26 research outputs found

    Strategi Guru dalam Implementasi Pembelajaran Abad 21 Melalui Model Pembelajaran Daring untuk Meningkatkan Kompetensi Guru

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    Abstrak : Pembelajaran daring adalah merupakan model pembelajaran yang menggunakan internet sebagai tempat menyalurkan ilmu pengetahuan kepada peserta didik. Bentuk pembelajaran dapat dilakukan kapanpun, dimanapun dengan waktu yang tidak terikat tanpa melalui tatap muka langsung. Diera perkembangan teknologi pembelajaran daring menggunakan berbagai aplikasi dan fitur yang semakin memudahkan pengguna untuk mengakses berbagai ilmu pengetahuan. Interaksi siswa dan guru berlangsung kapanpun dan dimanapun. Pembelajaran daring tetap memperhatikan kompetensi yang diajarkan, guru harus menyadari bahwa pembalajaran memiliki sifat yang kompleks melibatkan aspek pedagogis, psikologis dan didaktik secara bersamaan. Strategi guru dalam menghadapi tantangan abad ke 21 dalam dunia pendidikan menuntut kompetensi guru adalah sebagai berikut: (1) kemampuan dalam menggunakan TIK (2) menggunakan media TIK dalam pembelajaran. Media teknologi dapat menunjang pengetahuan siswa dalam belajar (3) penanaman karakter pada siswa untuk menanamkan karakter pada anak/siswa harus dimulai dari guru. Dimana pada abad 21 menuntut setiap guru memiliki keterampilan baik hard skill maupun soft skill yang dapat berkonstribusi dengan masyarakat didunia pendidikan.   Kata Kunci: Strategi guru, pembelajaran Abad 21, daring, kompetesi guru   Abstract : Online learning is a learning model that uses the internet as a place to channel knowledge to students. This form of learning can be done anytime, anywhere with time that is not done without going through face to face. Diera the development learning technology using various applications and features that make it easier for users to acces a variet of knowledge. The interaction of students and teachers takes place whenever and wherever. Online learning still pays attention to the competencies being taught, the teacher must realize that learning has a complex nature involving pedagogical, psychological and didactic aspects simultaneously. Teacher strategies in facing the challenges of the 21st century in the world of education require teacher competence as follows: (1) ability to use ICT (2) using ICT media in learning. Technological media can support students' knowledge in learning (3) inculcation of character in students to instill character in children / students must begin with the teacher. Where in the 21st century requires every teacher to have both hard skills and soft skills that can contribute to society in the world of education.   Keywords: Teacher strategy, 21st Century learning, online, teacher competence Abstrak : Pembelajaran daring adalah merupakan model pembelajaran yang menggunakan internet sebagai tempat menyalurkan ilmu pengetahuan kepada peserta didik. Bentuk pembelajaran dapat dilakukan kapanpun, dimanapun dengan waktu yang tidak terikat tanpa melalui tatap muka langsung. Diera perkembangan teknologi pembelajaran daring menggunakan berbagai aplikasi dan fitur yang semakin memudahkan pengguna untuk mengakses berbagai ilmu pengetahuan. Interaksi siswa dan guru berlangsung kapanpun dan dimanapun. Pembelajaran daring tetap memperhatikan kompetensi yang diajarkan, guru harus menyadari bahwa pembalajaran memiliki sifat yang kompleks melibatkan aspek pedagogis, psikologis dan didaktik secara bersamaan. Strategi guru dalam menghadapi tantangan abad ke 21 dalam dunia pendidikan menuntut kompetensi guru adalah sebagai berikut: (1) kemampuan dalam menggunakan TIK (2) menggunakan media TIK dalam pembelajaran. Media teknologi dapat menunjang pengetahuan siswa dalam belajar (3) penanaman karakter pada siswa untuk menanamkan karakter pada anak/siswa harus dimulai dari guru. Dimana pada abad 21 menuntut setiap guru memiliki keterampilan baik hard skill maupun soft skill yang dapat berkonstribusi dengan masyarakat didunia pendidikan.   Kata Kunci: Strategi guru, pembelajaran Abad 21, daring, kompetesi guru   Abstract : Online learning is a learning model that uses the internet as a place to channel knowledge to students. This form of learning can be done anytime, anywhere with time that is not done without going through face to face. Diera the development learning technology using various applications and features that make it easier for users to acces a variet of knowledge. The interaction of students and teachers takes place whenever and wherever. Online learning still pays attention to the competencies being taught, the teacher must realize that learning has a complex nature involving pedagogical, psychological and didactic aspects simultaneously. Teacher strategies in facing the challenges of the 21st century in the world of education require teacher competence as follows: (1) ability to use ICT (2) using ICT media in learning. Technological media can support students' knowledge in learning (3) inculcation of character in students to instill character in children / students must begin with the teacher. Where in the 21st century requires every teacher to have both hard skills and soft skills that can contribute to society in the world of education.   Keywords: Teacher strategy, 21st Century learning, online, teacher competence&nbsp

