151 research outputs found

    Metazoários Parasitos De Lambari Astyanax Altiparanae, Coletados Do Rio Do Peixe, São Paulo, Sudeste Do Brasil

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    In March 2010, 44 specimens of Astyanax altiparanae Garutti & Britski, 2000, commonly known as “lambari do rabo amarelo”, collected from the Peixe river in the state of São Paulo, Brazil were analyzed. Out of these 44 fishes, 38 had at least one species of metazoan parasite. Fifteen metazoan parasites species were collected and identified: Urocleidoides trinidadensis, Diaphorocleidus kabatai, Diaphorocleidus orthodusus, Diaphorocleidus sp., Urocleidoides sp., Trinibaculum altiparanae, Gyrodactylus sp., Jainus hexops, Contracaecum sp., Procamallanus (Spirocamallanus) inopinatus, Vaigamus sp., Amplexibranchius bryconis, Ergasilus sp., Zonocotyloides haroltravassossi and Henneguya sp. Six species of parasites presented a prevalence of over 10%. Weight and length of fishes didn’t influence the parasitism. All parasites presented an aggregated distribution. The parasite community of Astyanax altiparanae from the Peixe river was characterized as having high richness and low uniformity. © 2016, Universidade Federal de Santa Maria. All rights reserved.46587688

    Hydrogen sulfide inhibits preoptic prostaglandin E2 production during endotoxemia

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    AbstractHydrogen sulfide (H2S) is a gaseous neuromodulator endogenously produced in the brain by the enzyme cystathionine β-synthase (CBS). We tested the hypothesis that H2S acts within the anteroventral preoptic region of the hypothalamus (AVPO) modulating the production of prostaglandin (PG) E2 (the proximal mediator of fever) and cyclic AMP (cAMP). To this end, we recorded deep body temperature (Tb) of rats before and after pharmacological modulation of the CBS–H2S system combined or not with lipopolysaccharide (LPS) exposure, and measured the levels of H2S, cAMP, and PGE2 in the AVPO during systemic inflammation. Intracerebroventricular (icv) microinjection of aminooxyacetate (AOA, a CBS inhibitor; 100pmol) did not affect basal PGE2 production and Tb, but enhanced LPS-induced PGE2 production and fever, indicating that endogenous H2S plays an antipyretic role. In agreement, icv microinjection of a H2S donor (Na2S; 260nmol) reduced the LPS-induced PGE2 production and fever. Interestingly, we observed that the AVPO levels of H2S were decreased following the immunoinflammatory challenge. Furthermore, fever was associated with decreased levels of AVPO cAMP and increased levels of AVPO PGE2. The LPS-induced decreased levels of cAMP were reduced to a lesser extent by the H2S donor. The LPS-induced PGE2 production was potentiated by AOA (the CBS inhibitor) and inhibited by the H2S donor. Our data are consistent with the notion that the gaseous messenger H2S synthesis is downregulated during endotoxemia favoring PGE2 synthesis and lowering cAMP levels in the preoptic hypothalamus

    Comparison Of Estimates For The Self-reported Chronic Conditions Among Household Survey And Telephone Survey - Campinas (sp), Brazil [comparação De Estimativas Para O Autorrelato De Condições Crônicas Entre Inquérito Domiciliar E Telefônico - Campinas (sp), Brasil]

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    Objective: To compare the estimates obtained by different methods of population-based surveys for self-reported chronic conditions among adults living in Campinas in the year 2008. Methods: Data from ISACamp Survey, conducted by the Faculty of Medical Sciences from Universidade Estadual de Campinas (UNICAMP) with support from the County Health Department and VIGITEL (Campinas), a telephone survey conducted by the Brazilian Ministry of Health toward Surveillance of Risk and Protective Factors for Chronic non-communicable Diseases in the adult population (18 years and over) were analyzed. Estimates of self-reported hypertension, diabetes, osteoporosis, and asthma/bronchitis/emphysema were evaluated and compared by the independent (two-sample) Student's t-test. Results: For global estimates, a higher prevalence of hypertension and osteoporosis was ascertained by the telephone survey. Diabetes and asthma/bronchitis/ emphysema results showed no statistically significant differences. According to sociodemographic variables, a higher prevalence of hypertension was obtained by VIGITEL for men, among people aged 18 to 59 years, and those who reported nine or more years of schooling. A higher prevalence of osteoporosis among adults (18 to 59 years) was verified by VIGITEL. Concerning asthma/ bronchitis/emphysema in the elderly, ISACamp survey showed a higher prevalence. Conclusion: Except for the hypertension prevalence, the telephone survey has proven to be a rapid alternative to provide global prevalence estimates of health conditions in the adult population of Campinas.14SUPPL. 1515Viacava, F., Informações em saúde: A importância dos inquéritos populacionais (2002) Ciênc Saúde Coletiva, 7 (4), pp. 607-621Cesar, C.L.G., Barata, R.B., (2008) Editorial Rev Bras Epidemiol, 11 (SUPPL. 1), pp. 3-5Lavrakas, P.J., (1990) Telephone Survey Methods: Sampling, Selection and Supervision, , London: Sage PublicationsMonteiro, C.A., Moura, E.C., Jaime, P.C., Lucca, A., Florindo, A.A., Figueiredo, I.C.R., Monitoramento de fatores de risco para as doenças crônicas por entrevistas telefônicas (2005) Rev Saúde Pública, 39 (1), pp. 47-57Nelson, D.E., Powell-Griner, E., Town, M., Kovar, M.G., A comparison of national estimates from the National Health Interview Survey and the Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System (2003) Am J Public Health, 93 (8), pp. 1335-1341Bernal, R., Silva, N.N., Cobertura de linhas telefônicas residenciais e vícios potenciais em estudos epidemiológicos (2009) Rev Saude Publica, 43 (3), pp. 421-426(2002) Reducing Risks, Promoting Healthy Life, p. 2002. , The World Health Report, Geneva: World Health Organization(2007) Guia Metodológico De Avaliação E Definição De Indicadores: Doenças Não Transmissíveis E Rede Carmem, , Brasil. Ministério da Saúde. Secretaria de Vigilância em Saúde. Departamento de Análise de Situação de Saúde, Brasília: Ministério da SaúdeChrestani, M.A., Santos, I.S., Matijasevich, A.M., Hipertensão arterial sistêmica auto-referida: Validação diagnóstica em estudo de base populacional (2009) Cad Saúde Pública, 25 (11), pp. 2395-2406Barros, M.B.A., Inquéritos domiciliares de saúde: Potencialidades e desafios (2008) Rev Bras Epidemiol, 11 (SUPPL. 1), pp. 6-19Cesar, C.L.G., Carandina, L., Alves, M.C.G.P., Barros, M.B.A., Goldbaum, M., (2005) Saúde E Condição De Vida Em São Paulo: Inquérito Multicêntrico De Saúde No Estado De São Paulo -ISA-SP, p. 212. , São Paulo: USP/FSP(2006) Vigilância De Fatores De Risco E Proteção Para Doenças Crônicas Por Inquérito Telefônico: Estimativas Sobre Freqüência E Distribuição Sócio-demográfica De Fatores De Risco E Proteção Para Doenças Crônicas Nas Capitais Dos 26 Estados Brasileiros E No Distrito Federal Em 2006, p. 2007. , Ministério da Saúde. 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    Assessment of the stability of LTA zeolites under natural gas drying TSA conditions.

