1,536 research outputs found

    Psychotherapy and moralising rhetoric in Galen’s newly discovered avoiding distress (Peri Alypias)

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    In this article, I examine Galen’s credentials as an ethical philosopher on the basis of his recently discovered essay Avoiding Distress (Peri alypias). As compensation for the scholarly neglect from which Galen’s ethics suffers, I argue that his moral agenda is an essential part of his philosophical discourse, one that situates him firmly within the tradition of practical ethics of the Roman period. Galen’s engagement with Stoic psychotherapy and the Platonic-Aristotelian educational model affirms his ethical authority; on the other hand, his distinctive moralising features such as the autobiographical perspective of his narrative and the intimacy between author and addressee render his Avoiding Distress exceptional among other essays, Greek or Latin, treating anxiety. Additionally, I show that Galen’s self-projection as a therapist of the emotions corresponds to his role as a practising physician, especially as regards the construction of authority, the efficacy of his therapy and the importance of personal experience as attested in his medical accounts. Finally, the diligence with which Galen retextures his moral advice in his On the Affections and Errors of the Soul – a work of different nature and intent in relation to Avoiding Distress – is a testimony to the dynamics of his ethics and more widely to his philosophical medicine

    Structure and stability of non-symmetric Burgers vortices

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    We investigate, numerically and analytically, the structure and stability of steady and quasi-steady solutions of the Navier–Stokes equations corresponding to stretched vortices embedded in a uniform non-symmetric straining field, ([alpha]x, [beta]y, [gamma]z), [alpha]+[beta]+[gamma]=0, one principal axis of extensional strain of which is aligned with the vorticity. These are known as non-symmetric Burgers vortices (Robinson & Saffman 1984). We consider vortex Reynolds numbers R=[Gamma]/(2[pi]v) where [Gamma] is the vortex circulation and v the kinematic viscosity, in the range R=1[minus sign]104, and a broad range of strain ratios [lambda]=([beta][minus sign][alpha])/([beta]+[alpha]) including [lambda]>1, and in some cases [lambda][dbl greater-than sign]1. A pseudo-spectral method is used to obtain numerical solutions corresponding to steady and quasi-steady vortex states over our whole (R, [lambda]) parameter space including [lambda] where arguments proposed by Moffatt, Kida & Ohkitani (1994) demonstrate the non-existence of strictly steady solutions. When [lambda][dbl greater-than sign]1, R[dbl greater-than sign]1 and [epsilon][identical with][lambda]/R[double less-than sign]1, we find an accurate asymptotic form for the vorticity in a region 11. An iterative technique based on the power method is used to estimate the largest eigenvalues for the non-symmetric case [lambda]>0. Stability is found for 0[less-than-or-eq, slant][lambda][less-than-or-eq, slant]1, and a neutrally convective mode of instability is found and analysed for [lambda]>1. Our general conclusion is that the generalized non-symmetric Burgers vortex is unconditionally stable to two-dimensional disturbances for all R, 0[less-than-or-eq, slant][lambda][less-than-or-eq, slant]1, and that when [lambda]>1, the vortex will decay only through exponentially slow leakage of vorticity, indicating extreme robustness in this case

    Investigating electrical response to water saturation of Agbada sandstone in an x-field Niger delta, Nigeria

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    In an attempt to characterize a reservoir in a field, importance is given to living models as it serves critical function in estimating if the reservoir under study is economically viable. Having a good knowledge of electrical response to reservoir rocks is important in characterizing and modeling the behavior of fluids at the subsurface. In this study, core plugs extracted from core barrels in a Niger Delta oil field were analyzed in the laboratory in order to determine the electrical properties of the samples and their relationship with each other and formation fluid. This was achieved by using a brine of a known concentration for simulation of core plugs. Results obtained show that for the unconsolidated sandstone, Formation resistivity factor increases with increase in confining pressure. This characteristic depends on the porosity of the Formation and type of fluid present. Resistivity values in a reservoir will increase with increase in capillary pressure and decrease with water saturation. Decrease in cementation exponent increases the rate of permeability in reservoir sand. However, resistivity values decrease with clay presence in reservoir sand

    Bach, Tartini, Bloch, Zehnder: Extended Program Note

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    Ischaemic Stroke in South Asians

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    Romain Rolland's attitude towards war.

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    Typewritten sheets in cover. Thesis (M.A.)--Boston University This item was digitized by the Internet Archive

    Sermones ad heremitas

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    Tujuan dilakukannya penelitian ini yaitu untuk mengetahui bagaimana pengaturan tindak pidana diskriminasi ras dan etnis menurut undang – undang no. 40 tahun 2008 tentang penghapusan diskriminasi ras dan etnis dan bagaimana penegakan undang – undang no. 40 tahun 2008 tentang penghapusan diskriminasi ras dan etnis pada saat ini yang dengan metode penelitian hukum normatif disimpulkan: 1. Undang-Undang No. 40 tahun 2008 tentang Penghapusan diskriminasi ras dan etnis dalam kedudukannya sebagai sala satu dasar hukum penghapusan diskriminasi ras dan etnis di Indonesia yang merupakan suatu negara hukum belum memberikan peran dan fungsi yang maksimal dimana seharusnya segala macam tindakan yang dilakukan di Indonesia harus berdasarkan pada ketentuan umum yang berlaku, tetapi pada kenyataannya masih banyak terdapat diskriminasi ras dan etnis yang sama sekali tidak mendapat penanganan dari pemerintah. Prinsip larangan diskriminasi dan prinsip kesetaraan sebagai prinsip yang paling penting dalam sistem perlindungan hak asasi manusia tidak diaktualisasikan secara bersama-sama dalam norma hukum sebagai syarat untuk terwujudnya tujuan hukum yaitu keadilan. Jadi pada dasarnya Undang-Undang No 40 tahun 2008 tentang diskriminasi ras dan etnis di masyarakat belum optimal. 2. Penegakan hukum tindak pidana diskriminasi ras dan etnis masih sangat membutuhkan profesionalitas, dari aparat penegak hukum di tengah masyarakat agar tidak terjadinya konflik diskriminasi karena perlindungan hukum dari diskriminasi ras dan etnis di Indonesia masih sebagatas hanya pada keadilan prosedural sebagaimana yang di wujudkan dalam peraturan perundang-undangan dan belum dimaknai sebagai keadilan subtantiv yang sesuai dengan keadilan sebagai salah satu tujuan hukum.   Kata kunci: diskriminasi; ras dan etnis
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