421 research outputs found

    The Other and the construction of cultural and Christian identity : the case of the Dutch Reformed Church in transition

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    Includes bibliographical references (p. 269-287).The aim of this thesis is to explore the interaction between cultural and religious identity, and more especially, Christian identity; how they develop in relation to each other, and how they differ. This thesis takes as its, starting point the conviction that the understanding of, and the relationship to, the other, is what both develops and distinguishes Christian identity from cultural identity. In order to come to a better understanding of this complex set of relationships, the case of the Dutch Reformed Church in South Africa has been examined. The role of the Dutch Reformed Church in the cultural construction of Afrikaner identity has been examined both in the formative stages of Afrikanerdom until the demise of Apartheid, and then in its more recent role in the deconstruction and reconstruction of Afrikaner identity since the transition to democracy in 1994, tracing both continuities and discontinuities between the earlier and later periods under review. Several others have been considered critical for the construction of Afrikaner identity. Finally, having considered the global upsurge of ethnic and religious fundamentalist identities and the effects of this on Afrikaner identity, the message for the future both locally in South Africa and globally is one of Christian humanism, in conjunction with a general need for global ethics, protecting and celebrating our full humanity, irrespective of race, gender, culture and religious conviction. This thesis is interdisciplinary, examining the issues both from a socio-historical viewpoint and from a theological perspective drawing, in particular, on the work of Mary Douglas and Dietrich Bonhoeffer


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    Glemselens betydningsfuldhed - Nietzsche og Kierkegaard

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    Artiklen, anstiller filosofiske refleksioner over glemselens betydningsfuldhed hos Nietzsche og Kierkegaard. Det søges afdækket hvorledes Nietzsche i kraft af glemselen uforvarende og momentvist overskrider sin egen hang til historisering, og hvilken betydning dette har for forståelsen af subjektiviteten. Endvidere etableres der ud fra glemselen et perspektiverende sideblik til Kierkegaard, hvor denne indtager en central placering i kritikken af den klassiske metafysik


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    Åbenbaringen af den hørbare verden - Wittgenstein og K.E. Løgstrup

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    Artiklen sammenstiller Ludwig Wittgensteins og K.E. Løgstrups æstetiske tænkning. Der fokuseres på forholdet til musik og særligt tonens betydningsfuldhed med henblik på den lyttende rationalitets mulighed

    Tonen i tanken - K. E. Løgstrups musikalske fordring

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    Artiklen udfolder sig som en undersøgelse af tonens betydningsfuldhed i Løgstrups tænkning, og påpeger hvorledes denne kan siges at udgøre en såkaldt musikalsk fordring

    At tænke i sammenhæng - om Hegels ”Einleitung”

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    Peter Aaboe Sørensen leverer i sit bidrag en nærlæsning af udvalgte dele af Einleitung til Phänomenologie des Geistes med særligt henblik på en afdækning af sammenhængens betydningsfuldhed hos Hegel; en sammenhæng der på den ene side er bevidsthedens eget konstrukt, og som i selvsamme forbindelse overskrider subjektiviteten

    Winter Predation by River Otter, Lontra canadensis, on Tautog, Tautoga onitis, at Western Arm Jeddore Harbour, Halifax County, Nova Scotia, Canada, with a Review of Evidence for Resident Relict Populations of the Tautog in Nova Scotia and New Brunswick

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    We report winter predation by River Otter, Lontra canadensis, on Tautog, Tautoga onitis, a southern marine fish, at Western Arm Jeddore Harbour, Halifax County, Nova Scotia (44°46'N, 63°03'W), on 17 February 2008. We also discuss the distribution of Tautog in the western Atlantic Ocean, review Canadian records, and provide evidence that resident relict populations of this fish exist in Nova Scotia and New Brunswick


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