304 research outputs found

    Habitat use and movement of the mummichog (Fundulus heteroclitus) in a restored salt marsh.

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    ABSTRACT: The mummichog, Fundulus heteroclitus, is one of the most abundant macrofaunal components of salt marsh ecosystems along the east coast of the United States. During April-November 1998, we determined the habitat use and movement patterns of young-of-the-year (YOY) and adult mummichogs in a restored marsh, formerly a salt hay farm, and an adjacent creek in order to expand our understanding of the ecology of the species and evaluate the success of the restoration. Four major fish habitat types (large first-order natural creek, second-order created creek, linear drainage ditch, and marsh surface) were identified within the study site. Patterns of relative abundance and mark and recapture using coded wire tags were used to determine the habitat use, tidal movements, home range, and site fidelity of the species within these habitat types. A total of 14,784 fish, ranging from 20-100 mm SL, were captured with wire mesh traps and tagged, and 1,521 (10.3%) fish were recaptured. A variety of gears were used to attempt to recapture fish across all habitat types, including wire mesh traps, push nets, and otter trawls. Based on abundance and recaptures of tagged fish, the YOY and adults primarily used the shallow subtidal and intertidal areas of the created creek, the intertidal drainage ditches, and the marsh surface of the restored marsh but not the larger, first-order natural creek. At low tide, large numbers were found in the subtidal areas of the created creek; these then moved onto the marsh surface on the flooding tide. Elevation, and thus hydroperiod, appeared to influence the microscale use of the marsh surface. We estimated the home range of adults and large YOY (20-100 mm SL) to be 15 ha at high tide, which was much larger than previously quantified. There was strong site fidelity to the created creek at low tide. The habitat use and movement patterns of the mummichog appeared similar to that reported for natural marshes. Coupled with the results of other studies on the feeding, growth, and production of this species in this restored marsh, the species appeared to have responded well to the restoration

    Fish assemblage stability over fifty years in the Lake Pontchartrain Estuary; comparisons among habitats using Canonical Correspondence Analysis

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    We assessed fish assemblage stability over the last half century in Lake Pontchartrain, an environmentally degraded oligohaline estuary in southeastern Louisiana. Because assemblage instability over time has been consistently associated with severe habitat degradation, we attempted to determine whether fish assemblages in demersal, nearshore, and pelagic habitats exhibited change that was unrelated to natural fluctuations in environmental variables (e.g., assemblage changes between wet and dry periods). Collection data from three gear types (trawl, beach seine, and gill nets) and monthly environmental data (salinity, temperature, and Secchi depth) were compared for four collecting periods: 1954 (dry period), 1978 (wet period), 1996–1998 (wet period), and 1998–2000 (dry period). Canonical correspondence analysis (CCA) revealed that although the three environmental variables were significantly associated with the distribution and abundance patterns of fish assemblages in all habitats (with the exception of Secchi depth for pelagic samples), most fish assemblage change occurred among sampling periods (i.e., along a temporal gradient unrelated to changing environmental variables). Assemblage instability was the most pronounced for fishes collected by trawls from demersal habitats. A marked lack of cyclicity in the trawl data CCA diagram indicated a shift away from a baseline demersal assemblage of 50 yr ago. Centroid positions for the five most collected species indicated that three benthic fishes, Atlantic croaker (Micropogonias undulatus), spot (Leiostomus xanthurus), and hardhead catfish (Arius felis), were more dominant inWe assessed fish assemblage stability over the last half century in Lake Pontchartrain, an environmentally degraded oligohaline estuary in southeastern Louisiana. Because assemblage instability over time has been consistently associated with severe habitat degradation, we attempted to determine whether fish assemblages in demersal, nearshore, and pelagic habitats exhibited change that was unrelated to natural fluctuations in environmental variables (e.g., assemblage changes between wet and dry periods). Collection data from three gear types (trawl, beach seine, and gill nets) and monthly environmental data (salinity, temperature, and Secchi depth) were compared for four collecting periods: 1954 (dry period), 1978 (wet period), 1996–1998 (wet period), and 1998–2000 (dry period). Canonical correspondence analysis (CCA) revealed that although the three environmental variables were significantly associated with the distribution and abundance patterns of fish assemblages in all habitats (with the exception of Secchi depth for pelagic samples), most fish assemblage change occurred among sampling periods (i.e., along a temporal gradient unrelated to changing environmental variables). Assemblage instability was the most pronounced for fishes collected by trawls from demersal habitats. A marked lack of cyclicity in the trawl data CCA diagram indicated a shift away from a baseline demersal assemblage of 50 yr ago. Centroid positions for the five most collected species indicated that three benthic fishes, Atlantic croaker (Micropogonias undulatus), spot (Leiostomus xanthurus), and hardhead catfish (Arius felis), were more dominant in past demersal assemblages (1954 and 1978). A different situation was shown for planktivorous species collected by trawls with bay anchovy (Anchoa mitchilli) becoming more dominant in recent assemblages and Gulf enhaden (Brevoortia patronus) remaining equally represented in assemblages over time. Changes in fish assemblages from nearshore (beach seine) and pelagic (gill net) habitats were more closely related to environmental fluctuations, though the CCA for beach seine data also indicated a decrease in the dominance of M. undulatus and an increase in the proportion of A. mitchilli over time. The reduced assemblage role of benthic fishes and the marked assemblage change indicated by trawl data suggest that over the last half century demersal habitats in Lake Pontchartrain have been impacted more by multiple anthropogenic stressors than nearshore or pelagic habitats. past demersal assemblages (1954 and 1978). A different situation was shown for planktivorous species collected by trawls with bay anchovy (Anchoa mitchilli) becoming more dominant in recent assemblages and Gulf menhaden (Brevoortia patronus) remaining equally represented in assemblages over time. Changes in fish assemblages from nearshore (beach seine) and pelagic (gill net) habitats were more closely related to environmental fluctuations, though the CCA for beach seine data also indicated a decrease in the dominance of M. undulatus and an increase in the proportion of A. mitchilli over time. The reduced assemblage role of benthic fishes and the marked assemblage change indicated by trawl data suggest that over the last half century demersal habitats in Lake Pontchartrain have been impacted more by multiple anthropogenic stressors than nearshore or pelagic habitats

