507 research outputs found

    Enhancement of aeroelastic rotor airload prediction methods

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    The accurate prediction of rotor air loads is a current topic of interest in the rotorcraft community. The complex nature of this loading makes this problem especially difficult. Some of the issues that must be considered include transonic effects on the advancing blade, dynamic stall effects on the retreating blade, and wake vortex interactions with the blades, fuselage, and other components. There are numerous codes to perform these predictions, both aerodynamic and structural, but until recently each code has refined either the structural or aerodynamic aspect of the analysis without serious consideration to the other, using only simplified modules to represent the physics. More recent research has concentrated on combining high fidelity CFD and CSD computations to be able to use the most accurate codes available to compute both the structural and the aerodynamic aspects. The objective of the research is to both evaluate and extend a range of prediction methods comparing both accuracy and computational expense. This range covers many methods where the highest accuracy method shown is a delta loads coupling between an unstructured CFD code and a comprehensive code, and the lowest accuracy, but highest efficiency, is found through a free wake and comprehensive code coupling using simplified 2D aerodynamics. From here methods to improve the efficiency and accuracy of the CFD code will be considered through implementation of steady-state grid adaptation, a time accurate low Mach number preconditioning method, and the use of fully articulated rigid blade motion. The exact formulation of the 2D aerodynamic model used in the CSD code will be evaluated, as will efficiency improvements to the free wake code. The advantages of the free-wake code will be tested against a dynamic inflow model. A comparison of all of these methods will show the advantages and consequences of each combination, including the types of physics that each method is able to, or not able to, capture through examination of how closely each method matches flight test data.Ph.D.Committee Chair: Smith, Marilyn; Committee Member: Bauchau, Olivier; Committee Member: Costello, Mark; Committee Member: Moulton, Marvin; Committee Member: Ruffin, Stephe

    Jaume Passarell, del ninot a la literatura

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    The rise and fall of institutional entrepreneurship in Islamic financial reporting standardisation projects

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    This paper explores the institutional entrepreneurship process. It focuses on how institutional entrepreneurs implement their vision of accounting change in the Islamic financial reporting standardisation initiatives while providing insights into why these actors may fail in this process. Research findings informed by semi-structured interviews and document analysis demonstrate that institutional entrepreneurs’ attainment of accounting change is subject to their ability to collectively and skilfully frame, promote and institutionalise their entrepreneurial vision, mobilise allies and alleviate the resistance of field’s “incumbents”. The paper contributes to the accounting change literature by expanding our understanding of the determinants of successful accounting change and of how institutional entrepreneurs can effect change in the contemporary accounting system. It also contributes to the ongoing institutional entrepreneurship theorisation by revealing the contingencies through which actors may overcome the barriers to change in highly institutionalised systems

