166 research outputs found

    Trodimenzionalna kinematička analiza zamaha rukom iznad glave u različitim sportovima

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    The aim of this study was to compare the kinematics of the overarm throw for different sports. Eleven elite female handball players and nine elite female volleyball players were selected as subjects for the study. Arm and forearm segment movement in the backswing and acceleration phases of players performing the volleyball spike and the handball jump shot were evaluated. Video data were captured using two Sony 50Hz cameras and were digitized and analyzed using Simi Motion Analysis 5.5 program. In the backswing phase, there were significant differences in the angular width, velocity and acceleration between the volleyball players and handball players on the transverse, vertical, and sagittal planes of the motions (p<.01). In the acceleration phase, the statistically significant difference was found in the angular width of the arm segment motion on the transverse plane (p<.05). On the sagittal plane, the significant difference was found in the angular width, velocity, and acceleration of the arm motions between the volleyball and handball players (p<.05). These results suggest that volleyball players use vertical flexion more frequently, thus increasing the time to gain velocity. Handball players transfer the velocity used in horizontal flexion to the vertical flexion in a short period of time.Za poboljšanje sportske uspješnosti nije dovoljno unapređivati samo kondicijske sposobnosti i tehničko-taktička znanja. Moraju se provesti i kineziološke i biomehničke analize kretanja kako bismo razumjeli učinke postojećih tehnika kretanja te se, u skladu s rezultatima tih analiza, moraju razvijati nove i učinkovitije tehnike kretanja. Cilj ovog rada bila je usporedba kinematičkih analiza bacačkih, odnosno udaračkih tehnika koje se izvode u različitim sportovima zamahom ruke iznad glave. Devet odbojkašica iz ženske odbojkaške superlige (starih 24±4 godine, visokih 174,45±4,5 cm, teških 68,03±5,32 kg) i 11 rukometašica, članica nacionalne vrste (starih 20±2 godine, visokih 174,63±7,28 cm, teških 65,81±5,21 kg) sudjelovalo je u istraživanju. Odbojkašice-dizačice lopte i rukometne vratarice nisu sudjelovale u istraživanju. Nakon zagrijavanja, ispitanicama su na stiloidni nastavak lakatne kosti, lateralni epikondil nadlaktične kosti i lateralni gornji vrh akromiona postavljeni reflektirajući markeri dijametra 3 centimetra. Za snimanje su korištene dvije Sonyjeve kamere, model Trv330e i frekvencije 50Hz. Kamere su bile postavljene pod kutom od 90° kako bi mogle snimiti cijelo područje kretanja ispitanica. Za kalibraciju sustava korištena je tehnika izravne linearne transformacije. Mjere kalibracijskog prostora bile su 2 x 2,5 x 2 m sa 8 kalibracijskih točaka. Odbojkašice su izvodile smečeve, a rukometašice skok šutove na gol. Smečevi su izvođeni iz polja 4 na odbojkaškom terenu, a skok šutovi s linije vratarova prostora. Svaka ispitanica 5 puta je izvela zadani element i svaki je bio snimljen. Snimljeni materijal prenesen je u računalo, a pokušaji su za kasniju analizu bili selektirani pomoću SIMI kretnog programa (verzija 5,5, Reality Motion System, Njemačka). Analizirane su kretnje segmenata ruke i podlaktice u fazi zamaha unatrag iznad glave i fazi akceleracije kod odbojkaškog smeča i rukometnog skok šuta. Izračunati su parametri u svim ravninama: kut (θ) u stupnjevima (°), kutna brzina (w) u stupnjevima u sekundi (°/s), kutno ubrzanje (α) u stupnjevima u sekundi na kvadrat (°/s²). Razlike između grupa izračunate su korištenjem neparametrijskog testa za nezavisne uzorke (Mann Whitney–U). U fazi gornjeg stražnjeg zamaha utvrđene su statistički značajne razlike u veličini kuta, brzini i ubrzanju između odbojkašica i rukometašica u transverzalnoj, vertikalnoj i sagitalnoj ravnini (p<,01). U fazi ubrzanja utvrđene su statistički značajne razlike u veličini kuta kod pokreta segmenata ruke u transverzalnoj ravnini (p<,05). U sagitalnoj ravnini utvrđeno je da rukometašice postižu statistički značajno veće kutne vrijednosti, brzinu i ubrzanje pri kretnjama ruke u odnosu na odbojkašice (p<,05). Razlike u tim parametrima vjerojatno su posljedica činjenice da odbojkašice kod smečiranja izvode veću vertikalnu fleksiju, koja povećava vrijeme koje je potrebno da se postigne odgovarajuća brzina ruke. Rukometašice, pak, pri izvođenju rukometnog skok šuta u vrlo kratkom vremenu prenose brzinu iz horizontalne ravnine u vertikalnu ravninu

    The Influence of a Single Bout of Wrestling Exercise on Serum Levels of Ischemia-modified Albumin

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    The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of single bouts of exercise on changes in ischemia-modified albumin (IMA). Twenty wrestlers (mean age, 28.8 ± 8.96 years) participated in this study. They performed a typical 1.5-hour wrestling training session. Blood was sampled before and immediately after training. The albumin-cobalt binding test was used to measure IMA levels. Serum albumin concentrations and blood lactate levels were also evaluated. Mean serum IMA levels were 0.281 ± 0.052 ABSU before training and 0.324 ± 0.039 ABSU after training. A single bout of acute exercise led to significant (p < 0.05) increases in IMA. The results of the correlation tests indicated that there was a positive correlation between IMA and lactate levels (r = 0.873; p < 0.001). There were no significant correlations between IMA and albumin (r = −0.058; p = 0.807), and between albumin and lactate levels (r = −0.120; p = 0.613). Our results showed that demanding, intense anaerobic physical activity might influence the generation of IMA

