1,066 research outputs found

    Perlindungan Terhadap Pers Di Negara Yang Sedang Berkonflik Menurut Hukum Internasional

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    Release victims who were killed or wounded in armed conflict more annually increasing . International humanitarian law set in the Art . 79 Prot . Annex I to the second as the protection of civilians in armed conflict . They can not be targeted directly and can not be used as a shield . Military forces must take all necessary measures to protect civilians in conflict areas against the effects of military operations . However , Press who participated in military activities as well as any loss of immune status as civilians dlindungi by International humanitarian law . For example , by equipping themselves with the tools of armed or become a spy for the adverse party . Prisoners must not be tortured or executed without trial before an independent court . Media tools are not military facilities , even if they are used for propaganda or to incite the population to commit atrocities against racial or religious groups or other minorities . According to Art . 52 Prot . Annex I , they should be viewed as a civilian object . For example , a radio station can not be targeted directly , and must be protected against any effects of military operations . Many of the attacks against the press was never investigated because the error is managed by the recognition . The press will always be targeted but the whole International community should do its best to prevent such action . Attacks on Press are a threat to the peace and prosperity of all countries in the world

    Pelanggaran HAM Berat pada Konflik Bersenjata di Suriah Ditinjau dari Hukum Internasional

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    Ion Armed conflict in Syria is still in progress at the time this paper was written, and there are no signs of the conflict will cease. The conflict has been going on for more than two years and has caused many deaths and many who fled to Syria's neighboring countries such as Turkey, Lebanon, Jordan, and Iraq. Victims of the conflict are usually women and children. This journal suggests concerns about the forms of gross human rights violations under International law, the link between the fight against human rights violations, as well as the efforts of the UN and the International community.The method used in this paper is a literature study methods by collecting the materials or writing data from the print media, books, newspapers, law, magazines, editorial, and electronic media. Conclusions in this paper is that the severe human rights violations were categorized as a crime against the International and human rights. that there is a link between human rights violations in armed conflict or war. that there has been a lot of efforts in the United Nations and the International community to uphold human rights in Syria. However there has been no sign of armed conflict in Syria will stop because of disagreements among permanent members of the UN counci

    Kemampuan Menulis Pesan Singkat Siswa Kelas VII SMP Negeri Sorek Dua Kabupaten Pelalawan

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    This study investigated the ability to write a short message class VII student of SMPN Sorek Dua Pelalawan. This study aims to determine the ability to write a short message class VII student of SMPN Sorek Dua Pelalawan This study is a descriptive-quantitative. This research data is data result of taking the test, the ability to write a short message class VII student of SMPN Sorek Dua Pelalawan. Instruments in this research is a form of an essay test on the ability to write a short message Students in grade VII SMP Negeri Sorek Dua Pelalawan. The data collection was done by using the test. The population in this study were 98 students with the determination of the full sample as many as 98 students. Data were analyzed with descriptive methods. The validity of the data obtained through the method of data validation. Results of this study of the test results the ability to write a short message Students in grade VII SMP Negeri Sorek Dua Pelalawan. Judging from the ability to write a short message seventh grade students of SMP Negeri Sorek Dua Pelalawan fall into the medium category with an average value of 79.10

    Cooperative heterometallic catalysts:balancing activity and control in PCL-block-PLA copolymer synthesis

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    Heterometallic cooperativity is gaining momentum in cyclic ester ring-opening polymerisation, yet remains surprisingly underexplored in their block copolymerisations. Here, we report the first homogeneous heterometallic “ate” catalysts for poly(ϵ-caprolactone)-poly(lactic acid) block copolymers, showcasing the substantial differences in the polymer structures observed upon exchanging Zn for Mg or Ca.</p

    Prediction of Soil Anisotropic Stress-Strain Behaviour Incorporating Shear Strength Using Improvise Normalised Stress-Strain Method