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    The main features in cationic LTA zeolites that are likely to impact its potential hydrothermal stability are interconnected. The Al content and the compensating cation play an important role in the water adsorption but their influence on the zeolite performance in thermal cycles is yet to be understood. In this study, four LTA zeolite samples were synthetized with distinct Si/Al ratios in sodium and potassium forms. They underwent a Premature Aging Protocol (PAP) that took into account the operating conditions typically found in temperature swing adsorption processes. The Si/Al ratio per se did not impact in the crystallinity upon aging, but the presence of a high amount of potassium cations (Si/Al = 1) led to the amorphization of the zeolite structure. The results from XPS and NMR techniques indicate the Al migration from the outer surface to the inner cages occurs upon aging. Chemical analysis by XRF and ICP-OES associated with 27Al NMR analysis reveal that the presence of EFAl is particularly significant in the sample with the largest Si/Al ratio (5) and is correlated to a much larger C deposition upon aging. TG/DTG and TPD-NH3 experiments suggest that acid sites in the zeolite structures act as a double-edged sword, by enhancing water adsorption while also leading to carbon accumulation. CO2 isotherms at 0 ºC reveal the reduction of the microporosity after aging, whereas the Al content is proportional to the water adsorption uptake, particularly at low pressures (below 10 mbar). The material with an intermediate Si/Al ratio and in Na-form (LTAc-SiAl2-Na) combines excellent hydrothermal stability with a high-water affinity and uptake.Funding for open access charge: Universidad de Málaga / CBU

    High-field magnetization study of the S = 1/2 antiferromagnetic Heisenberg chain [PM Cu(NO3_3)2_2(H2_2O)2_2]n_n with a field-induced gap

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    We present a high-field magnetization study of the SS = 1/2 antiferromagnetic Heisenberg chain [PM Cu(NO3_3)2_2(H2_2O)2_2]n_n. For this material, as result of the Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya interaction and a staggered gg tensor, the ground state is characterized by an anisotropic field-induced spin excitation gap and a staggered magnetization. Our data reveal the qualitatively different behavior in the directions of maximum and zero spin excitation gap. The data are analyzed via exact diagonalization of a linear spin chain with up to 20 sites and on basis of the Bethe ansatz equations, respectively. For both directions we find very good agreement between experimental data and theoretical calculations. We extract the magnetic coupling strength J/kBJ/k_B along the chain direction to 36.3(5) K and determine the field dependence of the staggered magnetization component msm_s.Comment: 5 pages, 2 figures (minor changes to manuscript and figures

    The fraction of cancer attributable to ways of life, infections, occupation, and environmental agents in Brazil in 2020

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    Many human cancers develop as a result of exposure to risk factors related to the environment and ways of life. The aim of this study was to estimate attributable fractions of 25 types of cancers resulting from exposure to modifiable risk factors in Brazil. The prevalence of exposure to selected risk factors among adults was obtained from population-based surveys conducted from 2000 to 2008. Risk estimates were based on data drawn from metaanalyses or large, high quality studies. Population-attributable fractions (PAF) for a combination of risk factors, as well as the number of preventable deaths and cancer cases, were calculated for 2020. The known preventable risk factors studied will account for 34% of cancer cases among men and 35% among women in 2020, and for 46% and 39% deaths, respectively. The highest attributable fractions were estimated for tobacco smoking, infections, low consumption of fruits and vegetables, excess weight, reproductive factors, and physical inactivity. This is the first study to systematically estimate the fraction of cancer attributable to potentially modifiable risk factors in Brazil. Strategies for primary prevention of tobacco smoking and control of infection and the promotion of a healthy diet and physical activity should be the main priorities in policies for cancer prevention in the country. \ua9 2016 Azevedo e Silva et al. This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited