43 research outputs found

    CryoEM structure of the human SLC4A4 sodium-coupled acid-base transporter NBCe1.

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    Na+-coupled acid-base transporters play essential roles in human biology. Their dysfunction has been linked to cancer, heart, and brain disease. High-resolution structures of mammalian Na+-coupled acid-base transporters are not available. The sodium-bicarbonate cotransporter NBCe1 functions in multiple organs and its mutations cause blindness, abnormal growth and blood chemistry, migraines, and impaired cognitive function. Here, we have determined the structure of the membrane domain dimer of human NBCe1 at 3.9 Å resolution by cryo electron microscopy. Our atomic model and functional mutagenesis revealed the ion accessibility pathway and the ion coordination site, the latter containing residues involved in human disease-causing mutations. We identified a small number of residues within the ion coordination site whose modification transformed NBCe1 into an anion exchanger. Our data suggest that symporters and exchangers utilize comparable transport machinery and that subtle differences in their substrate-binding regions have very significant effects on their transport mode

    The sodium-driven chloride/bicarbonate exchanger in presynaptic terminals

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    The sodium-driven chloride/bicarbonate exchanger (NDCBE), a member of the SLC4 family of bicarbonate transporters, was recently found to modulate excitatory neurotransmission in hippocampus. By using light and electron microscopic immunohistochemistry, we demonstrate here that NDCBE is expressed throughout the adult rat brain, and selectively concentrates in presynaptic terminals, where it is closely associated with synaptic vesicles. NDCBE is in most glutamatergic axon terminals, and is also present in the terminals of parvalbumin-positive γ-aminobutyric acid (GABA)ergic cells. These findings suggest that NDCBE can regulate glutamatergic transmission throughout the brain, and point to a role for NDCBE as a possible regulator of GABAergic neurotransmission

    Determination of Membrane Protein Transporter Oligomerization in Native Tissue Using Spatial Fluorescence Intensity Fluctuation Analysis

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    Membrane transporter proteins exist in a complex dynamic equilibrium between various oligomeric states that include monomers, dimers, dimer of dimers and higher order oligomers. Given their sub-optical microscopic resolution size, the oligomerization state of membrane transporters is difficult to quantify without requiring tissue disruption and indirect biochemical methods. Here we present the application of a fluorescence measurement technique which combines fluorescence image moment analysis and spatial intensity distribution analysis (SpIDA) to determine the oligomerization state of membrane proteins in situ. As a model system we analyzed the oligomeric state(s) of the electrogenic sodium bicarbonate cotransporter NBCe1-A in cultured cells and in rat kidney. The approaches that we describe offer for the first time the ability to investigate the oligomeric state of membrane transporter proteins in their native state

    Interplay between Disulfide Bonding and N-Glycosylation Defines SLC4 Na+-coupled Transporter Extracellular Topography*

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    The extracellular loop 3 (EL-3) of SLC4 Na(+)-coupled transporters contains 4 highly conserved cysteines and multiple N-glycosylation consensus sites. In the electrogenic Na(+)-HCO3(-) cotransporter NBCe1-A, EL-3 is the largest extracellular loop and is predicted to consist of 82 amino acids. To determine the structural-functional importance of the conserved cysteines and the N-glycosylation sites in NBCe1-A EL-3, we analyzed the potential interplay between EL-3 disulfide bonding and N-glycosylation and their roles in EL-3 topological folding. Our results demonstrate that the 4 highly conserved cysteines form two intramolecular disulfide bonds, Cys(583)-Cys(585) and Cys(617)-Cys(642), respectively, that constrain EL-3 in a folded conformation. The formation of the second disulfide bond is spontaneous and unaffected by the N-glycosylation state of EL-3 or the first disulfide bond, whereas formation of the first disulfide bond relies on the presence of the second disulfide bond and is affected by N-glycosylation. Importantly, EL-3 from each monomer is adjacently located at the NBCe1-A dimeric interface. When the two disulfide bonds are missing, EL-3 adopts an extended conformation highly accessible to protease digestion. This unique adjacent parallel location of two symmetrically folded EL-3 loops from each monomer resembles a domain-like structure that is potentially important for NBCe1-A function in vivo. Moreover, the formation of this unique structure is critically dependent on the finely tuned interplay between disulfide bonding and N-glycosylation in the membrane processed NBCe1-A dimer

    Regulation of the sodium bicarbonate cotransporter kNBC1 function: role of Asp986, Asp988 and kNBC1-carbonic anhydrase II binding

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    The HCO3−:Na+ cotransport stoichiometry of the electrogenic sodium bicarbonate cotransporter kNBC1 determines the reversal potential (Erev) and thus the net direction of transport of these ions through the cotransporter. Previously, we showed that phosphorylation of kNBC1-Ser982 in the carboxy-terminus of kNBC1 (kNBC1-Ct), by cAMP-protein kinase A (PKA), shifts the stoichiometry from 3:1 to 2:1 and that binding of bicarbonate to the cotransporter is electrostaticaly modulated. These results raise the possibility that phosphorylated kNBC1-Ser982, or other nearby negatively charged residues shift the stoichiometry by blocking a bicarbonate-binding site. In the current study, we examined the role of the negative charge on Ser982-phosphate and three aspartate residues in a D986NDD custer in altering the stoichiometry of kNBC1. mPCT cells expressing kNBC1 mutants were grown on filters and mounted in an Ussing chamber for electrophysiological studies. Enhanced green fluorescence protein (EGFP)-tagged mutant constructs expressed in the same cells were used to determine the phosphorylation status of kNBC1-Ser982. The data indicate that both kNBC1-Asp986 and kNBC1-Asp988, but not kNBC1-Asp989, are required for the phosphorylation-induced shift in stoichiometry. A homologous motif (D887ADD) in the carboxy-terminus of the anion exchanger AE1 binds to carbonic anhydrase II (CAII). In isothermal titration calorimetry experiments, CAII was found to bind to kNBC1-Ct with a KD of 160 ± 10 nm. Acetazolamide inhibited the short-circuit current through the cotransporter by 65 % when the latter operated in the 3:1 mode, but had no effect on the current in the 2:1 mode. Acetazolamide did not affect the cotransport stoichiometry or the ability of 8-Br-cAMP to shift the stoichiometry. Although CAII does not affect the transport stoichiometry, it may play an important role in enhancing the flux through the transporter when kNBC1-Ser982 is unphosphorylated

    Human SLC4A11-C functions as a DIDS-stimulatable H +

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