4,772 research outputs found

    The Comparison of Creatinine and Cystatin C Value in Preeclampsia Severity and Neonatal Outcome

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    Objectives: to compare the levels of creatinine and cystatin C with the severity of preeclampsia, and assess neonatal outcomes.Materials and Methods: Creatinine, cystatin C, and neonatal outcomes were assesed in 17 normotensive samples, 17 samples of mild preeclampsia and 17 samples of severe preeclampsia. Analysis of data with statistical tests of ANOVA and t test differences between 2 proportions.Results: The mean levels of creatinine in the normotensive group, mild preeclampsia, severe preeclampsia are 0.56 mg/dL, 0.67 mg/ dL, and 0.75 mg/dL, p=0.138; While on cystatin C are 0.82 mg/L, 1.03 mg/L and 1.32 mg/L, p=0.000. The adverse neonatal out-come wasn't found in the normotensive group. In mild pre-eclampsia obtained 1 preterm birth and 1 intrauterine fetal death (IUFD), whereas in severe preeclampsia obtained 3 babies born preterm, 1 IUFD, and 1 intrauterine growth restriction (IUGR).Conclusion: levels of cystatin C was increased significantly in line with increased severity of preeclampsia, whereas creatinine was not increased significantly. Cystatin C is better than crea-tinine as a marker of renal dysfunction in preeclampsia patients. There was an increase in adverse neonatal outcomes in the group of preeclampsia

    Non-universal Casimir Effect in Saturated Superfluid 4^4He Films at Tλ_\lambda

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    Measurements of Casimir effects in 4^4He films in the vicinity of the bulk superfluid transition temperature TλT_\lambda have been carried out, where changes in the film thickness and the superfluid density are both monitored as a function of temperature. The Kosterlitz-Thouless superfluid onset temperature in the film is found to occur just as the Casimir dip in the film thickness from critical fluctuations becomes evident. Additionally, a new film-thickening effect is observed precisely at TλT_\lambda when the temperature is swept extremely slowly. We propose that this is a non-universal Casimir effect arising from the viscous suppression of second sound modes in the film.Comment: 5 pages, 6 figures, corrected an equation, small change to fit valu

    An eigenfunction method for particle acceleration at ultra-relativistic shocks

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    We adapt and modify the eigenfunction method of computing the power-law spectrum of particles accelerated at a relativistic shock front via the first-order Fermi process (Kirk, J.G., Schneider, P., Astrophysical Journal 315, 425 (1987)) to apply to shocks of arbitrarily high Lorentz factor. The power-law index of accelerated particles undergoing isotropic small-angle scattering at an ultrarelativistic, unmagnetized shock is found to be s=4.23 +/- 0.2 (where s=d\ln f/ d\ln p, with f the Lorentz-invariant phase-space density and p the momentum), in agreement with the results of Monte-Carlo simulations. We present results for shocks in plasmas with different equations of state and for Lorentz factors ranging from 5 to infinity.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figures, contribution to the Proceedings of the 5th Huntsville GRB Symposiu

    Particle Acceleration at Ultra-Relativistic Shocks and the Spectra of Relativistic Fireballs

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    We examine Fermi-type acceleration at relativistic shocks, and distinguish between the initial boost of the first shock crossing cycle, where the energy gain per particle can be very large, and the Fermi process proper with repeated shock crossings, in which the typical energy gain is of order unity. We calculate by means of numerical simulations the spectrum and angular distribution of particles accelerated by this Fermi process, in particular in the case where particle dynamics can be approximated as small-angle scattering. We show that synchrotron emission from electrons or positrons accelerated by this process can account remarkably well for the observed power-law spectra of GRB afterglows and Crab-like supernova remnants. In the context of a decelerating relativistic fireball, we calculate the maximum particle energy attainable by acceleration at the external blast wave, and discuss the minimum energy for this acceleration process and its consequences for the observed spectrum.Comment: To appear in Proceedings of the 5th Huntsville Gamma-Ray Burst Symposium. LaTeX, 6 pages, 2 figures, uses aipproc.sty and epsfi

    Caecal diverticulitis presenting as acute appendicitis: a case report

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    Solitary caecal diverticulum is an uncommon entity and therefore difficult to diagnose except at surgery. Caecal diverticulitis is an infrequent cause of acute abdomen and usually presents in a manner similar to acute appendicitis. It is extremely difficult to differentiate it preoperative from acute appendicitis and such distinction is usually made in the operating room. The optimal management of this clinical condition is still controversial, ranging from conservative treatment with antibiotics to aggressive surgical resections

    Neutrino Background Flux from Sources of Ultrahigh-Energy Cosmic-Ray Nuclei

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    Motivated by Pierre Auger Observatory results favoring a heavy nuclear composition for ultrahigh-energy (UHE) cosmic rays, we investigate implications for the cumulative neutrino background. The requirement that nuclei not be photodisintegrated constrains their interactions in sources, therefore limiting neutrino production via photomeson interactions. Assuming a dNCR/dECRECR2dN_{\rm CR}/dE_{\rm CR} \propto E_{\rm CR}^{-2} injection spectrum and photodisintegration via the giant dipole resonance, the background flux of neutrinos is lower than Eν2Φν109GeVcm2s1sr1E_\nu^2 \Phi_\nu \sim {10}^{-9} {\rm GeV} {\rm cm}^{-2} {\rm s}^{-1} {\rm sr}^{-1} if UHE nuclei ubiquitously survive in their sources. This is smaller than the analogous Waxman-Bahcall flux for UHE protons by about one order of magnitude, and is below the projected IceCube sensitivity. If IceCube detects a neutrino background, it could be due to other sources, e.g., hadronuclear interactions of lower-energy cosmic rays; if it does not, this supports our strong restrictions on the properties of sources of UHE nuclei.Comment: 7 pages, 3 figure

    Element Diffusion in the Solar Interior

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    We study the diffusion of helium and other heavy elements in the solar interior by solving exactly the set of flow equations developed by Burgers for a multi-component fluid, including the residual heat-flow terms. No approximation is made concerning the relative concentrations and no restriction is placed on the number of elements considered. We give improved diffusion velocities for hydrogen, helium, oxygen and iron, in the analytic form derived previously by Bahcall and Loeb. These expressions for the diffusion velocities are simple to program in stellar evolution codes and are expected to be accurate to 15%\sim 15\%. Our complete treatment of element diffusion can be directly incorporated in a standard stellar evolution code by means of an exportable subroutine, but, for convenience, we also give simple analytical fits to our numerical results.Comment: TeX document, 25 pages, for hardcopy with figures contact [email protected]. Institute for Advanced Study number AST 93/1


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    In this paper, we propose the application of fuzzy-MLP in theclassification of ultrasonic liver images. The four sets of ultrasonic liverimages used in the experiment are: normal, liver cysts, alcoholic cirrhosisand carcinoma.To deal with the sample images efficiently, we extract textural features fromthe Pathology Bearing Regions (PBRs) of the ultrasound liver images. Theselected features for the classification are entropy, energy and maximumprobability-based texture features extracted using gray level co-occurrencematrix second-order statistics. The fuzzy-MLP model is constructed for theselected features classify various categories of ultrasonic liver images.The efficacy of Fuzzy-MLP model and conventional artificial neural network(ANN) has been compared on the basis of the same feature vector. A testwith 82 training data and 110 test data for all the four classes shows 92.73%classification accuracy for the proposed fuzzy-MLP model. It is comparedwith the 81.82% counterpart provided by conventional ANN method