137 research outputs found


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    Chicken farming is one of the most important industries in our country. Meanwhile, in chicken farming, breeders usually do not keep up with technological developments, breeders sometimes still use improvised tools for the process of hatching chicken eggs. Sometimes there are many obstacles experienced in hatching chicken eggs, namely incubators that only use incandescent lights without any tools to regulate the humidity in the egg area because basically chicken eggs also need stable humidity for maximum results, there is no tool that can tell the temperature at chicken eggs are enough or excessive, and there is a lack of attention in hatching the chicken eggs. So it is not controlled when the eggs have hatched and the incubator situation is not controlled during the chicken egg hatching process. And in this research the author aims to regulate the temperature and stabilize the humidity of the eggs in the egg environment so that the eggs can hatch with good quality using the Arduino Nano microcontroller

    Critical issues on Islamic banking and financial markets : Islamic economics, banking and finance, investments, Takaful and financial planning

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    This book examines the principles and practices ofIslamic banking and financial markets, particularly from the Malaysian experience. The main objective of Islamic financial system is to govern the flow of funds from the surplus sector to the deficit sector and it does so to promote justice ('adalah). That is, by adhering to Shariah principles and achieving efficiency - doing the right thing and doing it right, public and private interest interests are can both be protected. By doing so, the legal and moral dimensions of product design and development are now equally important. In this way halal status should not discount how Islamic products affects general economic activities. It means that Shariah advisors should not only approve Shariah complaint products along the juristic plane but dutifully consider how the products can affect income disparities and poverty, economic stability and growth. For this reason, the principle of risktaking (ghorm) and the principle of work (kasb) and the principle of liability, accountability, responsibility (daman) are paramount in determining Shariah legitimacy of profits and earnings derived from Islamic financial transactions. Risk (ghorm), work (kasbh) and liability (daman) constitute the essence of trading and commerce (ai-bay') the Holy Quran has enjoined over usury (riba). By risk, it means allowing capital to depreciate and appreciate as dictated by the market forces. By work, it refers to value-additions namely, knowledge and skills imparted into the business process. Liability means the responsibility each party must assume in the contract such as providing warranties on the goods and services sold. Based on these principles ofrisk, work and responsibility, also known as the principle of equivalent countervalue ('iwad), the ethical and moral dimension of Islamic fmancial transactions can be realized and thus promote the sense of justice the Quran attempts to convey. It helps people take a second-look at financial products that have received Shariah compliant status and help control potential duplication of interestbearing products bearing the Islamic label

    Determinants on job performance among expatriate in multinational companies / Nurizzati Jamaludin and Shazreen Amira Saiful Azhar

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    The purpose of this research is to study the level of employees’ job performances among expatriates in Malaysia. The researcher also wants to identify which factor to be the most significant factor that influences job performance among expatriates. Other than that, the researcher also wants to identify relationship between job performances and some of the determinants which are salary, working environment, and job security. This study refers to primary data and also secondary data for supporting the sampling technique. The researchers used questionnaire as the method to collect all the data from the sample respondents in accomplishing the research objectives. For the next stage, the data for this study was analyzed using multiple statistical procedures; frequencies and correlation analysis. The result of the study presented in this research agrees that good working environment have a significant relationship with employees’ job performance while salary and job security is on the way round. This study can be seen as a foreword to a more detailed study to be carrying by future research on the motivational practices

    Analisys of Total Economi Value Mangrove Forest Area in Gampong Kuala Langsa, Aceh

