1,233 research outputs found

    Interactive exploration of population scale pharmacoepidemiology datasets

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    Population-scale drug prescription data linked with adverse drug reaction (ADR) data supports the fitting of models large enough to detect drug use and ADR patterns that are not detectable using traditional methods on smaller datasets. However, detecting ADR patterns in large datasets requires tools for scalable data processing, machine learning for data analysis, and interactive visualization. To our knowledge no existing pharmacoepidemiology tool supports all three requirements. We have therefore created a tool for interactive exploration of patterns in prescription datasets with millions of samples. We use Spark to preprocess the data for machine learning and for analyses using SQL queries. We have implemented models in Keras and the scikit-learn framework. The model results are visualized and interpreted using live Python coding in Jupyter. We apply our tool to explore a 384 million prescription data set from the Norwegian Prescription Database combined with a 62 million prescriptions for elders that were hospitalized. We preprocess the data in two minutes, train models in seconds, and plot the results in milliseconds. Our results show the power of combining computational power, short computation times, and ease of use for analysis of population scale pharmacoepidemiology datasets. The code is open source and available at: https://github.com/uit-hdl/norpd_prescription_analyse

    Formal Verification of Security Protocol Implementations: A Survey

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    Automated formal verification of security protocols has been mostly focused on analyzing high-level abstract models which, however, are significantly different from real protocol implementations written in programming languages. Recently, some researchers have started investigating techniques that bring automated formal proofs closer to real implementations. This paper surveys these attempts, focusing on approaches that target the application code that implements protocol logic, rather than the libraries that implement cryptography. According to these approaches, libraries are assumed to correctly implement some models. The aim is to derive formal proofs that, under this assumption, give assurance about the application code that implements the protocol logic. The two main approaches of model extraction and code generation are presented, along with the main techniques adopted for each approac

    Accounting Treatment for Unrestricted Investment Deposits and Its Implication to Islamic Financial Institution

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    The objective of this paper is to analyze the accounting treatment for mudharabah especially for account unrestricted investment (mudharabah mutlaqoh) in practical side which has been appling in the current Islamic banking system. This paper also concerns on the impliaction of different accounting treatment to the islamic financial institution. This study finds that there two different accounting treatment for Unrestricted Mudharabah currently practised by Islamic banking, namely as liability and as different account between equity and liability. The two differents of accounting treatment for mudharabah investment account (UIAHS) will have some implication to Islamic banking, namely: Profit distribution, Capital Adequacy Ratio (CAR), Risk management and Capital structure. Based on IFSB Capital Adequacy Standard, in accounting treatment AAOFI standard, since the mudharabah Investment account has portion between liability and equity, thus the alpha maybe equal to 0.5. However, in case of Malaysia which is more based on IFRS which is treated this account as a liability, alpha is close to one (1). The different CAR also will have implication on the risk management that should be conducted by Islamic bank. Capital structure policy is another aspect that will be influenced by the different of accounting treatment of UIAHS. Hence, the accounting treatment of UIAHS on whether it will be treated as equity or liability will has direct effect on capital structure policy and some other aspect such as default risk, bankruptcy cost etc

    Seroepidemiology of rubella, measles, HBV, HCV and B19 virus within women in child bearing ages (Saravan City of Sistan and Bloochastan Province)

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    Present survey basically focused on women between 15-45 years of age resident in a town of Sistan and Baluchistan province named as Saravan city located in border of Pakistan-Iran in order to find out the seropositivity against the viruses in child bearing ages in the above stated under study community. This descriptive cross-sectional study was carried-out from 2001 up to 2002. Saravan town was divided into 4 geographical areas and each area was further sub-divided into 10 blocks and in each block 10 families were chosen randomly. In the next step by referring to each family from the chosen married women with specified age i.e., 15-45 years, 5 mL blood was collected. Serum was then separated and stored at -20°C before the assay. ELISA kit was employed to detect anti B19, anti rubella, anti measles, anti HBV and anti HCV antibody. Furthermore during samples collection a questionnaire filled for each woman under study. This study showed that 89.6% of women understudy were seropositive against measles, rubella (96.2%), B19 (59.2%), HCV (0.8%) and HBV (19.8%), respectively. According to the results of no serious problem with rubella in this area; But, about measles, the present immunity against measles in this area is insufficient. It seems that incidence of B19 infection in this region is same as other places in Iran. The rate of seropositivity against HBV and HCV indicated of these viruses circulating in the population in this area. © 2007 Academic Journals

