406 research outputs found

    The Implementation of Maintenance Works for Historical Buildings – A Review on the Current Scenario

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    AbstractThe conservation of historical buildings is a method on preserving structures which are historically and culturally important to the nation. Conservation involves works undertaken to preserve the condition of the building to its original state and this also includes the subsequent maintenance works. Maintenance is identified as a means on prolonging the lifespan of the historical structures. Without proper and systematic maintenance works, without doubt, the historical buildings will deteriorate and becoming dysfunctional as well as unfit to be used. This paper intends to highlight the establishment of maintenance management, the responses on the importance of maintenance works to be undertaken for historical buildings, factors governing the effectiveness of maintenance works on historical buildings and maintenance approaches, inclusive of maintenance programmed undertaken on the structural, non-structural elements as well as the services systems. The findings for this research are summarized from the responses obtained directly from the respondents employed for the management of the historical buildings. Case studies involving 20 numbers of historical buildings, of which some are already categorized under national heritage, were carried out. The methodology for this research is based on personal interviews and distribution of self-developed questionnaire which consists of 10 key topics, all developed relating to conservation of historical buildings and the current scenario on the implementation of maintenance works on these buildings

    Calibrated radar-derived rainfall data for rainfall-runoff modeling.

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    This study focuses on a technique to improve runoff modeling based on radar-derived rainfall and hydrological model for the whole watershed. GIS tools were used to provide the model parameters for the Upper Bernam River Basin (1090 km2), Malaysia. Virtual rainfall stations are created throughout the UBRB watershed. The rainfall data for these stations are estimated from raw weather radar data using newly developed program called RaDeR ver1.0. For this study, estimated radar rainfall data from Subang weather radar stations were compared and calibrated with actual rain gauge data. Radar-derived rainfall calibration model developed for Subang radar station was y=0.8772x. According to the model developed, the radar rainfall calibration factor (RCf) can be identified as 0.8772. The original estimated radar derived rainfall data should be adjusted before using the calibration factor (RCf). The model gives better correlation when adjusted radar values were used instead of the original radar rainfall values. The model calibration factor increased from 0.464 with R2 of 0.2759** to 0.8772 with R2 of 0.3655***. Finally, the virtual rainfall stations created throughout the river basin produced a more representative rainfall distribution. It is believed that watershed river flow can be better estimated by using radar-derived rainfall data

    A cross-sectional study of hypertensive outpatients to determine the necessity of asking about erectile dysfunction symptoms.

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    Background: Erectile dysfunction (ED) is common amongst hypertensive men. Hypertensive patients often attribute it to antihypertensive drugs, although conflicting evidence linking ED with antihypertensive medication exists. The objectives were to determine the prevalence and severity of ED, the type of treatment sought, and the risk factors for ED among hypertensive men. Method: A cross-sectional survey conducted over six months from June to November 2008 at University Kebangsaan, Malaysia Medical Centre, Kuala Lumpur. Inclusion criteria included hypertensive men above 30 years old, with essential hypertension for at least three months. We excluded diabetics, a history of pelvic surgery and known psychiatric illnesses. The International Index of Erectile Function-5 (IIEF-5) assessment was used with a standardised checklist. We analysed data using SPSS, to assess the prevalence and association of ED with selected variables. Results: Of the 200 participants screened, 35.5% perceived that they had ED. However, prevalence increased to 69% after screening using an IIEF-5 questionnaire. Forty-eight per cent were reported to have moderate-tosevere ED. ED was significantly associated with age (p-value = 0.0001). No significant associations were found between ED and the duration of the hypertension (p-value = 0.505), hypertension control (p-value > 0.05), smoking status (p-value = 0.858) or number of antihypertensive medication taken (p-value > 0.05). Among perceived and proven ED patients, traditional medicines were mainly used for treatment (18.3% and 17.2% respectively). Conclusion: ED is a problem among hypertensive patients. It was associated with age but not with hypertension duration, control, number of antihypertensive drugs or smoking. Physicians should enquire about ED symptoms in hypertensive patients, as most of them resorted to self-treatment with traditional medicines

    Difficulty breathing or just a case of the nerves? Incidental finding of primary pleural schwannoma in a COVID-19 survivor

