197 research outputs found

    Recent progress in hybrid biocomposites: Mechanical properties, water absorption, and flame retardancy

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    This article belongs to the Special Issue Mechanical Properties of BiocompositesBio-based composites are reinforced polymeric materials in which one of the matrix and reinforcement components or both are from bio-based origins. The biocomposite industry has recently drawn great attention for diverse applications, from household articles to automobiles.This is owing to their low cost, biodegradability, being lightweight, availability, and environmental concerns over synthetic and nonrenewable materials derived from limited resources like fossil fuel. The focus has slowly shifted from traditional biocomposite systems, including thermoplastic polymers reinforced with natural fibers, to more advanced systems called hybrid biocomposites. Hybridization of bio-based fibers/matrices and synthetic ones offers a new strategy to overcome the shortcomings of purely natural fibers or matrices. By incorporating two or more reinforcement types into a single composite, it is possible to not only maintain the advantages of both types but also alleviate somedisadvantages of one type of reinforcement by another one. This approach leads to improvement of the mechanical and physical properties of biocomposites for extensive applications. The present review article intends to provide a general overview of selecting the materials to manufacture hybrid biocomposite systems with improved strength properties, water, and burning resistance in recent years

    Extrusion: A New Method for Rapid Formulation of High-Yield, Monodisperse Nanobubbles

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    Shell-stabilized gas microbubbles (MB) and nanobubbles (NB) are frequently used for biomedical ultrasound imaging and therapeutic applications. While it is widely recognized that monodisperse bubbles can be more effective in these applications, the efficient formulation of uniform bubbles at high concentrations is difficult to achieve. Here, it is demonstrated that a standard mini-extruder setup, commonly used to make vesicles or liposomes, can be used to quickly and efficiently generate monodisperse NBs with high yield. In this highly reproducible technique, the NBs obtained have an average diameter of 0.16 ± 0.05 ”m and concentration of 6.2 ± 1.8 × 1010 NBs mL−1 compared to 0.32 ± 0.1 ”m and 3.2 ± 0.7 × 1011 mL−1 for NBs made using mechanical agitation. Parameters affecting the extrusion and NB generation process including the temperature, concentration of the lipid solution, and the number of passages through the extruder are also examined. Moreover, it is demonstrated that extruded NBs show a strong acoustic response in vitro and a strong and persistent US signal enhancement under nonlinear contrast enhanced ultrasound imaging in mice. The extrusion process is a new, efficient, and scalable technique that can be used to easily produce high yield smaller monodispersed nanobubbles

    Comparative characterization of hot-pressed polyamide 11 and 12: mechanical, thermal and durability properties

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    Chemically speaking, polyamide 11 (PA11) and polyamide 12 (PA12) have a similar backbone, differing only in one carbon. From an origin point of view, PA11 is considered a bioplastic polyamide composed from renewable resources, compared to oil-based PA12. Each of them has a number of advantages over the other, which makes their selection a challenging issue. Depending on the target application, diverse assessments and comparisons are needed to fulfill this mission. The current study addresses this research gap to characterize and compare PA11 and PA12 manufactured by the hot press technique in terms of their mechanical, thermal and durability properties for the first time, demonstrating their potential for future works as matrices in composite materials. In this regard, different characterization techniques are applied to the hot-pressed polymer sheets, including X-ray diffraction (XRD), differential scanning calorimetry (DSC), Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR) and scanning electron microscopy (SEM). The mechanical performance of the PA11 and PA12 sheets is compared based on tensile tests and shore hardness measurement. The durability behavior of these two polyamides is evaluated in water and relative humidity conditions at different aging times. The experimental results show the ductile behavior of PA12 with respect to the quasi-brittle PA11. Both have a relatively small water and moisture gain: 1.5 wt% and 0.8 wt%, respectively. The higher crystallinity of PA12 (2.1 times more than PA11) with gamma-phase is one of the leading parameters to achieve better mechanical and durability properties. The FTIR spectra displayed slight acid hydrolysis. Accordingly, absorbed water or moisture does not cause plasticization; thus, neither hardness nor dimension changes.This research received no external funding

    Development of improved polypropylene adhesive bonding by abrasion and atmospheric plasma surface modifications

