66 research outputs found

    Fuzzy coprimary submodules

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    Let RR be a commutative ring with non-zero identity and let MM be a non-zero unitary RR-module. The concept of fuzzy coprimary submodule as a dual notion of fuzzy primary one will be introduced and some of its properties will be studied. Among other things, the behavior of this concept with respect to fuzzy localization formation and fuzzy quotient will be examined

    Extreme Value Statistics of Eigenvalues of Gaussian Random Matrices

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    We compute exact asymptotic results for the probability of the occurrence of large deviations of the largest (smallest) eigenvalue of random matrices belonging to the Gaussian orthogonal, unitary and symplectic ensembles. In particular, we show that the probability that all the eigenvalues of an (NxN) random matrix are positive (negative) decreases for large N as ~\exp[-\beta \theta(0) N^2] where the Dyson index \beta characterizes the ensemble and the exponent \theta(0)=(\ln 3)/4=0.274653... is universal. We compute the probability that the eigenvalues lie in the interval [\zeta_1,\zeta_2] which allows us to calculate the joint probability distribution of the minimum and the maximum eigenvalue. As a byproduct, we also obtain exactly the average density of states in Gaussian ensembles whose eigenvalues are restricted to lie in the interval [\zeta_1,\zeta_2], thus generalizing the celebrated Wigner semi-circle law to these restricted ensembles. It is found that the density of states generically exhibits an inverse square-root singularity at the location of the barriers. These results are confirmed by numerical simulations.Comment: 17 pages Revtex, 5 .eps figures include

    The Statistics of the Number of Minima in a Random Energy Landscape

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    We consider random energy landscapes constructed from d-dimensional lattices or trees. The distribution of the number of local minima in such landscapes follows a large deviation principle and we derive the associated law exactly for dimension 1. Also of interest is the probability of the maximum possible number of minima; this probability scales exponentially with the number of sites. We calculate analytically the corresponding exponent for the Cayley tree and the two-leg ladder; for 2 to 5 dimensional hypercubic lattices, we compute the exponent numerically and compare to the Cayley tree case.Comment: 18 pages, 8 figures, added background on landscapes and reference

    Comparison of saccadic eye movements and facility of ocular accommodation in female volleyball players and non-players

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    There is controversy on the interaction of sport exercise and visual functions. Some aspects of visual skills have been evaluated in volleyball players. Eighty-three normal females were categorized in four groups; non-players (NP), beginner volleyball players, intermediate and advanced players. Facility of accommodation and far saccade for optotypes at three distances were measured. The athletes showed better facility of accommodation and saccadic eye movement (SEM) than the non-playing control group. There was a significant difference (P<0.001) between NP and beginner players with advanced players and intermediate players. There are mutual interrelations between the visual system and sensory-motor coordination of the whole body. In a "programed" activity many motor and sensorial elements interactively influence one another. The visual system, as the most important coordinator, navigates the "programed" activities. The facility of accommodation shows how fast clear vision can be accomplished. The SEM shows how fast visual system can fixate on an object. Improvement of these two parameters indicates that the visual system can change fixation very fast and clearly see a new fixation point promptly. These are the requirement for a good volleyball player; hence, we find better visual performance in advanced players than in others. Copyright © 2006 Blackwell Munksgaard

    Parameterized Inapproximability of Target Set Selection and Generalizations

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    In this paper, we consider the Target Set Selection problem: given a graph and a threshold value thr(v)thr(v) for any vertex vv of the graph, find a minimum size vertex-subset to "activate" s.t. all the vertices of the graph are activated at the end of the propagation process. A vertex vv is activated during the propagation process if at least thr(v)thr(v) of its neighbors are activated. This problem models several practical issues like faults in distributed networks or word-to-mouth recommendations in social networks. We show that for any functions ff and ρ\rho this problem cannot be approximated within a factor of ρ(k)\rho(k) in f(k)nO(1)f(k) \cdot n^{O(1)} time, unless FPT = W[P], even for restricted thresholds (namely constant and majority thresholds). We also study the cardinality constraint maximization and minimization versions of the problem for which we prove similar hardness results

