4 research outputs found

    Learning to Teach: A Case Study of Student Teachers’ Practicum and Policy Recommendations

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    This qualitative case study was conducted to gather information on the implementation of teaching practicum in order to improve the quality of the program in an English teacher education program at a state-owned university, Jambi, Indonesia. Information was gathered from five recent teacher graduates, five beginner teachers, five school principals, and five teacher educators on their perceptions of English Foreign Language Teacher Education Program (EFLTEP) graduates as beginner teachers. This qualitative study employed a background survey, document analyses and interviews for data collection. Document analyses were used to examine the aims and content of the English teacher education program and official Indonesian English teacher education curriculum and policies. Semi-structured interviews were used to explore the main data from graduates and collect information from the beginner teachers. Interviews with principals and teacher educators were used to obtain further data and evidence about the beginner teachers’ knowledge and preparedness to teach. We organized our analysis, findings, and discussion around the implementation of teaching practicum. The analyses of the documents and texts revealed that major themes related to (1) the standards for implementing the teaching practicum in the program, (2) quality of the teaching practicum, (3) duration of the teaching practicum, (4) the roles of mentor teachers and teacher educators, and (5) selecting school partners for the student teacher practicum. Particularly, the findings indicated that teaching practicum projects undertaken during the program provided suitable but limited experience for student teachers to translate their knowledge learnt at university into the real practice of teaching at school levels. For future improvement of the program, the role of supervising teachers and teacher educators in assisting student teachers during the teaching practicum project should be a priority. The organisation and management of school–university partnerships for schools taking part in the teaching practicum require attention to maximise benefits to student teachers

    The Effect of Student’s Motivation on Academic Achievement

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    This quantitative study aims to investigate how intrinsic motivation affects students' performance in the Management degree at FEB Palangka Raya University. Purposive sampling was utilized to choose 123 students from the class of 2022 to participate in a survey. Participants' desire to learn was rated on a scale of 1–100 using the questionnaire, and their first-semester academic performance was evaluated using their individual version (IP) grade point average. EViews 12 was used to do the statistical analysis of the data. Students' grades (Y) were shown to be highly impacted by their level of learning motivation (X). The results of the statistical analysis, conducted using EViews 12, showed that there is a strong correlation between students' level of intrinsic motivation and their academic performance. Specifically, this study found that students who have higher levels of intrinsic motivation tend to have better academic performance than those who have lower levels of intrinsic motivation

    Perspektif Al-Quran Tentang Tindakan Preventif Penanggulangan Kelahiran Anak Sindrom Down

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    Kelahiran anak sindrom down masih menjadi masalah bagi dunia medis bagaimana cara menanggulanginya. Ini karena secara medis belum ditemukan obat untuk menyembuhkan anak yang dilahirkan dalam keadaan sindrom down. Menggunakan metode penafsiran tematik/tafsir maudu’i paper ini mengungkap upaya integratif secara medis dan spiritual sebagai tindakan preventif dalam menanggulangi permasalahan kelahiran anak dengan sindromdown. Upaya preventif penanggulangan kelahiran anak sindrom down di dalam al-Quran dan medis, di antaranya dapat dilakukan dengan beberapa tahapan, yaitu: 1. Pendidikan karakter keluarga dan remaja Islami, 2. Pendidikan kesehatan reproduksi dan penyakit genetika, 3. Pendidikan tentang konsep pernikahan ideal dalam al-Qur'an, 4. Pemeriksaan kesehatan reproduksi dan genetika pra nikah, 5. Edukasi parenting sebagai persiapan terbaik menjadi orang tua, 6. Ajaran norma menjauhi pergaulan bebas, narkoba dan perzinahan, 7. Pemeriksaan kesehatan kehamilan berkala dan screening genetika, dan 8. Memperbanyak doa dan amal salih saat bayi dalam kandungan


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    Prosiding ini berisi kumpulan artikel dari narasumber dan peserta INTERNATIONAL SEMINAR on ISLAMIC STUDIES AND EDUCATION (ISoISE) dalam rangka Visiting and International Conference tahun 2020 dari Dosen dan Mahasiswa Program Magister Pascasarjana UIN Sutha Jambi – Indonesia yang dilaksanakan di Fakulti Pendidikan Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia - Malaysia pada 20 Februari 202