19 research outputs found

    Ovarian development of Caspian roach, Rutilus caspicus, in southern Caspian Sea: A histological and ultrastructural study

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    The histology and ultrastructure of the ovarian maturation process in Caspian roach, Rutilus caspicus, was studied. A total 170 female specimens were collected from the Gharasoo River, Bandar Turkmen, the southern Caspian Sea to evaluate its maturation cycle. Based on the results, its ovarian follicle’s development could classified into six stages by distinct characteristics. Minimum and maximum diameter of oocytes were recorded in the chromatin-nucleolus and maturation stages as 56.34±3.74 and 918.83±14.82 µm, respectively. The zona radiata was observed from the cortical alveoli stage and its maximum diameter measured in the secondary vitellogenesis stage as 93.11±23.0 µm. Gonadosomatic index (GSI) reached to its peak in mid-March and its sharp drop in the late April showed its spawning period from late March or early April till the end of April. A positive correlation was found between the GSI and HSI in the vitellogenesis stage. The results also revealed Caspian roach as iteroparous synchronous spawner

    Pathologic liver lesions in orange spotted grouper Epinephelus coioides exposed To Benzo[a] Pyrene

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    Benzo[a]pyrene (BaP), is a ubiquitous environmental contaminant present in air, water, and sediment. BaP is readily absorbed by all routes of exposure and can pass directly through the plasma membrane of most cell types. The present study was conducted to examine the effects of BaP on liver tissue structure in orange spotted grouper Epinephelus coioides affected by different concentration of BaP. In the present report, 100 E. coioides were exposed by intraperitoneal injection to 2, 20 and 200 mg/kg of BaP for 14d under laboratory conditions and the samples were taken from fish liver in days 0, 2, 4, 7 and 14 of experiment for histopathological study. The liver samples were fixed in 10%formalin buffer solution. Fivemicrometer thick sections were obtained and were stained in hematoxylin/eosin for examination in light microscopy. No pathological alteration was observed in the liver samples of controls fish. The pathological alterations of liver were including of hepatocyte vacuoletion, increase of melanomacrophage centers, dilation of diss space, sinusoidal dilation, focal necrosis, hepatocytes hypertrophy, nucleus in a lateral position and hepatocyte degeneration. The frequency and severity of tissue changes rose with the increase of BaP concentration in all sampling days. The most frequency and severity of histopathological alteration were observed in fish treated by 200 mg/kg BaP in day 7

    Study of morphological charachteristic and distribution of Indomysis annandalei and Rhopalophthalmus sp. (Crustacea: Mysida) for the first time from Iranian costal of Persian Gulf

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    Mysida includes small planktonic Crustaceans that are cosmopolitan, this tiny animals could be found in variety of marine habitats and depts. In this investigation mysida populations were sampled and studied from Iranian costal waters of Persian Gulf (estuary of Arvand and Bahmanshir rivers) in monthly basis from March to October 2011. Sampling process was conducted using plankton net 300 µm mesh size and oblique tows were made from near the bottom to the surface in 7 stations. Finally two species identify and morphological charachteristic of Indomysis annandalei and Rhopalophthalmus sp. was drew with Camera Lucida. Species abundance was measured in different months and stations. Maximum value of the average abundance of species was shown in June (2.85 1 N per M^3)

    Ovarian maturatıon stages in Arabian carpet shark, Chiloscyllium arabicum, during reproduction and nonreproduction Seasons

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    The present study aimed to assess the ovarian tissue structure and plasma levels of the hypophysial-gonadal hormones, including 17-β estradiol, progesterone, GTH-I and GTH-II of the Arabian carpet shark, Chiloscyllium arabicum inhabiting the Persian Gulf in spring (April to July) and autumn (August to December). In this regards, a total of 60 C. arabicum female specimens were collected from the Bahrakan Port, in the north of the Persian Gulf. Fish were bleed after euthanization and biometrical characters and levels of 17-β estradiol, progesterone, GTH-I and GTH-II were measured. Fish were then dissected and samples were taken from the ovary and fixed in Bruin's solution for 48 hrs. Histological sections were prepared using routine histological techniques and stained with hematoxylin and eosin. Based on the results, four different developmental stages were observed in the ovary in spring, including stage I, stage II (primary oogenesis), stage III (mediate oogenesis), and stage IV (final oogenesis). However, only three first stages were detected in autumn samples. The plasma levels of the studied hormones were higher in spring. Based on the results, spring (especially mid-April to mid-July) is the reproduction season of C. arabicum in the Persian Gulf

