459 research outputs found

    Assessment of National Board for Arabic and Islamic Studies (NBAIS) Curriculum on Implementation of Qur'anic Memorization in North-West, Nigeria

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    This study assessed the relationship between availability of resources and the implementation of Qur’anic memorization curriculum content of NBAIS in North West, Nigeria. The objectives of the study are to: find out the availability of learning resources and the implementation of Qur’anic memorization curriculum content of NBAIS in senior Arabic and Islamic secondary schools; examine the availability of Qur’anic teachers used in the implementation of Qur’anic memorization curriculum content in senior Arabic and Islamic secondary schools. Two research questions and hypotheses in line with the objectives guided the study. The study was survey design. The instruments were validated by the experts. Mann Whitney u test was used to test the hypotheses. The finding revealed that: there was a significant difference between the availability of learning resources in senior Tahfeez and Islamic secondary schools and that of senior Arabic and Islamic secondary schools in the implementation of Qur’anic memorization curriculum content. There was no significant difference between the availability of teachers in senior Tahfeez and Islamic secondary schools and that of Senior Arabic and Islamic secondary schools in the implementation of Qur’anic memorization curriculum content. The study concludes among others that; available Qur’anic memorization teachers must be provided for effective implementation of Qur’anic memorization curriculum content more especially in senior Arabic and Islamic secondary schools. The study recommended among others that; there is need for to providing more human and material resources especially in senior Arabic and Islamic secondary schools, for qualitative Qur’anic memorizers in the schools

    Perceptions of People Towards Youth with Autism Spectrum Disorder and Intellectual Disability in North Eastern Nigeria

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    This paper examined people’s perception towards youth with Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) and intellectual disability. In-depth interviews were conducted separately with a with autism spectrum disorder (ASD), Intellectual disabilities (ID) While their mothers were thoroughly investigated in order to ascertain the level of victimization in the form of bullying on these categories of youth constructs from the interview were utilized to compare groups on the frequency type and impact of victimization. The outcomes of the interview conducted reveals that youth with ASD are being victimized more frequently than their ID peers and that the form of bullying being subdued differs from each group to another. In view of submission our findings show that higher internalizing problem and conflicts in relationship are found to be a significant predictor of victimization. The paper, therefore, recommends among others that observation of extrinsic and intrinsic behaviors for proper adjustment in a classroom setting should be taken care off

    Effects of Tyre Derived Aggregate (TDA) as Partial Replacement of Coarse Aggregate in Concrete

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    The usage and reuse of waste tyre rubber in concrete production can cut down the use of raw materials which contributes to economic efficiency and sustainable development of the construction industry. This study is directed at assessing the effects of using the Tyre Derived Aggregate (TDA) as a substitute for coarse aggregate in concrete. A sum of eighty-six square cubes of 100 mm was cast and cured in fresh water for up to 28 days. Setting times, consistency and soundness tests were carried out on cement paste. However, slump, compressive strength and durability (i.e. water absorption) tests were carried out on the concrete. The results unveiled that the physical characteristics of cement considered fulfilled BS EN 196-3 (1995), and the slump of fresh concrete decreased as the percentage of TDA content stepped up. The water absorption raised, while the density of concrete made with TDA decreased as the percentage of TDA content stepped up. However, the strength of TDA-concrete increased as the curing age increased, and it decreased as the portion of TDA content raised. Nevertheless, the strength at 0%, 5% and 10% were 23, 21.67 and 18.33 N/mm2 respectively. However, the strength of TDA-concrete made with 0 % TDA and 5 % TDA subjected to different temperatures decreased as the temperature increased, however, even at 500C the strength of concrete made with 5% TDA was found to be 20.5 N/mm2 which is within the target compressive strength. It was concluded that the usage of TDA content in the production of concrete should not be greater than 5 % for better performance

    Optimal Control Strategies and Cost Effectiveness Analysis of a Malaria Transmission Model

