19 research outputs found

    Perspektif Masyarakat Adat Ammatoa Kajang Mengenai Pendidikan Formal Anak

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    Abstract: This study aims at giving information about the perspectives of the community and the attitude of the Ammatoa customary institution on the existence of indigenous peoples who take formal education and know the supporting factors and inhibiting factors for the progress of formal education in the Ammatoa custom society. This study was mixed-method (qualitative and quantitative studies) in Tanah Towa village, Kajang sub-district. The techniques for collecting the data were observation, questionnaire, and interview. Data analysis is done by inductive analysis and statistic descriptive analysis techniques. The results of the study show that the perspective of the Ammatoa custom society towards children's formal education is in the negative category. Moreover, the perspective of the traditional Ammatoa institution to the people who get formal education channels is that they receive a formal education. The facilities and infrastructure of schools that are located outside the customary area and the attitude of openness to visitors who come is a contributing factor to the progress of education for Ammatoa custom society, while the avoidance factor is a simple community mindset that lacks motivating children to attend school and still prejudice and concerns about new things. Keywords: Ammatoa Kajang, customary society, formal education   Abstrak: Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk menganalisis perspektif pendidikan Islam mengenai pendidikan formal anak bagi masyarakat adat Ammatoa Kajang. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode campuran antara kualitatif dan kuantitatif dengan pendekatan antropologis dan pedagogis. Teknik pengumpulan datanya menggunakan pengamatan, wawancara, dan angket. Analisis data dilakukan dengan teknik analisis induktif dan analisis statistik deskriptif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa perspektif masyarakat adat Ammatoa terhadap pendidikan formal anak masuk dalam kategori negatif (rendah). Adapun sikap lembaga adat Ammatoa dengan adanya masyarakat yang menempuh jalur pendidikan formal yaitu menerima keberadaan pendidikan formal. Telah tersedianya sarana dan prasarana sekolah yang berada di luar kawasan adat serta sikap keterbukaan terhadap pengunjung yang datang merupakan faktor pendukung kemajuan pendidikan bagi masyarakat adat Ammatoa. Sementara faktor penghambatnya adalah pola pikir masyarakat yang sederhana cenderung ortodoks sehingga kurang memotivasi anak untuk bersekolah serta masih adanya prasangka dan kekhawatiran terhadap hal-hal baru. Kata kunci: Ammatoa Kajang, masyarakat adat, pendidikan forma

    Validation of Visual and Auditory Digital Markers of Suicidality in Acutely Suicidal Psychiatric Inpatients: Proof-of-Concept Study

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    BACKGROUND Multiple symptoms of suicide risk have been assessed based on visual and auditory information, including flattened affect, reduced movement, and slowed speech. Objective quantification of such symptomatology from novel data sources can increase the sensitivity, scalability, and timeliness of suicide risk assessment. OBJECTIVE We aimed to examine measurements extracted from video interviews using open-source deep learning algorithms to quantify facial, vocal, and movement behaviors in relation to suicide risk severity in recently admitted patients following a suicide attempt. METHODS We utilized video to quantify facial, vocal, and movement markers associated with mood, emotion, and motor functioning from a structured clinical conversation in 20 patients admitted to a psychiatric hospital following a suicide risk attempt. Measures were calculated using open-source deep learning algorithms for processing facial expressivity, head movement, and vocal characteristics. Derived digital measures of flattened affect, reduced movement, and slowed speech were compared to suicide risk with the Beck Scale for Suicide Ideation controlling for age and sex, using multiple linear regression. RESULTS Suicide severity was associated with multiple visual and auditory markers, including speech prevalence (β=-0.68, P=.02, r2^{2}=0.40), overall expressivity (β=-0.46, P=.10, r2^{2}=0.27), and head movement measured as head pitch variability (β=-1.24, P=.006, r2^{2}=0.48) and head yaw variability (β=-0.54, P=.06, r2^{2}=0.32). CONCLUSIONS Digital measurements of facial affect, movement, and speech prevalence demonstrated strong effect sizes and linear associations with the severity of suicidal ideation

    Quasi-periodic patterns of brain activity in individuals with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder

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    Individuals with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder have disrupted functional connectivity in the default mode and task positive networks. Traditional fMRI analysis techniques that focus on ‘static’ changes in functional connectivity have been successful in identifying differences between healthy controls and individuals with ADHD. However, such analyses are unable to explain the mechanisms behind the functional connectivity differences observed. Here, we study dynamic changes in functional connectivity in individuals with ADHD through investigation of quasi-periodic patterns (QPPs). QPPs are reliably recurring low-frequency spatiotemporal patterns in the brain linked to infra-slow electrical activity. They have been shown to contribute to functional connectivity observed through static analysis techniques. We find that QPPs contribute to functional connectivity specifically in regions that are disrupted in individuals with ADHD. Individuals with ADHD also show differences in the spatiotemporal pattern observed within the QPPs. This difference results in a weaker contribution of QPPs to functional connectivity in the default mode and task positive networks. We conclude that quasi-periodic patterns provide insight into the mechanisms behind functional connectivity differences seen in individuals with ADHD. This allows for a better understanding of the etiology of the disorder and development of effective treatments. Keywords: Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder, Resting-state fMRI, Functional connectivity, Default mode network, Task positive network, Quasi-periodic patterns, Dynamic functional connectivit


