441 research outputs found

    Virtual anthropology: a preliminary test of macroscopic observation versus 3D surface scans and computed tomography (CT) scans.

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    Virtual anthropology (VA) is based on applying anthropological methods currently used to analyse bones to 3D models of human remains. While great advances have been made in this endeavour in the past decade, several interrogations concerning how reliable these models are and what their proper use should be remain unanswered. In this research, a fundamental assumption of VA has been investigated: if the way we perceive and apply an anthropological method is truly similar when looking at bones macroscopically and through various 3D media. In order to answer, 10 skulls of known age and sex were scanned using a computed tomography (CT) scanner and a 3D surface scanner. Two observers separately applied a defined staging method to eight suture sites on these skulls, first looking at the bone macroscopically, then at the 3D surface scan, and finally on the CT scan. Two rounds of observation were carried out by each observer. Intra- and inter-observer error were evaluated, and two sample t-tests used to evaluate if the different types of medium used yielded significantly different observations. The results show a high degree of inter-observer error, and that data obtained from 3D surface scans differ from macroscopic observation (confidence level 95%, P ≤ 0.05). CT scans, in these settings, yielded results comparable to those obtained through macroscopic observations. These results offer many possibilities for future research, including indications on the kind of anthropological methods and anatomical landmarks that might be reliably transferable to the virtual environment. All current methods used in traditional anthropology should be tested, and if they prove unreliable, new techniques to analyse bones from virtual models should be developed.Key pointsLarge discrepancies between observation on dry bones and computer-generated 3D models (surface scans or CT scans) could lead to the re-evaluation of the suitability of traditional anthropological methods for application on 3D models.This preliminary study evaluates whether macroscopic, 3D surface scans, and CT scans viewings generate different observations.The results indicate that the data are not always coherent across all three media of observation.Explanations include the aspect given to the bone by the 3D software, differences between handling bones in real life versus on a computer, and level of expertise of the observers

    Constraints on Parity-Even Time Reversal Violation in the Nucleon-Nucleon System and Its Connection to Charge Symmetry Breaking

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    Parity-even time reversal violation (TRV) in the nucleon-nucleon interaction is reconsidered. The TRV ρ\rho-exchange interaction on which recent analyses of measurements are based is necessarily also charge-symmetry breaking (CSB). Limits on its strength gˉρ\bar{g}_\rho relative to regular ρ\rho-exchange are extracted from recent CSB experiments in neutron-proton scattering. The result gˉρ6.7×103\bar{g}_\rho\le 6.7\times 10^{-3} (95% CL) is considerably lower than limits inferred from direct TRV tests in nuclear processes. Properties of a1a_1-exchange and limit imposed by the neutron EDM are briefly discussed.Comment: RevTex, 8 pages. Factor ten error in cited neutron EDM corrected, discussion and two references adde

    Hidden lesions: a case of burnt remains.

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    One of the many challenging cases that forensic pathologists, anthropologists, and forensic imaging experts have to face are burnt human remains. Perpetrators frequently attempt to hide/destroy evidence and make the body unidentifiable by exposing it to fire. We present a case of a partially burnt body found in an apartment after an explosion. First, multidetector computed tomography (MDCT) images and the following autopsy revealed several lesions on the cranium. Forensic anthropologists were involved in order to specify the aetiology of the lesions observed on the cranium. Through an interdisciplinary approach bringing together MDCT scans, 3D surface scans, and anthropological analysis, it was possible to answer the questions raised during the autopsy. Analyses demonstrated that there were signs of blunt force trauma on the cranium vault that the perpetrator likely attempted to hide by exposing the body to fire. This case demonstrates the importance of close collaboration between forensic anthropologists, imaging experts, and forensic pathologists. This multidisciplinary approach allows for a better, more complete reconstitution of forensic cases. The analyses of burnt human remains are one of the many challenging tasks that forensic pathologists and anthropologists have to face.We present an occurrence of a partially burnt body after an explosion and forensic anthropologists were asked whether the nature of the lesions observed on the cranium could be further specified.Anthropological analyses of the skull were consistent with the radiological and autopsy report. It was possible to reconstruct the various lesions on the dry bone.The case demonstrates the importance of an interdisciplinary approach and the close collaboration between forensic anthropologists, imaging experts, and forensic pathologists

    Measuring pelvises in 3D surface scans and in MDCT generated virtual environment: Considerations for applications in the forensic context.

