153 research outputs found

    Mapeo preliminar del diseño y la emoción: convergencias para la conciencia social y ambiental

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    El diseño, como disciplina, tiene la capacidad de incorporar las emociones en su proceso y resultado para crear una propuesta de valor distintiva gracias a la experiencia emocional. Las emociones, gracias a su impacto, pueden ayudar a realizar acciones, entre ellas: influenciar en el acto de decisión y adquisición, acelerar la adopción de nuevos valores culturales y empatizar con las problemáticas sociales actuales.Fruto de una revisión bibliográfica, en este texto se presenta la creación de un mapeo gráfico, una visión general de las distintas teorías de diseño y emoción con sus correspondientes autores de referencia que promueven su integración con una base sólida. Además, se muestran proyectos creativos que proponen soluciones a retos sociales y ambientales actuales, que plantean actuar en una de las tres acciones descritas.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    Computations on Fullerenes: Characterization, Reactivity and Growth

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    Aquesta Tesi titulada ‘Computations on Fullerenes: Characterization, Reactivity and Growth’ es focalitza amb els mecanismes de formació i caracterització de ful·lerens prèviament detectats als experiments. Són caixes tancades de carboni formades per hexàgons i dotze pentàgons. Hem col·laborat amb diferents grups experimentals, per tant, ens hem centrat en entendre i racionalitzar els seus experiments. Diferents models de formació de ful·lerens han estat proposats, però encara avui segueix sent un misteri. Els nostres estudis donen completament suport al mecanisme de creixement bottom-up proposat pel Prof. Kroto. Aquest mecanisme ha estat estudiat per càlculs estàtics de DFT i per dinàmica molecular de Car-Parrinello. Una exploració exhaustiva dels isòmers més favorables, així com les superfícies d’energia potencial associades a les insercions d’unitats C2 als ful·lerens i les topologies de les estructures involucrades, han ajudat al desenvolupament d’aquest projecte. Aquest procés d’inserció és exotèrmic/exergònic, i encara que les barreres d’energia lliure són elevades, es poden veure superades a la temperatura de formació de ful·lerens (2000 K). Els isòmers més abundants del Ti@C2n (2n=26-48) i Sc3N@C2n (2n=68-80) s’han relacionat mitjançant unitats C2 i, en alguns casos, alguna isomerització del tipus Stone-Wales. Respecte a la detecció i aïllament dels metal·loful·lerens endoèdrics, ens hem centrat en la seva caracterització. La cloració dels ful·lerens també ha estat estudiada, ja que ha sorgit com una poderosa eina en el món dels derivats de ful·lerens. Famílies de C2n (2n=50,60,66,68,etc.) han estat trobades com cloroful·lerens. Els nostres resultats prediuen que la cloració s’esdevé un cop es formada la caixa neutra a temperatures més baixes de 2000 K, mitjançant l’addició de radical lliure i tenint en compte les distribucions del HOMO i de la densitat d’spin. La majoria dels nostres projectes han estat d’acord amb els resultats experimentals.La Tesis titulada ‘Computations on Fullerenes: Characterization, Reactivity and Growth’ se focaliza con los mecanismos de formación y caracteritzación de fullerenos previamente detectados a los experimentos. Son cajas cerradas de carbono formadas por hexágonos y doce pentágonos. Hemos colaborado con diferentes grupos experimentales, por tanto, nos hemos centrado en entender y racionalizar sus experimentos. Diferentes modelos de formación han sido propuestos, pero todavía hoy sigue siendo un misterio. Nuestros estudios dan soporte al mecanismo de crecimiento bottom-up propuesto por el Prof. Kroto. Este mecanismo ha sido estudiado mediante cálculos estáticos de DFT i por dinámica molecular de Car-Parrinello. Una exploración exhaustiva de los isómeros más favorables, así como las superficies de energía potencial asociadas a las inserciones de unidades C2 a los fullerenos y las topologías de las estructures involucradas, han ayudado al desarrollo de este proyecto. Este proceso de inserción es exotérmico/exergónico, y todavía que las barreras de energía libre son elevadas, se pueden ver superadas a la temperatura de formación de fullerenos (2000 K). Los isómeros más abundantes del Ti@C2n (2n=26-48) y Sc3N@C2n (2n=68-80) se han relacionado mediante unidades C2 y, en algunos casos, alguna isomerización del tipo Stone-Wales. Respecto a la detección y aislamiento de los metallofullerenos endoédricos, nos hemos centrado en su caracteritzación. La cloración de los fullerenos también ha sido estudiada, ya que ha surgido como una poderosa herramienta en el mundo de los derivados de fullerenos. Familias de C2n (2n=50,60,66,68,etc.) han sido encontradas como clorofullerenos. Nuestros resultados predicen que la cloración se forma una vez es formada la caja neutra a temperaturas más bajas de 2000 K, mediante la adición de radical libre y teniendo en cuenta las distribuciones del HOMO y de la densidad de espín. La mayoría de nuestros proyectos han estado de acuerdo con los resultados experimentales.The Thesis titled ‘Computations on Fullerenes: Characterization, Reactivity and Growth’ is mainly focused on the formation mechanisms and characterization of fullerenes previously detected in experiments. These molecules are closed carbon cages formed by only hexagons and twelve pentagons. Most part of our research has been carried out in collaboration with different experimental groups, therefore we aimed to understand and rationalize their experiments. Although many hypothetical models have been proposed, the fullerene formation mechanism is still a mystery. Our studies rules out the bottom-up mechanism as a model of fullerene formation. We have explored this mechanism by means of static DFT and Car-Parrinello molecular dynamics calculations for series of different endohedral fullerenes. A comprehensive exploration of the most favourable isomers, potential energy surfaces associated with the successive C2 insertions and topologies of the involved structures, helped us to develop this project. The insertion of a C2 unit to already formed EMF is always an exothermic/exergonic process, and the free energy barriers for each step are attainable at temperature of fullerene formation (2000 K). The most abundant isomers of Ti@C2n (2n=26-48) and Sc3N@C2n (2n=68-80) are formally linked by direct C2 insertions and in a few cases by additional Stone-Wales transformations. Regarding the detection and isolation of endohedral metallofullerenes let us to perform a computational study of the rationalization and characterization of these isomers. Chlorination has emerged as a powerful tool in fullerene derivatives. Several C2n families (2n=50,60,66,68,etc.) have been found to show cages exohedrally chlorinated. According to our results, chlorination would take place at a temperature significantly lower than 2000 K by free radical addition considering the HOMO and the spin density distributions of the pristine cage and intermediates, once the lowest energy neutral isomers are formed. Most of our projects resulted in suitable and in agreement with experiments

