19 research outputs found

    Rationalization of water treatment as a top priority goal of sustainable development of residential areas and improvement of environmental quality

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    The problem of searching for resource-saving and cost-effective technologies for cleaning rinsing water within the filter structures of waterworks remains relevant for many years. Most of contaminated wastewater of Sverdlovsk Region comes to the surface water bodies from Municipal Unitary Enterprise 'Vodokanal'. The solution of engineering tasks aimed at the environmental situation improvement in urban areas and water bodies protection from pollution subsequently requires continuous improvement of wastewater treatment methods. The paper examines the construction project of rinsing waters treatment unit of the filter station of Municipal Unitary Enterprise 'Vodokanal' with the formation of dehydrated sludge and provides the calculations of technical and economic parameters of the project. The project implementation is expected to result in a decrease of the man-caused environmental impact by eliminating the rinsing waters discharge, as well as by reducing the amount of water taken from the surface source into the technological process of potable water treatment. © 2018 Institute of Physics Publishing. All rights reserved

    Assessment of environmental-economic effectiveness of multifunctional fuel additives

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    The quickest solution to the urgent problem of improving the environmental safety and effectiveness of automobile transport operation with minimal expenditure is possible through the application of fuel additives positively affecting the motor fuel properties. The use of multi-functional additives that have a multi-purpose positive impact on fuel properties is the most attractive way. The absence of a method of comparative assessment of different additives makes the use of additives that improve some properties of fuels concurrently impairing other properties possible, or increase toxicity of exhaust gases, or considerably increase the cost of fuel. The aim of this paper is to develop scientific and methodological basis and specific methodology for assessing environmental–economic efficiency of additives to motor fuels. The authors identified the system of factors forming a structure of environmental–economic effect resulting from the application of multifunctional fuel additives, and also developed a method of assessment of environmental–economic efficiency of application of fuel additives, including the steps of integrated assessment of environmental–economic effectiveness and optimization in operational conditions

    Sustainability in automotive transport: Russian and Italian experience concerning actual situation and intervention tools

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    The air quality in metropolitan areas of Russia and Italy, although with different distribution and intensity, raises similar concerns for the respective public authorities about vehicle emissions, as well as about the stagnation of toxic pollutants in urban areas. This article discusses some typical situations in both these countries. In order to obtain suitable solutions to diminish this form of impact, different tools that are based on different approaches can be proposed. It is necessary to consider both the practical possibility of application and the cost-benefit balance that takes into account the realization cost and industrial system transformation on one side, and the results in terms of air quality improvement on the other. The different instruments (technological intervention on engines, chemical modification of fuels, mobility and road infrastructural planning) are presented for the considered countries, and also in more developed European and American areas, with a concentrated interest in areas of applicability, costs and obtained results. The externality of this form of pollution is presented and discussed, and the aspect of limitation of impact and consequent external costs is evaluated in comparison with monetary and infrastructural costs for emissive system modification. © 2016 WIT Press, www.witpress.com


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    The article discusses the green energy of industrial regions of Russia. The necessity of introducing renewable energy sources is substantiated. The classification of «green» energy is given. The authors show the need for further development of renewable energy sources to solve environmental breakdown

    Environmental damage from the combustion of fuels: Challenges and methods of economic assessment

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    Nowadays the assessment of caused and prevented environmental damage according to Russian methodology requires the determination of the negative impacts of polluting toxic substances and energy emissions, which lead to the deterioration of the environment. Herewith, other types of negative impacts that the combustion of hydrocarbon fuels can cause are ignored. The purpose of this paper is to substantiate a methodological approach to the assessment of the environmental damage caused by hydrocarbon fuel combustion. Research has revealed that an economical assessment of the environmental damage to the atmospheric air caused by fuel combustion requires a consideration of the negative impacts of not only toxic substance emissions but also the consumption of atmospheric oxygen and the adverse effects of carbon dioxide emissions on the environment. This will ensure more reliability and objectivity of the assessment. The dynamics of energy resources consumption and carbon dioxide emissions, both in Russia and globally, were analyzed. It was concluded that one of the priority problems in Russia is to reduce CO 2 emissions from vehicles. This problem can be solved by improving the quality of gasoline and diesel fuel which, with invariable structure of vehicle fleet, will ensure less environmental damage from carbon dioxide emissions caused by motor fuel combustion along with the reduction of gasoline and diesel fuel consumption. © 2014 WIT Press.International Journal of Safety and Security Engineering;International Journal of Sustainable Development and Planning;WIT Transactions on Ecology and the Environmen


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    The main idea of the article is that the use of environmentally friendly fuels in Russia plays an important role in preserving the environment, improving public health and contributing to sustainable economic development


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    Every year, the requirements for the quality and composition of combustible mixtures are growing and, as a result, there is a requirement for modernization and increasing the environmental efficiency of modern internal combustion engines and production processes in which petrochemical products are directly used

    Methodical approach to the economic evaluation of harm to atmospheric air

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    В статье обосновывается необходимость учета при экономической оценке ущерба, причиняемого атмосферному воздуху эксплуатацией автомобильного транспорта, не только негативными воздействиями выбросов загрязняющих веществ, но и потреблением автотранспортом атмосферного кислорода и отрицательным влиянием на среду обитания выбросов углекислого газа. Предлагается методический подход к оценке этих составляющих экологического ущерба атмосферному воздуху.The article states about necessity to take into account not only negative effect from automobiles contaminating matters, but it is necessary to pay attention to the to the consumption of atmospheric oxygen a motor transport and by negative influence the environment of dwelling of the troop landings of carbon dioxide. Methodical approach to the estimation of these factors concerning harm to atmospheric air is presented

    Justification of a Rational Way of Improvement of Environmental and Maintenance Characteristics of a Motor-Vehicle Pool

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    The article considers the application of additives the motor fuels as the most economical and fastest way of environmental improvement and maintenance characteristics of available motor vehicle pool applying a prior ranging method. Methodological bases of ecological and economic efficiency estimation of multipurpose application additives to improve the quality of motor fuels are developed.В статье с помощью метода априорного ранжирования обосновывается применение присадок к моторным топливам как наиболее экономичный и быстрый путь улучшения экологических и эксплуатационных характеристик имеющегося автопарка. Разрабатываются методологические основы оценки эколого-экономической эффективности применения многофункциональных присадок для улучшения качества моторных топлив