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    Virtual Anthropology (VA) transposes the traditional methods of physical anthropology to virtual environments using imaging techniques and exploits imaging technologies to devise new methodological protocols. In this research, we investigate whether the measurements used in the Diagnose Sexuelle Probabiliste (DSP) and Ischio-Pubic Index (IPI) differ significantly when 3D models of a bone are generated using 3D surface scans (3DSS) and Multidetector Computed Tomography (MDCT) scans. Thirty pelvises were selected from the SIMON identified skeletal collection. An equal ratio of females to males was sought, as well as a good preservation of the bones. The pelvises were scanned using an MDCT scanner and a 3D surface scanner. The measurements of the DSP and IPI methods on the dry bones (referred to as macroscopic measurements here), and then to the 3D models. The intra- and interobserver, using the Technical Error of Measurement (TEM) and relative Technical Error of Measurement (rTEM) error was assessed, and we aimed to observe if the measurements made on the MDCT and 3DSS generated models were significantly different from those taken on the dry bones. Additionally, the normality of the data was tested (Shapiro-Wilk test) and the differences in measurements was evaluated using parametric (Student t-tests) and non-parametric (Wilcoxon) tests. The TEM and rTEM calculations show high intra and interobserver consistency in general. However, some measurements present insufficient inter- and intraobserver agreement. Student t and Wilcoxon tests indicate potentially significant differences of some measurements between the different environments. The results show that especially in the virtual environment, it is not easy to find the right angle for some of the DSP measurements, However, when comparing the measurement differences between dry and virtual bones, the results show that most of the differences are less than or equal to 2.5 mm. Considering the IPI, the landmarks are already difficult to determine on the dry bone, but they are even more difficult to locate in the virtual environment. Nevertheless, this study shows that quantitative methods may be better suited for application in the virtual environment, but further research using different methods is needed

    The Off Shell ρ\rho-ω\omega Mixing in the QCD Sum Rules

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    The q2q^2 dependence of the ρω\rho-\omega mixing amplitude is analyzed with the use of the QCD sum rules and the dispersion relation. Going off shell the mixing decreases, changes sign at q20.4mρ2>0q^2 \simeq 0.4 m_{\rho}^2 > 0 and is negative in the space like region. Implications of this result to the isospin breaking part of the nuclear force are discussed.Comment: 26 pages + 11 figures (PostScript

    Buddy Study: Partners for better health in adolescents with type 2 diabetes

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    AIM: To investigate whether assigning young, healthy and motivated lay volunteer partners (“buddies”) to adolescents with type 2 diabetes improves hemoglobin A1c (HbA1c). METHODS: Adolescents with type 2 diabetes were randomized to partnering with a “buddy” or to conventional treatment. During the initial screening visit, which coincided with a routine outpatient diabetes clinic visit, patients with type 2 diabetes underwent a physical examination, detailed medical history, laboratory measurement of HbA1c, and completed two questionnaires (Pediatric Quality of Life Inventory and Children’s Depression Inventory) to assess their overall quality of life and the presence of depressive symptoms. Patients were then randomized to the intervention (the buddy system) or conventional treatment (standard care). All patients were scheduled to return for follow-up at 3- and 6-mo after their initial visit. HbA1c was determined at all visits (i.e., at screening and at the 3- and 6-mo follow-up visits) and quality of life and depressive symptoms were evaluated at the screening visit and were reassessed at the 6-mo visit. RESULTS: Ten adolescents, recruited from a pool of approximately 200 adolescents, enrolled over a two-year time period, leading to premature termination of the study. In contrast, we easily recruited motivated lay volunteers. We found no change in HbA1c from the initial to the 6-mo visit in either group, yet our small sample size limited systematic assessment of this outcome. Participants repeatedly missed clinic appointments, failed to conduct self-glucose-monitoring and rarely brought their glucometers to clinic visits. Total quality of life scores (72.6 ± 6.06) at screening were similar to previously reported scores in adolescents with type 2 diabetes (75.7 ± 15.0) and lower than scores reported in normal-weight (81.2 ± 0.9), overweight (83.5 ± 1.8), and obese youths without diabetes (78.5 ± 1.8) or in adolescents with type 1 diabetes (80.5 ± 13.1). Among adolescents who returned for their 6-mo visit, there were no differences in total quality of life scores (70.2 ± 9.18) between screening and follow-up. CONCLUSION: Our approach, effective in adults with type 2 diabetes, was unsuccessful among adolescents and emphasizes the need for innovative strategies for diabetes treatment in adolescent patients

