides an overview of different aspects of this technique such as a brief history of tagging, the types of tags currently used, including both conventional and electronic tags, where and how to put them on the marine animals, some recommendations regarding how to perform a tagging survey and where to go or what to do if anyone recovers a tagged fish or marine animal. The book then summarizes the main species tagged by the IEO, making a short description of their biology followed by some of the results obtained from tagging studies undertaken until now. Other applications are to know the spatial distribution (spawning or feeding areas), estimate growth parameters, mortality and survival rates, longevity, the size of the population or identifying stocks. Nowadays the advances in electronics have also open new fields such us the possibility of tracking an animal and knowing its habitat preferences and behaviour. Besides some of these tags have the capacity of recording this information during long periods and sending the data from long distances even without the need to recover the animal. Tagging activities constitute a very useful tool to improve the knowledge of many species and contribute to their management and conservation. For that reason this methodology is included in many IEO projects in which other activities like the monitoring of the fishery (landings, fishing effort, fleet characteristics, fishing areas, biological sampling, etc.) are carried out. Some projects are related with coastal pelagic fisheries including anchovy, sardine and mackerel or oceanic pelagic fisheries like tuna and billfish species and pelagic sharks. Others are focused on benthic and demersal species such as hake, black spot seabream, anglerfish, flatfish, etc. Nevertheless not all species can be tagged, as they have to survive being caught and handled before being release. For this reason, tagging techniques may not easily be applied to some species.Versión del edito


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    Este texto contribuye al análisis científico de varias áreas del conocimiento como la filosofía social, la patología, la educación para el cuidado del medio ambiente y la sustentabilidad que inciden en diversas unidades de aprendizaje de la Licenciatura en Educación para la Salud y de la Maestría en Sociología de la SaludLas comunidades indígenas de la sierra norte de Oaxaca México, habitan un territorio extenso de biodiversidad. Sin que sea una área protegida y sustentable, la propia naturaleza de la región ofrece a sus visitantes la riqueza de la vegetación caracterizada por sus especies endémicas que componen un paisaje de suma belleza

    Zinc oxide and copper nanoparticles addition in universal adhesive systems improve interface stability on caries-affected dentin

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    This study evaluated the MMP inhibition of the zinc oxide and copper nanoparticles (ZnO/CuNp), and the effects of their addition into adhesives on antimicrobial activity (AMA), ultimate tensile strength (UTS), in vitro degree of conversion (in vitro-DC), as well as, resin–dentin bond strength (μTBS), nanoleakage (NL) and in situ-DC on caries-affected dentin. Anti-MMP activity was evaluated for several MMPs. ZnO/CuNp (0% [control]; 5/0.1 and 5/0.2 wt%) were added into Prime&Bond Active (PBA) and Ambar Universal (AMB). The AMA was evaluated against Streptococcus mutans. UTS were tested after 24 h and 28d. After induced caries, adhesives and composite were applied to flat dentin surfaces, and specimens were sectioned to obtain resin–dentin sticks. μTBS, NL, in vitro-DC and in situ-DC were evaluated after 24 h. ANOVA and Tukey's test were applied (α=0.05). ZnO/CuNp demonstrated anti-MMP activity (p < 0.05). The addition of ZnO/CuNp increased AMA and UTS (AMB; p < 0.05). UTS for PBA, in vitro-DC, in situ-DC and μTBS for both adhesives were maintained with ZnO/CuNp (p > 0.05). However, lower NL was observed for ZnO/CuNp groups (p < 0.05). The addition of ZnO/CuNp in adhesives may be an alternative to provide antimicrobial, anti-MMP activities and improves the integrity of the hybrid layer on caries-affected dentin

    Biological, mechanical and adhesive properties of universal adhesives containing zinc and copper nanoparticles

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    Objectives: To evaluate the effect of addition of zinc oxide and copper nanoparticles (ZnO/CuNp) into universal adhesives, on antimicrobial activity (AMA), cytotoxicity (CTX), water sorption (WS) and solubility (SO), microhardness (MH) and in vitro degree of conversion (DC), as well as resin-dentin microtensile bond strength (μTBS), nanoleakage (NL) and in situ DC. Methods: ZnO/CuNp (0% [control]; 5/0.1 and 5/0.2 wt%) were added in Prime&Bond Active (PBA) and Ambar Universal (AMB). The AMA was evaluated against Streptococcus mutans. For CTX, Saos-2 cell-line was used. For WS and SO, specimens were tested for 28d. For MH, specimens were tested after 24 h and 28d and for in vitro DC, specimens were evaluated after 24 h. After, the adhesives were applied to flat dentine surfaces, composite resin build-ups, specimens were sectioned to obtain resin–dentine sticks. It was evaluated in μTBS, NL and in situ DC after 24 h of water storage. ANOVA and Tukey's test were applie

    Scale-up from shake flasks to pilot-scale production of the plant growth-promoting bacterium Azospirillum brasilense for preparing a liquid inoculant formulation

