163 research outputs found

    Drug problems among homeless individuals in Toronto, Canada: prevalence, drugs of choice, and relation to health status

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Drug use is believed to be an important factor contributing to the poor health and increased mortality risk that has been widely observed among homeless individuals. The objective of this study was to determine the prevalence and characteristics of drug use among a representative sample of homeless individuals and to examine the association between drug problems and physical and mental health status.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Recruitment of 603 single men, 304 single women, and 284 adults with dependent children occurred at homeless shelters and meal programs in Toronto, Canada. Information was collected on demographic characteristics and patterns of drug use. The Addiction Severity Index was used to assess whether participants suffered from drug problems. Associations of drug problems with physical and mental health status (measured by the SF-12 scale) were examined using regression analyses.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Forty percent of the study sample had drug problems in the last 30 days. These individuals were more likely to be single men and less educated than those without drug problems. They were also more likely to have become homeless at a younger age (mean 24.8 vs. 30.9 years) and for a longer duration (mean 4.8 vs. 2.9 years). Marijuana and cocaine were the most frequently used drugs in the past two years (40% and 27%, respectively). Drug problems within the last 30 days were associated with significantly poorer mental health status (-4.9 points, 95% CI -6.5 to -3.2) but not with poorer physical health status (-0.03 points, 95% CI -1.3 to 1.3)).</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>Drug use is common among homeless individuals in Toronto. Current drug problems are associated with poorer mental health status but not with poorer physical health status.</p

    Asthma prevalence and risk factors in schoolchildren of the city of SĂŁo Paulo, Brazil

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    OBJETIVO: Analisar a prevalĂȘncia de asma e possĂ­veis fatores de risco associados. MÉTODOS: Estudo transversal, integrante do International Study of Asthma and Allergies in Childhood. Participaram 561 escolares de seis a sete anos de idade, provenientes de 35 escolas pĂșblicas da cidade de SĂŁo Paulo, escolhidas por sorteio, em 2002. A amostra incluiu 168 asmĂĄticos e 393 nĂŁo asmĂĄticos, que responderam questionĂĄrio constituĂ­do por 33 questĂ”es referentes a dados pessoais, familiares e ambientais. A associação entre asma e fatores de risco foi avaliada pela anĂĄlise de regressĂŁo logĂ­stica, considerando-se nĂ­vel de significĂąncia estatĂ­stica de 5%. RESULTADOS: Entre os escolares, 31,2% referiam sibilos nos 12 meses anteriores Ă  entrevista. Os fatores de risco significativamente associados Ă  asma foram: sexo masculino (OR=2,4;IC 95%: 1,4;4,2), mĂŁe fumante no primeiro ano de vida (OR=2,0; IC 95%: 1,1;3,8), presença de eczema em locais caracterĂ­sticos (OR=3,0; IC 95%:1,2; 7,6) e rinoconjuntivite (OR=2,4;IC 95%: 1,2; 4,8). CONCLUSÕES: A prevalĂȘncia de asma na regiĂŁo estudada foi elevada e os fatores de risco relacionados foram: sexo masculino, sintomas de rinoconjuntivite no Ășltimo ano, mĂŁe fumante no primeiro ano de vida e presença de eczema em locais caracterĂ­sticos.OBJECTIVE: To assess asthma prevalence and potential risk factors associated. METHODS: Cross-sectional study part of the International Study of Asthma and Allergies in Childhood. A total of 561 schoolchildren aged 6-7 years from 35 public schools in the city of SĂŁo Paulo (Southeastern Brazil) were drawn to participate in the study, in 2002. The sample consisted of 168 asthmatic and 393 non-asthmatic children who answered a questionnaire comprising 33 questions on personal, family and environmental information. The association between asthma and the risk factors studied was assessed by logistic regression analysis at a 5% statistical significance. RESULTS: Among the schoolchildren studied, 31.2% reported wheezing in the 12 months preceding the interview. The following risk factors were significantly associated with asthma: male gender (OR=2.4; 95% CI: 1.4;4.2), maternal smoking in the child's first year of life (OR=2.0; 95% CI: 1.1;3.8), eczema on characteristic body areas (OR=3.0; 95% CI: 1.2;7.6) and rhinoconjunctivitis (OR=2.4; 95% CI: 1.2;4.8). CONCLUSIONS: Asthma prevalence in the study area was high and the risk factors identified were male gender, rhinoconjunctivitis in last year, maternal smoking in the child's first year of life and eczema on characteristic body areas