    Effects of the environmental endocrine disrupting compound benzo[a]pyrene on thyroidal status of abu mullet (Liza abu) during short-term exposure

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    Benzo[a]Pyrene (BaP) is a ubiquitous polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon (PAH) that has been shown to disrupt the metabolism of thyroid hormone. Then, the present investigation aimed to study the effects of BaP on thyroid function in Liza abu. Fish were injected with 2, 10 and 25 mg/kg-bw of BaP. Samples were taken from blood, thyroid and muscle tissues at days 1, 2, 4, 7, and 14. Blood was evaluated for changes in the plasma levels of TSH, T3 and T4. Also, BaP bioaccumulation in the fish muscle was measured. Thyroid tissues were processed for routine histology. BaP concentration in the muscle of treated fish reached a maximum level after 4 days. Exposure of fish to BaP resulted in a significant decrease in T3 and T4 plasma level and increase in TSH concentration up to day 4. Also some pathological alterations were observed in BaP-exposed fish such as hemorrhage and increased number of large follicles with squamous epithelium. In conclusion, according to the results of the present investigation, short term exposure to sublethal concentrations of BaP significantly affected thyroid function in fish. The results revealed BaP ability to alter thyroid function. Keywords: Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon, Fish, Triiodothyronine, Thyroxin

    Morphological variability of Liza aurata (Risso, 1810), along the southern Caspian Sea

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    Morphological variability of Liza aurata (Risso, 1810), was studied in traditional morphometric measurements in 25 morphological characters from 90 specimens in three fishery areas in the southern Caspian Sea (Guilan, Mazandaran and Golestan). Univariate analysis of variance showed significant differences between the means of the three groups for 22 out of 25 standardized morphometric measurements. In discriminant function analysis (DFA), the proportion of individuals correctly classified into their original groups was 100%. Principal component analysis results (PCA) for morphometric data indicated that samples of Guilan and Mazandaran showed high degree of overlap and these two regions were highly different from Golestan. The dendrogram derived from cluster analysis showed that the samples of L. aurata from Guilan and Mazandaran had same clade while both were obviously distinct from Golestan

    Comparison of waterborne and intraperitoneal exposure to fipronil in the Caspian white fish (Rutilus frisii) on acute toxicity and histopathology

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    Fipronil is an effective insecticide widely used in agriculture with potential ecotoxicological consequences. The median lethal dose (LD50) and concentration (LC50) of fipronil in 16.3 g Caspian white fish, Rutilus frisii kutum fingerlings were determined. To determine the LD50, a total of 133 fish were assigned to 19 tanks (7 fish/tank) including one control and 6 treatment groups (300, 450, 550, 650, 750, 850 mg/kg). Fish were injected intraperitoneally and monitored at 96 h. The LD50 of fipronil was 632 mg/kg suggesting it was slightly toxic to the Caspian white fish. To determine LC50, 114 fish were assigned to 19 tanks (6 fish/tank) including one control and 6 treatment groups (300, 400, 500, 600, 700, 800 μg/L). The LC50 of fipronil was 572 μg/L, which was highly toxic to the fish. The degree of tissue change (DTC) in vital organs from moribund fish exposed via waterborne exposure showed severe damage (DTC: 71 ± 52 for 700 μg/L) in the gill, including aneurisms, extensive fusion and necrosis. The fish exposed through the intraperitoneal route seemed to have severe lesions (DTC: 66 ± 50 for 750 mg/kg) in the kidney, involving hemorrhage, tubular degeneration and necrosis. The liver had no significant differences in DTC values between the two routes and showed pyknosis and sinusoid dilation. Hematoxylin and eosin staining did not show any histological alterations in the brain but nissl staining showed some alterations in distribution of purkinje cells. Generally, this study showed that the route of exposure to fipronil not only affects its acute toxicity but also determines the main target organs of toxicity and histopathological alterations in Caspian white fish. Keywords: Fipronil, Caspian white fish, Acute toxicity, Administration rout

