19 research outputs found

    A novel compact fractal UWB antenna with triple reconfigurable notch reject bands applications

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    A compact, circular UWB fractal antenna with triple reconfigurable notch rejection bands is proposed. It rejects the crowded frequency bands WiMAX, WLAN and X band interferences produced in UWB communication systems. The proposed fractal structure consists of a basic circular patch with circular fractal iterations. By employing this new structure of fractals, the overall size of antenna is reduced 53% to 21 × 25 mm, in comparison with traditional circular monopole antenna. The implemented antenna operates at 3.1–10 GHz. Re-configurability is realized by designing slots and split ring resonators in desired frequencies with the attached PIN diodes. WLAN band rejection was realized by creating a pair of optimized L-shaped slots in the ground plane. By etching a split ring resonator and a U-shaped slot, X and WiMAX bands were also rejected. Furthermore, by attaching diodes to aforementioned slots and designating the diodes on/off, different bands can be included or rejected. In time domain, the antenna properties are evaluated by a figure of merit called fidelity factor. Finally, the antenna properties are measured in anechoic chamber and the results agrees with simulation findings

    Emergency Water Information Network (EWIN)

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    Flooding is a global problem and as a representative example, Mexico is currently struggling to manage flood situations which are increasing in regularity and severity. Many developing countries have substandard flood monitoring infrastructure. However, in common with the UK, they have state-of-the-art cellular mobile phone systems. In this research, expertise in water engineering and radio communications from the UK and Mexico have been combined to design a cost effective flood forecasting system based on hydrology sensing and mobile networks. Recent events such as hurricane Patricia in Mexico (October 2015) has emphasised the need for systems that can predict the dynamic behaviour of large-scale water flows. Currently, management of flood situations in many developing countries is carried out through prediction of water behaviour (Hydro Meteorological Warning System). This system is based on estimates of rainfall, runoff and water levels. In Mexico two central registers and rain measuring stations are used to gather data. The data collected is compared with pre-established risk thresholds which determine whether a warning should be issued. In general, the rainy season in Mexico occurs during the summer and fall, starting in May and ending in October. Along the main waterways, the change in state is dynamic between dry and rainy both in terms of the water volume in the channels and the vegetation on the banks. Vegetation in Mexico is normally sparse but grows quickly and in abundance during the rainy season. During flood events, new rivers form along river beds that are normally empty. These conditions are typical of flooding in many countries. In order to develop a real time flood forecasting system, several areas of research need to be investigated. These include: data sensing at the appropriate location and time, wireless transmission of flood data, sensor data fusion, model generation and prediction at the remote weather station. This multidisciplinary research project is addressing each of these areas by employing UK expertise in Water Engineering and Radio Communications to complement the research base in Mexico

    Channel models for underwater acoustic communications

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    The successful transmission of high-speed digital data through any medium requires a knowledge of the degradations and distortions introduced into the received signal by the medium itself. This knowledge can then be used to design suitable detection schemes, usually based around adaptive equations, to take account of the distortion when detecting data from the received signal. In the case of an underwater communication channel, these degradations are mainly caused by multipath propagation of the transmitted signal energy, which for the realistic cases of turbulent sea conditions, non-homogeneous media and acoustic scattering will be time-varying in nature. It follows that the received signal can suffer severe and rapid amplitude fluctuations (fades) across the bandwidth of the signal. [Continues.