    Awareness of vaccination status and its predictors among working people in Switzerland

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    BACKGROUND: Adult vaccination status may be difficult to obtain, often requiring providers to rely on individual patient recall. To determine vaccination status awareness and the sociodemographic predictors of awareness for tetanus, hepatitis A and B, tick born encephalitis (TBE) and influenza vaccination. METHODS: Multivariate analyses were used to evaluate a questionnaire survey of 10 321 employees (4070 women and 6251 men aged 15–72 years) of two companies in Switzerland. RESULTS: Among 10 321 respondents, 75.5% reported knowing their tetanus vaccination status, 64.1% hepatitis A, 61.1% hepatitis B, 64.3% TBE and 71.9% influenza. Between 1 in 4 and 1 in 3 employees were not aware of their vaccination status. Differences in awareness for the five vaccinations considered correlated with gender and language. These differences persisted in multivariate analyses. CONCLUSION: Women employees, German-speaking employees and employees who paid more attention to their diet were more often aware of their vaccination status. A more reliable and readily accessible data source for vaccination status is needed in order to capitalize on opportunities to update vaccinations among Swiss employees

    Nomograms of Iranian fetal middle cerebral artery Doppler waveforms and uniformity of their pattern with other populations' nomograms

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Doppler flow velocity waveform analysis of fetal vessels is one of the main methods for evaluating fetus health before labor. Doppler waves of middle cerebral artery (MCA) can predict most of the at risk fetuses in high risk pregnancies. In this study, we tried to obtain normal values and their nomograms during pregnancy for Doppler flow velocity indices of MCA in 20 – 40 weeks of normal pregnancies in Iranian population and compare their pattern with other countries' nomograms.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>During present descriptive cross-sectional study, 1037 normal pregnant women with 20<sup>th</sup>–40<sup>th </sup>week gestational age were underwent MCA Doppler study. All cases were studied by gray scale ultrasonography initially and Doppler of MCA afterward. Resistive Index (RI), Pulsative Index (PI), Systolic/Diastolic ratio (S/D ratio), and Peak Systolic Velocity (PSV) values of MCA were determined for all of the subjects.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Results of present study showed that RI, PI, S/D ratio values of MCA decreased with parabolic pattern and PSV value increased with simple pattern, as gestational age progressed. These changes were statistically significant (P = 0.000 for all of indices) and more characteristic during late weeks of pregnancy.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Values of RI, PI and S/D ratio indices reduced toward the end of pregnancy, but PSV increased. Despite the trivial difference, nomograms of various Doppler indices in present study have similar pattern with other studies.</p

    Views of addiction neuroscientists and clinicians on the clinical impact of a ‘Brain Disease Model of Addiction’

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    Addiction is increasingly described as a "chronic and relapsing brain disease". The potential impact of the brain disease model on the treatment of addiction or addicted individuals' treatment behaviour remains uncertain. We conducted a qualitative study to examine: (i) the extent to which leading Australian addiction neuroscientists and clinicians accept the brain disease view of addiction; and (ii) their views on the likely impacts of this view on addicted individuals' beliefs and behaviour. Thirty-one Australian addiction neuroscientists and clinicians (10 females and 21 males; 16 with clinical experience and 15 with no clinical experience) took part in 1 h semi-structured interviews. Most addiction neuroscientists and clinicians did not uncritically support the use of brain disease model of addiction. Most were cautious about the potential for adverse impacts on individuals' recovery and motivation to enter treatment. While some recognised the possibility that the brain disease model of addiction may provide a rationale for addicted persons to seek treatment and motivate behaviour change, Australian addiction neuroscientist and clinicians do not assume that messages about "diseased brains" will always lead to increased treatment-seeking and reduced drug use. Research is needed on how neuroscience research could be used in ways that optimise positive outcomes for addicted persons