    The importance of mineralogical knowledge in the sustainability of artisanal gold mining: a mid-south Peru case

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    Mineralogy and gold processing techniques from several mining areas of the Nazca-Ocoña gold belt, Mid-South Peru, were investigated to assess the efficiency of gold extraction methods in relation to their mineralogy. The deposits from this belt are intrusion gold related to mineralization in quartz veins. Native gold occurs as micrometric grains encapsulated in pyrite and in minor amounts in other sulfides and quartz. Electrum is found mainly in fractures of pyrite and attains up to 35 wt. % Ag. In addition to these occurrences, gold tellurides also occur and they are abundant in San Luis. Gold processing is carried out by amalgamation with mercury and/or cyanidation. The comparison of the gold grade in the mineralizations and in the residual tailings indicates that a significant amount of gold is not recovered using the mercury amalgamation process and also, in the case of the gold recovery by cyanidation, except when cement was added to the cyanide solution. This was due to an increase in the pH that favours the dissolution of the gold matrix. In the cyanidation process carried out in tailings previously treated with mercury, part of the mercury retained in them is released to the atmosphere or to the cyanidation fluids.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    Elliptical Crack Identification in a Nonrotating Shaft

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    It is known that fatigue cracks are one of the most important problems of the mechanical components, since their propagation can cause severe loss, both personal and economic. So, it is essential to know deeply the behavior of the cracked element to have tools that allow predicting the breakage before it happens. The shafts are elements that are specially affected by the described problem, because they are subjected to alternative compression and tension stresses., is work presents, firstly, an analytical expression that allows determining the first four natural frequencies of bending vibration of a nonrotating cracked shaft, assumed as an Euler-Bernoulli beam, with circular cross section under pinned-pinned conditions, taking into account the elliptical shape of the crack. Second, once the direct problem is known, the inverse problem is approached. Genetic Algorithm technique has been used to estimate the crack parameters assuming known the natural frequencies of the cracked shaft.The authors would like to thank the Spanish Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad for the support for this work through the project DPI2013-45406-P

    Preliminary results on automatic quantification of histological studies in allergic asthma

