3,149 research outputs found

    Dissipative Charged Fluid in a Magnetic Field

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    We study the collective excitations in a dissipative charged fluid at zero chemical potential when an external magnetic field is present. While in the absence of magnetic field, four collective excitations appear in the fluid, we find five hydrodynamic modes in presence of magnetic field. This implies that the magnetic field splits the degeneracy between the transverse shear modes. Using linear response theory, we then compute the retarded response functions. In particular, it turns out that the correlation between charge and the energy fluctuations will no longer vanish, even at zero chemical potential. By use of the response functions, we also derive the relevant Kubo formulas for the transport coefficients.Comment: 6 page

    Biomarkers and type 2 diabetes

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    This is the author accepted manuscript. The final version is available from Bioscientifica via http://dx.doi.org/10.1530/EC-15-0087Many biomarkers are associated with type 2 diabetes (T2D) risk in epidemiological observations. The aim of this study was to identify and summarize current evidence for causal effects of biomarkers on T2D. A systematic literature search in PubMed and EMBASE (until April 2015) was done to identify Mendelian randomization studies that examined potential causal effects of biomarkers on T2D. To replicate the findings of identified studies, data from two large-scale, genome-wide association studies (GWAS) were used: DIAbetes Genetics Replication And Meta-analysis (DIAGRAMv3) for T2D and the Meta-Analyses of Glucose and Insulin-related traits Consortium (MAGIC) for glycaemic traits. GWAS summary statistics were extracted for the same genetic variants (or proxy variants), which were used in the original Mendelian randomization studies. Of the 21 biomarkers (from 28 studies), ten have been reported to be causally associated with T2D in Mendelian randomization. Most biomarkers were investigated in a single cohort study or population. Of the ten biomarkers that were identified, nominally significant associations with T2D or glycaemic traits were reached for those genetic variants related to bilirubin, pro-B-type natriuretic peptide, delta-6 desaturase and dimethylglycine based on the summary data from DIAGRAMv3 or MAGIC. Several Mendelian randomization studies investigated the nature of associations of biomarkers with T2D. However, there were only a few biomarkers that may have causal effects on T2D. Further research is needed to broadly evaluate the causal effects of multiple biomarkers on T2D and glycaemic traits using data from large-scale cohorts or GWAS including many different genetic variants.This work was supported by the Netherlands Organization for Scientific Research project (NWO), and the Medical Research Council UK (grant no. MC_UU_12015/1). AA is supported by a Rubicon grant from the NWO (Project no. 825.13.004)

    Biomarkers and prediction models for type 2 diabetes and diabetes related outcomes

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    Ouder worden, overgewicht, diabetes in de familie en een inactieve leefstijl verhogen het risico op type 2 diabetes. Gelukkig kan diabetes ook voorkomen of uitgesteld worden, door bijvoorbeeld gezond te eten en te bewegen. Uitstel betekent ook uitstel van complicaties, zoals hartproblemen en nierproblemen. Diabetes voorkomen is natuurlijk vooral van belang als de kans dat je diabetes krijgt heel groot is. Hiervoor worden risico scores ontwikkeld. In mijn proefschrift onderzoek doe ik onderzoek naar risico scores. Ik kijk hoeveel mensen juist geclassificeerd worden voor een hoog of laag risico op diabetes. Wat ik in mijn proefschrift beschrijf, is dat er al veel risico scores zijn ontwikkeld. De beste scores nemen naast gegevens over leeftijd, geslacht, gewicht, hoge bloeddruk, roken en diabetes in de familie, ook bloedwaarden mee, zoals glucose, HDL-cholesterol, HBa1C, urinezuur, en nog anderen. Bij de allerbeste score is er 94% kans dat de mensen die in 5 jaar tijd diabetes zullen krijgen, correct als hoog risico worden geclassificeerd. Voor het risico over 10 jaar tijd is dit 92%. Andere studies uit mijn proefschrift laten zien dat labtesten zoals voor procalcitonine en copeptine een duidelijke relatie hebben met diabetes en toch maar een kleine verbetering kunnen geven van de score. Ook is de rol van diabetes in de familie en HDL-cholesterol in het ontstaan van type 2 diabetes verder onderzocht. Als laatste is gekeken naar peroxiredoxine 4 en het voorspellen van hart- en vaatziekten. Omdat de scores voor type 2 diabetes al heel goed zijn, is het belangrijk om in de toekomst verder onderzoek te doen naar het voorspellen van complicaties van diabetes

    An algorithm for solving fuzzy relation programming with the max-t composition operator

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    This paper studies the problem of minimizing a linear objective function subject to max-T fuzzy relation equation constraints where T is a special class of pseudot-norms. Some sufficient conditions are presented for determination of its optimal solutions. Some procedures are also suggested to simplify the original problem. Some sufficient conditions are given for uniqueness of its optimal solution. Finally, an algorithm is proposed to find its optimal solution.Publisher's Versio

    Monomial geometric programming with fuzzy relation equation constraints regarding max-bounded difference composition operator

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    In this paper, an optimization model with an objective function as monomial subject to a system of the fuzzy relation equations with max-bounded difference (maxBD) composition operator is presented. We firstly determine its feasible solution set. Then some special characteristics of its feasible domain and the optimal solutions are studied. Some procedures for reducing and decomposing the problem into several subproblems with smaller dimensions are proposed. Finally, an algorithm is designed to optimize the objective function of each sub-problem.Publisher's Versio