535 research outputs found

    Human security in Albania

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    Leaked Transparency and Whistleblowers

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    Perspektiva e kundërt metodologjike - një qasje e re dhe jodogmatike

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    Tema që do të shtjellohet këtu e vë në fokus qasjen e kundërinduksionit - kushtet, rrethanat dhe nxitjet që bën Feyerabendin ta konstituonte atë, si dhe rolin iluminues që ajo luan, përkatësisht do të duhej të luante. Kjo perspektivë e kundërt, de jure i ka munguar shkencës e de facto ajo është zbatuar gjithherë por si qasje ilegjitime. Në aspektin metodologjik të hulumtimit shkencor, do të merret në shqyrtim roli i dyfishtë i rregullave metodike, të cilat edhe e ndihmojnë kërkimin të jetë i suksesshëm edhe e kthejnë atë në dogmë, duke e ngushtuar dhe kufizuar kërkimin për shkak të ekskluzivitetit të tyre dhe të lidhura me këto do të merren në konsideratë tensionet, kritikat dhe zhvillimet metodologjike për ta bërë hulumtimin më efikas. Qëllimi është që të tregohet se kundër-induksioni e plotëson një mungesë të madhe në qasjen metodologjike gjë që, sikurse do të argumentohet, e bën vetë hulumtimin shkencor më të hapur e të shpenguar

    Hvordan fungerer gruppeflyt blant team i Skatteetaten?