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    Schwannoma is a rare tumor that arises from the Schwann cells, which are specialized, myelin-producing cells of the peripheral nerve sheaths. As anatomic logic would dictate, these masses commonly occur in the skull base, cerebellopontine angle, and posterior spinal roots. Of this already rare entity, rarer still are the pleural schwannomas, representing approximately 1-2% of thoracic tumors. These tumors commonly affect adults with a propensity for the third and sixth decades of life and a comparative male predilection. Schwannomas are benign, indolent, and follow an asymptomatic course. As such, they often come to light incidentally.Here we report a case of primary pleural schwannomas in a 68-year-old female, found incidentally on a CT scan of the chest. To the best of our knowledge and literature review, no other similar case has been reported in our country, Pakistan. Around three weeks before her presentation, she was diagnosed with COVID-19. Her infection had run a mild course with quick recovery without the need for any hospitalization. Therefore, the manifestation of shortness of breath after resolution of all other symptoms prompted a further workup. Radiographic chest x-ray revealed an incidental finding of a large right upper lobe lung mass, slightly impinging on the trachea. This was followed by a chest CT scan at our radiological imaging facility, which showed a large, well-encapsulated, right upper lobe lung mass in the paraspinal apical location. She then underwent an image-guided biopsy of the aforementioned mass, pathological analysis of which was suggestive of a benign peripheral nerve sheath tumor (PNST) arising from the pleura (pleural schwannoma). She underwent right posterolateral thoracotomy with uneventful complete surgical removal of the pleural-based lung mass. Postoperative investigations included a chest x-ray that showed interval complete resection of the mass. Currently, she is asymptomatic and her clinical condition has improved with the successful resumption of her daily routine.Physicians thus need to keep pleural schwannomas in mind as a probable diagnosis of intrathoracic tumors. Indolent and asymptomatic, they are very amenable to surgical resection with little to no chances of recurrence in the long term. However, these patients should be closely followed with repeat imaging studies when symptomatic

    Assessment of Electromagnetic Absorption towards Human Head Using Specific Absorption Rate

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    This paper presents a compact square slot patch antenna characterstics for wireless body area network (WBANs) applications.The assessment of the effects of electromagnetic energy (EM) on the human head is necessary because the sensitivity of human head to high radiation level. Although, structuring of low EM antennas is a major problem in the improvement of portable device and reducing the size of of the antenna is a major concern. However, performance of antenna reduces when antenna operates near human body which is lossy and complex in nature. The proposed antenna operates at 5.8GHz of the ISM Band for WBAN applications. The antenna has been designed and simulated with two different types of multilayer human head phantoms to characterize the antenna near the human head.The multilayer head phantom is constructed by five layers tissues head model using CST Microwave studio. Therefore, antenna with spherical phantom has the highest SAR value 0.206 W/Kg, while antenna with cubical phantom contributed the lowest SAR value of 0.166 for 10 g tissue at 5.8 GHz frequency exposed, whereas, the antenna with cubical phantom and spherical phantom have gain of 6.46 dBi and 6.2 dBi GHz respectively. It was observed that antenna performance significantly increased. The presented prototype has a potential to work for ISM applications

    Application of Li-, Mg-, Ba-, Sr-, Ca-, and Sn-doped ceria for solar-driven thermochemical conversion of carbon dioxide

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    The redox reactivity of the Li-, Mg-, Ca-, Sr-, Ba-, and Sn-doped ceria (Ce0.9A0.1O2−δ) toward thermochemical CO2 splitting is investigated. Proposed Ce0.9A0.1O2−δ materials are prepared via co-precipitation of the hydroxide technique. The composition, morphology, and the average particle size of the Ce0.9A0.1O2−δ materials are determined by using suitable characterization methods. By utilizing a thermogravimetric analyzer setup, the long-term redox performance of each Ce0.9A0.1O2−δ material is estimated. The results obtained indicate that all the Ce0.9A0.1O2−δ materials are able to produce steady amounts of O2 and CO from cycle 4 to cycle 10. Based on the average nO2 released and nCO produced, the Ce0.899Sn0.102O2.002 and Ce0.895Ca0.099O1.889 are observed to be the top and bottom-most choices. When compared with the CeO2 material, all Ce0.9A0.1O2−δ materials showed elevated levels of O2 release and CO production

    The effect of environmental enrichment on sun bear (Herlarctos malayanus) behaviour in captivity

