680 research outputs found

    Lymphome Cérébral Primitif (LCP) du Sujet Immunocompétent: A Propos d’Un cas à l’Hôpital National de Niamey (HNN)

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    Le Lymphome CĂ©rĂ©bral Primitif (LCP) du sujet immunocompĂ©tent est une entitĂ© rare des lymphomes Non Hodgkiniens en gĂ©nĂ©ral et des tumeurs cĂ©rĂ©brales en particulier. Il est caractĂ©risĂ© par sa sĂ©vĂ©ritĂ© clinique, mais aussi son mauvais pronostic. Nous rapportons un cas de LCP chez un sujet immunocompĂ©tent diagnostiquĂ© au service de neurologie et pris en charge au service d’Onco-hĂ©matologie de l’HĂ´pital National de Niamey.   Primary Cerebral Lymphoma (PCL) of the immunocompetent subject is a rare feature of non-Hodgkin's lymphoma in general and brain tumors in particular. It is characterized by its clinical severity, but also its poor prognosis. We report a case of LCP in an immunocompetent subject diagnosed in the neurology department and managed by Onco-hematology at the National Hospital of Niamey

    Lymphome Cérébral Primitif (LCP) du Sujet Immunocompétent: A Propos d’Un cas à l’Hôpital National de Niamey (HNN)

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    Le Lymphome CĂ©rĂ©bral Primitif (LCP) du sujet immunocompĂ©tent est une entitĂ© rare des lymphomes Non Hodgkiniens en gĂ©nĂ©ral et des tumeurs cĂ©rĂ©brales en particulier. Il est caractĂ©risĂ© par sa sĂ©vĂ©ritĂ© clinique, mais aussi son mauvais pronostic. Nous rapportons un cas de LCP chez un sujet immunocompĂ©tent diagnostiquĂ© au service de neurologie et pris en charge au service d’Onco-hĂ©matologie de l’HĂ´pital National de Niamey.   Primary Cerebral Lymphoma (PCL) of the immunocompetent subject is a rare feature of non-Hodgkin's lymphoma in general and brain tumors in particular. It is characterized by its clinical severity, but also its poor prognosis. We report a case of LCP in an immunocompetent subject diagnosed in the neurology department and managed by Onco-hematology at the National Hospital of Niamey

    Gestion intégrée de Maruca vitrata (FABRICIUS, 1787) et Megalurothrips sjostedti (TRYBOM, 1908), deux insectes ravageurs majeurs du niébé au Niger

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    Le niébé, Vigna unguiculata (L.) Walp. est la principale légumineuse cultivée au Niger. C’est une culture d’importance économique, sociale et alimentaire. Sa productivité est faible eu égard entre autres à la forte pression des bioagresseurs. La gestion intégrée des ravageurs est l’une des stratégies adoptées pour accroître la productivité du niébé. L’objectif de l’étude est de proposer un système de gestion intégrée de Maruca vitrata et de Megalurothrips sjostedti, principaux ravageurs du niébé au Niger. L’essai est conduit sur deux différentes variétés du niébé: la TN5-78 et la KVX908-1. Le dispositif expérimental utilisé est un split plot avec quatre traitements et quatre répétitions. Le résultat du suivi des effectifs des deux insectes a montré une prédominance de Megalurothrips sjostedti par rapport à Maruca vitrata sur la TN5-78 (607,25 et 15,25 individus, respectivement). Il en est de même sur la KVX908-1, avec respectivement 307,25 et 17,5 individus. La comparaison de la densité des populations des ravageurs étudiés, montre qu’elle est plus faible dans les parcelles traitées au Super-Diforce par rapport aux parcelles traitées avec le Neem et la préparation virale (MaviNPV). Dans l’ensemble, le dispositif permet de réduire de façon significative la densité de Maruca vitrata et de Megalurothrips sjostedti. L’efficacité de la stratégie se traduit par l’obtention des rendements de 1,02 à 2,169 t/ha pour la variété TN5-78 et 1,96 à 3,06t/ha pour la KVX908-1.Mots clés : Lutte intégrée, Maruca vitrata, Megalurothrips sjostedti, Vigna unguiculata, MaviNPV, Neem, insecticide chimiqu


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    This study was conducted in Hort. Dept., Fac. Agric., Minia Univ. in the two successive seasons of 2015 and 2016 on Moringa to study the effect of cutting heights (10, 20, 30 and 40 cm) and fertilization on yield productivity and chemical constituents of the plants. Data indicated that cut plant at 10 cm was superior than other treatments on increasing branch numbers, fresh and dry weights/plant/cut and total yield/plant/season, as well as, total carbohydrates, protein and vit. C %. All used six fertilization treatments significantly increased all vegetative growth parameters and chemical constituents as compared with control. The best treatments were NPK (100 %) and bio. + 75 % NPK. It could be recommended to cut Moringa oleifera at 10 cm above soil surface and fertilizing plants with bio. + 75 % NPK dose to obtain a good production biomass and high quality

    Perceptions de la variabilité climati que et stratégies d’adaptation dans le système oasien de Gouré (Sud-est Niger)