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    Currently the soil anisotropic stress-strain behaviour can be predicted accurately at any effective stress using the Rotational Multiple Yield Surface Framework. This framework incorporates the developed of mobilised shear strength within the body of the soil mass whenever the soil is subjected to anisotropic compression. However the accuracy of the framework can be improvised since the failure axial strain is not unique but increases as the effective stress increases. This improved method s call normalised strain method. This method is applied to predict the stress-strain behaviour of granitic residual soil grade V from Kuala Kubu Baharu. The improve accuracy of this method will be presented in comparison with the conventional method

    Perlindungan dan Penegakan HAM di ASEAN terhadap Manusia Perahu Rohingya dalam Status sebagai Pengungsi Menurut Hukum Internasional

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    Human rights are the rights of a person who has owned since the content itself, given by the Creator not the country or the board as well as host of others are going to be universally. Human rights is a part of the study of International law because of the nature and character of human rights itself is a defense mechanism and protection of the individual against the power of the State is vulnerable to abuse, as has been well prove in the history of mankind on Earth. Thesis research raises several issues, how the history of human rights in the International community, how the legal protection of ethnic and refugee status under International law, and how enforcement of human rights in ASEAN towards boat people Rohingya The research methods used in this thesis is done using the Normative Research Methods by collecting secondary data in Library Studies which this study originated from pure secondary data derived from books, articles, both from newspapers, websites, and magazines, and legislation. From the results of this study has concluded that human rights was born with the Magna Carta, the declaration of human rights by the United Nations and later adopted by several International Conventions. Problem of refugees in International law set out in the 1951 Convention on refugees accompanied by the 1967 Protocol on refugees. Upholding human rights on the Rohingya boat is not easy, see the difference of each legal instrument in the ASEAN countries recognize the existence of refugees in the country areas

    Epidemiologi Filariasis di Kabupaten Nunukan

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    Kabupaten Nunukan hingga tahun 2009 ditemukan jumlah kasus filariasis sebanyak 16 kasus dengan Kecamatan Sembakung sebagai satu-satunya kecamatan endemis filariasis. Tujuan penelitian adalah mengetahui epidemiologi penyakit filariasis di Kecamatan Sembakung dan penyebarannya pada kecamatan lainnya di KabupatenNunukan. Penelitian dilaksanakan pada tahun 2009 di Desa Atap, tahun 2010 di Desa Atap dan Pagar Kecamatan Sembakung, dan tahun 2011 di Desa Kalampising Kecamatan Lumbis. Desain penelitian cross sectional dan metode pengambelan sampel menggunakan purposive sampling. Kegiatan yang dilaksanakan meliputi survei parasitologi, survei entomologi, survei lingkungan, survei PSP dan wawancara mendalam kepada pengambil kebijakan/regulasi pengendalian filariasis. Hasil penelitian 8 orang positif di Desa Atap (3,51%), 9 orang positif di Desa Pagar (4,5%) dan 5 orang positif di Desa Kalampising (1,78%) terinfeksi mikrofilaria Brugia malayi. Diduga Mansonia annulata dan Mansonia uniformis sebagai suspek vektor filariasis di ketiga desa lokasi penelitian. Kecamatan Sembakung berbatasan langsung dengan Kecamatan Lumbis dengan mobilitas penduduk yang tinggi dimana keduanya memiliki karakteristik wilayah dan kondisi geografis yang sama. Pengetahuan masyarakat masih rendah tentang filariasis, kebijakan pengendalian filariasis tidak didukung oleh ketersediaan anggaran dan SDM yang memadai sehingga mendukung penyebaran kasus filariasis dari Kecamatan Sembakung ke Kecamatan Lumbis

    An experimental study of welded bar sleeve wall panel connection under tensile, shear, and flexural loads

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    This paper presents an experimental study of a new grouted splice connection for wall panels, called Welded Bar Sleeve (WBS). The connections were made from steel pipes and tested with incremental tensile, shear and flexural loads until failure. The aim is to determine the behaviour of the connection under the three load cases. For this, the connections are evaluated in terms of the load–displacement responses, ultimate capacities, ductility responses and some feasibility assessment criteria. WBS was found to provide sufficient strength at the bar embedded length of 8, 8 and 11 times the bar diameter under tensile, shear and flexural loads, respectively. It is effective under tension, but could only service up to 1/3 of its ultimate shear capacity. Flexural load is the most critical load case for the connection. For this, further enhancements are required when subjected to shear and flexural loads

    Chemical and biological investigations of Delonix regia (Bojer ex Hook.) Raf.

