7 research outputs found


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    Tower Crane adalah alat penting karena dapat mempermudah dan mempercepat proses pembangunan bangunan tingkat tinggi. Permasalahan yang akan dibahas dalam tugas akhir ini adalah Bagaimana optimasi tata letak Tower Crane pada proyek pembangunan Rumah Susun Stasiun Tanjung Barat Jakarta. Tujuan dalam tugas akhir ini adalah untuk mengoptimasi tata letak Tower Crane yang tepat dan sesuai dengan pelaksanaan proyek pembangunan Rumah Susun Stasiun Tanjung Barat Jakarta. Manfaat yang diperoleh dari pengerjaan tugas akhir ini adalah sebagai referensi posisi Tower Crane, Sebagai bahan baru menambah wawasan dalam dunia teknik sipil, terutama dalam perencanaan Site Layout, Manfaat pengembangan keilmuan sebagai referensi dibidang optimasi alat berat. Proyek yang akan digunakan dalam penulisan penelitian ini adalah Pembangunan Rumah Susun Stasiun Tanjung Barat Jakarta. Dalam penelitian ini menunjukan 5 model skenario yaitu model skenaro 1, model skenario 2, model skenario 3, model skenario 4, dan model skenario 5. kelima model skenario tersebut menggunakan radius 70 meter. Masing – masing skenario dicari waktu siklus (Cycle Time) yang paling minimum. Berdasarkan hasil perhitungan Cycle Time dari tugas akhir ini, maka dapat disimpulkan bahwa pada penempatan Tower Crane di Pembangunan Rusun Tanjung Barat Jakarta dengan waktu yang minimal adalah skenario 3 dengan Tower Crane berada pada titik koordinat Garis Lintang -6,3089335 dan Garis Bujur 106,8399562 dengan radius, 70 m. Model skenario 2 ini menunjukkan cara kerja pada Tower Crane di lapangan adalah ditempatkan pada sisi kanan lokasi proyek tersebut sehingga lebih banyak menjangkau aktifitas angkut material, begitupun tidak terlalu menggangu aktifitas pekerja dan lebih aman saat memutar jib di waktu melintas melewati jalan umum. Dengan skenario ini penghematan waktu siklus dengan kondisi eksisting proyek adalah 375,85 jam (3,75%) Kata kunci : Tower Crane, Waktu Siklus (Cycle Time), Titik Suppl

    Limb salvage surgery for primary bone tumors: retrospective study in a tertiary care centre

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    Background: Limb salvage surgery is the standard of care for patients with primary bone tumors. The study retrospectively analyses a single center experience of use of endo-prosthesis for limb conservation in cases of primary bone tumors over a five-year period (2015-2020). Methods: Total of 34 histologically proven primary bone tumor were retrospectively studied which included 25 males and 9 females who received limb salvage surgery for bone tumors at department of surgical oncology, Rajiv Gandhi Government general hospital, Madras medical college, Chennai. Results: Median age at diagnosis was 23 years. Tumor localized to lower limb in 23 patients, and upper limb in 9 patients, pelvic bones in 3 cases. Tumors were malignant in 24 patients (70.4%) and benign in 10 patients (29.4%). The most common diagnosis was osteosarcoma17 patients (50%). The median resection length was 10 cm. High grade tumors (grade 2a and 2b and grade 3) was found in 14 cases (41.1%). 6 patients had prosthesis related complications. The mean follow-up was 5 years (range: 3-7). 27 (79.4%) patients of 34 were alive with the endo-prosthesis at the last follow-up. Conclusions: The custom mega prosthesis favored by us in most of the cases in limb sparing surgery for bone tumors results in satisfactory results in terms of local tumor control and limb function

