181 research outputs found

    Pilot Study of Zonisamide (1,2-Benzisoxazole-3-methanesulfonamide) in Patients with Refractory Partial Seizures

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    A new anticonvulsant compound, zonisamide (1,2 benzioxazole-methanesulfonamide), was studied in 10 adults with medically refractory partial seizures. Following a single oral dose of 400 mg, peak plasma levels occurred an average of 2.8 h after dosing, and the mean clearance from plasma was 2.34 L/h. Whole blood concentrations were high than plasma concentrations because of red blood cell binding. steady-state plasma concentrations were high than predicted from a linear kinetic model. In most patients, seizure frequency was reduced after zonisamide was substituted for a standard antiepileptic drug. Dose-related reversible side effects in the central nervous and gastrointestinal system were observed. Most patients tolerated doses between 5.2 and 12.5 mg/kg/day. RÉSUMÉ Un nouveau produit anticonvulsivant, le zonisamide (1,2 benziosoxazole-methylsulfonamide) a ÉtÉ administrÉÀ 10 adultes atteints de crises partielles non contrÔlÉes par le traitement mÉdical. AprÈs une dose unique orale de 400 mg, le pic du taux plasmatique survient en moyenne 2 h 1/2 aprÉs l'ingestion, et la clairance plasmatique moyenne est de 2,34 litres par heure. les concentrations sanguines totales sont plus ÉlevÉes que les concentrations plasmatiques, en raison de la liaison aux globules rouges, les concentrations plasmatiques À l'État d'equilibre sont plus ÉlevÉes que celles que l'on peut dÉdurie d'un modÈle de cinÉtique linÉaire. Chez la plupart des patients, la frÉquence des crises a ÉtÉrÉduite par la substitution du zonisamide au traitement antiÉpileptique standard. Des effets secondaires doses-dÉpendants et rÉversibles ont ÉtÉ observÉs au niveau du systÈme nerveux central et du tube digestif. La plupart des patients ont tolÉrÉ des doses entre 5,2 et 12,5 mg/kg de poids par jour. RESUMEN En 10 adultos con ataques parciales refractarios a1 tratamiento mÉdico, se ha estudiado la acciÓn de un nuevo compuesto anticonvulsivo, la zonisamida (1,2 benzisoxazol-metanosulfonamida). Tras la ingestiÓn de una sola dosis oral de 400 mg., se alcanzaron los niveles pico en plasma en un promedio de 2.8 horas desputs de la dosis y el aclaramiento medio del plasma fuÉ de 2, 34 litros/hora. Las concentraciones en sangre fueron mÁs altas que las plasmÁticas debido a que la medicaciÓn se ligaba a los hematies. Las concentraciones plasmÁticas estables fueron mÁs altas que las previsibles de un modelo cinÉtico lineal. En la mayorÍa de los pacientes la frecuencia de los ataques se redujo despuÉs de cambiar la medicaciÓn antiepilÉptica standard por la zonisamida. TambiÉn se observaron los efectos colaterales sobre el tracto gastrointestinal y el sistema nervioso central que estaban relacionadas con la dosis y eran reversibles. La mayor parte de los pacientes tolerÓ dosis que oscilaban entre 5.2 y 12.5 mg/kg/dÍa. ZUSAMMENFASSUNG Ein neues Antikonvulsivum, Zonisamid (1,2 Benzisoxazol-Methansulfonamid) wurde bei 10 Envachsenen mit therapieresistenten PartialanfÄllen gesucht. Nach einer oralen Einzeldosis von 400 mg wurden Plasmaspitzenwerte im Durchschnitt nach 2, 8 Stunden erreicht. Die mittlere Clearance aus dem Plasma betrug 2, 34 L/Stunde. Ganzblutkonzentrationen waren hÖher als Plasmakonzentrationen aufgrund der Bindung an die roten BlutkÖrperchen. Die steady-state Plasmakonzentrationen waren hÖher als bei einem linearen kinetischen Modell zu envarten. Bei den meisten Patienten konnte die Anfallsfrequenz nach Substitution eines Standardantiepileptikums durch Zonisamid reduziert werden. Es bestanden dosisabhÄngige, reversible, zentral-nervÖse und gastrointestinale Nebenwirkungen. Die meisten Patienten tolerierten Dosen zwischen 5, 2 und 12, 5 mg/kg/Tag.Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/65938/1/j.1528-1157.1985.tb05407.x.pd

