131 research outputs found

    Potential energetic return on investment positively correlated with overall soil microbial activity

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    Microbial communities are a critical component of the soil carbon (C) cycle as they are responsible for the decomposition of both organic inputs from plants and of soil organic C. However, there is still no consensus about how to explicitly represent their role in terrestrial C cycling. The objective of the study was to determine how the molecular and energetic properties of readily available organic matter affect the metabolic activity of the resident microbial communities in soils. This was achieved by cross-amending six soils, taken from woodland and grassland sites along an urban pressure gradient, with organic matter extracted from the same six soils and measuring heat dissipated due to the increase in microbial metabolic activity. The energetic properties of the organic matter were used to estimate a potential energetic return on investment (ROI) that microbial communities could obtain from the transformation of the organic matter. Specifically, the ROI was calculated as the ratio between the total net energy available (ΔE) and the weighted average standard state Gibbs energies of oxidation half reactions of organic C (ΔG°Cox). ΔE was measured as the heat of combustion using bomb calorimetry. ΔG°Cox was estimated using the average nominal oxidation state of C (NOSC) of the molecular species in the organic matter. The overall metabolic activity of microbial communities was positively related to the potential energetic return on investment but no significant relationship was found with the molecular diversity of organic matter. The temporal differences in metabolism across soils indicate that bacterial communities do not exploit the potential energetic return on investment in the same way: the suburban grassland communities responded more rapidly and the suburban woodland communities more slowly to the organic matter additions than the other communities. The urban gradient did not affect the properties of the molecular or energetic properties of the organic matter nor the response of the microbial communities to the organic matter additions. However, the organic matter from the grassland soils caused soils to dissipate 36.4% more heat than organic matter from the woodland soils. The metabolic response was also more rapid after the addition of grassland organic matter: the time taken for half the heat to be dissipated was 6.4 h after the addition of grassland organic matter and 6.1 h after the addition of woodland organic matter. Overall, our results suggest that microbial communities preferentially use organic matter with a high potential energetic return on investment, i.e. organic molecules that do not require high cost associated with catalysis whilst yielding a high net energetic benefit

    Chapitre 13. Séquestration du carbone et usage durable des savanes ouest-africaines : synergie ou antagonisme ?

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    Introduction Les Ă©cosystĂšmes de savane ouest-africaine couvrent de vastes superficies (5.106 km2), en grande majoritĂ© exploitĂ©es par l’agriculture et le pastoralisme (Mayaux et al., 2004). Ils associent des systĂšmes herbacĂ©s et arborĂ©s, les faciĂšs de vĂ©gĂ©tation Ă©tant fortement pilotĂ©s par la pluviositĂ© annuelle selon un gradient latitudinal. Dans ces Ă©cosystĂšmes, pour des raisons principalement dĂ©mographiques et techniques – et, demain, sans doute climatiques – les ressources carbonĂ©es se rar..

    Istradefylline protects from cisplatin-induced nephrotoxicity and peripheral neuropathy while preserving cisplatin antitumor effects

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    Cisplatin is a potent chemotherapeutic drug that is widely used in the treatment of various solid cancers. However, its clinical effectiveness is strongly limited by frequent severe adverse effects, in particular nephrotoxicity and chemotherapy-induced peripheral neuropathy. Thus, there is an urgent medical need to identify novel strategies that limit cisplatin-induced toxicity. In the present study, we show that the FDA-approved adenosine A2A receptor antagonist istradefylline (KW6002) protected from cisplatin-induced nephrotoxicity and neuropathic pain in mice with or without tumors. Moreover, we also demonstrate that the antitumoral properties of cisplatin were not altered by istradefylline in tumor-bearing mice and could even be potentiated. Altogether, our results support the use of istradefylline as a valuable preventive approach for the clinical management of patients undergoing cisplatin treatment

    Carbone des sols en Afrique

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    Les sols sont une ressource essentielle Ă  prĂ©server pour la production d’aliments, de fibres, de biomasse, pour la filtration de l’eau, la prĂ©servation de la biodiversitĂ© et le stockage du carbone. En tant que rĂ©servoirs de carbone, les sols sont par ailleurs appelĂ©s Ă  jouer un rĂŽle primordial dans la lutte contre l’augmentation de la concentration de gaz Ă  effet de serre. Ils sont ainsi au centre des objectifs de dĂ©veloppement durable (ODD) des Nations unies, notamment les ODD 2 « Faim zĂ©ro », 13 « Lutte contre le changement climatique », 15 « Vie terrestre », 12 « Consommation et production responsables » ou encore 1 « Pas de pauvretĂ© ». Cet ouvrage prĂ©sente un Ă©tat des lieux des sols africains dans toute leur diversitĂ©, mais au-delĂ , il documente les capacitĂ©s de stockage de carbone selon les types de sols et leurs usages en Afrique. Il propose Ă©galement des recommandations autour de l’acquisition et de l’interprĂ©tation des donnĂ©es, ainsi que des options pour prĂ©server, voire augmenter les stocks de carbone dans les sols. Tous les chercheurs et acteurs du dĂ©veloppement impliquĂ©s dans les recherches sur le rĂŽle du carbone des sols sont concernĂ©s par cette synthĂšse collective. Fruit d’une collaboration entre chercheurs africains et europĂ©ens, ce livre insiste sur la nĂ©cessitĂ© de prendre en compte la grande variĂ©tĂ© des contextes agricoles et forestiers africains pour amĂ©liorer nos connaissances sur les capacitĂ©s de stockage de carbone des sols et lutter contre le changement climatique