    Malignant fibrous histiocytoma of the femur - case report

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    U članku prikazujemo 33-godišnjeg pacijenta oboljelog od malignog fibroznoga histiocitoma lijevog femura. Bolesnik je primljen u našu ustanovu radi patološkog prijeloma proksimalnoga dijela lijevog femura. Nakon hospitalizacije učinjena je biopsija tumorozne tvorbe, te je dobivena dijagnoza malignog fibroznoga histiocitoma. Pacijent je upućen na kemoterapiju, te se po provedenom liječenju ponovno hospitalizira u našoj ustanovi. Tada se učini ekstirpacija tumora in toto, uz rekonstrukciju alogenim presadkom proksimalnoga femura i ugradnjom totalne revizijske endoproteze lijevoga kuka. Postoperacijski tijek protekao je uredno, a pacijent se vertikalizirao uz pomoć dvije dolaktične štake. Godinu dana po operativnom zahvatu prisutan je uredan položaj ugrađenog transplantata i ndoproteze, nema znakova recidiva, a pacijent samostalno obavlja svakodnevne životne aktivnosti.In this article we present the case of a 33-year-old patient with malignant fibrous histiocytoma of the left femur. The patient was admitted in our hospital due to pathological fracture of the left proximal femur. Upon admission, tumor biopsy was performed and malignant fibrous histiocytoma was confirmed. Chemotherapy and radiotherapy were performed prior to the second admission to our hospital. We performed extirpation of the tumor in toto and reconstruction with homotransplantat for proximal femur and implantation of total revision endoprothesis for the left hip. The postoperative course was without complications and the patient started walking with 2 crouches after surgery. A year after surgery there is an adequate postion of homotransplantat and endoprosthesis, there are no signs of relapse and the patient continues with normal daily activities

    Pathological hip fracture in the elderly: review and proposal of an algorithm

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    Objective. Current Italian guidelines recommend surgery within 24 hours from admission for hip fractures of the elderly. In such patients, a pathologic fracture of the proximal femur is not an uncommon event and may be consequent to bone metastases or primary tumours. This paper aims to investigate the current literature and to propose an algorithm to manage patients more securely. Methods. A review of the literature on diagnostic and therapeutic tools in pathologic fractures of the hip was conducted. Evidence from the literature was merged to define a flowchart for a safe clinical-diagnostic pathway. Results. Proper imaging is essential in the management of bone metastases, along with appropriate laboratory tests and within a multi-disciplinary setting. While bone metastases are the expression of a systemic disease, bone sarcomas have an extremely aggressive local course and an incorrect surgical procedure could heavily affect prognosis of the patient. The surgeon should not rush to treat a suspicion of a pathological fracture without having performed all necessary investigations. Conclusions. Orthopaedists must doubt a pathologic fracture. An algorithm could help standardise procedures and provide a tool for safe management of these patients

    Antonio Cánovas del Castillo, periodista

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    La tesis ANTONIO CÁNOVAS DEL CASTILLO, PERIODISTA es una aportación a la HISTORIA DEL PERIODISMO de la PRENSA ESPAÑOLA en el siglo XIX, a partir del conocimiento de la actividad periodística desarrollada por el insigne político desde su juventud. Hipótesis La hipótesis nace de la consideración previa de la importancia de la obra periodística de Cánovas. De ahí la necesidad de estudiarla a fondo. Todos los biógrafos señalan su condición de periodista, pero ninguno le ha prestado mayor atención. Los expertos que han estudiado al personaje se han detenido en su acción de gobierno, su actividad política, pero nadie ha estudiado su actividad periodística. Esta es la ORIGINALIDAD DE ESTA TESIS. OBJETIVOS - Dar a conocer La Joven Málaga, periódico fundado por Cánovas y desconocido hasta ahora. - Analizar los artículos y poesías de Cánovas en La Joven Málaga - Recopilar los artículos, ensayos y poesías de Cánovas publicados en periódicos y revistas de Madrid - Analizar dichos artículos, agrupados temáticamente: - Conocer el pensamiento de Cánovas a través de la prensa. - Indizar cronológicamente estos trabajos de Cánovas no recogidos en Las Obras Completas - Transcribir todos sus trabajos publicados en La Joven Málaga y en la prensa de Madrid. - Concluir que Cánovas inició su vida pública a través del periodismo. Metodología Todo trabajo de investigación, para que tenga rigor académico, requiere un método. Aquí se utiliza el método del análisis histórico, contrastando las ideas principales de los textos con el contexto histórico. No se puede ver el hecho histórico aisladamente. No basta el relato en sí; hay que estudiarlo globalmente: sus causas y sus consecuencias. Se trata de un análisis en el contexto histórico, o sea, interdisciplinar y global. Conclusiones - Cánovas fue periodista durante un periodo de su vida. Comienza a los 17 años cuando funda y dirige La Joven Málaga, y llega a su cénit con la dirección de La Patria. Conseguido su objetivo, dedicarse a la política en 1854, seguirá publicando en la prensa artículos históricos y literarios. - La publicación de La Joven Málaga fue determinante, tanto para su carrera en el periodismo como para su dedicación posterior a la política. Los objetivos de Cánovas eran conseguir las más altas metas. - La colección de los 14 números de La Joven Málaga, única y exclusiva, es una aportación extraordinaria para la biografía de Cánovas a disposición de las instituciones públicas y privadas. - Los 119 artículos y ensayos publicados por Cánovas constituyen el grueso de esta tesis y son el exponente de su actividad periodística. De su estudio detenido se obtienen importantes argumentos para sostener que el periodismo fue su afición, la historia su vocación, y la política su gran pasión. - La colección de artículos recopilados en esta tesis han sido ordenados cronológicamente en el Anexo II del Tomo 2º. Esta colección permite nuevos estudios y trabajos de investigación

