37 research outputs found

    Effect of resin-modified glass-ionomer cement lining and composite layering technique on the adhesive interface of lateral wall

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    Interface integrity can be maintained by setting the composite in a layering technique and using liners. Objective The aim of this in vitro study was to verify the effect of resin-modified glass-ionomer cement (RMGIC) lining and composite layering technique on the bond strength of the dentin/resin adhesive interface of lateral walls of occlusal restorations. Material and Methods Occlusal cavities were prepared in 52 extracted sound human molars, randomly assigned into 4 groups: Group 2H (control) – no lining + two horizontal layers; Group 4O: no lining + four oblique layers; Group V-2H: RMGIC lining (Vitrebond) + two horizontal layers; and Group V-4O: RMGIC lining (Vitrebond) + four oblique layers. Resin composite (Filtek Z250, 3M ESPE) was placed after application of an adhesive system (Adper™ Single Bond 2, 3M ESPE) dyed with a fluorescent reagent (Rhodamine B) to allow confocal microscopy analysis. The teeth were stored in deionized water at 37oC for 24 hours before being sectioned into 0.8 mm slices. One slice of each tooth was randomly selected for Confocal Laser Scanning Microscopy (CLSM) analysis. The other slices were sectioned into 0.8 mm x 0.8 mm sticks to microtensile bond strength test (MPa). Data were analyzed by two-way ANOVA and Fisher's test. Results There was no statistical difference on bond strength among groups (p>;0.05). CLSM analysis showed no significant statistical difference regarding the presence of gap at the interface dentin/resin among groups. Conclusions RMGIC lining and composite layering techniques showed no effect on the microtensile bond strength and gap formation at the adhesive interface of lateral walls of high C-factor occlusal restorations

    Rhinoscleroma causing severe bilateral nasal obstruction

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    AbstractRhinoscleroma is a chronic, infectious and granulomatous disease of the respiratory tract. There is often a delay in diagnosis due to unfamiliarity with the disease and also because culture is not always positive. We report a case in a 26-year-old woman with granular mass obstructing bilateral nasal cavities and causing breathing difficulty. Histopathological examination showed characteristic Mikulicz histiocytes containing numerous Gram-negative intracellular rod-shaped bacilli consistent with the diagnosis of rhinoscleroma. The patient was treated with gemifloxacin and tetracycline and remains asymptomatic over a year follow-up period. It is important to consider rhinoscleroma in cases of chronic nasal obstruction. As culture is not always positive, histopathological examination may be crucial to the diagnosis


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    O bruxismo consiste num hábito parafuncional, apertamento excêntrico, que gera atrito entre os dentes antagonistas, podendo provocar alteração da dimensão vertical da oclusão (DVO) e desordens temporomandibulares (DTMs)