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    The present work deals with the problematic adhesive bonding of substrates with low surface energy. Different approaches have been explored with the aim of creating adequate adhesive joints based on polyolefinic substrate and polyurethane adhesive. The selected material under study was polypropylene (PP) as adherend, and a commercial Sikaflex¼-252 polyurethane one component based structural adhesive (PU) as joint fluid. Among the diverse pre-treatments typically used to prepare surfaces prior to bonding, mechanical abrasion with emery paper of 80 grain size, the use of a chemical primer and atmospheric pressure air plasma torch (APPT) were the selected methods to facilitate the application of the PU by means of surface energy enhancement as well as to create a correct mechanical interlocking of the adherent-adhesive interface. Changes in the wettability of the polymer were evaluated by contact angle measurements following the UNE EN 828:2010. Surface energy was calculated both in terms of Owens approximation and acid-base considerations, leading to the possibility of determining a relationship between changes in surface energy and adhesion. Changes in the chemical composition of the surface were studied by X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS), electron diffraction X-Ray (EDX) probe and attenuated total multiple reflection mode infrared spectroscopy (ATR-FTIR). Morphological modifications were investigated with scanning electron microscopy (SEM). Variations in the strength of single-lap PP-PP joints with the treatments were evaluated by lap shear tests following the UNE-EN 1465:2008 standard. Experimental evidence supports the superiority of the APPT treatment to increase wettability and adhesion of polyolefinic surfaces, especially when combined with the use of a primer.Financial support from the Universidad Carlos III de Madrid Foundation and Chemistry and Materials Technological Institute ‘‘Álvaro Alonso Barba’’ is acknowledged. Also Sika S.A.U (Spain) is acknowledged

    Effect of APPT treatment on mechanical properties and durability of green composites with woven flax

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    This article belongs to the Special Issue Mechanical Properties of Biocomposites.Through this study, two different natural fibres green composites were characterised from the point of view of mechanical properties and durability. These green polymers allow manufacturing with a respectful life cycle due to their biodegradable or recyclable character. Composite materials were prepared in a hot plates press with two biopolymeric matrices, green low density polyethylene (GPE) and polybutylene succinate (PBS). As reinforcement, Atmospheric Pressure Plasma Torch (APPT) treated and untreated unidirectional woven flax were used. Mechanical properties were evaluated by tensile tests and the adhesion between matrices and reinforcement by peeling tests. The durability of each composite was analysed by water absorption measurements, Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy (FTIR) analysis and tensile tests, during several aging times, up to 60 days, under high temperature and humidity conditions. The influence of the Atmospheric Pressure Plasma Torch treatment (APPT) was evaluated in all studies. It was found that GPE composites present better durability against aging conditions than PBS materials, due to the tendency of polyester to hydrolyse compared to the good resistance to humidity of polyolefins. The adhesion between matrices and reinforcement improves with APPT treatment. This improvement is more evident by avoiding the absorption of water than in the mechanical properties results, where only a slightly improvement is shown

    Recent progress in carbon fiber reinforced polymers recycling: a review of recycling methods and reuse of carbon fibers

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    The rapid increase in the application of carbon fiber reinforced polymer (CFRP) composite materials represents a challenge to waste recycling. The circular economy approach coupled with the possibility of recovering carbon fibers from CFRP waste with similar properties to virgin carbon fibers at a much lower cost and with lower energy consumption motivate the study of CFRP recycling. Mechanical recycling methods allow the obtention of chopped composite materials, while both thermal and chemical recycling methods aim towards recovering carbon fibers. This review examines the three main recycling methods, their processes, and particularities, as well as the reuse of recycled carbon fibers in the manufacture of new composite materials.This research received no external funding

    Experimental and numerical studies of polyamide 11 and 12 surfaces modified by atmospheric pressure plasma treatment

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    Polyamide 11 and 12 (PA11 and PA12) have been applicable in various industries, including automotive, oil and gas, and sporting goods, over the past 70 years. Although they have good dyeability, their adhesion to other materials is limited due to relatively poor surface properties, which can be promoted by good wettability and high surface energy. This study aims to improve the surface properties of PA11 and PA12 by employing the advanced method of Atmospheric Pressure Plasma Torch (APPT) treatment. In this regard, the adhesion strengths of four commercially available adhesives were evaluated with the pull-off test on PAs plates before and after APPT treatment. The numerical simulation of this test was carried out in commercial finite element software using a cohesive zone model (CZM) to predict the fracture of adhesively bonded joints. Moreover, the modified PAs were analyzed using XPS, DSC, ATR-FTIR, optical profilometer and surface energy measurement. The results indicated that the surface properties, including wettability, polar surface energy and adhesion bonding, improved by employing the plasma treatment on PAs surfaces. The numerical simulation outcomes showed that the pull-off test might be a viable alternative to determine the CZM laws for fracture mode I

