1,567 research outputs found
Objective: The objective of this study was to formulate and evaluate safflower seeds oil as herbal nutritive skin cream and to study its clinical effect.Methods: After collecting the safflower seeds, the oil was extracted using an expeller or cold pressing. Physical parameters of oil were determined. Determination of unsaturated fatty acids was done by gas-liquid chromatography (GLC). The oil is then placed in an emulsifier to form cream using various additives and all formulas evaluated according to physical properties, PH, and viscosity.All symptoms such as skin damage by sunlight, skin aging, oxidative damage after sunburn or after chemical treatments, all of these conditions have recovered. Statistical data analysis was carried out using Statistical Analysis System, and all recorded data for analysis of variance and least significant difference were at least the significant difference at level 0.01.Results: The results of the GLC analysis indicated that safflower oil contains five different fatty acids, including linoleic acid (56.37%), linolenic acid (15.02%), stearic acid (2.37%), oleic acid (14.83%), and palmitic acid (7.91%).Refractive index values, density, and specific gravity were 1.476, 0.921 g/cm3, and 0.925, respectively.The results of a clinical study showed the effect of safflower cream as an antioxidant which protected the skin in particular from oxidative damage after sunburn and reduced the symptoms of skin aging. This effect was evident in both concentrations 10% and 15% when compared with control.Control response rate, 10% of safflower cream, and 15% of safflower cream were reached to 76%, 85%, and 92% within 2 weeks of treatment, respectively.Conclusion: The study showed the importance of safflower oil as a source of omega-3 and contains various unsaturated fatty acids which act as an antioxidant to restore skin health and aging resistance. This study approved that safflower oil characteristics can make it the main ingredients in the preparation of topical agents for the treatment of various skin problems
Objective: The aim of our study was to compare between flavonoids and phenolic acids contents of leaves and fruits of Melia azedarach since no phytochemical investigation had done previously in Iraq.Methods: The leaves and fruits of Melia azedarach were extracted by soxhlet using 80% ethanol then the dried extract was suspended in water and fractionated using petroleum ether, chloroform, ethyl acetate, and n-butanol. The n-butanol fraction was hydrolyzed by acid and partitioned with ethyl acetate. The different fractions containing flavonoids and phenolic acids were analyzed by HPLC and HPTLC.Results: The HPLC results revealed the presence catechin-7-O-glycoside in fruit only, while kaempferol-7-O-glycoside is found in the leaves only. Catechin and its glycosides are more abundant in the fruits than in the leaves. The HPTLC results revealed that kaempferol and quercetin are present in all fractions of leaves and fruits as aglycones and as glycosides. Free chlorogenic was found in both leaves and fruits.Conclusion: No major differences were found between the flavonoids and phenolic acids contents of the leaves and fruits of Melia azedarach
Enhancement of Cotton Boll Retention by GA3 Treatment
Cotton quantity and quality improvement could be achieved by
hybridization. Intraspecific and interspecific crossing is one of the ways to transfer desirable gene(s) combinations for crop improve-ment. One of the limitations that face the cotton crossing process is the high flowers and bolls shedding after pollination particularly in interspecific hybridization. During the course of an ongoing program to transfer resistance too bacterial blight from diploids to tetraploids cotton, we experienced excessive boll shedding after pollination. Therefore, the present study was conducted to investigate the effect of GA3 on flower and boll retention after pollination
Genotype x environment interaction and stability analyses of yield of upland cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.) in central Sudan
Seed cotton yield stability of genotype over environments is a useful parameter for recommending cultivars for known cropping conditions. Fifteen upland cotton inbred lines and the check (commercial cultivar Hamid were evaluated. over two consecutive seasons (2013/14 and 2014/15) at three locations, Rahad, Gezira and Sennar Research Station of the Agricultural Research Corporation, Sudan. A randomized complete block design with four replicates was used. The objective was to assess the genotype by environment interaction and stability of seed cotton yield. The mean squares due to environment were significant while genotype and genotype x environment interaction were highly significant for seed cotton yield. Significant differences among genotypes for the studied characters were found in almost all seasons, indicating that these cotton genotypes were highly variable for the characters studied and, therefore, expected to respond to selection. The interaction effects of genotype x location were significant for all traits indicating that genotypes responded differently to different environments. Statistical models of stability analysis, i.e. Eberhart and Russel model as well as the additive main effect and multiplicative interaction (AMMI), indicated that genotypes RS-5, R-96, R-231, R-43 and R-1 revealed good stability and high seed cotton yields across environments. In conclusion, and based on stability parameters, genotypes R-6, R-40, R-231, and R-43 are recommended for further testing over a range of environments to examine their yield stability and suitability for large field production.