    Speed breeding for multiple quantitative traits in durum wheat

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    Plant breeding requires numerous generations to be cycled and evaluated before an improved cultivar is released. This lengthy process is required to introduce and test multiple traits of interest. However, a technology for rapid generation advance named 'speed breeding' was successfully deployed in bread wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) to achieve six generations per year while imposing phenotypic selection for foliar disease resistance and grain dormancy. Here, for the first time the deployment of this methodology is presented in durum wheat (Triticum durum Desf.) by integrating selection for key traits, including above and below ground traits on the same set of plants. This involved phenotyping for seminal root angle (RA), seminal root number (RN), tolerance to crown rot (CR), resistance to leaf rust (LR) and plant height (PH). In durum wheat, these traits are desirable in environments where yield is limited by in-season rainfall with the occurrence of CR and epidemics of LR. To evaluate this multi-trait screening approach, we applied selection to a large segregating F2 population (n = 1000) derived from a bi-parental cross (Outrob4/Caparoi). A weighted selection index (SI) was developed and applied. The gain for each trait was determined by evaluating F3 progeny derived from 100 'selected' and 100 'unselected' F2 individuals.Transgressive segregation was observed for all assayed traits in the Outrob4/Caparoi F2 population. Application of the SI successfully shifted the population mean for four traits, as determined by a significant mean difference between 'selected' and 'unselected' F3 families for CR tolerance, LR resistance, RA and RN. No significant shift for PH was observed.The novel multi-trait phenotyping method presents a useful tool for rapid selection of early filial generations or for the characterization of fixed lines out-of-season. Further, it offers efficient use of resources by assaying multiple traits on the same set of plants. Results suggest that when performed in parallel with speed breeding in early generations, selection will enrich recombinant inbred lines with desirable alleles and will reduce the length and number of years required to combine these traits in elite breeding populations and therefore cultivars.Samir Alahmad, Eric Dinglasan, Kung Ming Leung, Adnan Riaz, Nora Derbal, Kai P. Voss-Fels, Jason A. Able, Filippo M. Bassi, Jack Christopher and Lee T. Hicke

    Recent Updates on the Melanin-Concentrating Hormone (MCH) and Its Receptor System: Lessons from MCH1R Antagonists

