51 research outputs found


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    Background and Aim: Acute upper gastrointestinal bleeding (AUGIB) is one of the most common medical emergencies. Early detection of at-risk patients is beneficial with respect to treatment and prognosis. We investigated whether severity of ulcers were associated with red blood cell distribution width (RDW), plateletcrit (PCT), mean platelet volume (MPV) and platelet distribution width (PDW). Materials and Methods: All patients presenting to the emergency department with AUGIB between January 2014 and June 2014 were included in the study. Endoscopy reports, complete blood counts, patient demographic characteristics, and endoscopy results were obtained retrospectively from hospital records. Patients with grade I or grade II ulcers (based on the Forrest classification) were compared in regard to these parameters. Results: In total, 373 male and 211 female patients with a mean age ± SD of 66.36 ± 17.36 were included in this study. Ulcers were detected in 396 of 584 patients (67.8%). There were no differences with respect to RDW or platelet indices between groups. Conclusions: Patients presenting with AUGIB should receive rapid diagnosis and treatment. In this study of patients with AUGIB grouped by bleeding aetiology, probable early prognostic parameters were not associated with bleeding severity among patients diagnosed with gastric or duodenal ulcers

    Sarkoid donjeg očnog kapka kod magarca (Equus asinus) izazvan bovinim papiloma 2 virusom

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    Sarcoid tumors were described by means of histopathological and molecular procedures in a 5-year-old donkey. Histopathological examination showed epithelial changes including hyperkeratosis, epithelial hyperplasia, koilocytosis, and rete peg formation. Neoplastic fibroblastic cells were plumb, large spindle to stellate and embedded in dense collagenous tissue. Results of Polymerase Chain Reaction and DNA sequence analysis showed that the etiological agent belonged to Bovine Papilloma Virus-II species in the delta papilloma virus genus. This case study represents the first report demonstrating the presence of Bovine Papilloma Virus-II in donkey sarcoid.Sarkoidi su opisani primenom histopatoloških i molelularanih metoda i procedura kod magarca, starog pet godina. Histopatološko ispitivanje, ukazalo je na promene u epitelu koje su uključivale hiperkeratozu, hiperplaziju epitela, koilocitozu i formiranje invaginacija epitela ptema dubokom dermisu - rete peg. Fibroblastine neoplastične ćelije su bile krupne, ovalnovretenaste i zvezdaste, uronjene u tkivo bogato kolagenom. Ispitivanje PCR metodom kao i rezultati DNK sekvencioniranja pokazali su da je etiološki agens spadao u grupu bovinog papilomavirusa-2 koji pripada rodu delta papilomavirusa. Ova studija predstavlja prvi opisani slučaj prisustva papiloma virusa goveda-2 kod sarkoida magarca

    Helicobacter species are associated with possible increase in risk of biliary lithiasis and benign biliary diseases

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Hepato-biliary tract lithiasis is common and present either as pain or as asymptomatic on abdominal ultrasonography for other causes. Although the DNA of <it>Helicobacter </it>species are identified in the gallbladder bile, tissue or stones analyzed from these cases, still a causal relationship could not be established due to different results from different geographical parts.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>A detailed search of pubmed and pubmedcentral was carried out with key words <it>Helicobacter </it>and gallbladder, gallstones, hepaticolithiasis, cholelithiasis and choledocholithiasis, benign biliary diseases, liver diseases. The data was entered in a data base and meta analysis was carried out. The analysis was carried out using odds ratio and a fixed effect model, 95% confidence intervals for odds ratio was calculated. Chi square test for heterogeneity was employed. The overall effect was calculated using Z test.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>A total of 12 articles were identified. One study used IgG for diagnosis while others used the PCR for Ure A gene, 16 S RNA or Cag A genes. A couple of studies used culture or histopathology besides the PCR. The cumulative results show a higher association of <it>Helicobacter </it>with chronic liver diseases (30.48%), and stone diseases (42.96%)(OR 1.77 95% CI 1.2–2.58; Z = 2.94, p = 0.003), the effect of each could not be identified as it was difficult to isolate the effect of helicobacter due to mixing of cases in each study.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>The results of present meta analysis shows that there is a slight higher risk of cholelithiasis and benign liver disease (OR 1.77), however due to inherent inability to isolate the effect of stone disease from that of other benign lesions it is not possible to say for sure that <it>Helicobacter </it>has a casual relationship with benign biliary disease or stone disease or both.</p