يعتبر ثبات الانتاجية للقطن الزهرة من أفضل الطرق للتوصية بزراعة الاصناف حسب الظروف المحصولية لكل صنف. تم اختبار 15 سلالة نقية من القطن الأكالا (Gossypium hirsutum L.) بالأضافة الي الصنف حامد المنزرع تجاريا بالسودان في موسمي 14/2013 و 15/2014 في محطة بحوث الرهد و محطة بحوث الجزيرة و محطة بحوث سنار, هيئة البحوث الزراعية (ARC), السودان. استخدم تصميم القطاعات العشوائية الكاملة بأربعة مكررات. هدفت الدراسة لتقويم التفاعل الوراثي والبيئ وثبات درجة انتاجية القطن زهرة. أظهرتحليل التباين فروقات معنوية مع البيئات بينما أظهرت السلالات وتفاعل السلالات مع البيئات لانتاجية القطن زهره فروقات معنوية عالية. أيضا أظهرة الدراسة فروقات معنوية لمعظم الصفات التي درسة في كل موسم, وهذا يشير الي وجود فروقات عالية بين سلالات القطن التي درست, عليه يمكنها الاستجابة للانتخاب. أوضح التحليل الاحصائي ل Eberhart and Russel model (1966) و (AMMI) أن الطرز RS-5 و R-96 و R-231 وR-43 و R-1 أظهرت درجة ثبات وانتاجية عالية في كل البيئات. خلاصة البحث واستناداً علي متوسط الأداء وثبات الانتاجية يوصى باختبار ثبات انتاجية الطرز الوراثية R-6 وR-40 و R-231و R-43 في عدة مواقع ومواسم للتأكد من نتائج هذه الدراسة والاستفادة منها في توصية باجازة بعض هذه الطرز لتناسب الظروف البيئية في السودا
Objective: Plantago lanceoleta L. (ribwort plantain) is one of the important medicinal herbs which is widespread fortune available in Iraq, that have a wide range of medicinal properties. The aim of this work was to determine, isolate and identify verbascoside and aucubin in Iraqi P. lanceoleta L. by using different chromatographic and spectrometric methods.
Methods: Verbascoside and aucubin were isolated and quantified by preparative TLC, and then they were determined by the high-performance thin-layer chromatography (HPTLC) fingerprinting. Aucubin and catalpol in the plant extract were analyzed by liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry (LC-MS); aucubin and verbascoside that isolated from the plant sample were examined by fourier-transform infrared spectroscopy (FT-IR) and LC-MS, respectively.
Results: The result showed that the Iraqi P. lanceoleta L. contains 1.74 percent (verbascoside) and 0.24 percent (aucubin) of dry powdered leaves. Each TLC-isolated compound showed a single spot on the HPTLC plate, which give an idea about the purity of the isolated compound. Aucubin (with catalpol) and verbascoside both are detected by LC-MS in different ionization mode. Many functional groups were identified in the TLC-isolated aucubin by FT-IR.
Conclusion: The Iraqi P. lanceoleta L. showed a high content of verbasoside, and it is a very rich source for this compound, which can be easily isolated by TLC and subjected to many pharmacological studies. The extract of the young leaves of this plant gave a little amount of aucubin, and it is easy to obtain a higher content from the older leaves
Theoretical study for the power distribution of the Fourier transform in the spatial frequency domain
Fourier transforms represent an important tool in applied mathmatics . The first yield of its application was in electrical engineering , communications and temporal signal processing . In this work the diffractive properties of a biconvex lens is utilized in a comparative study of the Fourier transform in two dimensional spatial domain .The work includes theoretical calculations of the (2-D) Fourier transforms for certain geometrical object function in the spatial domain . The theoretical calculations made use of the MATLAB® software in creating the aperture's geometry and then calculating its Fourier transform .The digital camera have been utilized to record the experimental results is a (CCD ) camera to record the power distribution of the Fourier transform in the spatial frequency domain
Genetic variability, heritability and character association of grain yield and its components among selected genotypes of maize (Zea mays L.), Gezira State, Sudan
In the Sudan, the low yield of maize was mainly due to the use of low yielding land races and open-pollinated varieties. Hence, the current study was conducted to measure the extent of genotypic and phenotypic variability, genotypic performance, heritability, genotype x season interaction, and the magnitude of association among seed yield and its components of 10 maize genotypes. The experiment was carried out during the summer of 2017 and the winter of 2017/18, using a randomized complete block design with three replicates, at the University of Gezira Farm, Wad Medani, Sudan. The characters measured were days to 50% tasseling and silking, plant and ear height, number of kernels per row and per ear, ear diameter, cob length, 100-kernels weight and grain yield. High significant phenotypic variability was detected for all the measured characters. Seasonal differences were also significant. High broad sense heritability estimates were recorded for 50% tasseling and silking and plant height while the rest of the characters showed moderate estimates. The study confirmed the fact that maize is a summer crop in central Sudan. In summer, the highest seed yield genotype was HSD 5158 (2609 kg/ha) and in winter was HSD 3538 (2285 kg/ha). Days to 50% tasseling and silking and plant height were significantly and positively correlated with yield and so recommended as selection criteria for seed yield improvement. It is recommended to grow genotypes HSD 5158 in summer and HSD 3538 in winter as well as genotypes VMH 4040, VMH 4102 and HSD 5007 in both seasons. Testing of these genotypes under different locations and seasons is suggested.