    Prevalence of Pseudoexfoliation Syndrome and Pseudoexfoliation Glaucoma in Upper Egypt

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Pseudoexfoliation (PXF) is a recognized risk factor for developing cataract, glaucoma and lens dislocation. PXF is also associated with increased risk of complications during cataract surgery due to poor mydriasis and zonular weakness. The aim of this study is to report the prevalence of pseudoexfoliation among Upper Egyptians attending the ophthalmology clinic of Assiut University Hospital.</p> <p>Methodology</p> <p>A retrospective, chart review study conducted in the period from February 2002 to August 2009. A total of 7738 patients aged 40 years or older attending the general ophthalmic clinics were included in this study. A detailed evaluation including ophthalmic and general history, slit lamp biomicroscopy, intraocular pressure measurement, gonioscopy and dilated eye examination were performed. Patients with pseudoexfoliative material on the anterior lens surface and ⁄ or the pupillary margin in either or both eyes were labeled as having PXF.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Out of the 7738 patients included, three hundred twenty (4.14%) subjects had PXF. Mean age of PXF group was 68.15 years (SD 8.16, range 40-92 years). PXF was bilateral in 82.2% of cases. It was significantly associated with cataract, glaucoma and hearing loss. Of the PXF patients, 65% had cataract, 30.3% had glaucoma and 8.1% had hearing loss.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Pseudoexfoliation appears to be a common disorder in older individuals in Upper Egypt.</p

    Wind Load Module For CSi ETABS

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    For korrekt dimensjonering av konstruksjoner er det viktig Ä medberegne miljÞbelastninger, inkludert vindlaster. I Norge bestemmes vindlaster ved bruk av NS-EN 1991-1-4:2005+NA:2009. Regelverket er utformet for hÄndberegninger, og legger ikke til rette for bruk av datasystemer for effektiv lastberegning. Denne masteroppgaven gÄr ut pÄ Ä designe og implementere en utvidelse til analyse-programmet CSi ETABS. Utvidelsen mÄ kunne etablere en objektmodell basert pÄ geometrien til en 3D-modell. Den mÄ kunne inkludere terrengfaktorer og pÄfÞre modellen vindlaster i henhold til regelverket. Denne rapporten forklarer bakgrunnen, teorien, fremgangsmÄten og implementeringen til utvidelsen, heretter kalt Aeolus, etter den greske guden for vind

    The frequency of pseudoexfoliation syndrome in the Eastern Mediterranean area of Turkey

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    PubMedID: 1609569Abstract. In this study we evaluated the frequency of pseudoexfoliation syndrome, the percentages of glaucoma and senile cataract in patients with and without pseudoexfoliation syndrome, and the percentages of pseudoexfoliation syndrome in patients with glaucoma and senile cataract in the Eastern Mediterranean area of Turkey. We examined 1356 persons over 40 years of age. Frequency of pseudoexfoliation syndrome in the ?50 years old age band was 7.2%, and there was a statistically significant difference between the sexes. Over 60 years of age, the frequency of pseudoexfoliation syndrome was 11.2%, the percentage of glaucoma in patients with pseudoexfoliation syndrome was 34.3%, the percentage of pseudoexfoliation syndrome in patients with glaucoma was 46.9%, the percentage of cataract in persons with pseudoexfoliation syndrome was 88.1%, and the percentage of pseudoexfoliation syndrome in persons with cataract was 17.7%. The differences between the percentage of glaucoma and cataract in patients with and without pseudoexfoliation syndrome, were both statistically significant (p < 0.001). 1992 Institution Acta Ophthalmologica Scandinavic
