121 research outputs found

    Verificación de los métodos para el análisis proximal en leche entera en el laboratorio de análisis de aguas y alimentos de la Universidad Tecnológica de Pereira

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    Según la Federación Panamericana de Lechería (FEPALE) “La Leche es el alimento más completo para el ser humano, por sus incomparables características nutricionales. Contiene proteínas de alto valor biológico, diversas vitaminas y minerales imprescindibles para la nutrición humana, y es la fuente por excelencia del calcio dietario. Por estas razones la leche es un alimento insustituible en la alimentación de las personas. Dada la importancia de la leche como alimento, es producida a gran escala en el mundo, siendo los principales productores de leche según la FAO, Estados Unidos (con una producción anual aproximadamente de 83 millones de toneladas), La Unión Europea, China y la Federación Rusa. En América del sur el principal productor es Brasil con cerca de 25 millones de toneladas anuales. Por su parte, la industria lechera en Colombia, que representa para el país económicamente una participación del 10% en el PIB Agropecuario y del 24% en el PIB Pecuario [3] ha tenido un gran auge en el país debido a la implantación de tecnología en la producción de leche desde el manejo del ganado lechero, el ordeño y su elaboración de leche para el consumo directo, apareciendo varios tipos de leche como la pasteurizada, la ultrapasteurizada, leche larga vida y últimamente la leche deslactosada, cada uno de estos tipos de leche presentan sus ventajas con respecto a su tecnología, sus características físicas y químicas pero igualmente conservan su valor nutritivo y sus características organolépticas

    Investigación de los acercamientos de Colombia a una reforma agraria desde una perspectiva comparada a la reforma agraria de Corea del Sur, desde los años 1960

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    En la siguiente investigación se presentarán argumentos para exponer un historial desde los años 1960 de intentos de reformas agrarias llevadas a cabo por Colombia y la situación poco favorable que se ha presentado para el campo, de dicha manera se establecerán aspectos que no han contribuido a una configuración del sector agrícola de manera eficiente, los problemas que esto contribuye, el rezago del sector rural, la limitada acción e intervención estatal en el campo, la falta de planeación de éste mismo reflejado en un país que se encuentra en proceso de desarrollo, siendo éste participe de aspectos como el desaprovechamiento del sector primario, lo que conlleva a un camino frustrado hacia el desarrollo. Dicho acontecimiento histórico y reiterativo se comparará con aspectos estructurales que se dieron en la época de los años 1960 para Corea del Sur, en donde se establecerán factores favorables para el desarrollo desde el campo, el Estructuralismo del Estado y la intervención eficiente para lograr ser uno de los paí