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    U radu je opisana izolacija pet sastojaka petroleterske i diklormetanske frakcije metanolnog ekstrakta kore biljke Delonix regia: lupeol (1), epilupeol (2), β-sitosterol (3), stigmasterol (4) i p-metoksibenzaldehid (5). Nadalje, testirano je antimikrobno djelovanje različitih ekstrakata difuzijskom metodom na disku (15 μg mm2). Zone inhibicije za sastojke topljive u petroleteru, tetraklormetanu i diklormetanu bile su 914 mm, 1113 mm, odnosno 920 mm, dok je zona inhibicije standarda kanamicina bila 2025 mm. U biološkom pokusu smrtnosti morskih kozica najveću toksičnost pokazali su spojevi topljivi u tetraklormetanu (LC50 = 0,83 μg mL1), dok je topljivost sastojaka topljivih u petroleteru i diklormetanu bila LC50 14,94, odnosno 3,29 μg mL1, a standarda vinkristin sulfata 0,812 μg mL1. Ovo je prvo izvješće o izolaciji sastojaka, antimikrobnom djelovanju i citotoksičnosti biljke D. regia.In this study five compounds, lupeol (1), epilupeol (2), β-sitosterol (3), stigmasterol (4) and p-methoxybenzaldehyde (5) were isolated from the petroleum ether and dichloromethane fractions of a methanolic extract of the stem bark of Delonix regia. Antimicrobial screening of the different extracts (15 μg mm2) was conducted by disc diffusion method. The zones of inhibition demonstrated by the petroleum ether, carbon tetrachloride and dichloromethane fractions ranged from 914 mm, 1113 mm and 920 mm, respectively, compared to kanamycin standard with the zone of inhibition of 2025 mm. In brine shrimp lethality bioassay, the carbon tetrachloride soluble materials demonstrated the highest toxicity with LC50 of 0.83 μg mL1, while petroleum ether and dichloromethane soluble partitionates of the methanolic extract revealed LC50 of 14.94 and 3.29 μg mL1, respectively, in comparison with standard vincristine sulphate with LC50 of 0.812 μg mL1. This is the first report on compounds separation from D. regia, their antimicrobial activity and cytotoxicity


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    City Geography Markup Language (CityGML) and Industry Foundation Class (IFC) are the two most popular data exchange format for the integration of Geographic Information System (GIS) and Building Information Modelling (BIM) respectively and has been identified by many researchers as an auspicious means of data interoperability between the two domains but with challenges on the compatibility between them. The main issue is the data loss in the process of information transformation. The success of integrating these two domains (GIS and BIM objects) is a great achievement toward solving problems in Architecture, Engineering and Construction (AEC), Facility Management (FM), Disaster Management (DM) sectors. Nevertheless, as we all know GIS and BIM are different fields used by different professionals using different software packages, used for different purposes, it is definitely face with many challenges including data interoperability, mismatch and loss of semantic information are bound to occur during the process of integration. In order to comprehend the two domains and their data models of CityGML and IFC. This paper review existing models on GIS and BIM developed by different researchers, the complementarity and compatibility of GIS and BIM on the previous integration techniques were also reviewed and finally, the paper review the integration of GIS and BIM at the data level aimed at solving different problems surrounding it by considering the transformation of coordinates at geometric level from CityGML to IFC, in order to achieve flow of information between GIS and BIM