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    Sammendrag FormĂ„l: MĂ„let med denne studien er Ă„ utforske fenomenet teamflyt innen Skatteetaten. Gjennom implementering av semistrukturerte intervjuer sĂžker denne studien Ă„ fĂ„ verdifull innsikt fra intervjuobjekter basert pĂ„ deres virkelige erfaringer og kunnskap med gruppeflytdynamikk. Forskningen har ogsĂ„ til hensikt Ă„ undersĂžke effekten av teamflyt pĂ„ motivasjon, prestasjoner og jobbtilfredshet. Metoder: For Ă„ nĂ„ disse mĂ„lene ble det benyttet en «Embedded case-study» for kvalitativ forskning. Studien gjennomfĂžrte dybdeintervjuer med seks personer fra to ulike team innen Skatteetaten, og fordypet seg i teamdynamikk, erfaringene med team flyt, utfordringer og viktigheten av lederstĂžtte for Ă„ fremme teamflyt. Denne tilnĂŠrmingen tillot en omfattende utforskning av elementene som bidrar til eller hindrer fremveksten av gruppeflyt innenfor den spesifikke konteksten til en statlig organisasjon. Begrensninger: Til tross for den grundige kvalitative tilnĂŠrmingen finnes det visse begrensninger i denne studien. Den lille utvalgsstĂžrrelsen pĂ„ seks individer og fokuset pĂ„ en enkelt statlig organisasjon kan begrense generaliserbarheten til funnene. I tillegg introduserer den subjektive karakteren til kvalitativ forskning potensiell skjevhet i tolkningen av resultater. Faglig bidrag: Mens gruppeflyt har fĂ„tt betydelig oppmerksomhet innen ulike felt som sport, kunst og musikk, forblir dens anvendelse i statlige organisasjoner, som utforsket i denne studien, fortsatt et relativt under utforsket omrĂ„de nĂ„r det gjelder gruppeflyt. Forskningen bidrar til state-of-the-art ved Ă„ bygge bro mellom teoretiske konsepter om gruppeflyt og deres praktiske anvendelse i en statlig setting, og kaste lys over tidligere ukjent territorium. Funn: Forskningen avdekket verdifull innsikt i gruppeflytdynamikken. Teamdynamikken i Skatteetaten varierer basert pĂ„ faktorer som teamstĂžrrelse, struktur og lederstil. Positiv teamdynamikk inkluderer tilstedevĂŠrelsen av psykologisk trygghet, klare roller og ĂŠrlig kommunikasjon. Utfordringer oppstĂ„r derimot fra uklare roller eller kommunikasjonsbarrierer, noe som fĂžrer til mangel pĂ„ psykologisk trygghet. Å oppnĂ„ teamflyt er utfordrende, men verdt det, og det bidrar til forbedret motivasjon, produktivitet og resultater. LederstĂžtte er avgjĂžrende for Ă„ tilrettelegge og opprettholde flyt. Lederstiler som legger vekt pĂ„ autonomi, tillit og proaktivt engasjement i teamprosesser anses som avgjĂžrende for Ă„ skape et flyt-vennlig miljĂž. Funnene gir praktiske implikasjoner for organisasjonsledelse og ledelsesstrategier, og gir brukbare anbefalinger for Ă„ forbedre teamsamarbeid, produktivitet og generell arbeidstilfredshet. Konklusjoner: Avslutningsvis bidrar denne studien til bĂ„de akademisk forstĂ„else og praktisk anvendelse ved Ă„ undersĂžke gruppeflyt i en statlig setting. Den oppnĂ„dde innsikten kan veilede organisasjonsledelse og ledelsesstrategier i Skatteetaten, og legge til rette for forbedringer i teamsamarbeid og generell arbeidstilfredshet. Ved Ă„ adressere nyansene i gruppeflyt i en offentlig organisasjon, gir studien et grunnlag for fremtidig forskning og utvikling av effektive gruppedynamikkstrategier. Stikkord: Gruppeflyt / teamflyt, psykologisk trygghet, indre motivasjon, teamprestasjon, arbeidsglede, subjektivt velvĂŠre, organisasjonsledelse, ledelsesstiler, kvalitativ forskning, Skatteetaten.Summery Aim: The aim of this study is to explore the phenomenonof team flow within Skatteetaten. Through the implementation of semi-structured interviews, this study seeks to gain valuable insights from interview subjects based on their real-life experiences and knowledge with group flow dynamics. The research also intends to examine the impact of team flow on motivation, performance, and job satisfaction. Methods: To achieve these objectives, an embedded single-case design for qualitative research was employed. The study conducted in-depth interviews with six individuals from two different teams within Skatteetaten, delving into team dynamics, communication patterns, challenges and leadership styles. This approach allowed for a comprehensive exploration of the elements that contribute to or hinder the emergence of group flow within the specific context of a governmental organization. Limitations: Despite the in-depth qualitative approach, certain limitations exist in this study. The small sample size of six individuals and the focus on a single governmental organization may limit the generalizability of the findings. Moreover, because qualitative research relies on personal perspectives, there is a chance that the way results are understood could be influenced by individual biases. State-of-the-art: While group flow has gained significant attention in various fields such as sports, art and music, its application within governmental organizations, as explored in this study, Team Flow remains a relatively underexplored area. The research contributes to the state-of-the-art by bridging the gap between theoretical concepts of group flow and their practical application in a governmental setting, shedding light on previously unexplored territory. Findings: The research revealed valuable insight into group flow dynamics. The team dynamics within Skatteetaten vary based on factors such as team size, structure and leadership style. Positive team dynamics include the presence of psychological safety, clear roles, and honest communication. Conversely, challenges arise from unclear roles or communication barriers, leading to a lack of psychological safety. Achieving team flow is challenging but worthwhile, and it contributes to improved motivation, productivity, and results. Managerial support is essential to facilitate and maintain flow. Leadership styles that emphasize autonomy, trust and proactive involvement in team processes are considered crucial for creating a flow-friendly environment. The findings provide practical implications for organizational management and management strategies, and provide actionable recommendations for improving team collaboration, productivity and overall job satisfaction. Conclusions: In conclusion, this study contributes to both academic understanding and practical application by investigating group flow in a governmental setting. The insights gained from this study can guide organizational management and leadership strategies in Skatteetaten, facilitating improvements in team collaboration and overall workplace satisfaction. By addressing the nuances of group flow within public sector organization, this study offers a foundation for future research and the development of effective group dynamics strategies. Key words: Group flow / team flow, psychological safety, internal motivation, team performance, job satisfaction, subjective well-being, organizational management, management styles, qualitative research, Skatteetaten

    A ka një parim bazë shkenca?