    Radial artery anomalies in patients undergoing transradial coronary procedures – An Egyptian multicenter experience

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    Objectives: We investigated the incidence of radial anomalies (RA) in patients undergoing transradial (TR) coronary procedure and their impact on procedural outcome in the Egyptian population. Background: Radial anomalies (RA) are considered an important factor for procedural failure. Information about anatomical variation is limited in our Egyptian population. Methods: We performed a multicentre prospective study in Egypt. A total of 650 consecutive patients undergoing their first TR coronary procedure were recruited from January 2013 till January 2015. By retrograde radial arteriography we assessed the frequency of RA and their impact on procedural outcome. Results: 650 consecutive patients were studied, 74% male, mean (SD) age 55 (10) years. The overall incidence of radial artery anomaly was 12.6% (n = 82). 40 (6.2%) patients had a high-bifurcating radial origin, 8 (1.2%) had a full radial loop, 14 (2.1%) had extreme radial artery tortuosity and 20 (3%) had other anomalies such as persistent left subclavian artery and extreme subclavian tortuosity. Overall transradial procedural success was 95%. Procedural failure was more common in patients with anomalous anatomy (39%) than in patients with normal anatomy (0.2%). Procedural failure was highest in patients with radial loop (87.5%), followed by those with subclavian tortuosity (45%), then high radial bifurcation (30%), and severe radial tortuosity (28.5%). 14 (2.1%) vascular complications occurred, all of which were treated conservatively. Conclusion: There is a relatively significant presence of radial anomalies, with different degrees of impact on procedural failure rate, in our Egyptian population. Further collaborative studies are recommended to increase our success rates

    Study of MRI brain findings and carotid US features in systemic sclerosis patients, relationship with disease parameters

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    Abstract Background/objectives Systemic sclerosis (SSc) is an autoimmune disease associated with immune abnormalities and widespread vascular lesions, including increased intimal and medial thickness. These changes may be reflected in early atherosclerosis and cardiovascular risks. We aimed in this study to examine the carotid artery intima-media thickness and MRI brain findings in SSc patients and compared them to a group of normal controls. A relationship between these parameters and clinical measures in SSc was also sought. Methods Seventy-two SSc patients with no central nervous system (CNS) symptoms and 42 healthy controls were included. Clinical and laboratory measures, Medsger’s severity scale, and Doppler ultrasound common carotid artery intima-media thickness (CCA-IMT) were measured. Brain fluid-attenuated inversion recovery (FLAIR)-MRI and diffusion-weighted MRI (DWI) were also done. Results SSc patients had more CCA-IMT, higher CRP, and more brain MRI hyperintense lesions than controls (P < 0.05). Significant positive correlations existed between CCA-IMT and Medsger vascular (r = 0.7, P = 0.02). The FLAIR-MRI showed multiple hyperintense lesions in 24 patients (33%), ranging 0–36 lesions. SSc patients with more lesions (positive MRI) had longer disease duration (P = 0.001) and left and right carotid artery atheromata (P = 0.001, and 0.013, respectively) than SSc patients with negative MRIs; Medsger vascular score did not separate the SSc groups (P = 0.08). Conclusions In systemic sclerosis patients without central nervous system symptoms, MRI lesion numbers correlated with CCA-IMT. MRI abnormalities were found more frequently if CRP was elevated, if the Medsger SSc Severity Scale was increased, or if there was thickened carotid IMT