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    In this paper, a non-linear model with three control parameters for household of malaria has been study. The disease free equilibrium is obtained and the basic reproduction number is computed using the next generation matrix. We carry out cost evaluation of the model to optimize the cost of the intervention in the objective functional using Pontryagins’s Maximum Principle (PMP). We apply the optimal control strategy to investigate and analyze the optimal cost for controlling the transmission of malaria using treated bednets, treatment and indoor residual spray as parameters. Numerical simulation has been carry out using Runge-Kutta of order four to calculate the incremental cost effectiveness ratio () for the implementation of various combinations of the parameters to determine the most cost effective strategy that check the spread of the disease. Our findings show that the most cost-effective strategy to check the spread of malaria is strategy F (the combination of treatment of infected individuals and indoor residual spray parameters). Keywords: Optimal Control, Malaria Transmission, Cost-Effectiveness, Treated Bednets, Treatment, Indoor Spra

    Comparative Assessment of Sweet (Zeamays Convar.Saccarata) and Dent Maize (Zeamays) for Phytoremediation of Chromium and Nickel Polluted Agricultural Soils

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    The consequential effects of heavy metal consumption by man suggest the need for plant assessment for bio-concentration and translocation potentials. This study aimed at comparing the potential of dent maize with sweet maize for phytoremediation of Chromium (Cr) and Nickel (Ni) contaminated soils. Soil samples were taken randomly to a depth of 20 cm. Out of the samples taken; about 500 g of the samples were homogenized, dried, sieved, and used for the determination of soil physicochemical properties. The remaining soil samples were used to fill the polythene bags for the plant growth. The experimental design used was 22 by 2 general factorial design consisting of 4 treatments (1 g/dm3 of Ni (NO3)2.6H2O; 3 g/dm3 of Ni (NO3)2.6H2O; 1 g/dm3 of Cr (NO3)2.9H2O and 3 g/dm3 of Cr (NO3)2.9H2O), 2 replicates of each and the control. The setup was made for each of the maize types. Three seeds of maize were planted on each of the soil samples at a depth of 4 cm and the setup was properly monitored. Soil samples were analyzed at day 1 and every 14 days interval in a period of 70 days after planting (DAP). The result of the initial analysis of the soil samples indicates that the control soil sample contained 0.17+0.002 mg/kg of Cr and 0.03+0.001 mg/kg of Ni for soil seeded with both the dent and sweet maize. The mean concentration of Cr and Ni from the soil samples taken from soil contaminated with 1g treatment were 1.24+0.001 mg/kg and 1.43+0.002 mg/kg respectively, while that contaminated with 3g treatment has 3.98+0.02 mg/kg of Cr and 2.96+0.02 mg/kg of Ni. The results also show a reduction in the heavy metal concentrations of the soil through the 70 days of planting. The Cr and Ni contents of the two maize types increase with the increase in the amount of metals (3 g > 1 g> control) in the soils in which they were seeded. Though, the two types of maize are good phytoplant, sweet maize is more active in Cr removal than dent maize. The two maize types are better in bioaccumulation than in translocation. The growth of the plants was not retarded by the presence of the metal which shows their tolerance and effectiveness in remediating Cr and Ni contaminated soil. The use of this technology will help in attaining sustainable development goals as it addresses the problem of environmental degradation while the subsistence agriculture will be promoted and hence poverty will also be alleviated or eradicated

    Development and Validation of Web-based Courseware for Junior Secondary School Basic Technology Students in Nigeria