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    Proceedings of: The first international workshop on Microscopic Image Analysis with Applications in Biology, MIAAB 2006, was held in Copenhagen, Denmark, on 5th of October 2006 as an associated workshop of MICCAI 2006, the 9th Conference held by the international society of Medical Image Computing and Computer-Assisted Intervention.The evaluation of new therapies to treat allergic asthma makes frequent use of histological studies. Some of these studies are based on the microscope observation of stained paraffin lung sections to quantify cellular infiltration, an effect directly related to allergic processes. To our knowledge, there is no software tool for doing this quantification automatically nowadays. This paper presents a method for the quantification of cellular infiltrate of lung tissue images in a mouse model of allergic asthma. Each image is divided into regions of equal size that are classified by means of a segmentation algorithm based on texture analysis. The classification uses three discriminant functions, built from parameters derived from the histogram and the co-occurrence matrix and calculated by performing an initial stepwise discriminant analysis on 79 samples from a training set. Results provide a correct classification of 96.8 % on an independent test set of 251 samples labeled manually.Publicad

    La transformación del hábitat popular desde talleres integrados de investigación acción participativa

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    This work contains a systematization, description and reflection about the methodology developed on the FAU-CIUNT UNT Research-Action Project "Inserting Technology in Community Social Development". The workshop as a socio-pedagogical proposal is faced within the Research-Action Participative methodology, during the different stages of diagnosis, planning, carrying out and evaluation. All this is done in order to achieve the following aims: to promote managed-ityourself, active participation and people organization, searching that the people can identify their problems, design and implement solutions for their habitat. Starting on their needs and interests of the participating people, workshops were developed on an integrated way, which allowed convergence between "habitat", "organization" and "learning process". Thus, as a result of the proposal methodology, people could recover their own identity through collective work and knowledge and products generation. These workshops contain the following interrelated thematic areas: 1- Communitarian organization (participative diagnosis, strategic planning, etc.). 2 - Environment (associated management project "Green Project", participative design, etc.). 3 - Constructive technology (alternative systems for: food production - UICHE - , adequate resolution of the external wall and roof, etc.).El presente trabajo contiene una sistematización, descripción y reflexión acerca de la metodología desarrollada en el Proyecto de Investigación-Acción FAU-CIUNT, UNT: "Inserción de la Tecnología en el Desarrollo Social Comunitario". Enmarcados dentro de los supuestos de la Investigación Acción Participativa se aborda, en los diferentes momentos metodológicos de diagnóstico, programación, ejecución y evaluación del proyecto, el Taller como propuesta sociopedagógica para cumplir con los siguientes objetivos: incentivar la autogestión, la participación activa y la organización de los sujetos involucrados, procurando que los mismos puedan identificar sus problemas, y diseñar e implementar las soluciones de la compleja problemática del hábitat popular. Partiendo de la demanda y de los intereses de los participantes, se desarrollaron en forma integrada una serie de talleres que permitieron: la convergencia entre "hábitat", "organización" y "aprendizaje", aportando una metodología y dinámica posibles para la recuperación valorativa de sus propias identidades, a través del trabajo colectivo de aprendizaje y generación de conocimientos y productos. Los mismos se enmarcaron en las siguientes áreas temáticas interrelacionadas entre sí: 1- Organización Comunitaria (Diagnóstico Participativo, Planificación Estratégica, etc.) 2- Ambiente (Proyecto de gestión asociada: "Proyecto Verde"; Diseño Participativo; etc.) 3- Tecnología constructiva (Sistemas alternativos para: la producción de alimentos - UICHE-, la resolución adecuada de la envolvente, etc.)

    Vegetación urbana y Hábitat Popular: el caso de San Miguel de Tucumán.