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    Mangrove forest is one of the potential forest resources so that it has a very important role in coastal and marine ecosystems, especially coastal areas. The maintenance and management of mangrove ecosystems is a problem that must be faced together for the sake of the continuity and sustainability of mangrove forests. The purpose of this study was to analyze the magnitude of the potential direct and indirect benefits, the total economic value of the mangrove forest area in the ecotourism development of Langsa City. The analytical method used is the analysis of benefits and costs. For all types of functions and benefits of mangrove forest areas, the total economic value (TEV) is descriptively used. The results showed that the total value of economic benefits from the mangrove forest of Gampong Kuala Langsa, Aceh was Rp. 2.958.847.000,- of the month which was obtained from 1) the direct benefit value from fish, crabs, shrimp, shellfish and seafood processing was amounting to Rp. 213.710.000,- of the month, 2) The value of indirect economic benefits is Rp. 1.014.379.000,- of the month obtained from trading activities and renting boats. 3) The value of choice is Rp. 1.729.038.000, - of the month from biodiversity, 4) The value of being is Rp. 1.720.000, - of the month. There is a surplus of community consumers in their willingness to pay for the existence of mangrove forests of Rp. 2,705,054.12 of the month. Keywords: Total Economic Value; Mangrove Forest; Ecotouris; Kuala Langsa


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    Ampeldento merupakan desa yang berada di Pakis Kabupaten Malang Provinsi Jawa Timur. Desa ini memiliki lahan strategis, yang sering dilalui kendaraan, dan lahan ini diapit oleh dua gerbang tol dengan jangkauan yang cukup dekat. Fenomena lain yang berkembang, tentang banyaknya penduduk yang membuat lapak dipinggir jalan dan juga belum adanya tempat untuk menaampung UMKM desa. Selain itu terdapat juga permasalahan pada lokasi yang berada dibekas tanah persawahan, dan ketika hujan luapan sungai sering turun kelokasi ini. Terkait dengan fenomene tersebut, Perancangan rest area dan pusat oleh-oleh merupakan solusi yang dapat diterapkan untuk memfasilitasi pengendara dan UMKM desa. Penggunaan tema Arsitektur Hi-Tech diharapkan dapat mendukung rest area dan untuk solusi memecahkan masalah terkait karakteristik lahan, dengan teknologi bangunannya. Metode perancangan yang diterapkan pada rancangan ini yaitu observasi melalui literatur serta melakukan survey lapangan. Dengan demikian perancangan ini diharapkan dapat mewadahi UMKM secara komersil, dan menjadi fasilitas yang dapat membantu pengendara, wisatawan untuk beristirahat melepas penat


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    Islamic and moral Education in every school often considered become boring lesson and full of religious lectures from teachers, as well as in Vocational High Schools 5 Malang. The subjects of Islamic and moral education must be well presented and enjoyable to be practiced wich is it can be well understood by students. The learning process can be run effectively if the learning activities implemented by teachers are able to take student’s passion for learning. With the implementation of Joyfull Learning with Mind Mapping Method in learning Islamic and moral Education as an effort made by the teacher previously designed in the Learning Implementation Plan based on the appeal of vice principal of curriculum to make classroom learning not much different with practicum activities in the workshop or laboratory. To make optimal learning and learning’s objectives can be achieved effectively and efficiently. This research use descriptive qualitative approach with descriptive methode research. The purpose of this study is to describe the implementation, steps, and supporting factors and inhibitors of Joyfull Learning with Mind Mapping Method in the Islamic and moral Education at Vocational High Schools 5 Malang

    Design Of Low Voltage Main Switchboard 415240V For Electrical Power Distribution System In Commercial Building

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    This project emphasizes the design of Low Voltage Main Switchboard (415/240V) in commercial building with the purpose to distribute electrical power to the load together with protection system. The main objective of this project is to design a Low Voltage Main Switchboard consists of Emergency Standby Supply (Generator set and Uninterruptible Power Supply), Fire Protection System and Satellite Master Antenna Television (SMATV). Besides that, this project give a clear understanding about electrical equipment such as circuit breaker, busbar system used in Main Switchboard, protection relays such as overcurrent and earth leakage protection and many others equipment. The project design starts with load data calculation where maximum demand P = 520 kW, total current I = 850 A and voltage supply V = 415 V (Low Voltage). With this information we get from the load data calculation, the result is we can size up the main cable, main circuit breaker, metering and measuring instrument, and others equipment include in Main Switchboard. For future work, more research could be done in this project in order to design a high efficient system in electrical power distribution