    Nasal Transmissible Venereal Tumor (TVT) with Bone Metastasis in a Dog

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    Background: Transmissible venereal tumor (TVT) is a highly contagious round cell neoplasm that affects dogs, and it is usually transmitted through coitus. The tumor is mainly located in the genital area; however, the neoplasm can also be extragenital, affecting the nose, mouth, and eyes, as well as the skin and superficial lymph nodes. Cytological examination is the most commonly used method for definitive diagnosis due to its low cost and fast execution. Chemotherapy, radiotherapy, surgical resection, and other procedures such as cryosurgery are the possible treatment options. The objective of this report was to describe a case of extragenital TVT with nasal primary site and metastasis in the bone tissue in a dog treated at a private veterinary hospital in the city of Belém, Pará, Brazil.Case: A 6-year-old male domiciliary Labrador Retriever dog, weighing 24.2 kg, received oncologic treatment in a private veterinary hospital in the city of Belém, Pará, Brazil. The animal had a history of neoplastic disease, and he had undergone TVT resection associated with chemotherapy treatment more than 3 years ago. The clinical examination revealed a volume increase in the periorbital region, left lateral ocular displacement, left nostril excessive epistaxis, recurrent sneezing, cough, and pain signs, and tumor metastasis was suspected. Complementary exams of oncological cytology, computed tomography (CT), hemogram, and serum biochemistry were requested for diagnosis and staging of the condition, and supportive therapy was prescribed. The cytological report showed a dense population of neoplastic round cells with characteristics of TVT. CT indicated the presence of a heterogeneous hypodense mass with irregular contours and partially defined limits, with slight uptake of the intravenously injected contrast medium that obliterated the nasal cavity, maxillary recess, nasopharyngeal meatus, frontal sinus, and sphenoid sinus on the left side. The hematological analysis revealed mild anemia, neutrophilia, and lymphopenia, while the biochemical analysis only showed hypocalcemia. The prescribed therapy was amoxicillin + potassium clavulanate, omega-3, firocoxib, tranexamic acid, and finally chemotherapy with lomustine. Since the patient did not return for follow-up, the outcome could not be determined.Discussion: The patient described in this report was a domiciliary dog who did not live with other pets, but had access to the community environment and contact with other animals. The animal’s history, clinical signs, and cytological and imaging findings were consistent with those of TVT. In extragenital presentations of TVT, the inguinal and sublumbar lymph nodes, lungs, and abdominal organs are most commonly affected. Furthermore, bone involvement is rare, as this has not been commonly described in the literature as compared to the other sites of metastases. An abrasive brush was used for the cytological sample collection, because it provides slides with richer cells as compared to the imprint samples. CT is an important tool for the diagnosis of neoformations in the skeleton, and this method demonstrated high efficiency in identifying the bone involvement and the degree of the invasion and lesion in this case. The therapeutic agents used in this case were different from the usual, since the patient was given lomustine (40 mg/capsule, orally) in the metronomic chemotherapy. This drug has been previously used as an alternative in a canine TVT case resistant to vincristine.Keywords: neoplasm, extragenital, computed tomography, TVT.Título: Tumor Venéreo Transmissível (TVT) nasal com metástase óssea em um cãoDescritores: neoplasia, extragenital, tomografia computadorizada, TVT


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    A abfração é uma lesão cervical não-cariosa (LCNC) associada a perda de minerais na coroa dentária


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    Este estudo tem como objetivo a realização de um levantamento das características da alimentação escolar e como isso influencia no desenvolvimento biopsicossocial das crianças. Trata-se de uma revisão bibliográfica baseada na leitura de artigos científicos selecionados através dos bancos de dados Google Acadêmico e BVSalud, além de utilizar a Política Nacional de Alimentação e Nutrição (PNAN), Política Nacional de Promoção à Saúde e o Guia Alimentar para a População Brasileira. Os estudos encontrados relacionados ao assunto mostram a importância de uma boa influência na alimentação no período da infância, pois é nessa fase onde há transformações biopsicossociais e onde a criança adquire grande parte dos seus hábitos alimentares, o ambiente escolar é de extrema importância, visto que é onde a criança passa grande parte do seu tempo. A participação do professor e dos outros profissionais que estão presentes no ambiente escolar podem auxiliar a criança a construírem bons hábitos nutricionais.This study aims to perform a survey of the characteristics of school feeding and how this influences the biopsychosocial development of children. This is a bibliographic review based on the reading of scientific articles selected through the Google Academic and BVSalud databases, in addition to using the National Policy on Food and Nutrition (PNAN), National Health Promotion Policy and the Food Guide for Brazilian population. The studies found related to the subject show the importance of a good influence in the feeding in the period of the childhood, since it is in that phase where there are biopsicossocial transformations and where the child acquires great part of its feeding habits, the school environment is of extreme importance, since is where the child spends much of his time. The participation of the teacher and other professionals who are present in the school environment can help the child with his good nutrition habits

    Sala de espera: práticas educativas desenvolvidas pelo enfermeiro na unidade básica de saúde / Waiting room: educational practices developed by nurses in the basic health unit

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    Objetivo: descrever a experiência vivenciada na sala de espera com os usuários hipertensos e/ou diabéticos de forma a estimular a construção de conhecimento através dos vínculos institucionais entre ensino/saúde/sociedade durante a formação acadêmica. Método: estudo qualitativo, descritivo, tipo relato de experiência, originado da vivência dos acadêmicos bolsistas de extensão da Universidade Federal Fluminense na sala de espera de uma Unidade Básica de Saúde Resultados: pode-se distinguir duas categorias para análise, sendo a primeira “o programa educativo de caráter extensionista” e a segunda “descrição da experiência”. Nessa perspectiva, observou-se que os alunos de graduação em Enfermagem e acadêmicos bolsistas de extensão desenvolvem as práticas educativas e assistenciais, supervisionados pelo docente, junto aos usuários diabéticos e/ou hipertensos no serviço de atenção básica de saúde e, assim, tanto o bolsista quanto os usuários se beneficiam, o primeiro por adquirir experiência e o segundo por receber uma assistência sistemática, holística e de qualidade. Conclusão: a iniciativa dos serviços de saúde em oferecer ao usuário/comunidade um espaço para que as ações educativas sejam contínuas é essencial para um cuidado diferenciado baseado no cotidiano de vida dos usuários e da comunidade. Considera-se essencial a participação ativa de todos os envolvidos no processo de cuidar e na tomada de decisão, o que influencia de forma positiva a qualidade de vida