    Pedagogical plan for the physiotherapy program of the University of Brasilia

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    INTRODUÇÃO: A visível exaustão do modelo tradicional na formação do fisioterapeuta, a proposição de um novo perfil profissional e a mudança na abordagem no processo saúde-doença, que passa a observar a funcionalidade, vem estimular a necessidade de novos projetos pedagógicos para o ensino da fisioterapia. Este deve incluir uma perspectiva de transformação social e econômica da população regional, nesse caso o da região administrativa de Ceilândia, no Distrito Federal. OBJETIVO: Apresentar uma proposta de projeto pedagógico para curso de graduação em fisioterapia, valorizando a formação focada na funcionalidade humana em cenários de prática profissional propostos pelo Sistema Único Saúde (SUS). RESULTADOS: O currículo está sendo construído numa perspectiva inovadora com propostas no âmbito geral (núcleos modo de vida, sistemas biológicos, instrumentalização em fisioterapia e cenários das práticas em fisioterapia); no âmbito específico (manutenção da saúde, processo saúde-doença, atenção à saúde, funcionalidade humana, processo permanente de formação); e no âmbito complementar (atividades de pesquisa e extensão). A proposta de projeto pedagógico foi pensada de forma a contemplar os objetivos gerais e específicos esperados, bem como dos perfis profissional e social. A indissociabilidade do ensino-pesquisa-extensão assume uma referência na relação professor-estudante pela compreensão das atividades de pesquisa e extensão como elementos fundamentais do processo ensino-aprendizagem vinculado à vivência no contexto real, concretizando a relação teoria e prática, e com foco no SUS. CONCLUSÃO: A diversificação das práticas no contexto do SUS inclui uma perspectiva de transformação social e econômica da população no cenário social e político do Distrito Federal. Nesse contexto, prioriza-se a formação do profissional fisioterapeuta generalista, reflexivo e crítico, envolvido desde o princípio com o atendimento à comunidade nos diferentes níveis de atenção, voltado aos aspectos da funcionalidade humana.INTRODUCTION: The visible exhaustion of the traditional teaching model for physiotherapy, along with a new professional profile and a change in the approach to the health-illness process (which has come to include functionality), has stimulated the need for new pedagogical projects for teaching physiotherapy. This should include a perspective of social and economic transformation of the regional population (in this case, the administrative region of Ceilândia, in the Federal District, Brasília, Brazil). OBJECTIVE: To present a pedagogical project for the undergraduate course in physiotherapy stressing education focused on human functionality in scenarios of professional practice,e proposed by the Brazilian public healthcare system. METHODS: The curriculum is being constructed in an innovating perspective with proposals regarding the general realm (lifestyle centers, biological systems, physiotherapy skills and scenarios of physiotherapy practices), specific realm (health maintenance, health-illness process, healthcare, human functionality, process of permanent education) and complementary realm (research and extension activities). RESULTS: The pedagogical project proposal was carried out in such a way as to complement the expected general and specific goals as well as professional and social profiles. The indissociability of teaching-research-extension presumes a reference in the professor-student relationship for the comprehension of research and extension activities as fundamental elements of the teaching-learning process linked to experience in the actual context, thereby concretizing the relationship between theory and practice, focusing on the public healthcare system. CONCLUSION: The diversification of practices in the context of the public healthcare system includes a perspective of social and economic transformation in the population within the social and political scenario of the Federal District. In this context, priority is given to the education/training of generalist, reflexive, critical physiotherapists, involved from the beginning with community service on different levels of healthcare, addressing aspects of human functionality in accordance with the needs of the Brazilian public healthcare system

    Pseudomonas strains from the Livingston Island, Antarctica: a source of cold-active hydrolytic enzymes

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    Pseudomonas spp. is considered one of the most successful bacterial genera due to its plasticity and metabolic versatility, which has allowed it to colonize different ecosystems, including Antarctica. The ability of Pseudomonas to adapt an d survive in the hostile conditions of the Antarctic makes them a reservoir of enzymes that can be used in different biotechnological applications; however, research on this genus in Antarctica is still in its infancy. Therefore, the aim of this study was to isolate and characterise cold-adapted Pseudomonas from Livingston Island, Antarctica, and expl ore th eir abi l ity to produce cold-active hydrolytic enzymes. In the present study, we isolated seven cold-adapted bacteria related to the genus Pseudomonas. The isolated strains have the ability to produce hydrolytic enzymes. These results demonstrate that cold-adapted Pseudomonas from Antarctica are a promising source of cold-active enzymes with biotechnological potential

    Autoclave’s control using a smith predictor

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    Este artículo presenta el control de las variables presión y temperatura al interior de una autoclave, usando un compensador de tiempo muerto denominado Predictor de Smith. Inicialmente se obtiene el modelo matemático de las variables por medio de un dispositivo de adquisición de datos y un software programado en la plataforma Labview, diseñado con el fin de comunicar el proceso y el computador. Una vez obtenida la dinámica de la planta se procede al diseño de los algoritmos de control, iniciando con el controlador PI por Asignación de Polos y luego con el Predictor de Smith, el cual tiene como fin compensar el efecto del retardo en el lazo de realimentación del control. Finalmente se realizan las simulaciones de los algoritmos de control, resultando exitoso el control de las variables, y a su vez, cumpliendo con los parámetros de un proceso de esterilización ABSTRACT This article is about an autoclave´s pressure and temperature control, using a Smith predictor as predictive controller. The first step was to obtain a mathematical model for these variables through a data acquisition device and a Labview platform programmed software, which was designed to communicate the process and the computer. Once obtained the process dynamic, the control algorithms were designed, starting with the PI controller by poles assignment and then with the Smith Predictor, which compensate the delay effect in feedback loop. Finally the control algorithm’s simulations were made, resulting a successful pressure and temperature control as well as valid sterilization process parameters