    Helicobacter species in cancers of the gallbladder and extrahepatic biliary tract

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    Helicobacter species have been found in human bile and biliary tract (BT) tissue and are suspected to cause BT diseases, including gallbladder and extrahepatic cancers, collectively referred to in this work as BT cancers. We conducted a literature review of the epidemiological evidence linking the presence of Helicobacter species in bile or BT biopsies to BT cancers and benign diseases. Reports showed great variability with respect to study methods. Nine studies of BT cancers were identified, all with 30 or fewer BT cancers; eight included cancer-free control subjects and used polymerase chain reaction (PCR) as a means of Helicobacter species detection. In four of these studies, Helicobacter species were detected in patients with BT cancer significantly more frequently than in controls, at least when controls without BT diseases were used. In two studies, no Helicobacter species were detected in either cases or controls. Helicobacter species were also often detected in benign BT diseases such as gallstone disease or chronic cholecystitis. As our current knowledge relies on a few small studies that showed substantial differences, larger studies and more standardised protocols for detecting DNA and antibodies against Helicobacter species are needed to investigate a potential association with BT cancer

    A rare case in the terminal ileum: cavernous hemangioma

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    The cavernous hemangioma, a vascular lesion of the small intestine, is one of the rare tumors. Presented in this case, the terminal ileum in childhood: report of a hemangioma. Although, it may appear to be Hemanjiomas of intestine neoplasm in childhood, it may actually be a hamartomaroz lesion. This topic is a controversial one in the literature. It has clinical significance as it may cause perforation and/or obstruction and it may be intermingled with other intestinal tumors. With preoperative correct diagnosis, minimally invasive approach to could be possible. [Cukurova Med J 2014; 39(3.000): 594-597

    Examination of perceived father attitudes and fathers' gambling behavior of adolescents with and without substance addiction

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    Bu çalışmada madde bağımlılığı olan/olmayan ergenlerin algıladıkları baba tutumları ve babalarının kumar oynama davranışlarının incelenmesi amaçlanmıştır. Araştırmanın örneklemini Gaziantep ilinde bulunan bir psikiyatri kliniğinde madde bağımlılığı nedeniyle tedavi görmekte olan 13-18 yaş arası erkek ergenler ve babaları, Gaziantep'te öğrenim görmekte olan 13-18 yaş arası madde kullanmayan erkek ergenler ve babaları oluşturmaktadır. Katılımcılara Ergen ve Baba Kişisel Bilgi Formu, Ebeveyn Yetiştirme Tarzları Ölçeği ve South Oaks Kumar Tarama Testi uygulanmıştır. Çalışmanın sonuçlarına göre babası kumar oynayan ergenler, oynamayanlara göre babalarından daha fazla duygusal ve fiziksel cezalandırma; daha az duygusal sıcaklık, aşırı korumacılık/müdahalecilik ve kayırmacılık algılamaktadır. Babaların kumar oynama düzeyleri ile ergenlerin algıladıkları duygusal sıcaklık ve aşırı korumacılık/müdahalecilik arasında anlamlı düzeyde negatif; duygusal ve fiziksel cezalandırma arasında ise anlamlı düzeyde pozitif bir ilişki bulunmuştur. Madde bağımlılığı olan ergenlerin babalarının olmayanların babalarından daha fazla kumar oynadığı bulunmuştur. Kumar ve madde bağımlılığının ebeveyn-çocuk ilişkisi açısından değerlendirilmesi için konuyla ilgili daha fazla çalışma yapılması gerektiği düşünülmektedir.The purpose of this current study is to examine the perceived father attitudes of adolescents with and without substance addiction and their fathers' gambling behaviors. The sample of the study consists of male adolescents ages ranged between 13 and 18, receiving and not receiving inpatient treatment in a Psychiatry Clinic with their fathers in Gaziantep. The Questionnaires Adolescent and Father Personal Information Form, EMBU/Father Sub-Dimension and SOGS were applied. The results showed that adolescents whose fathers gambled were more likely to receive emotional and physical punishment from their fathers than those who did not. While there was a significant negative relationship between fathers' gambling levels and adolescents' perceived emotional warmth and overprotection/interventionism; a significant positive relationship was found between emotional punishment and physical punishment. The level of gambling of the fathers of adolescents with substance addiction is significantly higher than the fathers of adolescents without substance addiction

    Cytokine Profiles and Hepatic Injury in Occult Hepatitis C Versus

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