    Neuroplasticidade e estimulação do Nervo Vago: Revisão Integrativa dos avanços no tratamento da Epilepsia.

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    Introduction: Refractory epilepsy represents a challenge in neurology, affecting the quality of life of patients who do not respond to conventional pharmacological therapies. Vagus Nerve Stimulation (VNS) emerges as a promising approach. Methodology: This integrative review was based on 29 studies on VNS in the treatment of refractory epilepsy. The PICO strategy was used to construct the research question and articles were selected from databases such as MEDLINE/PubMed, Science Direct and LILACS. Results: VNS proved to be effective in reducing the frequency of epileptic seizures, with around 8% of patients achieving freedom from seizures. Side effects, such as headache and skin irritation, were mild and well tolerated. The therapy was especially beneficial for patients with specific epilepsy syndromes. However, the high cost of VNS can be a barrier for many patients. Conclusion: VNS is a safe and effective approach for the treatment of refractory epilepsy. Early intervention may be particularly beneficial, especially in pediatric patients. Future technological innovations could make ENV more accessible and effective.Introdução: A epilepsia refratária representa um desafio na neurologia, afetando a qualidade de vida dos pacientes que não respondem às terapias farmacológicas convencionais. A Estimulação do Nervo Vago (ENV) surge como uma abordagem promissora. Metodologia: Esta revisão integrativa foi baseada em 29 estudos sobre a ENV no tratamento da epilepsia refratária. Utilizou-se a estratégia PICO para a construção da pergunta de pesquisa e os artigos foram selecionados de bases de dados como MEDLINE/PubMed, Science Direct e LILACS. Resultados: A ENV mostrou-se eficaz na redução da frequência das crises epilépticas, com cerca de 8% dos pacientes alcançando liberdade de convulsões. Efeitos colaterais, como cefaleia e irritação da pele, foram leves e bem tolerados. A terapia foi especialmente benéfica para pacientes com síndromes epilépticas específicas. No entanto, o alto custo da ENV pode ser uma barreira para muitos pacientes. Conclusão: A ENV é uma abordagem segura e eficaz para o tratamento da epilepsia refratária. A intervenção precoce pode ser particularmente benéfica, especialmente em pacientes pediátricos. Futuras inovações tecnológicas podem tornar a ENV mais acessível e eficaz. &nbsp

    Avanços no Tratamento do Câncer de Mama

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    Introduction: Breast CA is a type of neoplasm that originates in breast tissues and its prevalence is increasing due to population aging and risk factors such as lifestyle and genetic predisposition. Objectives: identify and analyze the main research available on the topic covered and discuss advances in breast cancer treatment. Methods: This is a review of scientific literature from the last ten years, focusing on advances in the treatment of breast cancer. Results and discussion: Immunotherapy and new diagnostic technologies have significantly improved the efficacy and precision of treatment, allowing for more personalized and less invasive approaches. Conclusion: The continuous integration of these innovations is crucial to reduce mortality and improve patients' quality of life.Introdução: O CA de mama é um tipo de neoplasia que se origina nos tecidos mamários e tem sua prevalência aumentando devido ao envelhecimento populacional e a fatores de risco como estilo de vida e predisposição genética. Objetivos: identificar e analisar as principais pesquisas disponíveis sobre o tema abordado e discutir os avanços no tratamento para o câncer de mama. Métodos: Trata-se de revisão da literatura científica dos últimos dez anos, focando em avanços no tratamento para o câncer de mama. Resultados e discussão: A imunoterapia e novas tecnologias de diagnóstico têm melhorado significativamente a eficácia e a precisão do tratamento, permitindo abordagens mais personalizadas e menos invasivas. Conclusão: A integração contínua dessas inovações é crucial para reduzir a mortalidade e melhorar a qualidade de vida das pacientes. &nbsp