يعزى ضعف إنتاجية الذرة الشامية بالسودان لزراعة أصناف مفتوحة التلقيح وسلالات محلية ضعيفة الإنتاج. هدفت هذه الدراسة لقياس التباين الظاهري والوراثي ودرجة التوريث على المدى العريض وتفاعل الطراز الوراثي والموسم وارتباط إنتاج البذور ومكوناته. نفذت التجربة في صيف 2017 وشتاء 18/2017 بتصميم القطاعات العشوائية الكاملة بثلاث مكررات بمزرعة جامعة الجزيرة، واد مدني، السودان. الصفات التي قيست هي : عدد الأيام لظهور 50% من الأزهار المذكرة والمؤنثة وطول النبات وارتفاع القندول وعدد بذور الصف والقندول ومحيط القندول وطول الكوز ووزن مائة حبة وإنتاج البذور. أظهرت النتائج اختلافاً معنوياً بين الطرز الوراثية لكل الصفات وفي الموسمين. تأثير الموسم كان معنوياً. سجلت قيم عالية لدرجة التوريث بالمعنى العريض لصفات 50% إزهار مذكر ومؤنث وطول النبات ولكن الصفات الأخرى أظهرت قيم وسطية. ثبت أن محصول الذرة الشامية في وسط السودان محصول صيفي. الطراز الذي أعطى أعلى إنتاجية صيفاً هو HSD 5158 (2609 كجم/هـ) وشتاءً هو HSD 3538 (2285 كجم/هـ). ارتبطت صفات الإزهار المؤنث والمذكر وطول النبات ارتباطاً موجباً ومعنوياً بالإنتاجية وعليه يمكن استعمالها كمؤشرات انتخاب لتحسين إنتاجية الحبوب. يوصى بزراعة الطراز HSD 5158 صيفاً والطراز HSD 3538 شتاءً والطرز VMH 4040 و VMH 4102 و HSD 5007 في الموسمين معاً. يوصى بزراعة هذه الطرز المقترحة في مواسم ومواقع متعددة لتأكيد النتائج.
The Relationship Between Non-cellulosic Content with Fiber and Yarn Properties
Abstract: This investigation was carried out at Cotton Res. Inst., Agric. Res-Center, Giza, Egypt to evaluate the relationship between non-cellulosic content to fiber and yarn properties for some Egyptian cotton cultivars i.e., Giza 45, Giza 70, Giza 86 and 80. Four lint grades i.e., fully good (FG), good (G), fully good fair (FGF) and good fair to fully good fair (GF/FGF) were used. Physical and chemical fiber properties were estimated as well as yarn properties. For determining the relations between the above properties, simple correlation, as well as the regression equations was established. The results showed that there were a highly negative correlation between micronaire value, fibers strength (g/tex), maturity ratio, lea product and single yarn strength (cN/tex) with non-cellulosic content (%). Whereas, the correlation between yellowness degree (+b) and yarn evenness CV % with non-cellulosic were a positive direction. The fiber maturity (%), miconaire reading, fineness (millitex), strength (g/tex), upper half mean (UHM), uniformity index (UI), (Rd %), cellulosic content (%), lea product and single yarn strength (cN/tex) were increased as the lint grade increased to fully good, (FG). While, yellowness degree, (+b) and yarn evenness CV % were decreased by increasing the lint grade
Analysis of the essential oil extract from the aerial parts of southernwood herb (Artemisia abrotanum L.) that grown in Iraq by GC/MS
Objective: this research is to identify the chemical composition of essential oil of the aerial parts of A.abrotanum L. that grown in Iraq and used recently only for decorative purpose.
Method: After collection of the aerial parts the essential oil extracted by hydro-distillation using Clevenger apparatus, then the oil are analyzed by GC/MS.
Result: The obtained results show the presence of 14 compounds. The most important constituents are: Eucalyptol (1, 8-cineole), O-cymene, Camphor, Terpineol, Borneol, Longipinocarvone, Limonene, and Aromadendrene.
Conclusion: This study analyzes the chemical constituents of the essential oil of A.abrotanum. The essential oil extracted by hydrodistillation then analyzed by GC/MS. 14 Compounds were identified. Due to good result obtained from the essential oil from this plant so further studies chemically and clinically of the active compounds is required
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