133 research outputs found
Immunological analysis of pesticides: a new tool in groundwater testing
Groundwater is the major source of drinking water in many European countries, and in Denmark alone it accounts for more than 99% of the drinking water supply. Within the past decade pesticide residues have frequently been detected in groundwater, in many cases at levels exceeding the 0.1 µg/l limit set by the European Community. As a consequence, drinking water abstraction wells have had to be closed in many places in Denmark and other European countries, and a vast amount of money is expended to monitor groundwater pesticide levels. A degradation product of the herbicide dichlobenil, 2,6-dichlorobenzamide (BAM), is the most common cause of drinking water well closure in Denmark. Triazines and their metabolites also contaminate groundwater in many countries, and pose a similar risk to the drinking water supply. Analysis of most pesticides and their degradation products is usually carried out by concentrating the samples by solvent extraction, and identifying the contaminants using gas chromatography (GC) or high-pressure liquid chromatography (HPLC) combined with mass spectrometry (MS). These methods, although robust and well established, are very time-consuming and require specialised instrumentation. The large quantity of solvents used is another draw back to these methods, as the solvents themselves may be carcinogenic and are also well known contaminants of groundwater. The development of cheap, more sensitive and more rapid pesticide assays is therefore urgent. Due to their very high sensitivity, immunological methods have long been used in biological science for analysing a large variety of organic structures, but have only recently been introduced to environmental analysis. The benefit of such assays is primarily their high sensitivity, which allows the analysis to be undertaken without the need to concentrate the samples, but also the facility of dealing with large numbers of samples. Compared to conventional analyses, immunological methods face two major drawbacks – one related to specificity and the other to the fact that only very few chemicals can currently be analysed simultaneously. The crux of the specificity problem is that although antibodies react very specifically with particular chemical structures, these same structures may be present in analogous compounds. Thus antibodies developed to recognise, for example the herbicide atrazine might also recognise other triazines (Bruun et al. 2001). An important scientific challenge is therefore the development of highly specific assays recognising each individual compound, as well as assays recognising groups of related chemicals. With respect to the simultaneous analysis of numerous chemicals, this can be resolved by implementing the new biochip technology, which incorporates the parallellity of sample screening. On a pesticide biochip many specific immunological assays are carried out in isolated small spots on a glass or polymer surface. Each spot has a size of approximately 150 micrometers and forms a specific analysis. Such a miniaturised platform will be usable for monitoring programmes where water samples have to be screened for a range of chemical contaminants. The overall objectives of this study have been (1) to develop immunoassays for high-sensitivity analysis of specific pesticides and chemically related groups of pesticides, and (2) to transfer the developed assays to a miniaturised biochip platform in a manner allowing analysis of several pesticides simultaneously
Fine scale spatial variability of microbial pesticide degradation in soil: scales, controlling factors, and implications
Pesticide biodegradation is a soil microbial function of critical importance for modern agriculture and its environmental impact. While it was once assumed that this activity was homogeneously distributed at the field scale, mounting evidence indicates that this is rarely the case. Here, we critically examine the literature on spatial variability of pesticide biodegradation in agricultural soil. We discuss the motivations, methods, and main findings of the primary literature. We found significant diversity in the approaches used to describe and quantify spatial heterogeneity, which complicates inter-studies comparisons. However, it is clear that the presence and activity of pesticide degraders is often highly spatially variable with coefficients of variation often exceeding 50% and frequently displays nonrandom spatial patterns. A few controlling factors have tentatively been identified across pesticide classes: they include some soil characteristics (pH) and some agricultural management practices (pesticide application, tillage), while other potential controlling factors have more conflicting effects depending on the site or the pesticide. Evidence demonstrating the importance of spatial heterogeneity on the fate of pesticides in soil has been difficult to obtain but modelling and experimental systems that do not include soil’s full complexity reveal that this heterogeneity must be considered to improve prediction of pesticide biodegradation rates or of leaching risks. Overall, studying the spatial heterogeneity of pesticide biodegradation is a relatively new field at the interface of agronomy, microbial ecology, and geosciences and a wealth of novel data is being collected from these different disciplinary perspectives. We make suggestions on possible avenues to take full advantage of these investigations for a better understanding and prediction of the fate of pesticides in soil
Bakterier renser drikkevand - ny metode til fjernelse af BAM undervejs
I hver femte af de danske drikkevandsboringerer vandet forurenet med stoffet BAM, der stammer fra brug af pesticider. To ufarlige bakterier fundet i jord kan sandsynligvis fjerne BAM fra drikkevandet, inden det når frem til din vandhane
Field experimental design for pesticide leaching – a modified large-scale lysimeter
Recent research on Danish groundwater has focused on clarifying the fate and transport of pesticides that leach through clayey till aquitards with low matrix permeability. Previously, these aquitards were considered as protective layers against contamination of underlying groundwater aquifers due to their low permeability characteristics. However, geological heterogeneities such as fractures and macropores have been recognised as preferential flow paths within low permeable clayey till (e.g. Beven & Germann 1982). The flow velocities within these preferential flow paths can be orders of magnitude higher than in the surrounding clay matrix and pose a major risk of transport of contaminants to the underlying aquifers (e.g. Nilsson et al. 2001). Previous studies of transport in fractured clayey till have focused on fully saturated conditions (e.g. Sidle et al. 1998; McKay et al. 1999). However, seasonal fluctuations of the groundwater table typically result in unsaturated conditions in the upper few metres of the clay deposits, resulting in different flow and transport conditions. Only a few experiments have examined the influence of unsaturated conditions on flow and solute (the dissolved inorganic and organic constituents) transport in fractured clayey till. These include small-scale laboratory column experiments on undisturbed soil monoliths (e.g. Jacobsen et al. 1997; Jørgensen et al. 1998), intermediate scale lysimeters (e.g. Fomsgaard et al. 2003) and field-scale tile drain experiments (e.g. Kjær et al. 2005). The different approaches each have limitations in terms of characterising flow and transport in fractured media. Laboratory studies of solute transport in soils (intact soil columns) are not exactly representative of field conditions due to variations in spatial variability and soil structure. In contrast, field studies hardly allow quantification of fluxes and mechanisms of transport. Column and lysimeter experiments are often limited in size, and tile-drain experiments on field scale do not provide spatial resolution and often have large uncertainties in mass balance calculations. Thus, in order to represent the overall natural fracture network systems on a field scale with respect to acquiring insights into flow and transport processes, the lysimeter needs to be larger than normal lysimeter size (< 1 m3). A modified large-scale lysimeter was therefore constructed by the Geological Survey of Denmark and Greenland (GEUS) at the Avedøre experimental field site 15 km south of Copenhagen (Fig. 1). This lysimeter consisted of an isolated block (3.5 ×3.5 ×3.3 m) of unsaturated fractured clayey till with a volume sufficient to represent the overall preferential flow paths (natural fracture network) within lowpermeable clayey till at a field scale
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