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    This paper deals with urban vegetation in low income areas and its influence on the improvement of physical and social environment in such communities. The starting point is the view of the city as a man-city-nature interaction where the concerns of different actors and social groups are confronted. The hypothesis is to generate answers to the complex problem of popular habitat by means of an associated management project called “Green Project”. The aim is to achieve , through the transfer of knowledge and products, a green public and private space which will contribute to the improvement of the life quality in the sector. In this sense and within the context of the Active Participation Research, there is an attempt to promote the intervention of the academic and community components , motivating self management, active participation and actors organisation in order to develop habitable places by using vegetation, urban equipment, technological resources and nurturing value, incorporating the concept of productive urban land. The impact of this intervention is the awareness of the importance of vegetation as a multiple potential resource and the need to define: policies on green spaces and trees, participatory planning according to context, inter sector and interdisciplinary work and the possibility to repeat the experience.Este trabajo, aborda el tema de la vegetación urbana en los sectores populares y su incidencia en el mejoramiento ambiental físico y social en las comunidades de menores recursos. Partiendo de comprender la ciudad en términos de interacción hombre -ciudad- naturaleza, donde se confrontan los intereses de los diferentes actores y grupos sociales, se plantea como hipótesis posible generar respuestas a la compleja problemática del Hábitat Popular, por medio de un proyecto de gestión asociado, denominado “Proyecto Verde”, que aspira a través de la transferencia de conocimientos y productos, lograr un espacio verde público y privado que tienda al mejoramiento de la calidad de vida del sector. En este sentido, enmarcados dentro de los supuestos de la Investigación Acción Participativa, se intenta promover la intervención de los componentes académicos y comunitarios, incentivando la autogestión, la participación activa y la organización de los sujetos, con el fin de desarrollar lugares habitables, a partir del uso de la vegetación, como equipamiento urbano, recurso tecnológico y valor nutritivo, incorporando el concepto de tierra urbana productiva. El impacto de esta intervención, es la toma de conciencia sobre la importancia de la vegetación como recurso de múltiples potencialidades, la necesidad de definir: - Políticas en materia de espacios verdes y arbolado - Planificación participativa acorde al contexto - Trabajo intersectorial e interdisciplinario; y posibilidad de replicar la experiencia

    Material Behavior and Fatigue Assessment of Old Steel Bridges of the Spanish Conventional Rail Network

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    [EN] This work presented salient features of the steel behavior of seven metallic bridges close to, or over, 100 years old, among the Spanish conventional rail network as well as the results of a fatigue life expectancy study. A preliminary study of the properties of the constituent materials obtained from the bridges samples was carried out followed by dynamic fatigue tests under service representative loads. Due to the steelmaking techniques in the late 19th and early 20th centuries, disperse fatigue behavior results were obtained. However, the wide safety margins with which these bridges were designed, as well as the mechanical properties of the steel (relatively good mechanical resistance but with low ductility), seem to guarantee a long fatigue life. This estimate decreases sharply with increasing loads.S

    Access to information and degree of community awareness of preventive health measures in the face of covid-19 in Spain

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    [EN] The COVID-19 pandemic is posing a major health crisis. Spanish legislation establishes the mandatory use of masks and the implementation of hygienic measures such as hand washing and physical distancing. The aim of this study is to describe access to information and the level of community knowledge/adoption about the preventive measures proposed by the Spanish health authorities in response to the COVID-19 pandemic and to analyze the influence of socio-demographic factors in compliance among people over 18 years of age resident in Spain. An observational, descriptive and transversal study was conducted. Data was collected on sociodemographic variables, access to information and the degree of knowledge/adoption about the preventive measures: use of masks, hand hygiene and physical distancing. A total of 1811 people participated. The average age was 45.1 ± 15.1 years, predominantly female (69.3%), from an urban geographical area (74%), with a higher education level of 53.2%. Most of the respondents (57.5%) are or live with people at risk. The main access to information on preventive measures was from secondary sources (49.2%), with television being the main medium; 72.3% think that there are some difficulties in accessing information, while 8.7% of the participants do not consider the use of masks to be useful. As regards the choice of type of mask, the majority of people (44.8%) opt for the surgical variety; 88.5% of respondents believe that the physical distancing established is at least 1.5 m. This study confirmed that socio-demographic factors influence compliance with or the degree of knowledge/adoption of the preventive measures proposed to combat the COVID-19 pandemic and has made it possible to ascertain the sectors of the population with the greatest deficiencies in this respect. It shows the importance of implementing health information and education systems in the community, and it is advisable to promote specific programs aimed at men, people living in rural areas and people with a low level of education.S

    Psycho-educational intervention in the context of vulnerability

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    El siguiente trabajo se desprende de las actividades realizadas en el proyecto de extensión vigente llamado “Desarrollo integral infantil y aprendizaje en territorio. Propuesta de enseñanza sistemática y andamiada de la lectura y de las habilidades cognitivas y socioemocionales en Casa del niño y ONG”, dirigido por la Dra. Sandra Marder (Facultad de Psicología, UNLP). Este proyecto tiene dos objetivos fundamentales: implementar un programa estructurado de desarrollo integral y de habilidades de lectoescritura, y formar estudiantes y graduados en intervenciones psicoeducativas.The following work is part of a current extension project called “Comprehensive Child Development and Learning in Territory. Proposal of systematic education and oriented of reading and cognitive abilities and socioemotional on Casa del niño and ONG”, directed by Dr. Sandra Marder (School of Psychology, UNLP). This project has two main objectives: implement a structured programme of integral development and reading and writing skills, and train students and graduates in psycho-educational interventions.Facultad de Psicologí