6 research outputs found

    An explicit model to extract viscoelastic properties of cells from AFM force-indentation curves

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    Atomic force microscopy (AFM) is widely used for quantifying the mechanical properties of soft materials such as cells. AFM force-indentation curves are conventionally fitted with a Hertzian model to extract elastic properties. These properties solely are, however, insufficient to describe the mechanical properties of cells. Here, we expand the analysis capabilities to describe the viscoelastic behavior while using the same force-indentation curves. Our model gives an explicit relation of force and indentation and extracts physically meaningful mechanical parameters. We first validated the model on simulated force-indentation curves. Then, we applied the fitting model to the force-indentation curves of two hydrogels with different crosslinking mechanisms. Finally, we characterized HeLa cells in two cell cycle phases, interphase and mitosis, and showed that mitotic cells have a higher apparent elasticity and a lower apparent viscosity. Our study provides a simple method, which can be directly integrated into the standard AFM framework for extracting the viscoelastic properties of materials

    nanite: using machine learning to assess the quality of atomic force microscopy-enabled nano-indentation data

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    Atomic force microscopy (AFM) allows the mechanical characterization of single cells and live tissue by quantifying force-distance (FD) data in nano-indentation experiments. One of the main problems when dealing with biological tissue is the fact that the measured FD curves can be disturbed. These disturbances are caused, for instance, by passive cell movement, adhesive forces between the AFM probe and the cell, or insufficient attachment of the tissue to the supporting cover slide. In practice, the resulting artifacts are easily spotted by an experimenter who then manually sorts out curves before proceeding with data evaluation. However, this manual sorting step becomes increasingly cumbersome for studies that involve numerous measurements or for quantitative imaging based on FD maps

    Combined fluorescence, optical diffraction tomography and Brillouin microscopy

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    Quantitative measurements of physical parameters become increasingly important for understanding biological processes. Brillouin microscopy (BM) has recently emerged as one technique providing the 3D distribution of viscoelastic properties inside biological samples — so far relying on the implicit assumption that refractive index (RI) and density can be neglected. Here, we present a novel method (FOB microscopy) combining BM with optical diffraction tomography and epi-fluorescence imaging for explicitly measuring the Brillouin shift, RI and absolute density with molecular specificity. We show that neglecting the RI and density might lead to erroneous conclusions. Investigating the cell nucleus, we find that it has lower density but higher longitudinal modulus. Thus, the longitudinal modulus is not merely sensitive to the water content of the sample — a postulate vividly discussed in the field. We demonstrate the further utility of FOB on various biological systems including adipocytes and intracellular membraneless compartments. FOB microscopy can provide unexpected scientific discoveries and shed quantitative light on processes such as phase separation and transition inside living cells

    De novo identification of universal cell mechanics regulators

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    Mechanical proprieties determine many cellular functions, such as cell fate specification, migration, or circulation through vasculature. Identifying factors governing cell mechanical phenotype is therefore a subject of great interest. Here we present a mechanomics approach for establishing links between mechanical phenotype changes and the genes involved in driving them. We employ a machine learning-based discriminative network analysis method termed PC-corr to associate cell mechanical states, measured by real-time deformability cytometry (RT-DC), with large-scale transcriptome datasets ranging from stem cell development to cancer progression, and originating from different murine and human tissues. By intersecting the discriminative networks inferred from two selected datasets, we identify a conserved module of five genes with putative roles in the regulation of cell mechanics. We validate the power of the individual genes to discriminate between soft and stiff cell states in silico, and demonstrate experimentally that the top scoring gene, CAV1, changes the mechanical phenotype of cells when silenced or overexpressed. The data-driven approach presented here has the power of de novo identification of genes involved in cell mechanics regulation and paves the way towards engineering cell mechanical properties on demand to explore their impact on physiological and pathological cell functions

    Viscoelastic properties of suspended cells measured with shear flow deformation cytometry

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    Numerous cell functions are accompanied by phenotypic changes in viscoelastic properties, and measuring them can help elucidate higher level cellular functions in health and disease. We present a high-throughput, simple and low-cost microfluidic method for quantitatively measuring the elastic (storage) and viscous (loss) modulus of individual cells. Cells are suspended in a high-viscosity fluid and are pumped with high pressure through a 5.8 cm long and 200 µm wide microfluidic channel. The fluid shear stress induces large, ear ellipsoidal cell deformations. In addition, the flow profile in the channel causes the cells to rotate in a tank-treading manner. From the cell deformation and tank treading frequency, we extract the frequency-dependent viscoelastic cell properties based on a theoretical framework developed by R. Roscoe [1] that describes the deformation of a viscoelastic sphere in a viscous fluid under steady laminar flow. We confirm the accuracy of the method using atomic force microscopy-calibrated polyacrylamide beads and cells. Our measurements demonstrate that suspended cells exhibit power-law, soft glassy rheological behavior that is cell-cycle-dependent and mediated by the physical interplay between the actin filament and intermediate filament networks

    Intelligent image-based deformation-assisted cell sorting with molecular specificity

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    Although label-free cell sorting is desirable for providing pristine cells for further analysis or use, current approaches lack molecular specificity and speed. Here, we combine real-time fluorescence and deformability cytometry with sorting based on standing surface acoustic waves and transfer molecular specificity to image-based sorting using an efficient deep neural network. In addition to general performance, we demonstrate the utility of this method by sorting neutrophils from whole blood without labels. Sorting RT-FDC combines real-time fluorescence and deformability cytometry with sorting based on standing surface acoustic waves to transfer molecular specificity to label-free, image-based cell sorting using an efficient deep neural network