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    This study was carried out to identify the suitable antibiotic combinations in semen extender for improvement in fertility of frozen semen of buffalo and cow (Sahiwal) bulls to obtain better pregnancy rate through artificial insemination (AI). For this study eight first ejaculates, four each from a buffalo and a cow (Sahiwal) bull were used. The ejaculates were split-sampled and diluted with Tris-citric acid extender (at 37°C; 50x 106 spermatozoa/mI), containing either SP (streptomycin 1000 ~g/ml and penicillin 1000 IU/ml) or GTLS (gentamycin 500 µg/ml, Tylosin 100 µg/ml and linco-spectin 300/600 µg/ml). There was no difference in post-thaw motility for these samples. Fertility test based on 75-days first service pregnancy rate was determined under field conditions. A total of 400 inseminations were recorded, 200 for each buffalo and cow (Sahiwal) with J 00 of each antibiotic combination, respectively. Fertility rates for SP-based frozen semen of buffalo bull were 41.66% and were 55.2% for GTLS-containing frozen semen, respectively. The results for GTLS were higher (P<0.0001) than SP. Similarly, fertility rates were higher (P<0.0001) for GTLS-based frozen semen of Sahiwal bull (78.78%) than SP-containing frozen semen (69.6%) of the same specie. Fertility rates also differed due to species of donor bulls. They were better (P<0.0001 ) for the frozen Sahiwal bull semen than that of the buffalo bull in both SP and GTLS- based frozen semen samples, respectively. In conclusion. seminal quality measured by field fertility trial indicated GTLS combination of antibiotics added to the semen extender was better for improvement in the fertility of frozen buffalo) and Sahiwal bull semen, by yielding better pregnancy rates through AI

    Short-term wind power forecasting using integrated boosting approach

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    Rapidly increasing global energy demand and environmental concerns have shifted the attention of policymakers toward the large-scale integration of renewable energy resources (RERs). Wind energy is a type of RERs with vast energy potential and no environmental pollution is associated with it. The sustainable development goals: affordable and clean energy, climate action, and industry, innovation and infrastructure, can be achieved by integrating wind energy into the existing power systems. However, the integration of wind energy will bring instability challenges due to its intermittent nature. Mitigating these challenges necessitates the implementation of effective wind power forecasting models. Therefore, we have proposed a novel integrated approach, Boost-LR, for hour-ahead wind power forecasting. The Boost-LR is a multilevel technique consisting of non-parametric models, extreme gradient boosting (XgBoost), categorical boosting (CatBoost), and random forest (RF), and parametric approach, linear regression (LR). The first layer of the Boost-LR uses the boosting algorithms that process the data according to their tree development architectures and pass their intermediary forecast to LR which is deployed in layer two and processes the intermediary forecasts of layer one models to provide the final predicted wind power. To demonstrate the generalizability and robustness of the proposed study, the performance of Boost-LR is compared with the individual models of CatBoost, XgBoost, RF, deep learning networks: long short-term memory (LSTM) and gated recurrent unit (GRU), Transformer and Informer models using root mean square error (RMSE), mean square error (MSE), mean absolute error (MAE) and normalized root mean square error (NRMSE). Findings demonstrate the effectiveness of the Boost-LR as its forecasting performance is superior to the compared models. The improvement in MAE of Boost-LR is recorded as to be 31.42%, 32.14%, and 27.55% for the datasets of Bruska, Jelinak, and Inland wind farm, respectively as compared to the MAE of CatBoost which is revealed as the second-best performing model. Moreover, the proposed study also reports a literature comparison that further validates the effectiveness of Boost-LR performance for short-term wind power forecasting

    Luria–Delbrück, revisited: the classic experiment does not rule out Lamarckian evolution

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    We re-examined data from the classic Luria–Delbrück fluctuation experiment, which is often credited with establishing a Darwinian basis for evolution. We argue that, for the Lamarckian model of evolution to be ruled out by the experiment, the experiment must favor pure Darwinian evolution over both the Lamarckian model and a model that allows both Darwinian and Lamarckian mechanisms (as would happen for bacteria with CRISPR-Cas immunity). Analysis of the combined model was not performed in the original 1943 paper. The Luria–Delbrück paper also did not consider the possibility of neither model fitting the experiment. Using Bayesian model selection, we find that the Luria–Delbrück experiment, indeed, favors the Darwinian evolution over purely Lamarckian. However, our analysis does not rule out the combined model, and hence cannot rule out Lamarckian contributions to the evolutionary dynamics