    Паттерны питания у пациентов с ишемической болезнью сердца

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    Unhealthy eating habits as well as malnutrition represent important and independent risk factors with an increased influence on patients with coronary artery disease (CAD) being incompletely elucidated in the current literature. This study is a descriptive observational one in which 88 patients (average age of 65.61 ± 8.40 years, 68.18% being men) with BCI were included, who were divided into two groups: the group of subjects with acute coronary syndrome (ACS) and the group of subjects with chronic coronary syndrome (CCS), both groups undergoing the coronary angioplasty procedure. The main objectives were to establish the correlation between unhealthy dietary pattern and the risk of CAD, as well as the influence of nutritional status on ACS and CCS. It was determined that obesity, dyslipidemia, high blood pressure, frequent consumption of red and processed meat, rare consumption of fish, increase the risks of CAD. Nutritional status assessed by the nutritional status control score (CONUT) was more frequently elevated in patients with ACS.Obiceiurile alimentare nesănătoase, cât și malnutriția reprezintă factori de risc importanți și independenți cu o influență sporită asupra pacienților cu boală coronariană ischemică (BCI), fiind incomplet elucidate în literatura actuală. Studiul dat este unul observațional descriptiv în care au fost incluși 88 de pacienți (vârsta medie de 65,61 ± 8,40 ani, 68,18 % fiind bărbați) cu BCI, care au fost divizați în două grupe: grupul subiecților cu sindrom coronarian acut (SCA) și grupul subiecților cu sindrom coronarian cronic (SCC), ambele grupe fiind supuși procedurii de angioplastie coronariană. Obiectivele principale au fost stabilirea corelației între paternul alimentar nesănătos și riscul de BCI, precum și influența statutului nutrițional asupra SCA și SCC. Sa determinat că obezitatea, dislipidemia, hipertensiunea arterială, consumul frecvent de carne roșie și procesată, consumul rar de pește, crește riscul de apariție a BCI. Starea nutrițională evaluată prin scorul de control al stării nutriționale (CONUT) a fost mai frecvent crescută la pacienții cu SCA.Нездоровые пищевые привычки, а также недостаточность питания представляют собой важные и независимые факторы риска, оказывающие повышенное влияние на пациентов с ишемической болезнью сердца (ИБС) и в тоже время, эти моменты недостаточно иследованы в современной литературе. Данное исследование представляет собой описательно-обсервационное, в которое были включены 88 пациентов (средний возраст 65,61 ± 8,40 лет, 68,18% мужчины) с ИБС, которые были разделены на две группы: группу больных с острым коронарным синдромом (ОКС) и группу субъектов с хроническим коронарным синдромом (ХКС), обе группы перенесли процедуру коронарной ангиопластики. Основные цели заключались в том, чтобы установить корреляцию между нездоровым режимом питания и риском ИБС, а также влияние нутриционного статуса на ОКС и ХКС. Установлено, что ожирение, дислипидемия, повышенное артериальное давление, частое употребление красного и обработанного мяса, редкое употребление рыбы повышают риски ИБС. Нутритивный статус, оцениваемый по шкале контроля нутритивного статуса (CONUT), чаще был повышен у пациентов с ОКС

    Perspectives d'amélioration du conseil prévisionnel de fertilisation azotée à la parcelle en Wallonie par l'utilisation du logiciel AzoFert®

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    Prospects for improving the provisional nitrogen fertilization recommendation at field scale in Wallonia using the AzoFert® software. The French software AzoFert® for nitrogen fertilization recommendation is currently under adaptation and validation for soil and climatic conditions in Wallonia by the CRA-W within the INTERREG IV project "SUN" (Sustainable Use of Nitrogen). This adaptation has raised the need for a change of values in the parameter tables and catalogs relating to meadow residues, crop residues, catch crop practices, crops, organic amendments and soil type. Data from 25 trials of increasing nitrogen fertilizer rates conducted by CRA-W between 1996 and 2011 in cereal, potato and vegetable crops located on loam and sandy loam soil were used to validate the AzoFert® software adapted for Wallonia. The difference between nitrogen rates recommended on the one hand by AzoFert® or Azobil® (software currently used in the reference lab for Nitrate [Requasud] at CRA-W) and the optimal dose of nitrogen fertilizer assessed in each trial on the other hand shows that, in most cases, AzoFert® gives a recommendation closer to the optimum than Azobil®. The nitrogen uptake measured in the plants collected in the unfertilized control plot also shows a higher correlation with nitrogen supply from the soil assessed by AzoFert® than for plants assessed by Azobil®. The more accurate estimate of the mineralization of organic sources, probably linked to the dynamic soil nitrogen supply approach integrated into AzoFert®, may explain the gain in the greater accuracy of the AzoFert® recommendation in comparison with that of Azobil®


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    The proportion of long-term unemployed (6 or more months) in the six major metropolitan areas in Brazil has grown 72% between 1986 and 2000. At the same time, the average duration of unemployment has risen 43% for the same period. This worrisome information motivates our purpose in this work: study the relation between exit probabilities and unemployment duration. Former studies for Brazil have found a negative relation between those two variables, considered the effect of the existence of a negative unemployment duration dependence. We try to respond below to what extent this is due to the heterogeneity of the unemployment group and to what extent to a true effect of duration dependence, being that question most relevant for policy-oriented decisions. In order to evaluate this matter, we uses the eyeball test proposed in Jackman and Layard (1991) applied to PME data (1984 to 2000). This test analyzes the impact of the average duration variation along the years on the probability of leaving unemployment for different duration classes, separating the effect of heterogeneity from genuine duration dependence. The results contradict former studies for Brazil since we consider that the fall in exit probabilities raises with unemployment duration due to the effect of heterogeneity of unemployed in observed and unobserved characteristics and not to unemployment negative duration dependence. Nevertheless, our findings are in accordance with studies for developed economies, with exception for England.