    Influence of the size and amount of cork particles on the toughness of a structural adhesive

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    The inclusion of particles (nano or micro) is a method to improve the mechanical properties such as toughness of structural adhesives. Structural adhesives are known for their high strength and stiffness but also for their low ductility and toughness. There are many processes described in the literature to increase the toughness, being one of the most common the use of rubber particles. In the present study, natural micro particles of cork are used with the objective to increase the toughness of a brittle epoxy adhesive. The idea is for the cork particles to act like as a crack stopper leading to more energy absorption. The influence of the cork particle size and amount were studied. Particles of cork ranging from 38 to 250 ”m were mixed in the epoxy adhesive Araldite 2020 from Huntsman. The amount of cork in the adhesive was varied between 1 and 5% in weight. Surface treatment (low pressure plasma) was applied to the cork powder to assess the effect of the interaction adhesive-cork with several degrees of adhesion

    Control of wettability of polymers by surface roughness modification

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    Most polymeric materials, particularly polyolefins and their derivatives, present a low surface energy which is the cause of their poor wettability and limits processes such as adhesive bonding, painting, or metalizing. Many methods have been developed and used to modify polymer surfaces for improved wetting, including mechanical treatments, wet-chemical treatments with strong acids or bases, and exposure to flames or corona discharge.In this paper the improvement of wetting properties of several polymeric materials widely used in the automotive industry, such as high density polyethylene (HDPE), low density polyethylene (LDPE), polypropylene (PP) and silicone, is studied by means of surface mechanical abrasion using sandpapers of different grain sizes (1000, 180 and 80). Measurements of the surface roughness are performed using a Hommel Tester T8000 device equipped with a diamond stylus, which provides data on the arithmetic average roughness Ra parameter and Abbott-Firestone curve. Variations in the polymers surface energy (SE) are estimated through contact angle measurements using five test liquids of different polarities. Both components of the SE, dispersion (σD ) and polar (σP), as well as total (σT) at different conditions of treatment are analyzed using the Owens-Wendt-Rabel-Kaelble (OWRK) method. Morphological changes induced in the surface are analyzed by Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM). Additionally, measurements of the static friction coefficient (ÎŒs) are carried out by the standard method ASTM D 1894-08. A slight enhancement in surface wettability is found with the mechanical abrasion pre-treatment from the SE increase. Finally, a higher value of ÎŒs is achieved for the abraded specimens as the normal force acting onto the system is increased.Financial support from the FundaciĂłn Universidad Carlos III de Madrid and Instituto TecnolĂłgico de QuĂ­mica y Materiales “Álvaro Alonso Barba” is acknowledged

    Extreme durability of wettability changes on polyolefin surfaces by atmospheric pressure plasma torch

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    In the present work three common polyolefins: high density polyethylene (HDPE), low density polyethylene (LDPE) and polypropylene (PP) have been treated with an atmospheric pressure air plasma torch (APPT) in order to improve their wettability properties. The variations in surface energy (γs), as well as the durability of the treatment are determined by means of contact angle measurements for different aging times after plasma exposure (up to 270 days) using five test liquids which cover a wide range of polarities. The introduction of new polar moieties (carbonyl, amine or hydroxyl) is confirmed by Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy in attenuated total multiple reflection mode (ATR-FTIR) and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS). Furthermore, scanning electron microscopy (SEM) provides information on the morphological changes and variation on surface roughness, revealing that smoother, lamellar and semispheric micrometric structures are created on the LDPE, HDPE and PP surfaces, respectively. Results show that APPT treatment enhances both the total and polar components of the gammas under study, with an unprecedent stability (> 8 months) in time.Financial support from the Fundación Universidad Carlos III de Madrid e Instituto Tecnológico de Química y Materiales “Álvaro Alonso Barba” is acknowledged. Authors also acknowledge MCI for the financial support to the project MAT2006 11614 C03 02
