739 research outputs found

    The Cynopolite Nome in the Delta … Did it really exist?

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    The key issue of this paper focuses on the specific question of whether a "lower Cynopolite Nome" existed in the Egyptian Delta – as well as the well attested "upper Cynopolite Nome" in the Heptanomia – under the Roman rule, or not. This issue has been raised through the various interpretations by scholars of the relevant papyrological documents in which these geographical locations occurred. The paper is an attempt by the researcher to clarify this argumentative question through a comprehensive study of the related documents and previous interpretations and reaching a more convincing conclusion – from the view point of the researcher – to this controversial issue

    An Ontology based Text-to-Picture Multimedia m-Learning System

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    Multimedia Text-to-Picture is the process of building mental representation from words associated with images. From the research aspect, multimedia instructional message items are illustrations of material using words and pictures that are designed to promote user realization. Illustrations can be presented in a static form such as images, symbols, icons, figures, tables, charts, and maps; or in a dynamic form such as animation, or video clips. Due to the intuitiveness and vividness of visual illustration, many text to picture systems have been proposed in the literature like, Word2Image, Chat with Illustrations, and many others as discussed in the literature review chapter of this thesis. However, we found that some common limitations exist in these systems, especially for the presented images. In fact, the retrieved materials are not fully suitable for educational purposes. Many of them are not context-based and didn’t take into consideration the need of learners (i.e., general purpose images). Manually finding the required pedagogic images to illustrate educational content for learners is inefficient and requires huge efforts, which is a very challenging task. In addition, the available learning systems that mine text based on keywords or sentences selection provide incomplete pedagogic illustrations. This is because words and their semantically related terms are not considered during the process of finding illustrations. In this dissertation, we propose new approaches based on the semantic conceptual graph and semantically distributed weights to mine optimal illustrations that match Arabic text in the children’s story domain. We combine these approaches with best keywords and sentences selection algorithms, in order to improve the retrieval of images matching the Arabic text. Our findings show significant improvements in modelling Arabic vocabulary with the most meaningful images and best coverage of the domain in discourse. We also develop a mobile Text-to-Picture System that has two novel features, which are (1) a conceptual graph visualization (CGV) and (2) a visual illustrative assessment. The CGV shows the relationship between terms associated with a picture. It enables the learners to discover the semantic links between Arabic terms and improve their understanding of Arabic vocabulary. The assessment component allows the instructor to automatically follow up the performance of learners. Our experiments demonstrate the efficiency of our multimedia text-to-picture system in enhancing the learners’ knowledge and boost their comprehension of Arabic vocabulary

    Investigating the Effect of Brain-Storming Strategy in the World Islamic Sciences and Education University Students’ Attainment

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    This study aimed at investigating the effect of Brain Storming Strategy in the World Islamic Sciences and Education University students’ attainment in the course of “Sport and Health”. The community of study consisted of 431 in the first semester of the academic year 2012-2013. The sample of study, which was randomly chosen consisted of 68 male and female students and was divided into two groups; the experimental group (34 studied by using brain storming strategy) and the controlling group studied by the classical method. An attainment exam was used to measure the students’ attainment and the reliability coefficient amounted to (0.80). The results of the study showed that there were differences with statistical indication at  in the students’ attainment in the “Sport and Health” course ascribed to the strategy of teaching in favor of brainstorming strategy, sex and interaction between them. The researcher deduced numerous recommendations, such as the necessity of training the teaching staff members in general, and professors of “sport and health” in particular to be trained on using brainstorming strategy. Keywords: Brain Storming, Students, Jordan

    Effect of Heat and Cold Therapy during the First Stage of Labor on Women Perception of Birth Experience: A Randomized Controlled Trial