    13. L’écologie, une science pour le dĂ©veloppement durable

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    Se situer dans le monde, voilĂ  sans doute ce qui anime le genre humain depuis qu’il appartient Ă  la catĂ©gorie des ĂȘtres pensants. Les systĂšmes de croyances, comme les sciences, ont Ă©tĂ© inventĂ©s en rĂ©ponse Ă  cette prĂ©occupation. Mais le monde est vaste et diversifiĂ©, ce qui a engendrĂ© la coexistence d’une multitude de reprĂ©sentations. Parmi les sciences, certaines se sont focalisĂ©es sur une catĂ©gorie de composantes et de processus, comme la chimie, alors que d’autres ont adoptĂ© un point de vue..

    Aspects fonctionnels du cycle de l'azote dans la strate herbacee de la savane de Lamto

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    SIGLEAvailable from INIST (FR), Document Supply Service, under shelf-number : T 78115 / INIST-CNRS - Institut de l'Information Scientifique et TechniqueFRFranc

    Interactions plantes-minéraux argileux dans une perspective écologique

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    Les minĂ©raux argileux sont des acteurs clĂ©s dans le fonctionnement des sols et des Ă©cosystĂšmes. Mon travail de thĂšse Ă©tudie leurs modifications liĂ©es Ă  l activitĂ© du couvert vĂ©gĂ©tal. J ai focalisĂ© mon travail sur deux types de modifications : les modifications Ă  court terme de l occupation des sites interfoliaires des minĂ©raux argileux 2/1 en lien avec le cycle du potassium (K), et les modifications Ă  plus long terme de la structure mĂȘme des feuillets d argiles dans le sol de surface entraĂźnĂ©es par les apports en silice (Si) et en potassium par la vĂ©gĂ©tation. La premiĂšre partie de mon travail a permis d Ă©tablir que les minĂ©raux argileux 2/1 se comportent comme un rĂ©servoir Ă  K : un apport de K (pluviolessivats, minĂ©ralisation de la litiĂšre, fertilisation) provoque la formation de feuillets fermĂ©s Ă  1 nm par une couche d ions K anhydres, inversement les racines des plantes peuvent prĂ©lever ces ions K anhydres et provoquer l ouverture des feuillets. Le remplissage et la vidange de ce rĂ©servoir peuvent ĂȘtre suivis qualitativement et mĂȘme quantitativement par diffraction aux rayons X.Dans la seconde partie de ma thĂšse, j ai Ă©tabli que certains profils prĂ©sentent une augmentation de K et de Si vers la surface. Le paradoxe que constitue la plus forte teneur de ces Ă©lĂ©ments mobiles en surface s explique par leur translocation par les plantes. La modĂ©lisation de ce phĂ©nomĂšne a rĂ©vĂ©lĂ© que l action des plantes peut contrebalancer la perte en Si et K par lessivage et par consĂ©quent stabiliser les phases argileuses riches en Si et K.Mon travail de thĂšse suggĂšre donc que les plantes utilisent et entretiennent le rĂ©servoir Ă  K constituĂ© par les minĂ©raux argileux 2/1 des sols.Clay minerals are key components for soil and ecosystem functioning. My PhD work centred on the modifications related to plant activity. My work focused on two types of modifications: short term modifications of interlayer site occupations related to potassium (K) dynamics, and longer term modifications of the clay sheet structure in the surface soil influenced by K and Si inputs by plants.The first part of my work established that 2/1 clay minerals behave as a K reservoir in soils: K inputs (throughfall, litter mineralization, fertilization) lead to the formation of closed layers collapsed to 1 nm by anhydrous K ions, conversely roots may take up these anhydrous K ions which leads to clay layer opening . The filling or emptying of this K reservoir can be qualitatively and quantitatively studied through X-ray diffraction. In the second part, I showed that some soil profiles exhibit an increase of Si and K contents near the surface. This paradoxical distribution of mobile elements Si and K is explained by their translocation by plants. A model based on this phenomenon revealed that plant translocation can balance element loss through lixiviation and stabilize Si-rich and K-rich clay minerals in the surface soil horizon. My work suggests that plants use and stabilize the soil K reservoir composed of the 2/1 clay minerals.PARIS-BIUSJ-ThĂšses (751052125) / SudocPARIS-BIUSJ-Physique recherche (751052113) / SudocSudocFranceF
