5 research outputs found

    Removal of Water Turbidity by using Aluminum Filings as a Filter Media

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    The ability of using aluminum filings which is locally solid waste was tested as a mono media in gravity rapid filter. The present study was conducted to evaluate the effect of variation of influent water turbidity (10, 20and 30 NTU); flow rate(30, 40, and 60 l/hr) and bed height (30and60)cm on the performance of aluminum filings filter media for 5 hours run time and compare it with the conventional sand filter. The results indicated that aluminum filings filter showed better performance than sand filter in the removal of turbidity and in the reduction of head loss. Results showed that the statistical model developed by the multiple linear regression was proved to be valid, and it could be used to predict head loss in aluminum filings filter and sand filter with R2 equal to 0.94 and 0.968 respectively


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    The present research is concerned with studying of the drag force on two spheres moving side by side and in line in non-Newtonian liquid. Polyacryamide (PAA) solution with different concentrations (0.01, 0.03, 0.05 and 0.07)% by weight and water is used for comparison for obtaining the effect of fluid properties on the drag force. Different types of spheres stainless steel, glass and plastic with different sizes and densities were used. Within the considered range of power law index (0.6 - 1), and generated Reynolds number (1.1 -75) in power law fluid and Reynolds number (100 - 1000) for water it was found the drag coefficient increases with increasing the power law index for constant generated Reynolds number and the drag force increases with fluid density increases but it decreases with the sphere density increases


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    In the present work advanced oxidation process, photo-Fenton (UV/H2O2/Fe+2) system, for the treatment of wastewater contaminated with oil was investigated. The reaction was influenced by the input concentration of hydrogen peroxide H2O2, the initial amount of the iron catalyst Fe+2, pH, temperature and the concentration of oil in the wastewater. The removal efficiency for the system UV/ H2O2/Fe+2 at the optimal conditions and dosage (H2O2 = 400mg/L, Fe+2 = 40mg/L, pH=3, temperature =30o C) for 1000mg/L load was found to be 72%

    Performance of Activated Ricinus Communis Leaves for Degradation Oily Wastewater from Aqueous Solution

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    في هذا العمل، تم استخدام اوراق نبات الخروع كمادة مازة لازالة الدهن الذائب في محلول مستحلب الدهن- الماء، المادة المازة تم استخدامها بحالة التفعيل، في هذه الدراسة تم اختبار تأثير مختلف العوامل مثل تركيز الدهن الابتدائي، جرعة المادة المازة, ووقت الامتزاز، حجم الحبيبات المستخدمة للمادة المازة كان (300-150) مايكرون وقيمة الأس الهايدروجيني اقل من 2   ضمن 200 دورة بالدقيقة وتركيز للمادة المازة 400 ملغرام/ لتر. نسبة كمية الدهن الممتزة ازدادت من 78% الى 88% عند تركيز اولي للدهن 200 ملغرام/ لتر عند استخدام مادة مازة بالصورة الطبيعية والصورة المفعلة على التوالي. تم اجراء الفحوصات الخاصة بالمساحة السطحية BET  وامتصاص الطيف FTIR  والمجهر الالكتروني الماسح SEM ، ان المادة المازة المفعلة اثبتت قدرة جيدة في امتزاز المركبات الاليفاتية والاروماتية، تم دراسة مدى تطابق نتائج الدراسة مع الموديلات الخاصة بسعة الامتزاز  ووجد ان كلا من Langmuir model  وكذلك Freundlich model  يمكن استخدامهما لوصف الامتزاز بالمادة المفعلة، تم دراسة كمية المادة الممتزة مع الزمن  وتم التوصل الى ان   Pseudo Second order  هو الموديل الافضل لوصف تغير مقدار الدهن المتز مع الزمن.In this work, Ricinus Communis leaves used as adsorbent to eliminate dissolved oil in oil-water emulsion, the adsorbent was used in activated state, the influence of different parameters like initial oil concentration, adsorbent dosage, and contact time were examined in this study. The particle size used was (300 - 150 micron), at (pH < 2), 200 rpm. and adsorbent concentration of 400 mg/L, The oil uptake increased from 78 % to 88% for oil concentration of 2000 mg/L by using natural and activated respectively,  the study was characterized by FTIR, SEM, and BET tests. FTIR test. Activated adsorbent proved good capability of adsorption aliphatic and aromatic hydrocarbons. Isotherm study had used to understand the mechanism of adsorption. Langmuir and Freundlich isotherm were fitted very well  to describe the adsorption resulting by activated adsorbent, this study also characterized by kinetic models, Pseudo second order was the best fitted model for adsorption by adsorbent

    Coagulation - Flotation Process for Removing Oil from wastewater using Sawdust+ Bentonite

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    In many industries especially oil companies in Iraq consumed large quantities of water which will produce oil-contaminated water which can cause major pollution in agricultural lands and rivers. The aim of the present work is to enhance the efficiency of dispersed air flotation technique by using highly effective and cost-efficient coagulant to treating gas oil emulsion. The experimental work was carried out using bubble column made of Perspex glass (5cm I.D, 120cm height). A liquid was at depth of 60cm. Different dosage of sawdust +bentonite at ratio 2:1 (0.5+ 0.25; 1+ 0.5 and 2+1) gm and alum at concentration (10,20and30mg/l) at different pH ( 4 and 7) were used to determine optimum dosages of coagulant. Jar test experiment has showed that optimum dosage of (sawdust +bentonite) was (1+0.5gm) and alum concentration was 30 mg/l at pH=4. The present study was conducted to evaluate the effect of various parameters pH (3, 4,7and 9); air flow rate (300, 500, 1000, and 1500 cc/min); initial oil concentration (300 up to 1000 ppm); concentration of Sodium dodecylsulphat surfactants ,SDS (25, 75and 150mg/l); and the effect of the addition coagulant (sawdust + bentonite at ratio 2:1) and alum (30mg/l) in the removal efficiency of oil from wastewater by coagulation –flotation process. The study has showed that the removal efficiency of COD, oil content and turbidity were related to the initial oil concentration; additive concentration of SDS and dosage of coagulants. It was found that the flotation rate increases when using coagulants, the fastest removal rate was obtained when pH 4 and also the higher removal efficiency achieved was for flotation (87%) and (95.7%) sawdust +bentonite; (97%) for alum in coagulation – flotation process