    CYP1A gene expression as a basic factor for fipronil toxicity in Caspian kutum fish

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    The aim of this study was to assess the effects of fipronil insecticide on the Caspian kutum fish at different levels of biological organizations and to find possible relationship between these biomarkers. Different doses of fipronil (65, 130 and 200 mg/kg) were intraperitoneally administered to the fish for 2 weeks. After 7 and 14 days of exposure, alterations in organ-somatic index, tissue and DNA structure, oxidative stress and CYP1A gene expression in gill, liver, brain and kidney were studied. Determination of these parameters in the liver showed that the degree of tissue change (DTC), comet tail, superoxide dismutase (SOD) and relative CYP1A mRNA expression increased mostly in a time dependent manner whereas in the kidney increased mostly in a dose dependent manner. These parameters in the gill increased more in time and dose dependent manner. Apart from the changes in CYP1A expression and oxidative stress, no alterations was observed in the brain. Multiple regression analysis showed that the CYP1A had the most correlation with the organ-somatic index (R2 = 0.76) and comet tail (R2 = 0.89) in the liver, and with DTC (R2 = 0.93) and oxidative stress (R2 = 0.87) in the kidney. Generally, this study showed that CYP1A gene expression can be considered as one basic factor for fipronil toxicity in this fish. However, other possible factors also should be considered for future research. Keywords: CYP1A gene, Oxidative stress, Comet assay, Fiproni

    The Effect of Phenanthrene on Some Hematological Indices Yellowfin Seabream (Acanthopagrus Latus)

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    Background: We examined the effects of phenanthrene (Phe) on hematological parameters of yellowfin seabream (Acanthopagrus latus). Methods: The research was carried out in Jan 2016 at Khorramshahr University of Marine Science and Technology, Khorramshahr, Iran. Fish were injected with different concentrations (0, 2, 20 and 40 mg/kg) of Phe and blood, samples were taken from fish 1, 4, 7 and 14 d after injection. Results: Results of Phe-treated fish showed a decrease in red blood cell and white blood cell counts, hematocrit amount after 4 d and in hemoglobin concentration after 7 d (P<0.05). Mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration was enhanced in fish exposed to Phe up to day 4 (P<0.05). Phe-exposed fish showed an increase in the percentage of neutrophils with a decrease in the percentage of lymphocytes (P<0.05) and did not represent any effects on percentage of monocytes and eosinophils, mean corpuscular volume and mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration. Conclusion: Changes in hematological parameters after exposure to Phe result in a decrease of non-specific immunity

    Response of Melanomacrophage Centers in Yellowfin Seabream (Acanthopagrus latus) Immune Organs as an Immunohistological Biomarker in Short-term Exposure to Phenanthrene

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    Background: The aim of this study was to assess the changes in plasma levels of antioxidant enzymes and melano-macrophage centers (MMCs) in immune tissues as biomarkers of yellowfin seabream (Acanthopagrus latus) exposed to phenanthrene (Phe) for 14 days. Methods: The research was carried out at Khorramshahr University of Marine Science and Technology, Khorramshahr, Iran in Jan 2016. Thirty-six immature fish were intraperitoneally injected with coconut oil (10 μl/g-bw) containing Phe (70mg/kg-bw) and compared with control group (without injection). Then tissue and blood samples were obtained at 1, 4, 7 and 14 d after injection. Results: The SOD and CAT activity showed a significant decrease in fish exposed to Phe up to day 7, then activity increased at day 14 in Phe-treated fish (P<0.05). The size and number of MMCs in treated fish in spleen and head kidney were higher than control. Conclusion: Changes in these parameters (SOD, CAT, and MMCs) might be used as useful biomarkers for evaluating immunosuppressive Phe in fish