18 research outputs found

    Assessment of the toxic potentials of some plants powders on survival and development of Callosobuchus maculatus

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    Dried leaves powders of Guirea senegalensis, Piliostigma reticulatum and dried fruit powder of Piper guineense, were tested along side a conventional insecticide, Actellic-2-Dust, to compare their efficacies on survival of cowpea weevil (Callosobuchus maculates) during storage. Both the treated and untreated cowpeas (control) were then infested with newly emerged adult bruchids of both sexes. In all the trials, 83 to 100% mortality rates were observed in the treated samples. The rates in the untreated control ranges from 33.3 to 43.6%. The effects of the powders on fecundity were more pronounced on P. guineense and Actellic-dust treated samples. Similar effects were observed on development of immature stages and emergence of adult weevils. P. guineense had the highest larvicidal effects and lower productivity result especially. P. reticulatum had the lowest mortality rate and higher productivity result. The effects of the different powders were found to be dose related. Key Words: Cowpea weevil, Callosobuchus maculates, biological insecticides, Vigna unguiculata. African Journal of Biotechnology Vol.3(1) 2004: 60-6

    Laboratory assessment of hypoglycaemia due to malaria in children attending general hospital, Katsina

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    Early and accurate laboratory diagnosis of Plasmodium falciparum parasitaemia as well as assessment of its severity which include among other parameters; blood glucose concentration are very important in the management of children with complicated malaria. In this study, the conventional thick blood film examination was used to detect malaria parasitaemia, while enzymatic colorimetric glucose-oxidae technique was used to estimate blood glucose level. A total of (450) chlidren were assessed for malaria and hypoglycaemia due to malaria over a period of five months in paediatrics ward of General Hospital Katsina, Nigeria. From the results obtained, 380 (84.4%) children had primary diagnosis of malaria and 113 (25.1%) of the malaria positive children were hypoglycaemic on the first day of admission. Highest incidence of malaria and hypoglycaemia due to malaria were recorded in children between the age of 2-5 years with 37.3% and 9.3% respectively. Lowest incidence of malaria and hypoglycaemia due to malaria were recorded in children between the age of 11-15years with 9.3% and 3.3% respectively. Although apparently there was difference in the number of males and females found to be malaria positive as well as hypoglycaemic, chi-square (χ2) test at P≤0.05 showed no significant difference. Questionnaire analysis in this study showed that high incidence of severe malaria leading to hypoglycaemia in children could be attributed to poverty, malnutrition, inadequate management of uncomplicated malaria in the health centres as well as late arrival at the hospital. Early laboratory and clinical diagnosis, correct treatment and improved quality management are key strategies for malaria control. Key words: Hypoglycaemia, Malaria, Childre

    Morphological pattern of endometrial biopsies in southwestern Nigeria

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    Background: Endometrium remains the most sensitive indicator of ovarian function and endometrial biopsy is one of the diagnostic procedures in endometrial pathology. The current study was carried out to examine the morphological pattern of endometrial biopsies in Ibadan, South-western Nigeria and compare the results with similar studies.Method: A retrospective study was undertaken to review all cases of endometrial biopsies received in the Department of Pathology, University College Hospital, Ibadan between January 1999 and December 2008. The patients’ data were retrieved from the surgical pathology daybooks and Histology Request forms. The neoplastic lesions were classified according to 2003 World Health Organization classification for endometrial neoplasms.Results: A total of 2,444 cases of endometrial biopsies were received during the 10-year study period. The functional endometrial changes were the most common histopathological diagnostic category, accounting for 53.8% (1035) of cases. Other pathological diagnoses included endometritis (7.8%), simple endometrial hyperplasia (5.8%), partial hydatidiform mole (2.3%), complete hydatidiform mole (2.1%) and malignant neoplastic lesions (3.9%). Infertility was the most common (57%) indication for endometrial biopsies followed by uterine bleeding (33%) while the least common clinical indication were the menstrual disorders (10%).Conclusion: The functional endometrial changes account for the highest morphological patterns while malignant lesions account for the least pattern of the endometrial biopsies evaluated for etiological basis of infertility, uterine bleeding and menstrual disorders in Ibadan. Infertility was the commonest indication for endometrial biopsies while the least common clinical indication was menstrual disorders.Keywords: Endometrium, Biopsies, Morphology, Ibada

    Attitude of Rural Youths towards Family Farming in Dass, Bauchi State, Nigeria and the Implications for Policy

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    This study examined the characteristics and attitude of rural youths towards family farming in Dass Local Government Area (LGA), Bauchi State, Nigeria. Multistage and systematic sampling were used to select 120 rural youths in farm families as respondents. Data was collected from them with help of structured interview schedules. Attitude was measured with a 5-point Likert type scale, while the data was analyzed using descriptive statistics. The findings show that more than half of the respondents’ (56 %) were in their twenties (mode = 21-24 yrs). Majority were males (88 %), single (51 %), literate (99 %) and had rural background (94 %). Most of them participate in family farming (96.0 %), but in different ways (mode = labour donation), and consider farming as major occupation (71 %). A good number (46.7 %) had farming knowledge and experience spanning up to 10 years (mode = 5-10 years), or more (30.8 %), which most of them (78 %) said was learned through parents (non-formal sources). Similarly a large proportion (69 %) participates in grassroots groups and associations. It was found that about 16.0 percent of them had favourable, while 63.0 % and 22.0 % respectively, had a moderately favourable and unfavourable attitudes towards family farming. Their positive disposition towards farming was influenced by these demographic cultural variables or assets, in association with the natural endowments of the study area. The Dass scenario was found to be unique and amenable to sustainable agricultural and community development. A key policy implication of the situation was the need to harness these assets of the youths’ towards empowering them, through appropriate strategies, to remain attracted to/and take up farming as a full time employment. Key words: attitude, youths, family farming, Nigeri