    Blood mRNA expression profiles of autophagy, apoptosis, and hypoxia markers on blood cardioplegia and custodiol cardioplegia groups

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    Introduction: Blood cardioplegia (BC) and Custodiol cardioplegia (CC) have been used for a long time in open heart surgery and are highly effective solutions. The most controversial issue among these two is whether there is any difference between them regarding myocardial damage after ischemia surgery. In this study, autophagy, apoptosis, and hypoxia markers were investigated and that way we evaluated the differences between BC and CC patients

    Comparação de Soluções Cardioplégicas em Cirurgia de Revascularização Miocárdica sobre Mecanismos de Autofagia e Apoptose

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    Resumo Fundamento A doença arterial coronariana (DAC) devido à isquemia miocárdica causa perda permanente de tecido cardíaco. Objetivos Nosso objetivo foi demonstrar o possível dano ao miocárdio em nível molecular através dos mecanismos de autofagia e apoptose em pacientes submetidos à cirurgia de revascularização miocárdica. Métodos Um grupo recebeu uma solução de cardioplegia Custodiol e o outro grupo uma solução de cardioplegia sanguínea. Duas amostras miocárdicas foram coletadas de cada paciente durante a operação, imediatamente antes da parada cardíaca e após a liberação do pinçamento aórtico. Foram avaliadas as expressões de marcadores de autofagia e apoptose. O nível de significância estatística adotado foi de 5%. Resultados A expressão do gene BECLIN foi significativa nos tecidos miocárdicos do grupo CS (p=0,0078). Os níveis de expressão dos genes CASPASE 3, 8 e 9 foram significativamente menores no grupo CC. Os níveis pós-operatórios de TnT foram significativamente diferentes entre os grupos (p=0,0072). As expressões dos genes CASPASE 8 e CASPASE 9 foram semelhantes antes e depois do pinçamento aórtico (p=0,8552, p=0,8891). No grupo CC, os níveis de expressão gênica de CASPASE 3, CASPASE 8 e CASPASE 9 não foram significativamente diferentes em amostras de tecido coletadas após pinçamento aórtico (p=0,7354, p=0,0758, p=0,4128, respectivamente). Conclusões Com nossos achados, acreditamos que as soluções CC e CS não apresentam diferença significativa em termos de proteção miocárdica durante as operações de by-pass

    Minimum Two-Year Follow-Up of Cases with Recurrent Disc Herniation Treated with Microdiscectomy and Posterior Dynamic Transpedicular Stabilisation

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    The objective of this article is to evaluate two-year clinical and radiological follow-up results for patients who were treated with microdiscectomy and posterior dynamic transpedicular stabilisation (PDTS) due to recurrent disc herniation. This article is a prospective clinical study. We conducted microdiscectomy and PDTS (using a cosmic dynamic screw-rod system) in 40 cases (23 males, 17 females) with a diagnosis of recurrent disc herniation. Mean age of included patients was 48.92 ± 12.18 years (range: 21-73 years). Patients were clinically and radiologically evaluated for follow-up for at least two years. Patients’ postoperative clinical results and radiological outcomes were evaluated during the 3rd, 12th, and 24th months after surgery. Forty patients who underwent microdiscectomy and PDTS were followed for a mean of 41 months (range: 24-63 months). Both the Oswestry and VAS scores showed significant improvements two years postoperatively in comparison to preoperative scores (p<0.01). There were no significant differences between any of the three measured radiological parameters (α, LL, IVS) after two years of follow-up (p > 0.05). New recurrent disc herniations were not observed during follow-up in any of the patients. We observed complications in two patients. Performing microdiscectomy and PDTS after recurrent disc herniation can decrease the risk of postoperative segmental instability. This approach reduces the frequency of failed back syndrome with low back pain and sciatica

    Null Subcarrier Index Modulation in OFDM Systems for 6G and Beyond

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    Computational complexity is one of the drawbacks of orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM)-index modulation (IM) systems. In this study, a novel IM technique is proposed for OFDM systems by considering the null subcarrier locations (NSC-OFDM-IM) within a predetermined group in the frequency domain. So far, a variety of index modulation techniques have been proposed for OFDM systems. However, they are almost always based on modulating the active subcarrier indices. We propose a novel index modulation technique by employing the part of the transmitted bit group into the null subcarrier location index within the predefined size of the subgroup. The novelty comes from modulating null subcarriers rather than actives and reducing the computational complexity of the index selection and index detection algorithms at the transmitter and receiver, respectively. The proposed method is physically straightforward and easy to implement owing to the size of the subgroups, which is defined as a power of two. Based on the results of our simulations, it appeared that the proposed NSC-OFDM-IM does not suffer from any performance degradation compared to the existing OFDM-IM, while achieving better bit error rate (BER) performance and improved spectral efficiency (SE) compared to conventional OFDM. Moreover, in terms of computational complexity, the proposed approach has a significantly reduced complexity over the traditional OFDM-IM scheme

    The first record of the family Prodidomidae (Arachnida: Araneae) in Turkey

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    WOS: 000281496500019Prodidomus amaranthinus (Lucas, 1846) is the first record of the family Prodidomidae in Turkey. Its characteristic features, drawings of its genitalia, and general habitats of both sexes and descriptions are presented. Data on the collection and distribution of the species all over the world are also given.Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey (TUBITAK) [106T133]We are very grateful to the Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey (TUBITAK) for its financial support of this work (Project No. 106T133)