    Utilizing School Library to Improve Basic Literacy Skills for Islamic Primary School Students

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    This study aims to describe the use of the school library in facilitating the development of the student’s reading culture, the student’s writing skills, and the students’ speaking skills at MIT AL–ISLAH Integrated Islamic Primary School in Gorontalo City. This research uses a qualitative approach with the type of case study research. Data collection techniques were done through observation, interviews, and document studies. The main informant of this research data was the school principal, while the supporting informants were the teacher in charge of the library and the students. The process of data analysis using data reduction, data presentation, and conclusion. The examination of data validity using data credibility through triangulation of sources and methods. The results showed that developing the reading culture of students through the school’s library was conducted by instilling a reading culture from an early age, not only reading books but also reading the Holy Quran and schedule distribution in the library as well. The use of libraries in developing writing skills was conducted by poetry writing programs, rewriting content read, making stories, reading, writing, arithmetic programs, and mentoring methods in terms of learning. The use of libraries in developing speaking skills was conducted by providing an expression corner to practice speaking, having an outdoor space in the library, and participating in several programs made by the library

    The effects of oestrogen and progesterone on lymphocyte and plasma cell population in the oviduct and uterine mucosae during follicular and luteal phases in ewes

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    Hormonal changes during the oestrous cycle influence the immune cells pattern in ewe's reproductive tract, particularly in the uterus and oviduct. This study was conducted to quantify the number of lymphocytes and plasma cells of the uterus and oviduct under the influences of oestrogen or progesterone. Results showed that the number of lymphocytes in different parts of the uterus was significantly (p<0.05) higher during the follicular phase as compared to the luteal phase. Nevertheless, in the follicular phase group, the number of lymphocytes was not significantly different between the middle and anterior horn, while in the luteal phase group, the number of lymphocytes was not significantly different between the posterior and middle horns. Similarly, the number of plasma cells was significantly (p<0.05) higher in the follicular phase compared to the luteal phase for the different parts of the reproductive tract. In the luteal phase group, on the contrary, the number of plasma cells was not significantly different between the posterior and middle horns and between the anterior horn and oviduct. Thus, the results emphasize that the ewes are much more protected when they are in follicular phase since the number of lymphocytes and plasma cells are higher

    The structural differences of ewes oviductal ampulla secretory cells during follicular and luteal phases - a scanning and transmission electron microscopical investigation

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    The aim of the present study was to differentiate the ultrastructure as features of secretory cells within the ampulla region of the sheep oviduct during follicular and luteal phases of estrous cycle. Fourteen ewes were slaughtered either at the peak of follicular or luteal phase for sample collection. Ampulla were taken and processed accordingly for scanning and transmission electron microscopy. Blood samples were taken every alternate day for hormonal profiles analysis using RIA. During follicular phase, the population of the secretory cells was lower as compared to the luteal phase, while the number of ciliated cells was higher. The secretory cells were rounded, turgid with intact microvilli but during luteal phase the surfaces were broken and some secretions were oozing out. From TEM, at follicular phase, the secretory cells have blunt processes at the apex with intact microvilli, but during luteal phase, the cytoplasmic protrusion increased in volume. Numerous secretory granules were identified and obser ed in both phases but they were of different sizes and electron density. In conclusion, the present observations revealed marked cyclic changes and differences of the secretory cells during these two phases of estrous cycle. During follicular phase, the secretory cells were at the preparatory stage while they were actively secreting during luteal phase

    DC Inline Plane Test Of Silicone Rubber Samples With Different Filler For High-Voltage Insulation

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    This paper is about preparation of silicone rubber (SiR) samples with different filler for high-voltage insulation purpose. The fillers used were silica from waste glass, calcium carbonate from cockle shell, silica/calcium carbonate and wollastonite. All the fillers were crushed into powder and undergo internal mixer and hot press as a material preparation. It was expected that the combination of filler with silicone rubber would give better result when experiencing ageing process. The direct current (DC) inclined plane test was used to investigate the tracking and erosion on silicone rubber composites. The tracking length was observed between the top and bottom electrode. Comparison would then be made between the silicone rubbers with different fillers based on the result obtained from the experimen