    Poincare recurrences and transient chaos in systems with leaks

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    In order to simulate observational and experimental situations, we consider a leak in the phase space of a chaotic dynamical system. We obtain an expression for the escape rate of the survival probability applying the theory of transient chaos. This expression improves previous estimates based on the properties of the closed system and explains dependencies on the position and size of the leak and on the initial ensemble. With a subtle choice of the initial ensemble, we obtain an equivalence to the classical problem of Poincare recurrences in closed systems, which is treated in the same framework. Finally, we show how our results apply to weakly chaotic systems and justify a split of the invariant saddle in hyperbolic and nonhyperbolic components, related, respectively, to the intermediate exponential and asymptotic power-law decays of the survival probability.Comment: Corrected version, as published. 12 pages, 9 figure

    Semantics and Proof Theory of the Epsilon Calculus

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    The epsilon operator is a term-forming operator which replaces quantifiers in ordinary predicate logic. The application of this undervalued formalism has been hampered by the absence of well-behaved proof systems on the one hand, and accessible presentations of its theory on the other. One significant early result for the original axiomatic proof system for the epsilon-calculus is the first epsilon theorem, for which a proof is sketched. The system itself is discussed, also relative to possible semantic interpretations. The problems facing the development of proof-theoretically well-behaved systems are outlined.Comment: arXiv admin note: substantial text overlap with arXiv:1411.362

    AnBx - Security Protocols Design and Verification

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    Designing distributed protocols is challenging, as it requires actions at very different levels: from the choice of network-level mechanisms to protect the exchange of sensitive data, to the definition of structured interaction patterns to convey application-specific guarantees. Current security infrastructures provide very limited support for the specification of such guarantees. As a consequence, the high-level security properties of a protocol typically must often be hard-coded explicitly, in terms of low-level cryptographic notions and devices which clutter the design and undermine its scalability and robustness. To counter these problems, we propose an extended Alice & Bob notation for protocol narrations (AnBx) to be employed for a purely declarative modelling of distributed protocols. These abstractions provide a compact specification of the high-level security guarantees they convey, and help shield the design from the details of the underlying cryptographic infrastructure. We discuss an implementation of the abstractions based on a translation from the AnBx notation to the AnB language supported by the OFMC [1,2] verification tool. We show the practical effectiveness of our approach by revisiting the iKP e-payment protocols, and showing that the security goals achieved by our declarative specification outperform those offered by the original protocols

    Single Shot Temporal Action Detection

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    Temporal action detection is a very important yet challenging problem, since videos in real applications are usually long, untrimmed and contain multiple action instances. This problem requires not only recognizing action categories but also detecting start time and end time of each action instance. Many state-of-the-art methods adopt the "detection by classification" framework: first do proposal, and then classify proposals. The main drawback of this framework is that the boundaries of action instance proposals have been fixed during the classification step. To address this issue, we propose a novel Single Shot Action Detector (SSAD) network based on 1D temporal convolutional layers to skip the proposal generation step via directly detecting action instances in untrimmed video. On pursuit of designing a particular SSAD network that can work effectively for temporal action detection, we empirically search for the best network architecture of SSAD due to lacking existing models that can be directly adopted. Moreover, we investigate into input feature types and fusion strategies to further improve detection accuracy. We conduct extensive experiments on two challenging datasets: THUMOS 2014 and MEXaction2. When setting Intersection-over-Union threshold to 0.5 during evaluation, SSAD significantly outperforms other state-of-the-art systems by increasing mAP from 19.0% to 24.6% on THUMOS 2014 and from 7.4% to 11.0% on MEXaction2.Comment: ACM Multimedia 201

    Robustly Safe Compilation

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    Secure compilers generate compiled code that withstands many target-level attacks such as alteration of control flow, data leaks or memory corruption. Many existing secure compilers are proven to be fully abstract, meaning that they reflect and preserve observational equivalence. Fully abstract compilation is strong and useful but, in certain cases, comes at the cost of requiring expensive runtime constructs in compiled code. These constructs may have no relevance for security, but are needed to accommodate differences between the source and target languages that fully abstract compilation necessarily needs

    Trace Equivalence and Epistemic Logic to Express Security Properties

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    In process algebras, security properties are expressed as equivalences between processes, but which equivalence is suitable is not clear. This means that there is a gap between an intuitive security notion and the formulation. Appropriate formalization is essential for verification, and our purpose is bridging this gap. By chasing scope extrusions, we prove that trace equivalence is congruent. Moreover, we construct an epistemic logic for the applied pi calculus and show that its logical equivalence agrees with the trace equivalence. We use the epistemic logic to show that trace equivalence is pertinent in the presence of a non-adaptive attacker