    Trato humanizado en el cuidado de enfermería Hospital Universitario San Jorge de Pereira 2002 ,

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    CD-T 610.730 699 H427;174 p.Identificar las características del trato entre el personal de enfermería y sus pacientes en los servicios de atención al adulto del Hospital Universitario San Jorge, y analizarlas en su contexto para abordar un conocimiento quepermita modificar actitudes, políticas administrativas y de formación del (la) enfermero (a)Universidad Libre de Pereir

    DNA sequence analysis suggests that cytb-nd1 PCR-RFLP may not be applicable to sandfly species identification throughout the Mediterranean region

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    Molecular methods are increasingly used for both species identification of sandflies and assessment of their population structure. In general, they are based on DNA sequence analysis of targets previously amplified by PCR. However, this approach requires access to DNA sequence facilities, and in some circumstances, it is time-consuming. Though DNA sequencing provides the most reliable information, other downstream PCR applications are explored to assist in species identification. Thus, it has been recently proposed that the amplification of a DNA region encompassing partially both the cytochrome-B (cytb) and the NADH dehydrogenase 1 (nd1) genes followed by RFLP analysis with the restriction enzyme Ase I allows the rapid identification of the most prevalent species of phlebotomine sandflies in the Mediterranean region. In order to confirm the suitability of this method, we collected, processed, and molecularly analyzed a total of 155 sandflies belonging to four species including Phlebotomus ariasi, P. papatasi, P. perniciosus, and Sergentomyia minuta from different regions in Spain. This data set was completed with DNA sequences available at the GenBank for species prevalent in the Mediterranean basin and the Middle East. Additionally, DNA sequences from 13 different phlebotomine species (P. ariasi, P. balcanicus, P. caucasicus, P. chabaudi, P. chadlii, P. longicuspis, P. neglectus, P. papatasi, P. perfiliewi, P. perniciosus, P. riouxi, P. sergenti, and S. minuta), from 19 countries, were added to the data set. Overall, our molecular data revealed that this PCR-RFLP method does not provide a unique and specific profile for each phlebotomine species tested. Intraspecific variability and similar RFLP patterns were frequently observed among the species tested. Our data suggest that this method may not be applicable throughout the Mediterranean region as previously proposed. Other molecular approaches like DNA barcoding or phylogenetic analyses would allow a more precise molecular species identification.This work was supported in part by Instituto de Salud Carlos III (MPY-1248/12) grant and (PI14CIII/00016) funded by AESI. Ivonne Pamela Llanes-Acevedo was granted a student fellowship by COLCIENCIAS/COLFUTURO.S

    Nutritional quality and environmental impact by the inputs of a university canteen in Uruguay