    The Lyth Bound and the End of Inflation

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    We derive an extended version of the well-known Lyth Bound on the total variation of the inflaton field, incorporating higher order corrections in slow roll. We connect the field variation Δϕ\Delta\phi to both the spectral index of scalar perturbations and the amplitude of tensor modes. We then investigate the implications of this bound for ``small field'' potentials, where the field rolls off a local maximum of the potential. The total field variation during inflation is {\em generically} of order mPlm_{\rm Pl}, even for potentials with a suppressed tensor/scalar ratio. Much of the total field excursion arises in the last e-fold of inflation and in single field models this problem can only be avoided via fine-tuning or the imposition of a symmetry. Finally, we discuss the implications of this result for inflationary model building in string theory and supergravity.Comment: 10 pages, RevTeX, 2 figures (V3: version accepted for publication by JCAP

    Supersymmetric Vacua in Random Supergravity

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    We determine the spectrum of scalar masses in a supersymmetric vacuum of a general N=1 supergravity theory, with the Kahler potential and superpotential taken to be random functions of N complex scalar fields. We derive a random matrix model for the Hessian matrix and compute the eigenvalue spectrum. Tachyons consistent with the Breitenlohner-Freedman bound are generically present, and although these tachyons cannot destabilize the supersymmetric vacuum, they do influence the likelihood of the existence of an `uplift' to a metastable vacuum with positive cosmological constant. We show that the probability that a supersymmetric AdS vacuum has no tachyons is formally equivalent to the probability of a large fluctuation of the smallest eigenvalue of a certain real Wishart matrix. For normally-distributed matrix entries and any N, this probability is given exactly by P = exp(-2N^2|W|^2/m_{susy}^2), with W denoting the superpotential and m_{susy} the supersymmetric mass scale; for more general distributions of the entries, our result is accurate when N >> 1. We conclude that for |W| \gtrsim m_{susy}/N, tachyonic instabilities are ubiquitous in configurations obtained by uplifting supersymmetric vacua.Comment: 26 pages, 6 figure

    Mathematics of Gravitational Lensing: Multiple Imaging and Magnification

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    The mathematical theory of gravitational lensing has revealed many generic and global properties. Beginning with multiple imaging, we review Morse-theoretic image counting formulas and lower bound results, and complex-algebraic upper bounds in the case of single and multiple lens planes. We discuss recent advances in the mathematics of stochastic lensing, discussing a general formula for the global expected number of minimum lensed images as well as asymptotic formulas for the probability densities of the microlensing random time delay functions, random lensing maps, and random shear, and an asymptotic expression for the global expected number of micro-minima. Multiple imaging in optical geometry and a spacetime setting are treated. We review global magnification relation results for model-dependent scenarios and cover recent developments on universal local magnification relations for higher order caustics.Comment: 25 pages, 4 figures. Invited review submitted for special issue of General Relativity and Gravitatio

    Cosmology From Random Multifield Potentials

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    We consider the statistical properties of vacua and inflationary trajectories associated with a random multifield potential. Our underlying motivation is the string landscape, but our calculations apply to general potentials. Using random matrix theory, we analyze the Hessian matrices associated with the extrema of this potential. These potentials generically have a vast number of extrema. If the cross-couplings (off-diagonal terms) are of the same order as the self-couplings (diagonal terms) we show that essentially all extrema are saddles, and the number of minima is effectively zero. Avoiding this requires the same separation of scales needed to ensure that Newton's constant is stable against radiative corrections in a string landscape. Using the central limit theorem we find that even if the number of extrema is enormous, the typical distance between extrema is still substantial -- with challenging implications for inflationary models that depend on the existence of a complicated path inside the landscape.Comment: revtex, 3 figures, 10 pages v2 refs adde

    Large Deviations of the Maximum Eigenvalue in Wishart Random Matrices

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    We compute analytically the probability of large fluctuations to the left of the mean of the largest eigenvalue in the Wishart (Laguerre) ensemble of positive definite random matrices. We show that the probability that all the eigenvalues of a (N x N) Wishart matrix W=X^T X (where X is a rectangular M x N matrix with independent Gaussian entries) are smaller than the mean value =N/c decreases for large N as exp[β2N2Φ(2c+1;c)]\sim \exp[-\frac{\beta}{2}N^2 \Phi_{-}(\frac{2}{\sqrt{c}}+1;c)], where \beta=1,2 correspond respectively to real and complex Wishart matrices, c=N/M < 1 and \Phi_{-}(x;c) is a large deviation function that we compute explicitly. The result for the Anti-Wishart case (M < N) simply follows by exchanging M and N. We also analytically determine the average spectral density of an ensemble of constrained Wishart matrices whose eigenvalues are forced to be smaller than a fixed barrier. The numerical simulations are in excellent agreement with the analytical predictions.Comment: Published version. References and appendix adde