93 research outputs found

    Experimental Comparison and Evaluation of the Affymetrix Exon and U133Plus2 GeneChip Arrays

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    Affymetrix exon arrays offer scientists the only solution for exon-level expression profiling at the whole-genome scale on a single array. These arrays feature a new chip design with no mismatch probes and a radically new random primed protocol to generate sense DNA targets along the entire length of the transcript. In addition to these changes, a limited number of validating experiments and virtually no experimental data to rigorously address the comparability of all-exon arrays with conventional 3'-arrays result in a natural reluctance to replace conventional expression arrays with the new all-exon platform.Using commercially available Affymetrix arrays, we assess the performance of the Human Exon 1.0 ST (HuEx) and U133 Plus 2.0 (U133Plus2) platforms directly through a series of 'spike-in' hybridizations containing 25 transcripts in the presence of a fixed eukaryotic background. Specifically, we compare the measures of expression for HuEx and U133Plus2 arrays to evaluate the precision of these measures as well as the specificity and sensitivity of the measures' ability to detect differential expression.This study presents an experimental comparison and systematic cross-validation of Affymetrix exon arrays and establishes high comparability of expression changes and probe performance characteristics between Affymetrix conventional and exon arrays. In addition, this study offers a reliable benchmark data set for the comparison of competing exon expression measures, the selection of methods suitable for mapping exon array measures to the wealth of previously generated microarray data, as well as the development of more advanced methods for exon- and transcript-level expression summarization

    Real-time DNA microarray analysis

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    We present a quantification method for affinity-based DNA microarrays which is based on the real-time measurements of hybridization kinetics. This method, i.e. real-time DNA microarrays, enhances the detection dynamic range of conventional systems by being impervious to probe saturation in the capturing spots, washing artifacts, microarray spot-to-spot variations, and other signal amplitude-affecting non-idealities. We demonstrate in both theory and practice that the time-constant of target capturing in microarrays, similar to all affinity-based biosensors, is inversely proportional to the concentration of the target analyte, which we subsequently use as the fundamental parameter to estimate the concentration of the analytes. Furthermore, to empirically validate the capabilities of this method in practical applications, we present a FRET-based assay which enables the real-time detection in gene expression DNA microarrays

    Overestimation of alternative splicing caused by variable probe characteristics in exon arrays

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    In higher eukaryotes, alternative splicing is a common mechanism for increasing transcriptome diversity. Affymetrix exon arrays were designed as a tool for monitoring the relative expression levels of hundreds of thousands of known and predicted exons with a view to detecting alternative splicing events. In this article, we have analyzed exon array data from many different human and mouse tissues and have uncovered a systematic relationship between transcript-fold change and alternative splicing as reported by the splicing index. Evidence from dilution experiments and deep sequencing suggest that this effect is of technical rather than biological origin and that it is driven by sequence features of the probes. This effect is substantial and results in a 12-fold overestimation of alternative splicing events in genes that are differentially expressed. By cross-species exon array comparison, we could further show that the systematic bias persists even across species boundaries. Failure to consider this effect in data analysis would result in the reproducible false detection of apparently conserved alternative splicing events. Finally, we have developed a software in R called COSIE (Corrected Splicing Indices for Exon arrays) that for any given set of new exon array experiments corrects for the observed bias and improves the detection of alternative splicing (available at www.fmi.ch/groups/gbioinfo)

    Non-linear analysis of GeneChip arrays

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    The application of microarray hybridization theory to Affymetrix GeneChip data has been a recent focus for data analysts. It has been shown that the hyperbolic Langmuir isotherm captures the shape of the signal response to concentration of Affymetrix GeneChips. We demonstrate that existing linear fit methods for extracting gene expression measures are not well adapted for the effect of saturation resulting from surface adsorption processes. In contrast to the most popular methods, we fit background and concentration parameters within a single global fitting routine instead of estimating the background before obtaining gene expression measures. We describe a non-linear multi-chip model of the perfect match signal that effectively allows for the separation of specific and non-specific components of the microarray signal and avoids saturation bias in the high-intensity range. Multimodel inference, incorporated within the fitting routine, allows a quantitative selection of the model that best describes the observed data. The performance of this method is evaluated on publicly available datasets, and comparisons to popular algorithms are presented

    Explaining differences in saturation levels for Affymetrix GeneChip® arrays

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    The experimental spike-in studies of microarray hybridization conducted by Affymetrix demonstrate a nonlinear response of fluorescence intensity signal to target concentration. Several theoretical models have been put forward to explain these data. It was shown that the Langmuir adsorption isotherm recapitulates a general trend of signal response to concentration. However, this model fails to explain some key properties of the observed signal. In particular, according to the simple Langmuir isotherm, all probes should saturate at the same intensity level. However, this effect was not observed in the publicly available Affymetrix spike-in data sets. On the contrary, it was found that the saturation intensities vary greatly and can be predicted based on the probe sequence composition. In our experimental study, we attempt to account for the unexplained variation in the observed probe intensities using customized fluidics scripts. We explore experimentally the effect of the stringent wash, target concentration and hybridization time on the final microarray signal. The washing effect is assessed by scanning chips both prior to and after the stringent wash. Selective labeling of both specific and non-specific targets allows the visualization and investigation of the washing effect for both specific and non-specific signal components. We propose a new qualitative model of the probe-target hybridization mechanism that is in agreement with observed hybridization and washing properties of short oligonucleotide microarrays. This study demonstrates that desorption of incompletely bound targets during the washing cycle contributes to the observed difference in saturation levels