    Chess square table / Amy Saiful Affendy Azhar Ahmad

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    Alternative source for furniture materials is needed due to the depleting supplies of raw materials (solid wood) for furniture industry. Machining wood waste is one possible solution to overcome this situation. In this study, a "Chess Square Table" was designed and produced by using machining wood waste and plywood. The price of the product must be at economical price. After design and manufacturing process, a survey was undertaken in evaluating the characteristics of the product based on gender, profession and range of age. The characteristics evaluated by the correspondents were such as suitability of raw materials used, suitability towards consumers, reducing machining wood waste, aesthetical value, ergonomics and anthropometrics design, price, and commercialization of the product. A set of questionnaires was distributed to 60 correspondents which consist of students, staffs, and furniture retailers. From the result, it shows that there are no significant different between the evaluation of the product's characteristics based on gender, profession, and range of age. It can be concluded that "Chess Square Table" was successfully designed and produced by using machining wood waste and plywood, at economical price. Hence, it also has great potential to be commercialized

    Determination of Unconfined Compressive Strength and Atterberg Limit of Soft Clay by Stabilizing with Sodium Silicate and Biomass Silica in Batu Pahat

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    Soft clay soils can be considered as problematic soil with the characteristic of high compressibility, low permeability and low shear strength. Construction on soft clay deposit may causes problem such as insufficient bearing capacity, settlement problem and instability on excavation and embankment. Ground improvement methods were used as the aimed of this study is to determine the effect of non-traditional stabilizer on the compressive strength of soft clay soils. Therefore, the objective of this study is to determine effect of compressive strength of untreated and treated soft clay soil with addition of non-traditional stabilizer at different curing periods. The soil properties of soft clay soil such as compaction, Atterberg limits, and unconfined compression strength (UCS) testing methods were used to observe the performance of treated and untreated samples. The test results from the UCS indicated that once Biomass Silica and Sodium Silicate in the form of SH-85 and TX-85 have been added to the clay soil, the strength of the sample will increase with increasing percent of sodium silicate and curing periods

    The influences of basic physical properties of clayey silt and silty sand on its laboratory electrical resistivity value in loose and dense conditions

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    Non-destructive test which refers to electrical resistivity method is recently popular in engineering, environmental, archaeological and mining studies. Based on the previous studies, the results on electrical resistivity interpretation were often debated due to lack of clarification and evidences in quantitative perspective. Traditionally, most of the previous result interpretations were depending on qualitative point of view which is risky to produce unreliable outcomes. In order to minimise those problems, this study has performed a laboratory experiment on soil box electrical resistivity test which was supported by an additional basic physical properties of soil test like particle size distribution test (d), moisture content test (w), density test (ρbulk) and Atterberg limit test (LL, PL and PI). The test was performed to establish a series of electrical resistivity value (ERV) with different quantity of water content for clayey silt and silty sand in loose and dense condition. Apparently, the soil resistivity value was different under loose (L) and dense (C) conditions with moisture content and density variations (silty SAND = ERVLoose: 600 - 7300 Ωm & ERVDense: 490 - 7900 Ωm while Clayey SILT = ERVLoose: 13 - 7700 Ωm & ERVDense: 14 - 8400 Ωm) due to several factors. Moreover, correlation of moisture content (w) and density (ρbulk) due to the ERV was established as follows; Silty SAND: w(L) = 638.8ρ-0.418, w(D) = 1397.1ρ-0.574, ρBulk(L) = 2.6188e-6E-05ρ, ρBulk(D) = 4.099ρ-0.07 while Clayey SILT: w(L) = 109.98ρ-0.268, w(D) = 121.88ρ-0.363, ρBulk(L) = -0.111ln(ρ) + 1.7605, ρBulk(D) = 2.5991ρ-0.037 with determination coefficients, R2 that varied from 0.5643 – 0.8927. This study was successfully demonstrated that the consistency of ERV was greatly influenced by the variation of soil basic physical properties (d, w, ρBulk, LL, PL and PI). Finally, the reliability of the ERV result interpretation can be enhanced due to its ability to produce a meaningful outcome based on supported data from basic geotechnical properties