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    Melanin-concentrating hormone (MCH) is a 19-amino-acid cyclic peptide which was originally found to lighten skin color in fish that is highly conserved among many species. MCH interacts with two G-protein-coupled receptors, MCH1R and MCH2R, but only MCH1R is expressed in rodents. MCH is mainly synthesized in the lateral hypothalamus and zona incerta, while MCH1R is widely expressed throughout the brain. Thus, MCH signaling is implicated in the regulation of many physiological functions. The identification of MCH1R has led to the development of small-molecule MCH1R antagonists that can block MCH signaling. MCH1R antagonists are useful not only for their potential therapeutic value, but also for understanding the physiological functions of the endogenous MCH system. Here, we review the physiological functions of the MCH system which have been investigated using MCH1R antagonists such as food intake, anxiety, depression, reward, and sleep. This will help us understand the physiological functions of the MCH system and suggest some of the potential applications of MCH1R antagonists in human disorders

    Adult Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder and Violence in the Population of England: Does Comorbidity Matter?

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    It is unclear whether the association between Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) and violence is explained by ADHD symptoms or co-existing psychopathology. We investigated associations of ADHD and its symptom domains of hyperactivity and inattention, among individuals reporting violence in the UK population. Methods We report data from the Adult Psychiatric Morbidity Survey (2007), a representative sample of the household population of England. A randomly selected sample of 7,369 completed the Adult Self-Report Scale for ADHD and the self-reported violence module, including repetition, injury, minor violence, victims and location of incidents. All models were weighted to account for non-response and carefully adjusted for demography and clinical predictors of violence: antisocial personality, substance misuse and anxiety disorders. Results ADHD was moderately associated with violence after adjustments (OR 1.75, p = .01). Hyperactivity, but not inattention was associated with several indicators of violence in the domestic context (OR 1.16, p = .03). Mild and moderate ADHD symptoms were significantly associated with violence repetition, but not severe ADHD where the association was explained by co-existing disorders. Stratified analyses further indicated that most violence reports are associated with co-occurring psychopathology. Conclusions The direct effect of ADHD on violence is only moderate at the population level, driven by hyperactivity, and involving intimate partners and close persons. Because violence associated with severe ADHD is explained by co-existing psychopathology, interventions should primarily target co-existing disorders

    Migrant birds and mammals live faster than residents

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    Billions of vertebrates migrate to and from their breeding grounds annually, exhibiting astonishing feats of endurance. Many such movements are energetically costly yet there is little consensus on whether or how such costs might influence schedules of survival and reproduction in migratory animals. Here we provide a global analysis of associations between migratory behaviour and vertebrate life histories. After controlling for latitudinal and evolutionary patterns, we find that migratory birds and mammals have faster paces of life than their non-migratory relatives. Among swimming and walking species, migrants tend to have larger body size, while among flying species, migrants are smaller. We discuss whether pace of life is a determinant, consequence, or adaptive outcome, of migration. Our findings have important implications for the understanding of the migratory phenomenon and will help predict the responses of bird and mammal species to environmental changeinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Short-Term Enrichment Makes Male Rats More Attractive, More Defensive and Alters Hypothalamic Neurons

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    Innate behaviors are shaped by contingencies built during evolutionary history. On the other hand, environmental stimuli play a significant role in shaping behavior. In particular, a short period of environmental enrichment can enhance cognitive behavior, modify effects of stress on learned behaviors and induce brain plasticity. It is unclear if modulation by environment can extend to innate behaviors which are preserved by intense selection pressure. In the present report we investigate this issue by studying effects of relatively short (14-days) environmental enrichment on two prominent innate behaviors in rats, avoidance of predator odors and ability of males to attract mates. We show that enrichment has strong effects on both the innate behaviors: a) enriched males were more avoidant of a predator odor than non-enriched controls, and had a greater rise in corticosterone levels in response to the odor; and b) had higher testosterone levels and were more attractive to females. Additionally, we demonstrate decrease in dendritic length of neurons of ventrolateral nucleus of hypothalamus, important for reproductive mate-choice and increase in the same in dorsomedial nucleus, important for defensive behavior. Thus, behavioral and hormonal observations provide evidence that a short period of environmental manipulation can alter innate behaviors, providing a good example of gene-environment interaction
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