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    This study aimed to determine the effect of heat and cold therapy during the first stage of labor on women perception of birth experience. Design: Randomized controlled trial. Setting: This study was conducted at Qasr al-Aini, Cairo University maternity hospitals at labor and delivery unit. Sample: One hundred parturient women were recruited randomly and allocated to the study and the control groups, fifty for each. Inclusion criteria were primigravida, nulliparous women, age between 18 to 35 years, gestational age between 37 to 41 weeks, single fetus, cephalic presentation, and on the active phase of labor (3 cm dilatation). Data collection tools included; 1) a structured interview questionnaire, 2) labor and delivery assessment sheet, 3) Visual Analogue Scale for pain intensity, 4) Visual Analogue Scale for maternal satisfaction, 5) State Anxiety Inventory, and 6) Crashed ice and hot rubber packs. Intervention: During the first stage of labor at 3 cm cervical dilatation, women of the study group received hot water pack with a temperature of 38-40°C. covered with cotton towel on their lower abdomen, and low back for 15 minutes on left side-lying position, then they received crashed ice pack covered with thin cotton towel in both hands, between thumb and forefinger, (LI4) acupressure point for 5 minutes. Results: There were significant statistical differences between both groups after intervention. Mothers in the study group reported lower mean pain score of 5.78±0.73 SD, lower mean anxiety score of 32.92±3.72 SD and higher satisfaction level with mean of 6.40±0.53 SD than mothers in the control group (P ?0.05). Conclusion & recommendation: Heat and cold therapy is an inexpensive and is particularly empower woman’s birth experience. Further randomized controlled trials are needed for best evidence. Keywords: Heat, ice, first stage of labor, birth experience, randomized trial

    Board characteristics and firm performance: Case of Saudi Arabia

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    Corporate governance (CG) has been a topic of hot discussion not only in business world but also in academic world. This is all due to its complex and scandalous nature. Therefore it is always important to shed some light academically and perform analysis and autopsy on corporate governance failures such as Commerce Bank (1991) Enron (2001), Adelphia (2002), and World Com (2002). This study investigates the relationship between the board characteristics (board size, board composition, board meeting, board interlock, CEO age and CEO family) and firm performance (ROA) based on the annual reports of 102 companies listed on the Saudi Market starting from 2010 to 2012. The sample of non-financial firms was collected from Saudi Market (Tadawul) as well as from the director's profile in the annual reports. The results of this study find that board meeting, board interlock and CEO age have no effect on firm performance in the selected sample while board size has strong positive relationship with firm performance (ROA). In addition, it is also noteworthy to note that the relationship between board composition and CEO family is significant negatively. It is recommended that future research take into consideration the investigation of relationship between corporate governance before issuing the Code of Corporate Governance in Saudi Arabia and after issuing them in order to investigate the differences during longer perio

    Women Believes and Practice toward Cesarean Section Wound Healing

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    This study aimed to determine women believes and practices toward cesarean section wound healing. Design: Descriptive, cross sectional analytical design. Setting: This study was conducted at El Kasr-EL Aini, Cairo University maternity hospitals, at antenatal clinics and postpartum units. Sample: A total of 400 women who had undergone an uncomplicated cesarean section, with singleton low risk pregnancy were invited to participate in the study. Our inclusion criteria were; age ranged between 18-35 years old, read and write, no previous surgery in uterus other than cesarean section. Our exclusion criteria were any risk factors that lead to poor wound healing. Tools:   Data were collected utilized a structured questionnaire. Intervention: Women who met the inclusion criteria were interviewed to get the baseline data as well as identifying their perception and their practice for cesarean section wound. Results: Most of women believed that poor healing in one cesarean section (C.S) means poor healing in the subsequent C.S (84.5%), wound healing depends on sterilization of operation's equipment (100.0%), antibiotics before surgery (87.5%) and good nutrition (86.0%). Further, women used to receive high protein diet (90.5%), and multi-vitamins to improve wound healing (80.2%).  Ensured that keep the wound away from water (82.5%) and covered it with dressing (60.0%) protect it from infection. While fifty eight point eight percent apply corn starch water for wound’s inflammation if present. Conclusion & recommendation: There are few believes and practices related to cesarean wound healing need to be corrected. Women need preparation though mother classes conducted during antenatal period, after operation and before discharge. Information should directed to woman’s needs and include both routine and additional care required where there is a deviation from normal recovery. Key Words: Cesarean section, believes, practice, and wound healing
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