    Ethnozoological Survey of Animal and Animal Products Used in Traditional Healing Practices in Sokoto State, Nigeria

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    Nature has provided us with materials that are good sources of medicine. These materials derived from nature have been used by different societies across the world for treatment of various diseases.For example, plants,animalsand minerals substanceshave been extracted and prepared in various forms for treatment of diseases. Researches concerning the use of animals and their derivatives in traditioanal medicine has received very little attention, especially in the Northern Nigeria. Sokoto state is blessed with rich faunal resources yet the number of researches with regards to medicinal animals is very negligible compared to that of plants. With rapid increase in the population of our polygamous society (especially in the rural areas) which often find it difficult to access modern health care facilities, there is the need for complimentary folk medicine that would support local health care system. In the light of the above,animals / animal products used in traditional medicine by the indigenous people of Sokoto have been identified and documented through the use of unstructured questionnaire as the main instruments used for data collection. Six hundred (600) questionnaires were distributed to the surveyed population from different parts of the state. They include: herbalists, hunters, barbers, bone-setters, traditional mid-wives and fishermen. Percentage frequency and percentage fidelity level were used for data analysis. From the survey, twenty two (22) species of animals were found to be of medicinal value. Diseases such as rashes, toothache, nightblindness, mumps, cabuncle epistaxis, yellow fever, eczema, gastrointestinal disorders were found to be curable using these animals or their derivatives.Keywords: Traditionl Healing, Zootherapy, Zootherapeutics, Ethnozoolog

    Occupational hazards among the abattoir workers associated with noncompliance to the meat processing and waste disposal laws in Malaysia

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    Auwalu Abdullahi,1–3 Azmi Hassan,1 Norizhar Kadarman,2 Yakubu Muhammad Junaidu,3 Olanike Kudrat Adeyemo,4,5 Pei Lin Lua6 1Institute for Community Development and Quality of Life (i-CODE), Universiti Sultan Zainal Abidin (UniSZA), Kampus Gong Badak, 2Faculty of Medicine, Department of Community Medicine, Universiti Sultan Zainal Abidin (UniSZA), Kampus Kota, Kuala Terengganu, Terengganu, Malaysia; 3Department of Animal Health and Husbandry, Audu Bako College of Agriculture Dambatta, Kano, Nigeria; 4Center for Human and Environmental Toxicology, Department of Physiological Sciences, University of Florida, Gainesville, FL, USA; 5Department of Veterinary Public Health and Preventive Medicine, University of Ibadan, Ibadan, Nigeria; 6Community Health Research Cluster, Faculty of Health Sciences, Universiti Sultan Zainal Abidin (UniSZA), Kampus Gong Badak, Kuala Terengganu, Terengganu, Malaysia Purpose: This study aims to investigate the occupational hazards among the abattoir workers associated with noncompliance to the meat processing and waste disposal laws in Terengganu State, Malaysia. Occupational hazards are the major source of morbidity and mortality among the animal workers due to exposure to many hazardous situations in their daily practices. Occupational infections mostly contracted by abattoir workers could be caused by iatrogenic or transmissible agents, including viruses, bacteria, fungi, and parasites and the toxins produced by these organisms. Materials and methods: The methodology was based on a cross-sectional survey using cluster sampling technique in the four districts of Terengganu State, Malaysia. One hundred and twenty-one abattoir workers from five abattoirs were assessed using a validated structured questionnaire and an observation checklist. Results: The mean and standard deviation of occupational hazards scores of the workers were 2.32 (2.721). Physical, chemical, biological, psychosocial, musculoskeletal, and ergonomics hazards were the major findings of this study. However, the highest prevalence of occupational hazards identified among the workers was injury by sharp equipment such as a knife (20.0%), noise exposure (17.0%), and due to offensive odor within the abattoir premises (12.0%). Conclusion: The major occupational hazards encountered by the workers in the study area were physical, chemical, biological, psychosocial, musculoskeletal, and ergonomics hazards. To ensure proper control of occupational health hazards among the abattoir workers, standard design and good environmental hygiene must be taken into consideration all the time. Exposure control plan, which includes risk identification, risk characterization, assessment of workers at risk, risk control, workers' education/training, and implementation of safe work procedures, should be implemented by the government and all the existing laws governing the abattoir operation in the country should be enforced. Keywords: occupational health problem, slaughterhouse workers, noncompliance, abattoir laws, Malaysi

    Quantifying trace elements in the emitted particulate matter during cooking and health risk assessment

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    Particulate matter (PM) measurements were conducted during heating corn oil, heating corn oil mixed with the table salt and heating low fat ground beef meat using a PTFE-coated aluminum pan on an electric stove with low ventilation. The main objectives of this study were to measure the size segregated mass concentrations, emission rates, and fluxes of 24 trace elements emitted during heating cooking oil or oil with salt and cooking meat. Health risk assessments were performed based on the resulting exposure to trace elements from such cooking activities. The most abundant elements (significantly different from zero) were Ba (24.4 ug m(-3)) during grilling meat and Ti during heating oil with salt (24.4 ug m(-3)). The health assessment indicates that the cooking with an electric stove with poor ventilation leading to chronic exposures may pose the risk of significant adverse health effects. Carcinogenic risk exceeded the acceptable level (target cancer risk 1 x 10(-6), US EPA 2015) by four orders of magnitude, while non-carcinogenic risk exceeded the safe level (target HQ = 1, US EPA 2015) by a factor of 5-20. Cr and Co were the primary contributors to the highest carcinogenic and non-carcinogenic risks, respectively