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    Objekt i kĂ«saj trajtese do tĂ« jetĂ« pĂ«rpjekja pĂ«r tĂ« gjetur njĂ« parim bazĂ« tĂ« shkencĂ«s nga filozofĂ« tĂ« ndryshĂ«m tĂ« shkencĂ«s. Ato pĂ«rpjekje rezultuan nĂ« risi por edhe nĂ« probleme tĂ« reja tĂ« perceptimit, qasjes dhe shpjegimit ndaj shkencĂ«s, si dhe zhvillimit tĂ« saj. Shkenca qĂ« pĂ«rbĂ«n evidencĂ«n mĂ« tĂ« dukshme tĂ« rritjes sĂ« dijes njerĂ«zore, doli tĂ« jetĂ« njĂ« fenomen shumĂ« kompleks dhe me sfida nga mĂ« tĂ« llojllojshmet qĂ« tĂ« kuptohen dhe tĂ« shpjegohen, gjĂ« qĂ« shprehet pĂ«rmes teorive tĂ« ndryshme epistemologjike, teori kĂ«to tĂ« cilat edhe shprehin qasje tĂ« ndryshme, por edhe pasqyrojnĂ« evoluimin e saj. RisitĂ« por edhe problemet epistemologjike, nĂ« vija tĂ« trasha, mund tĂ« pĂ«rmblidhen si mĂ« poshtĂ«: (i) formulimi i parimit bazĂ« tĂ« shkencĂ«s i parimi i verifikimit, (ii) falsifikimi si parim drejtues i shkencĂ«s, (iii) paradigmat dhe ndĂ«rrimi i tyre si parimi kryesor i zhvillimit tĂ« shkencĂ«s; dhe (iv) zhvillimet kontroverse pas Kuhnit PĂ«rkundĂ«r suksesit, megjithatĂ«, ende nuk ka njĂ« teori epistemologjike, e cila do t’u jepte pĂ«rgjigje pyetjeve: ka apo jo njĂ« shpjegim racional mbi mĂ«nyrĂ«n se si vendos komuniteti i shkencĂ«tarĂ«ve, nĂ« momentet kulminante tĂ« zhvillimit shkencor, pĂ«r ndĂ«rrimin e paradigmave

    Intrastate Conflicts, International Interventions and their Implications on Security Issues: Case of Kosovo

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    International audienceThe paper will assess the inter-linkage between the intra-state conflicts and the international answer and intervention to such conflicts and its implication for the international relations and security issues. The paper will take a closer look to the case of Kosovo to find the applicability of the arguments raised on this paper. Nevertheless, the aim of the paper is not to reveal the largeextended problematic, enumerate all circumstances and effecting factors relevant to the case, neither detail all means and strategies that can be used to resolve the cases. These limitations are donewith the intention of avoiding bulky whilst preserving cohesion and consistency within the limits of a paper

    Hate speech aspects in traditional and new media

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    This paper’s intention is to treat difficulties arising when defining the thin line between “freedom of speech” and “hate speech”, the stereotype problems and the impact they have, since they’re often a part of everyday discourse. The paper intents to treat new media’s impact in the definition process of this division, the promotion hate speech gets through interactivity with the reader, the social media impact as information sources on hate speech’s growth and on inciting violent acts. This paper also intents to draw attention to the approach given to categories deemed as “victims” of such speech, besides the ethnic aspect of this issue, as well as measures which are being taken or should be taken to restrain hate speech in a multicultural society, as is Kosovo’s case. Through these questions, our aim will be to find theoretical answers on one hand and analytical on the other hand, through analysis on media approach in regard to this problem. The results in this paper will be based on the method of content analysis and comparison between traditional and new media

    The Feasibility of Conducting Epidemiological Studies in Kosovo

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    Environmental pollution remains a salient global problem because of the impacts it has on climate change, economic activity and human health. Increases in the level of pollutants such as PM10, PM2.5, CO, NO2, SO2 and O3 have been correlated with increases in the number of people diagnosed with various respiratory, circulatory diseases and cancers as well as death from these diseases. Therefore, for policymakers to be able to address this issue, a plethora of epidemiological studies, using time-series and longitudinal data, have been conducted in different countries to study the linkage between health and environmental pollution. The results from these studies were and can be used as the basis upon which sound public policies are drafted. Kosovo has also experienced a rapid increase in the level of morbidity and mortality from diseases related to environmental pollution. However, there have been no rigorous studies, which illustrate the scope of this problem, i.e., the effect of environmental pollution on morbidity and mortality in Kosovo, due to serious problems with data availability and reliability. Thus, this study provides a comprehensive analysis on the data problems faced by researchers who want to conduct epidemiological studies in Kosovo

    An approach to Information Security for SMEs based on the Resource-Based View theory

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    The main focus of this proposal is to analyze implementation challenges, benefits and requirements in implementation of Information Systems and managing information security in small and medium size companies in Western Balkans countries. In relation to the study, the proposal will focus in the following questions to investigate: What are the benefits that companies mostly find after the implementation of Information Systems has been implemented, efficiency, how to they manage security of the information’s, competitive advantage, return of investments etc. The study should give a clear approach to Information Systems implementation, information security, maintenance, measurable benefits, challenges companies have gone through and a model how to approach Information Systems as a general guide utilizing best practices by the companies that are also supported by the available literature review. A very important place on the research will have also the Information security threats, security management measures and proposed alternatives for organizations to network vulnerabilities from malicious attacks. Since there are several security management frameworks which encompasses also the security management models, my research could be starting with an analyze of the security management, current situation and will end with a proposal for the new approach to information security