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    One of the main concerns for animals kept in captivity is expression of stereotypic behaviour which could indicate stress in the animals. To ensure the welfare of animals are adequate for conservation and to promote species specific behaviour that similar to those in the wild, most of zoos are implementing environmental enrichment. The effect of environmental enrichment on behavioural changes was studied in seven captive sun bears kept in an enclosure at Zoo Negara, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. Bear behaviours are divided into three categories: Active, passive, and abnormal behavioural. The study involved three period: baseline, enrichment, and post-enrichment period. The activity budget was recorded as a single animal scan. A total of 210 h of baseline data was collected over 36 weeks at varying times of days. Three different environment enrichment tools were used; buoy with dog food, hidden fruit mixed with honey, and gunny sack filled with cinnamon powder. They were installed in the enclosures for 10 consecutive days on a rotational basis. Both enrichment and post-enrichment observations were done for 210 h using the same methods as in baseline sampling. Baseline data showed greater passive and abnormal behaviours than active behaviour. With the introduction of the enrichment tools, the sun bears displayed decreased passive and abnormal behaviours with an increment of active behaviour. For post-enrichment period, there was no significant difference when compared with the baseline between all behavioural categories. Among three enrichment tools, hidden fruit mixed with honey was the most preferred enrichment followed by buoy filled with dog food and gunnysack with cinnamon powder. It is suggested that food-based enrichment should be lasting until evening for the sun bear to engaged longer to the enrichment. Although less preferred, cinnamon powder introduction as sensory enrichment was recommended as well. However, it is crucial to ensure that the cinnamon’s odour lasting until late evening, where the bears are ready to enter their night den. It can be concluded that the application of various enrichment tools may help to alleviate abnormal behaviour in captive bears

    Periampullary Carcinoma-A Rare Histopathological Variant

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    Signet ring cell adenocarcinomas may be encountered in various parts of gastrointestinal tract but are almost unheard of in the region of ampulla of vater. In the region of ampulla of vater even if we come across an adenocarcinoma, it is usually a well differentiated variant. A 56-year-old female with features of obstructive jaundice on evaluation was diagnosed to have a peri-ampullary carcinoma.The patient was subjected to a laparotomy. On exploration patient was found to have a malrotation of gut. Patient was subjected to a pylorus preserving pancreatico-duodenectomy. Histopathology of the resected specimen revealed a signet ring morphology which is a rare variant in periampullary region

    Chemical and biological investigations of Delonix regia (Bojer ex Hook.) Raf.

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    U radu je opisana izolacija pet sastojaka petroleterske i diklormetanske frakcije metanolnog ekstrakta kore biljke Delonix regia: lupeol (1), epilupeol (2), β-sitosterol (3), stigmasterol (4) i p-metoksibenzaldehid (5). Nadalje, testirano je antimikrobno djelovanje različitih ekstrakata difuzijskom metodom na disku (15 μg mm2). Zone inhibicije za sastojke topljive u petroleteru, tetraklormetanu i diklormetanu bile su 914 mm, 1113 mm, odnosno 920 mm, dok je zona inhibicije standarda kanamicina bila 2025 mm. U biološkom pokusu smrtnosti morskih kozica najveću toksičnost pokazali su spojevi topljivi u tetraklormetanu (LC50 = 0,83 μg mL1), dok je topljivost sastojaka topljivih u petroleteru i diklormetanu bila LC50 14,94, odnosno 3,29 μg mL1, a standarda vinkristin sulfata 0,812 μg mL1. Ovo je prvo izvješće o izolaciji sastojaka, antimikrobnom djelovanju i citotoksičnosti biljke D. regia.In this study five compounds, lupeol (1), epilupeol (2), β-sitosterol (3), stigmasterol (4) and p-methoxybenzaldehyde (5) were isolated from the petroleum ether and dichloromethane fractions of a methanolic extract of the stem bark of Delonix regia. Antimicrobial screening of the different extracts (15 μg mm2) was conducted by disc diffusion method. The zones of inhibition demonstrated by the petroleum ether, carbon tetrachloride and dichloromethane fractions ranged from 914 mm, 1113 mm and 920 mm, respectively, compared to kanamycin standard with the zone of inhibition of 2025 mm. In brine shrimp lethality bioassay, the carbon tetrachloride soluble materials demonstrated the highest toxicity with LC50 of 0.83 μg mL1, while petroleum ether and dichloromethane soluble partitionates of the methanolic extract revealed LC50 of 14.94 and 3.29 μg mL1, respectively, in comparison with standard vincristine sulphate with LC50 of 0.812 μg mL1. This is the first report on compounds separation from D. regia, their antimicrobial activity and cytotoxicity