    Constraints on a Parity-Conserving/Time-Reversal-Non-Conserving Interaction

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    Time-Reversal-Invariance non-conservation has now been unequivocally demonstrated in a direct measurement at CPLEAR. What about tests of time-reversal-invariance in systems other than the kaon system? Tests of time-reversal-invariance belong to two classes: searches for parity violating (P-odd)/time-reversal-invariance-odd (T-odd) interactions, and for P-even/T-odd interactions (assuming CPT conservation this implies C-conjugation non-conservation). Limits on a P-odd/T-odd interaction follow from measurements of the electric dipole moment of the neutron (with a present upper limit of 6 x 10^-26 e.cm [95% C.L.]). It provides a limit on a P-odd/T-odd pion-nucleon coupling constant which is less than 10^-4 times the weak interaction strength. Experimental limits on a P-even/T-odd interaction are much less stringent. Following the standard approach of describing the nucleon-nucleon interaction in terms of meson exchanges, it can be shown that only charged rho-meson exchange and A_1 meson exchange can lead to a P-even/T-odd interaction. The better constraints stem from measurements of the electric dipole moment of the neutron and from measurements of charge-symmetry breaking in neutron-proton elastic scattering. The latter experiments were executed at TRIUMF (497 and 347 MeV) and at IUCF (183 MeV). Weak decay experiments may provide limits which will possibly be comparable. All other experiments, like gamma decay experiments, detailed balance experiments, polarization - analyzing power difference determinations, and five-fold correlation experiments with polarized incident nucleons and aligned nuclear targets, have been shown to be at least an order of magnitude less sensitive.Comment: 15 pages LaTeX, including 5 PostScript figures. Uses ijmpe1.sty. To appear in International Journal of Modern Physics E (IJMPE). Slight change in short abstrac

    The Momentum Dependence of the ρω\rho-\omega Mixing Amplitude in a Hadronic Model

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    We calculate the momentum dependence of the ρω\rho-\omega mixing amplitude in a purely hadronic model. The basic assumption of the model is that the mixing amplitude is generated by NNˉN{\bar{N}} loops and thus driven entirely by the neutron-proton mass difference. The value of the amplitude at the ω\omega-meson point is expressed in terms of only the NNωNN\omega and the NNρNN\rho coupling constants. Using values for these couplings constrained by empirical two-nucleon data we obtain a value for the mixing amplitude in agreement with experiment. Extending these results to the spacelike region, we find a ρω\rho-\omega contribution to the NN interaction that is strongly suppressed and opposite in sign relative to the conventional contribution obtained from using the constant on-shell value for the mixing amplitude.Comment: 11 pages, SCRI-12219

    Selected nucleon form factors and a composite scalar diquark

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    A covariant, composite scalar diquark, Fadde'ev amplitude model for the nucleon is used to calculate pseudoscalar, isoscalar- and isovector-vector, axial-vector and scalar nucleon form factors. The last yields the nucleon sigma-term and on-shell sigma-nucleon coupling. The calculated form factors are soft, and the couplings are generally in good agreement with experiment and other determinations. Elements in the dressed-quark-axial-vector vertex that are not constrained by the Ward-Takahashi identity contribute ~20% to the magnitude of g_A. The calculation of the nucleon sigma-term elucidates the only unambiguous means of extrapolating meson-nucleon couplings off the meson mass-shell.Comment: 12 pages, REVTEX, 5 figures, epsfi

    Off-Shell Rho-Omega Mixing Through Quark Loops With Non-Perturbative Meson Vertex And Quark Mass Functions

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    The momemtum dependence of the off-shell ρ\rho-ω\omega mixing amplitude is calculated through a two-quark loop diagram, using non-perturbative meson-quark vertex functions for the ρ\rho and ω\omega mesons, as well as non-perturbative quark propagators. Both these quantities are generated self-consistently through an interlinked BSE-cum-SDE approach with a 3D support for the BSE kernel with two basic constants which are pre- checked against a wide cross section of both meson and baryon spectra within a common structural framework for their respective 3D BSE's. With this pre-calibration, the on-shell strength works out at -2.434δ(mq2)\delta(m_q^2) in units of the change in "constituent mass squared", which is consistent with the e+ee^+e^- to π+π\pi^+\pi^- data for a u-d mass difference of ~4 MeV ,while the relative off-shell strength (0.99 ±\pm 0.01) lies midway between quark-loop and QCD-SR results. We also calculate the photon-mediated ρ\rho-ω\omega propagator whose off-shell structure has an additional pole at q2q^2=0. The implications of these results vis-a-vis related investigations are discussed.Comment: 12 Pages, latex file, NTUTH-94-0