    Episodic homelessness and health care utilization in a prospective cohort of HIV-infected persons with alcohol problems

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    BACKGROUND: Because individuals with HIV/AIDS often have complex medical and social needs, the impact of housing status on medical service utilization is difficult to isolate from the impact of conditions that may worsen during periods of homelessness such as depression and substance abuse. We examine whether episodes of homelessness are independently associated with suboptimal medical utilization even when accounting for concurrent addiction severity and depression. METHODS: We used data from a 30-month cohort of patients with HIV/AIDS and alcohol problems. Housing status, utilization (ambulatory visits, emergency department (ED) visits, and hospitalizations) and other features were assessed with standardized research interviews at 6-month intervals. Multivariable longitudinal regression models calculated incidence rate ratios (IRR) comparing utilization rates during 6-month intervals (homeless versus housed). Additional models assessed whether addiction severity and depressive symptoms could account for utilization differences. RESULTS: Of the 349 subjects, 139 (39%) reported homelessness at least once during the study period; among these subjects, the median number of nights homeless per 6-month interview period was 30. Homelessness was associated with higher ED utilization (IRR = 2.17; 95% CI = 1.72–2.74) and hospitalizations (IRR = 2.30; 1.70–3.12), despite no difference in ambulatory care utilization (IRR = 1.09; 0.89–1.33). These associations were attenuated but remained significant when adjusting for addiction severity and depressive symptoms. CONCLUSION: In patients with HIV/AIDS and alcohol problems, efforts to improve housing stability may help to mitigate intensive medical utilization patterns

    Collaborative Care for patients with severe borderline and NOS personality disorders: A comparative multiple case study on processes and outcomes

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Structured psychotherapy is recommended as the preferred treatment of personality disorders. A substantial group of patients, however, has no access to these therapies or does not benefit. For those patients who have no (longer) access to psychotherapy a Collaborative Care Program (CCP) is developed. Collaborative Care originated in somatic health care to increase shared decision making and to enhance self management skills of chronic patients. Nurses have a prominent position in CCP's as they are responsible for optimal continuity and coordination of care. The aim of the CCP is to improve quality of life and self management skills, and reduce destructive behaviour and other manifestations of the personality disorder.</p> <p>Methods/design</p> <p>Quantitative and qualitative data are combined in a comparative multiple case study. This makes it possible to test the feasibility of the CCP, and also provides insight into the preliminary outcomes of CCP. Two treatment conditions will be compared, one in which the CCP is provided, the other in which Care as Usual is offered. In both conditions 16 patients will be included. The perspectives of patients, their informal carers and nurses are integrated in this study. Data (questionnaires, documents, and interviews) will be collected among these three groups of participants. The process of treatment and care within both research conditions is described with qualitative research methods. Additional quantitative data provide insight in the preliminary results of the CCP compared to CAU. With a stepped analysis plan the 'black box' of the application of the program will be revealed in order to understand which characteristics and influencing factors are indicative for positive or negative outcomes.</p> <p>Discussion</p> <p>The present study is, as to the best of our knowledge, the first to examine Collaborative Care for patients with severe personality disorders receiving outpatient mental health care. With the chosen design we want to examine how and which elements of the CC Program could contribute to a better quality of life for the patients.</p> <p>Trial registration</p> <p>Netherlands Trial Register (NTR): <a href="http://www.trialregister.nl/trialreg/admin/rctview.asp?TC=2763">NTR2763</a></p