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    Azospirillum brasilense has industrial significance as a growth promoter in plants of commercial interest -- However, there is no report in the literature disclosing a liquid product produced in pilot-scale bioreactors and is able to be stored at room temperature for more than 2 years -- The aim of this work was to scale up a process from a shake flask to a 10- L lab-scale and 1,000-L pilot-scale bioreactor for the production of plant growth-promoting bacterium A -- brasilense for a liquid inoculant formulation -- Furthermore, this work aimed to determine the shelf life of the liquid formulation stored at room temperature and to increase maize crops yield in greenhouses -- Under a constant oxygen mass transfer coefficient (KLa), a fermentation process was successfully scaled up from shake flasks to 10- and 1,000-L bioreactors -- A concentration ranging from 3.5 to 7.5×108 CFU/mL was obtained in shake flasks and bioreactors, and after 2 years stored at room temperature, the liquid formulation showed one order of magnitude decrease -- Applications of the cultured bacteria in maize yields resulted in increases of up to 95 % in corncobs and 70 % in aboveground biomas

    Diagnóstico y erradicación de la violencia - grupo violencia

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    IP 0101-10-001-87cotidiano, lo social y lo politico / Olga Amparo Sanchez,MarthaLucia Uribe -- La familia y la socializacion;de la violencia / Maria Himelda Ramirez -- Violencia y mediosdecomunicacion / Ramon Jimeno, Ana Maria Cano; Violencia y medios de comunicacion / Arturo Guerrero --Violencia y medios de comunicacion Guillermo Callej;M.;carcelaria en Colombia / Annette Pearson, Jesus Antonio Muñoz--Violenciaintrafamiliar : una mirada desde lo;Cauca : la violencia en el cauca vision sintetica -- Economiade la violencia / Salomon Kalmanovitz -- La;violencia y el problema agrario / Alejandro Reyes Posada -'- Reforma politica y proceso de paz / Alvaro;Echeverry Uruburu -- La violencia y los pueblos indigenasde hoy/ VictorManuel Bonilla S. -- Administracion;de justicia y nuevo codigo penal / Humberto Rendon Arango'-- Politica internacional y pacificacion nacional /;Juan Tokatlian, Rodrigo Pardo -- La crisis de la justiciay lasacciones requeridas para su transformacion /;Jorge Acevedo B. -- El aumento de la violencia delincuencial estambien una expresion de la crisis del derecho;penal / Pastor Alberto Acevedo -- Investigacion criminologica:homicidiosen Cali 1980 - 1985 / Jaime Patiño;'-- organizaciones populares- civiles e institucionalizacion /Carlos Vicente de Roux -- La violencia;[et al.] -- Manifestaciones de violencia en la zona esmeraldifera y el occidente de Boyaca / Javier Guerrero;Baron -- Bases para un posible estatuto del indigena / AdolfoTriana Antorveza -- Violencia y Colonizacion /;Alfredo Molano -- El programa de inversiones del PNR y elPPAyla inversion publica en la actual coyuntura /;Alberto Corchuelo -- Inspecciones de policia / Luisa MargaritaH. de Yepes'-- Consejo Regional indigena del;LIBROS: Colombia : violencia y democracia informe presentado aMinisteriode Gobierno / Jaime Arocha R. ..

    Scale-up from shake flasks to pilot-scale production of the plant growth-promoting bacterium Azospirillum brasilense for preparing a liquid inoculant formulation

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    Azospirillum brasilense has industrial significance as a growth promoter in plants of commercial interest. However, there is no report in the literature disclosing a liquid product produced in pilot-scale bioreactors and is able to be stored at room temperature for more than 2 years. The aim of this work was to scale up a process from a shake flask to a 10-L lab-scale and 1,000-L pilot-scale bioreactor for the production of plant growth-promoting bacterium A. brasilense for a liquid inoculant formulation. Furthermore, this work aimed to determine the shelf life of the liquid formulation stored at room temperature and to increase maize crops yield in greenhouses. Under a constant oxygen mass transfer coefficient (K L a), a fermentation process was successfully scaled up from shake flasks to 10- and 1,000-L bioreactors. A concentration ranging from 3.5 to 7.5 × 108 CFU/mL was obtained in shake flasks and bioreactors, and after 2 years stored at room temperature, the liquid formulation showed one order of magnitude decrease. Applications of the cultured bacteria in maize yields resulted in increases of up to 95 % in corncobs and 70 % in aboveground biomass. © 2013 Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg

    Volumen 18 Número 1

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    Revista seriada del Instituto Humboldt en asocio con el Invemar, el Instituto de Ciencias Naturales (ICN) y el Missouri Botanical Garden, como una estrategia para ampliar la base del conocimiento de uno de los países con mayor diversidad biológica del mundo. Inicia como una publicación de listados de especies pero en 2005 amplía su espectro temático hacia la sistemática y la biogeografía. En 2010, a propósito del Año Internacional de la Biodiversidad y en pro del conocimiento, la conservación y el uso sostenible de la biodiversidad, se abre a un público más amplio, considerando trabajos inéditos de investigación sobre botánica, zoología, ecología, biología, limnología, pesquerías, conservación, manejo de recursos y uso de la biodiversidad, con buena aceptación por parte de la comunidad científica y académica. En 2013, en asocio con el SiB Colombia y con el apoyo de la GBIF, se institucionaliza la inclusión de Artículos de Datos (Data Papers) en Biota Colombiana

    Biota Colombiana Volumen 18 No. 1 (2017)

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    Volumen 18 Número 1 de la revista Biota ColombianaBogotá, Colombi