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    Introducción. El espacio de comedores son una forma de garantizar el acceso a alimentos seguros, saludables y medio ambientalmente responsables para los estudiantes universitarios. Objetivo. Este estudio tuvo como objetivo caracterizar los estándares del menú, a partir de la evaluación de la calidad nutricional y del impacto en el medio ambiente por los insumos utilizados para su elaboración por un Comedor Universitario (CU) en Uruguay. Materiales y métodos. Se trató de un estudio de caso retrospectivo, relativo al año 2021. Las variables evaluadas fueron a) cantidad total de alimento comprado en kilogramos (kg); b) cantidad en kilocalorías (kcal) e impactos ambientales por: c) generación de residuos; d) huella hídrica (HH); y e) gases de efecto invernadero (GEI). También se realizaron cálculos para evaluar la ecoeficiencia (EE). Resultados. El CU sirvió 33.740 comidas en 2021, de las cuales el 87,1% fueron almuerzos. De los 78 tipos de alimentos comprados, 41 de ellos representaron el 93,17% del total en kilogramos. En la calidad nutricional, menos del 10% se clasificaron como alimentos procesados o ultraprocesados. En la evaluación de aspectos nutricionales e impactos ambientales, los alimentos de origen animal representaron el 26,52% del total en kg y el 69,78% de los HH. Un alimento de origen vegetal tuvo el mayor impacto de GEI debido a su origen. En cuanto a la EE, la valoración general mostró un resultado de 0,0626 para los alimentos de origen animal y 0,3838 para los de origen vegetal. Conclusiones. Corresponde a los servicios de alimentación para colectividades considerar, en la planificación del menú, además de la calidad nutricional y sanitaria de la oferta alimentaria, los impactos ambientales que estas genera.Introduction. The canteens are a way to guarantee access to safe, healthy and environmentally responsible food for university students. Objective. The purpose of this research was to characterize the menu standards, based on the evaluation of the nutritional quality and the environmental impact of the inputs used for its preparation by a university canteen in Uruguay. Materials and methods. This was a retrospective case study, relating to the year 2021. The variables evaluated were a) total amount of food purchased in kilograms (kg); b) quantity in kilocalories (kcal) and environmental impacts due to: c) waste generation; d) water footprint (WF); and e) greenhouse gases (GHG). Calculations were also performed to assess eco-efficiency (EE). Results. The university canteen served 33,740 meals in 2021, of which 87.1% were lunches. Of the 78 types of food purchased, 41 of them represented 93.17% of the total in kilograms. In nutritional quality, less than 10% are classified as processed or ultra-processed foods. In the evaluation of nutritional aspects and environmental impacts, foods of animal origin represented 26.52% of the total in kg and 69.78% of WF. A vegetal based food had the highest GHG impact due to its origin. Regarding the EE calculations, the general assessment showed a result of 0.626 for foods of animal origin and 0.3838 for those of vegetable origin. Conclusions. It corresponds to the food services for communities to consider, in the planning of the menu, in addition to the nutritional and sanitary quality of the food offer, the environmental impacts that it generates

    KITD816V mutation in blood for the diagnostic screening of systemic mastocytosis and mast cell activation syndromes

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    [Background]: Current diagnostic algorithms for systemic mastocytosis (SM) rely on the detection of KITD816V in blood to trigger subsequent bone marrow (BM) investigations. [Methods]: Here, we correlated the KITD816V mutational status of paired blood and BM samples from 368 adults diagnosed with mast cell activation syndrome (MCAS) and mastocytosis and determined the potential utility of investigating KITD816V in genomic DNA from blood-purified myeloid cell populations to increase diagnostic sensitivity. In a subset of 69 patients, we further evaluated the kinetics of the KITD816V cell burden during follow-up and its association with disease outcome. [Results]: Our results showed a high correlation (P < .0001) between the KITD816V mutation burden in blood and BM (74% concordant samples), but with a lower mean of KITD816V-mutated cells in blood (P = .0004) and a high rate of discordant BM+/blood− samples particularly among clonal MCAS (73%) and BM mastocytosis (51%), but also in cutaneous mastocytosis (9%), indolent SM (15%), and well-differentiated variants of indolent SM (7%). Purification of different compartments of blood-derived myeloid cells was done in 28 patients who were BM mast cell (MC)+/blood− for KITD816V, revealing KITD816V-mutated eosinophils (56%), basophils (25%), neutrophils (29%), and/or monocytes (31%) in most (61%) patients. Prognostically, the presence of ≥3.5% KITD816V-mutated cells (P < .0001) and an unstable KITD816V mutation cell burden (P < .0001) in blood and/or BM were both associated with a significantly shortened progression-free survival (PFS). [Conclusions]: These results confirm the high specificity but limited sensitivity of KITD816V analysis in whole blood for the diagnostic screening of SM and other primary MCAS, which might be overcome by assessing the mutation in blood-purified myeloid cell populations.This work was supported by grants from the Fundación Española de Mastocitosis (Madrid, Spain; grant number: FEM2021-SAM) and Blueprint Medicines Corporation (Cambridge, MA). PNN was supported by a grant of Government of Castilla y León (Orden EDU 875 2021), Spain; co-financed with the European Social Fund (BDNS (Identif.): 540787). We also thank the Agencia Estatal de Investigación (AEI) and European Regional Development Fund (FEDER) for the grant (EQC2019-005419-P) within the Subprograma Estatal de Infraestructuras de Investigación y Equipamiento Científico Técnico de 2019