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    This research aimed to develop and validate a web-based courseware for junior secondary school basic technology students in Nigeria. In this study, a mixed method quantitative pilot study design with qualitative components was used to test and ascertain the ease of development and validation of the web-based courseware. Dick and Carey instructional system design model was adopted for developing the courseware. Convenience sampling technique was used in selecting the three content, computer and educational technology experts to validate the web-based courseware. Non-randomized and non-equivalent Junior secondary school students from two schools were used for field trial validation. Four validating instruments were employed in conducting this study: (i) Content Validation Assessment Report (CVAR); (ii) Computer Expert Validation Assessment Report (CEAR); (iii) Educational Technology Experts Validation Assessment Report (ETEVAR); and (iv) Students Validation Questionnaire (SVQ). All the instruments were face and content validated. SVQ was pilot tested and reliability coefficient of 0.85 was obtained using Cronbach Alpha. CVAR, CEAR, ETEVAR were administered on content specialists, computer experts, and educational technology experts, while SVQ was administered on 83 JSS students from two selected secondary schools in Minna. The findings revealed that the process of developing web-based courseware using Dick and Carey Instructional System Design was successful. In addition, the report from the validating team revealed that the web-based courseware is valuable for learning basic technology. It is therefore recommended that web-based courseware should be produced to teach basic technology concepts on large scale

    Development and Validation of Web-based Courseware for Junior Secondary School Basic Technology Students in Nigeria

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    This research aimed to develop and validate a web-based courseware for junior secondary school basic technology students in Nigeria. In this study, a mixed method quantitative pilot study design with qualitative components was used to test and ascertain the ease of development and validation of the web-based courseware. Dick and Carey instructional system design model was adopted for developing the courseware. Convenience sampling technique was used in selecting the three content, computer and educational technology experts to validate the web-based courseware. Non-randomized and non-equivalent Junior secondary school students from two schools were used for field trial validation. Four validating instruments were employed in conducting this study: (i) Content Validation Assessment Report (CVAR); (ii) Computer Expert Validation Assessment Report (CEAR); (iii) Educational Technology Experts Validation Assessment Report (ETEVAR); and (iv) Students Validation Questionnaire (SVQ). All the instruments were face and content validated. SVQ was pilot tested and reliability coefficient of 0.85 was obtained using Cronbach Alpha. CVAR, CEAR, ETEVAR were administered on content specialists, computer experts, and educational technology experts, while SVQ was administered on 83 JSS students from two selected secondary schools in Minna. The findings revealed that the process of developing web-based courseware using Dick and Carey Instructional System Design was successful. In addition, the report from the validating team revealed that the web-based courseware is valuable for learning basic technology. It is therefore recommended that web-based courseware should be produced to teach basic technology concepts on large scale

    Some aspects of fisheries ecology in Thomas dam, Kano Nigeria

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    The diversity, length-weight relationship and condition factor of fish species of Thomas Dam, Dambatta Kano were studied fortnightly between November, 2016 and February, 2017. Fish species were collected using line nets, cast nets, hooks and traps; weighted to the nearest gram and standard length measured to the nearest centimeter. A total 313 fishes comprising of 7 families and 11 species were identified. Family cichlidae was predominant(36.7%) represented by T. zilli (21.7%) and Oreochromis niloticus (15.0%). Family Claridae was the second highest in abundance with 24.7% represented by C. garipienus (8.9%), Clarias anguillaris (8.9%) and Heterobranchus sp. (6.7) while Protopteridae represented by Protopterus sp. was the least with 2.8%. Species diversity determined by Shannon Weiner index of diversity, Evenness index and Margalef’s index which revealed the highest value at site A of 1.45, 0.78 and 2.66 while site D had the least with 1.1, 0.64 and 1.72 respectively. Growth coefficient b of the length weight relationship ranged from 0.9 to 2.7 inHeterobranchussp. andClariasgariepinus. The b values of the all the fish species is less than the mean exponent b =3, indicating a negative allometric growth. Condition factor (K) for all fish species differed significantly (P<0.05) as the highest value was recorded in Mormyrus rume and Heterobranchus sp. with 1.9 each and the least were C. gariepinus and C. anguillaris, protopterus sp. and Labeo senegalensis each had 0.9 values respectively. The mean condition factor (K) by species was greater than 1, indicating that the fish species were not in good condition.KEY WORDS: Species diversity, Length-weight relationship, Condition factor, Allometric growth, Thomas Dam, Dambatta Kano State
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