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    Les savoirs liés au temps et à l’espace, et l’identification des stratégies paysannes pour affronter les problèmes climatiques sont indispensables pour toute compréhension des questions climatiques. Pour mieux apprécier les perceptions de la variabilité climatique et les stratégies d’adaptation utilisées, une enquête semi structuré qui a concerné 60 personnes repartie dans 4 villages du département de Gouré, situé dans l’Est du Niger est conduite selon une approche qualitative et quantitative. Les effets de la variabilité climatique ressentis par les agriculteurs sont l’aridité du climat, l’augmentation de la température et le caractère aléatoire des pluies. Les éleveurs la perçoivent de façon indirecte à travers la réduction du fourrage et de la disponibilité d’eau. Ces effets ont poussé ces populations à adopter des stratégies d’adaptation comme la recherche de nouvelles variétés à cycle court et supportant les poches de sécheresse, la pratique des techniques de fixation des dunes pour la restauration du couvert herbacé, l’utilisation de la fumure organique, la modification des dates de semis, le stockage de fourrage, le déstockage des animaux pendant la soudure, les prières collectives de demande de pluies. Elles sont toutefois insuffisantes du fait de la persistance des effets négatifs de la variabilité climatiques au Niger.Mots clés: Variabilité climatique, perception, stratégies d’adaptation, Gouré, NigerEnglish Title: Farmers perception and adaptation strategies to climate change in the oasis system of Goure (Southeast Niger)English AbstractKnowledge related to the perception of time and space, and identification of farmers’ strategies for dealing with climate change is a perequisite for a good understanding of climate issues. Farmers’ climate variability perceptions and adaptation strategies was studied using a survey conducted with sixty (60) farmers in the department of Gouré, located in eastern Niger. Results showed that farmers directly experience changes in  climate variability through temperature increase, frequent drought and erratic rainfall. By contrast, herders sense the effects of climate change indirectly through fodder reduction and scarce water availability. These effects have prompted farmers to adopt coping strategies such as the use of improved varieties, early and drought tolerant, sand dune stabilization and land reclamation, use of organic manure, changing of planting dates, storage of fodder, the destocking of animals during drought periods, collective prayers for rain. These strategies, however, appear to be insufficient for addressing the negative effects of climate change in this part of Niger.Keywords: climate variability, perception, strategies of adaptation, Goure, Nige

    The impact of M&A on the Nigerian financial market: a pre-post analysis

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    This paper examines the impact of mergers and acquisitions (M&A) on the financial performance of the Nigerian market after consolidation. The authors use data from all Nigerian banks that survived the consolidation between 2001 and 2009. Logistic regression models are structured to determine the influence of M&A activities on the financial performance of the Nigerian market. Also, the authors critically evaluate the findings by shedding the light on the lessons other developing nations can learn from the Nigerian market. The results show that M&A have a positive influence on the financial performance of the Nigerian market. Still, M&A are not enough to achieve the wider objectives of banking sector reform. Towards this end, corporate governance reform must take place vis-Ă -vis consolidation exercises especially when these M&A are regulatory based rather than market based. The investigation uses a novel approach by comparing pre- and post- M&A results performance of merged banks as well as comparing these results with non-merged banks. Finally, the paper puts the results in context of the wider reform context and considers the effectiveness of the M&A as a tool for banking sector reform in developing countries. The investigation offers insights into the policy of banking consolidation which can be useful for policy makers in Nigeria and other similar economies

    Instabilities in extreme magnetoconvection

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    Thermal convection in an electrically conducting fluid (for example, a liquid metal) in the presence of a static magnetic field is considered in this chapter. The focus is on the extreme states of the flow, in which both buoyancy and Lorentz forces are very strong. It is argued that the instabilities occurring in such flows are often of unique and counter-intuitive nature due to the action of the magnetic field, which suppresses conventional turbulence and gives preference to two-dimensional instability modes not appearing in more conventional convection systems. Tools of numerical analysis suitable for such flows are discussed

    Reversible and Irreversible Interactions of Poly(3-hexylthiophene) with Oxygen Studied by Spin-Sensitive Methods

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    Understanding of degradation mechanisms in polymer:fullerene bulk-heterojunctions on the microscopic level aimed at improving their intrinsic stability is crucial for the breakthrough of organic photovoltaics. These materials are vulnerable to exposure to light and/or oxygen, hence they involve electronic excitations. To unambiguously probe the excited states of various multiplicities and their reactions with oxygen, we applied combined magneto-optical methods based on multifrequency (9 and 275 GHz) electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR), photoluminescence (PL), and PL-detected magnetic resonance (PLDMR) to the conjugated polymer poly(3-hexylthiophene) (P3HT) and polymer:fullerene bulk heterojunctions (P3HT:PCBM; PCBM = [6,6]-phenyl-C61-butyric acid methyl ester). We identified two distinct photochemical reaction routes, one being fully reversible and related to the formation of polymer:oxygen charge transfer complexes, the other one, irreversible, being related to the formation of singlet oxygen under participation of bound triplet excitons on the polymer chain. With respect to the blends, we discuss the protective effect of the methanofullerenes on the conjugated polymer bypassing the triplet exciton generation
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