    Awareness Level on Fast Food Selection Factors Among Catering Students

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    Consumption of fast food among students regularly or uncontrolled can contribute to various long-term health problems in the future. This is because, fast food contains ingredients that can leave an impact on a person's health in the short term and also in the long-term if its intake is uncontrolled. There are various factors that influence these students in the selection of fast food. Therefore, this study was conducted to find out the awareness of fast food intake among catering students and the relationship with fast food selection. This study was conducted based on a quantitative descriptive survey method using a questionnaire instrument and were analyzed descriptively and inferentially. The data obtained were analyzed using Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS) version 26 to obtain the mean values, standard deviation and Spearman Rank to see the relationship. Overall, this study shows that the main factors of fast food selection among catering students are service factors and purchases incentives with means score of 4.29. While the level of awareness of students on the long-term effects of fast food intake is high with mean scores 4.08. The results of this study are expected to help students to practice healthier food choices to prevent any long -term diseases and have a healthy survival in the future

    In vitro study on the susceptibility to E. coli adhesion in ewes during the follicular and luteal phases of the estrous cycle

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    The present study examined the susceptibility of uterine mucosa of ewes under the influence of estradiol and progesterone to E. coli adherence and colonization in vitro. Uterine explants were collected during the follicular and luteal phases of at peak levels of estrogen and progesterone respectively. Samples were inoculated with 108 cfu of E. coli culture. Serial sampling of the uterine explants of both phases were done at 45, 90, 180 and 360 min post-inoculation. The samples were processed for scanning electron microscopic examination. The results revealed that bacterial colonization on the uterine explants during follicular phase was significantly lower (p<0.05) than during the luteal phase. Maximum colonization was observed at 360 min post-inoculation for both the follicular and luteal phases. Bacterial colonization on the luteal phase uterine explants was more severe than that of the follicular phase and it seems to increase with time

    Kinetics of quality changes in papayas (Carica papaya L.) coated with Malaysian stingless bee honey

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    There have been increased efforts to identify new edible coating and preservative compounds derived from natural sources. This study aimed to investigate the effect of two different concentrations (1.0 % and 1.5 %) of Malaysian stingless bee honey (SBH) as an edible coating agent on the quality attributes of papayas (Carica papaya L.) during storage. Quality parameters such as fresh weight loss (FWL), firmness, soluble solids content (SSC), titratable acidity (TA), colour, and respiration rate were investigated during 12 d of storage at 12 ± 1 °C. The results indicated that papayas coated with 1.0 % and 1.5 % of SBH significantly retained their firmness, colour, SSC, and TA, in addition to the reduced FWL and respiration rate as well as delayed decay development in fruits compared to the uncoated samples. The results of the Field Emission Electron Microscopy revealed that the SBH coating also prevented the ultrastructural features of the mitochondria. In addition, the zero-order and first-order kinetic models fitted well with the experimental data for both coated and uncoated papayas using the Arrhenius law approach. These results suggest that the SBH-coated layer not only improved the postharvest quality of papayas during storage but also prolonged their storage life

    Weight Loss By Soil Burial Degradation Of Green Natural Rubber Vulcanizates Modified By Tapioca Starch

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    The weight loss of soil degraded natural rubber vulcanizates modified by tapioca starch was investigated. The samples were prepared by melt compounding using a Haake internal mixer at different tapioca starch loading of 0, 5, 10, 20, 40, and 60 phr. The samples were exposed to soil burial testing for duration of 7, 14, 21 and 28 days. Then, the weight loss was measured using the difference in weight before and after the testing. The mass reduction was observed to be proportionately increased with the increment of tapioca starch loadings and prolonged soil burial duration. The rate of degradations observed was supported with morphological characteristics of the vulcanizates. This study is highly significant towards the development of green natural rubber composites by incorporation of tapioca starch

    Exploration of relationship patterns and family functioning in polygamous families: a pilot study

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    The mostly Muslim nation of Malaysia has been unwavering in its perceptions about the practice of polygamy. These perceptions remain negative, reflecting the lamentable experiences of various families involved in polygamy. The lack of exploration of positive elements in polygamous families causes conflicts and household problems to be difficult to resolve. Thefore, this study was conducted to ascertain the suitability of the interview questions and test the study objectives. This pilot study used a fully qualitative method and one family was interviewed. The results revealed that, harmonious environment, sharing open communication, responsiveness, sharing fun things, focusing on themselves, complementing each other, provision of God, not rigid, good communication, accustomized and integrating and understanding their role are the several major themes in the pattern of the relevant relationships. Further, all family members tend to perform very well, have mature minds and enjoy broader and better social networks to describe family functioning in the general context. This pilot study potrayed a functioning family involved in polygamy but also suggested some improvements to the content of questions, the criteria of potential respondents, and the time allocated, as well as an enhancement of communication between researchers and respondents